Free Plumbing

By Derek Warner

Published on Sep 2, 2006


This story is about a straight guy who has a gay sexual encounter. If that kind of thing does not appeal to you, stop reading now.

This story is pure fiction, from a fantasy I created and have jerked off to many times. If this bears any resemblance to something that happened to you, it must have been an incredible experience. But it's simply a coincidence.

This is part 2 of 2 parts. All comments are welcome:

Jack was behind me -- he had me right where he wanted me. I had just surrendered to him. My eyes were closed. My head was thrown back onto his shoulder. I was taking in all of the things that Jack was doing to me.

His chest was tightly pressed against my back. The sweat that had formed in the crevice of his pecs enhanced the feeling, as the hairs on his chest were ensnared against my own hairless back.

His hard package was firmly pressed against my left ass cheek. Man, it felt really hard - it was pushing to get out. His right thigh was nestled in between my ass cheeks. I could feel the rivets and seams of his denim shorts pushing into me through the cloth of my own shorts. The hair on his leg was tickling the sensitive skin on the back of my thighs.

His right arm was wrapped around me. The hair of his arm pit, which I knew was quite bushy, was now pressed into my right shoulder. His muscular arm was bent at the elbow so his hand could gently rest on my left pec. But his fingers - they were making trouble. They had found my nipple and were teasing it. He had placed my nip between his fingers and closed them together. He was gently tugging my nipple up and down in a slow rhythm. When my nipples get excited, they poke out about a half inch. I couldn't see it, but I knew -- even though his fingers were tightly closed, my nipple was visible between his fingers.

And Jack's left hand...That was in a place I never in my wildest dreams would have asked him to put it. But it was where I wanted it to be. His hand had slipped into my shorts. The fingers on his left hand were so mischievous. They were gently fingering the hairs of my bush. I was conscious of how far each and every finger was from my cock. As each finger moved back and forth and left and right, each had its own rhythm. My senses would heighten when a finger would move closer to my cock.

That's the finger...right there...that one - moving closer...that's the one that will finally touch my cock! But then, no -- it would move away.

Wait...that one is getting closer now...but,'s moving away.

My cock had never lost its hardness. His left arm had pulled against the waistband of my shorts as his hand made its way into my bush, loosening the tightness of the elastic. It eased the tension and my cockhead was it able to slip down a bit. A visible stain of pre-cum had formed near the top of my shorts where my cockhead was before. Now a new stain was forming where my cockhead had settled.

I could feel Jack's facial hair stabbing my left shoulder and my neck. His lips were right at my left ear. I could hear him breathing. He had built me up to this moment, and I had just told him I wanted more. In my mind I was thinking he would just stroke me off, but I hadn't told him that. Thoughts of doubt started to creep in.

What was I doing? ... What was he doing to me? ... Oh my god, these feelings are incredible; I've never felt so alive and intense... What have I been missing? ... What will he do next? ... Will he stop at just stroking me off? ... Would he suck me off? ... Do I want that? ... What if his plan all along was to fuck me?

That last thought suddenly hit me. No way -- that was not going to happen... Nobody's going to fuck me up the ass -- I'm not gay! Oh my god, I have to stop this!

At that moment, his fingers released the pressure on my nipple. His hand slowly went away. The weight of his arm on my chest and right shoulder was lifted. The hair under his arm pit tickled my skin as it slipped away. His chin lifted from my left shoulder. And his lips - which, until now, were touching my ear lobe -- drifted away. His sweaty chest pulled away from my back -- I could hear the sound of its slickness peeling away from my skin. I opened my eyes and lifted my head for fear that I would fall back. And his hard package was no longer pressing at my ass cheek. The only place Jack was touching me was the fingers tangled in my crotch hair. And they had stopped moving. There was a terrible void left in all the places where he was just touching me. The cold air moved in and heightened the sensation of emptiness.

All my doubts were washed away. I did not want Jack to stop. I wanted him back where he was.

"No," I whined, "please don't stop." My voice was high-pitched; my plea came out very softly.

I don't think it was loud enough for him to hear me. But, he continued. His left hand started moving. His fingers were moving down. I closed my eyes and swallowed. He was going to touch my cock! But he continued to tease me. His fingers went to the left of my cock as he moved his body to my left side. His thumb stayed in the hairs of my bush as his fingers found my ballsac. Then his thumb followed. He had bypassed my cock and was massaging my balls.

"Mmmm," I was relieved. The feeling of his fingers manipulating my ballsac was very calming and warm. Plus, I now knew that he had no intention of stopping.

His other hand was now in front of me, tugging at the waistband of my shorts. Between the tugging of his right hand, and the pull he was putting on the waistband with his left forearm, my cock was now freed from the fabric. It jumped up into its usual hard, erect position, pointing up at a 45 degree angle. The side of my cock was now touching the side of his forearm. Oh, it felt so good. His arm was hairy, but his skin was so soft. His fingers continued their slow, torturous assault on my balls.

He worked the waistband of my shorts down his left forearm and under the hand that was working my ballsac. I felt his hand move in closer to my balls as the waistband pushed against the back of his hand. He started moving... His forearm was moving... He brushed my cock with his forearm until it was lined up directly below my cock. He then moved his forearm to meet up with my cock until I felt the most wonderful feeling -- my cock was cradled on the underside of his forearm. From the base of my cock to its tip, I could feel the warm, soft, hairy skin of his forearm on the underside of my shaft. As his fingers manipulated my ballsac, the muscles in his forearm responded as well, rippling in a slow rhythm, dancing underneath my cock.

My head went back slowly. My lips parted. A slow, silent sigh came out of my mouth.

His right hand was now at my left hip. It slid along the waistband until it reached the small of my back. I could feel him move closer. His breath was hitting my left cheek and then drifting off onto my neck and shoulder. I could smell him now. It was a sweet, manly smell. His hand moved to my right ass cheek and then started pushing the waistband down. It moved about 6 inches down and then his hand started sliding back, brushing over my ass crack, and reaching my left ass cheek. All the while, the waistband was being tugged lower. He finally reached my left hip again. The tension in the waistband had nothing to hold on to any more and my shorts slipped down, landing at my ankles.

There I was, as horny as fuck, standing naked in my basement. And Jack, with his left hand, literally had me by the balls.

Jack took the fingers of his right hand and gently touched my left shoulder. His fingers tickled my skin as they moved slowly down, reaching my upper arm.

His cheek brushed mine. I could feel the whiskers on his cheek brush against me.

His fingers on my arm reached my elbow.

More of his face was touching mine now, the hair on his face scratching my chin. It felt like he was going to touch my cheek with his lips, but then he moved his face in another direction. I could feel my cheek heating up from the abrasiveness of his facial hair.

His fingers were now on my forearm.

His lips were gently kissing my cheek, my chin, my neck. In between, he was rubbing his hairy cheeks and chin against me.

His fingers reached my wrist. Until now, the palm of my hand was facing me. He gently turned my wrist so my open hand was facing him.

He moved his cheek to touch my chin, grazing as he did.

He brought his hand against mine -- I could feel the roughness of his open hand on the back of mine.

He worked his whiskers against my cheek, moving closer to my ear.

He laced his fingers in between mine.

He reached my ear with his lips.

Through all of this, he persisted in gently, slowly, torturously working my ballsac. My cock was still as hard as ever resting on the soft skin on Jack's forearm.

With his cheek against mine, and his lips right at my ear, "Kiss me", Jack whispered.

He started moving his cheek back over mine, continuing the hairy friction, moving toward my chin.

Jack's hand was behind mine now, his fingers entwined with mine; he was pushing my hand toward him. I felt denim... I felt hardness... He squeezed his hand with mine and I was feeling up his package.

His lips made their way toward my chin. I finally gave in. I lowered my head, searching for his lips with mine.

I could feel how hard he was inside his denim shorts, but I couldn't tell where his cock was exactly. He was helping me massage his package as my lips found his chin. It was very rough against my soft lips. His nose brushed mine as he zeroed in on my lips. Our lips finally met. After the abrasiveness of his whiskers, his lips were so soft.

My upper lip was now between his. My lower lip brushed his facial hair. He pinched his lips together, giving my upper lip a small kiss. My cock jumped slightly and rested back onto his forearm. He stroked his lips across mine, moving down. Now my lower lip was nestled between his lips, my upper lip feeling whiskers. A small kiss again. My cock jumped again. His nose rubbed against mine. I could feel his hair on my skin. I couldn't stand it anymore and slowly parted my lips.

My tongue stayed in my mouth, but the wetness of my lips gave me away. His lips parted, too. He slowly swept his lips across mine, sliding my lower lip between his. Our wetness met as we slowly rolled our slightly parted lips against each other.

His hand that was helping me work his package had slowly moved up my arm and was now braced on my elbow. My left hand was on its own. I was feeling everything I could. I felt lower to touch his ballsac through the hard denim cloth. I could feel the outline of his cock now. It was very hard and trapped inside his shorts, pointing down. It must have hurt him to have his cock in that position, but he didn't seem to be in any hurry to change it. My hand continued to move around as I felt along the bottom seams of the shorts, feeling the hair on his legs. I traced the top of his shorts, touching the hard skin of his hair-covered abs. I fingered the edge of his shorts, thinking I might try to sneak in, but the waistband was too tight. My hand settled back down to his cock and balls and continued to squeeze and rub and knead as much as I could.

Our foreheads touched briefly. His nose was now next to mine. Where his cheeks touched my skin, it was raw and scratchy to the touch. We were both giving small kisses in turn as our lips got wetter and wetter from our shared saliva. The assault on my crotch from his left hand never changed -- a steady rhythmic massage of my ballsac, my cock nesting on his soft, hairy arm. I settled my left hand into a gentle massage as well, paying attention to his cock and his balls through the denim fabric. I could have stayed like this forever - his lips were so soft in contrast to the rest of his rough body.

Then, I felt it. It was warm...soft...tender. It was slowly snaking along my lower lip. His tongue had finally come out. I slipped my tongue forward to meet it. Our tongues met briefly, flicking over and under each other between our slightly parted lips. His tongue then started to outline my lips, leaving traces of his saliva as he made his way around. I followed his tongue, slipping and sliding it along side his, trying to touch it from every angle. He finished a full circle and then stopped with his tongue touching mine. His tongue started to very slowly make its way back inside his mouth. My tongue followed. His lips opened wider and my tongue slipped inside his mouth.

The tender nature of our kissing became hotter and more passionate as he tilted his head, opened his mouth, and attacked my tongue with his. He was breathing heavily through his nose -- as was I now, too. I could really smell him now. It was a manly, musky, masculine smell. With each intake of my breath, I felt more and more drawn to him. Our tongues were at war with each other. Our lips were twisting and turning as we tilted our mouths. His facial hair on my skin was in stark contrast to the softness of his lips and tongue. It was the most passionate kiss I've ever had.

My hands were massaging his ballsac when I felt his right hand slip from my elbow. I could feel his lower body moving slightly. Then I could feel the denim was not as tight. Then something touched my forearm. It was warm and tender, but hard. I couldn't see it but I knew -- he had unbuttoned his shorts and pulled out his cock. The tip of his cockhead was touching the skin of my arm!

Our mixed saliva was dripping from the corners of both of our mouths. He finally pulled his tongue back and started to close his lips. He straightened his head, kissed my lips with a small little smacking sound, and pulled back a little. I opened my eyes and stared into his. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. I wanted the feeling back again. I wanted his rough face brushing mine, his warm tongue tickling mine, his lips -- oh, his soft lips -- brushing against mine.

He gave in. We closed our eyes and we started kissing softly again. Gentle pecks...occasional tongue flicks...wet slippery kisses.

His hand guided my hand to the top of his shorts. My fingers felt his hairy skin at the edge of the open waistband of his shorts. I knew what Jack wanted me to do. I slid my hand along the waistband of his shorts...around his hips...behind his far as I could reach. I started to push his shorts down. My hand was open and flat against his ass cheek. My fingers tickled his hairy ass as I worked his shorts down. I moved along the waistband, passing over his ass crack. My fingers dipped in slightly as they passed. I could feel some skin, but mostly hair. I continued pushing his shorts down and moved over his other cheek. And finally, just as had happened to me, his shorts fell with a dull thud at his ankles.

I moved my left hand back to where I had started, cupping his now exposed ballsac. At first, I could not feel the skin of his sac; it was all hair. But as I slowly massaged his sac, matching the rhythm he was using on my balls, I could feel the skin of his sac as I stretched and pulled. Copying Jack, I slid my forearm up underneath his cock, so it could rest on my forearm. It was warm and hard against my arm. I could feel its girth and length. It felt about the same size as my own cock. It felt like the most natural thing for his cock to be resting on my forearm.

I was caught up in the moment, as I realized we were now mirror images of each other. Our left hands massaging each others balls...Our cocks resting on each others forearms...Our shorts at our ankles...Our mouths in the middle, tenderly kissing each other.

I was doing the same things to him that he was doing to me. I started to realize that I had actually initiated some of it, sort of, on my own. He did guide my hand to his denim package, but I was the one who continued to massage him after his hand pulled away. And while he did guide my hand to his shorts to pull them down, I didn't need much prompting. And I was the one who re-started the kissing. I finally accepted it completely and fully -- I wanted this to happen.

With my newfound realization, I grew bolder. I moved my right hand to his shoulder and touched it. He reacted a bit -- he didn't expect it -- but settled back quickly. I trailed my fingers down until they met his hard pec. I gently caressed the hairy muscle until I found what I was looking for. His nipple was not as large as mine and was not really hard yet. I traced my finger around it, tickling his hair.

"Mmmmm," Jack moaned into my mouth. His breathing started to get a little faster, his kisses a little harder against my lips.

I lined up my index finger just above his nipple and placed my thumb just below it. I rubbed around in a circular motion, as if I was tweaking his nipple, but I wasn't. My finger and thumb were only on the ridge of his areola -- showing him what I could be tweaking if I moved my finger and thumb together.

He broke our kiss. His right hand touched my neck and slid up to cup the side of my face. He leaned his forehead against mine. His nose was still touching mine. I could feel his heavy breath hitting my mouth and chin.

"Oh, Dave," Jack begged, with heavy sighs. "Please...pinch it."

Fuck! This guy seduced me, and now here he was begging me to pinch his nipple! What a turn on! To know that I could have this kind of affect on a hairy, hunky guy like Jack... I couldn't have moved any faster.

I pinched my finger and thumb together, grabbing his nipple.

"Ahhh, yes!" Jack yelped. His hand on the side of my face pulled me in. He started nibbling... kissing... licking my open lips.

I tweaked his nipple, doing all the things I loved to do to a nipple. Pulling up and down, twisting, pinching and releasing in random rhythms, flicking my finger over it. All the while, Jack moaned and worked my lips over, scuffing his face against mine.

I finally pulled my hand away and put it on his shoulder. "Oh," Jack let out, in almost a whine. His mouth settled down and he kissed me with one last kiss. He pulled his face away and looked at me, still breathing heavily. I looked into his eyes - god, they were so sexy.

Jack had lost control momentarily, but now he was back. His left hand, the hand with the fingers that were keeping my balls contented, started to move. His left arm started to slide away. Precum from my cockhead was forming a line on his forearm as his hand skimmed under my cock. My balls felt lonely; they tingled as his fingers slipped away. His hand stopped when my cock head was touching his wrist, his fingertips at the base of my cock.

I copied him. I slid my hand out from his balls. I could feel the hot hardness of the shaft as my palm slid up and then my fingers touched it. I rested in the same position as him, gently cupping his dick shaft. I could feel the sticky line of pre-cum on my forearm.

"Look at my cock," he whispered, as his eyes looked down at his cock in my hand. I looked down with him. His cock was about the same length and heft as mine. We had almost identical cocks, except for one thing -- he had foreskin. It was covering his head and I could see a slight opening where his foreskin closed in at the tip. It was like I was looking at my own cock before I was snipped.

With his free hand, he positioned my hand around his shaft in the spot he wanted it. My pinky finger was lined up about half inch from the foreskin-covered rim of his cockhead; my other fingers gripping his rod. I gripped him with the casual grip that I use for a slow jerk. I could feel the hard muscle underneath his warm soft skin. I thought about the fact that I was touching the only part of his body that did not have hair on it.

He took his free hand and grasped my forearm. "Don't move your hand," he said. He then hunched his legs a bit and rolled his hips. His cock moved in my hand. The skin I was touching stayed with my hand, but the hard muscle of his cock shaft slid underneath his skin. He first pulled back slightly -- the rim of his covered cockhead bumped against my little finger. Then he thrust forward very slowly. I could feel his cock muscle slide against my hand. But more amazingly, I watched as his foreskin started to part. His cock slit became visible. His cock head started to emerge. The foreskin peeled back and snuck over the ridge of his mushroom head. His cockhead was the same shape and size as mine, only a little more purple. Shit -- he did have the same cock as me!

My index finger and thumb reached the base of his cock and he started a slow pull back. I watched the whole thing in reverse as his foreskin covered up his cockhead again. On the next thrust, as his head emerged, I could see a small drop of pre-cum on the slit.

Settling into his hand-fucking rhythm, he turned his attention to me. I could feel him grip my cock in the same why I was holding him. His hard plumber's hand slowly started to jerk my cock -- moving his hand up and then slowly down my cock shaft. As his hand went down the shaft, it twisted my shaft a bit. As he came back up, he twisted it back. I was mesmerized, watching his cock, then my cock, then back to his cock again -- as they slid in and out of each other's hands.

I was getting light-headed from all the stimulation. I leaned my forehead on Jack's shoulder to rest as I watched his cock fuck my left hand. It seemed like we were standing there for hours, but it was probably only minutes.

Jack finally released the hold on my cock. He stopped stroking into my hand. Both of his hands came to my cheeks. I could feel my pre-cum on his hands as he touched me. And he kissed me. It was a soft, wet kiss, with a little tongue. Our tongues danced a bit. And then he pulled away. My hand upwrapped from his cock as he stepped back.

"Stay right there," Jack ordered.

He moved back a couple feet and sat down on the bed. His shorts were bunched up at his ankles, covering his work boots. He leaned down and started untying his boots. First one, then the other. He slipped them off and tossed his shorts to the side. He stood up and I saw him in all his full nakedness -- except he was still wearing his white socks. He kept those on. I couldn't believe how sexy that made him look.

His cock bobbed as he moved closer to me. I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he made his way to my left side. His left hand touched my left hip -- the first place he touched me when we entered the room. Only now we were naked and I was anticipating his touch. He moved in behind me and his right hand touched my right hip. He closed the gap between us and I was overwhelmed with relief. I loved it when he was behind me before; this would feel even better now that we were both naked.

His hands snaked their way up my body and crossed in front of me. They came to rest on my pecs, his fingers reaching the edge of my areola. His hairy chest was against my back again, it was warm and comforting, and his hair tickled slightly. His cock was flat against me. His hairy bush was pressed against my ass; I could feel some of its roughness brushing into my ass crack. His cock was trapped against me, his cockhead at the small of my back. The skin of his cock was so warm and hard as it pressed into me.

His fingers encircled my nipples. Much like I had done to him, he poised his fingers, just on the edge of tweaking them.

I closed my eyes.

"Tell me you want me to touch your nipples," he spoke into my ear. This time his voice was deep, and commanding.

"I...I do," I managed to say.

"No, Dave, you have to tell me what you want, or I won't do it," Jack demanded in the same stern voice.

Oh god! I was accepting of what Jack was doing to me. I had even, in my mind, admitted that I wanted this. But now Jack was going to make me say it. That was the final barrier. If I said out loud what I wanted Jack to do, there would be no denying it.

I couldn't stand it any longer. His fingers were poised. I could feel them right there ready to give my nipples what they needed. I just needed to say the words.

"Oh god, Jack, please..." I begged. I was trying to avoid it. I swallowed loudly.

"Say it," he whispered.

"Please, touch my nipples," I managed to gasp. I hoped he heard me; I didn't think I could say it again.

He heard me. His fingers closed in and tweaked my nipples. I threw my head back onto Jack's familiar shoulder. "Ahhh!" His fingers twisted and pulled without mercy. I could hear myself moaning and groaning as I rolled my head back and forth on Jack's shoulder.

His arms held me up as his fingers pulled my nips up and down, side to side. Sometimes he'd squeeze harder. Sometimes he'd let go. Then he'd flick my nipples. Sometimes he'd circle them; sometimes he'd pull them out from my body. My cock would tense and release each time he surprised me with the different things we was doing.

As he worked my nips into a frenzy, he started grinding his cock into me. He was slowly working the shaft up and down the outside of my ass crack. With each grind, he was working his cockhead lower and lower down my ass. He didn't enter my crack, but just gently touched the skin at the edge of my ass cheeks with his hardness.

He suddenly stopped pinching my nips and just covered my pecs with his hands. I realized that I was breathing heavy as I lay back on Jack's shoulder, my eyes still closed. I turned my cheek toward his and rubbed it with mine. I wanted to feel his gruff face against me again.

His cockhead was now poised at the top of my thighs, just at the bottom of my ass crack -- if he pushed forward, he would hit my ballsac. I could feel the skin of his cockhead right on the spot where it rested. I knew his cockhead was exposed, his foreskin peeled back. I couldn't see it, but I could feel its heat.

"You want something else, don't you, Dave?" Jack taunted.

"Jack, please!" I whined to him. I knew what he wanted me to say. I knew what I wanted him to do. I didn't want to say it.

"The tip of my cock is right where you want it, isn't it Dave?" He paused and I swallowed again. I rubbed my cheek against his again, reveling in the prickly sensation.

"All you have to do is tell me what you want." Jack demanded of me.

My resistance was lowered now. I had no choice.

"Jack, I need you to fuck me," my voice was clearer now.

I had said it. It was true. I wanted Jack to fuck me.

His fingers slipped past my bullet hard nips. His right hand steadied my side as his left hand moved to my shoulder. He put pressure on my shoulder -- he wanted me to bend forward. I slowly bent forward. He stepped back from my body -- his cock lost contact with my skin. As I bent forward I leaned on the edge of the bed.

His hands moved to the insides of my thighs, forcing me to spread my legs a little more. I leaned my body forward putting my upper body onto the mattress.

Jack stepped back and stopped touching me. I could sense him sizing up his target. My legs were extended, spread slightly. My ass was exposed; my upper body thrown forward onto the bed.

I started to realize that no one had ever seen my asshole. Not my wife. Not my doctor. Not even me. No one. Jack was the first, so I had no idea what he was looking upon. But I was so hoping my rosebud would please him.

I was startled out of my thoughts by his touch. His hands grabbed the flesh of my ass cheeks and spread my ass open. I could feel his warm breath on the crack of my ass. He must have gone down for a closer look.

"I'll need to lube you up. Tell me how you want me to get your ass wet." I could feel his warm breath on my ass as he spoke. His lips must have been right there.

"Oh god, Jack. I want you to eat my ass out. I want you to dive in with your face and use your tongue to get my ass wet." The words came out of my mouth so quickly. I couldn't believe it was me saying them. But it was what I wanted. It felt so good to finally admit what I wanted. The best part was that I knew that Jack would do it.

And he did. He drove his face into me. I almost fell over from the force. His gruff whiskers chafed my tender skin as his mouth latched onto my asshole. His tongue was all over me. I couldn't anticipate where it was going to go next. I could feel it flicking above my hole, over it, then under it. It was poking at my hole. Then his tongue was flat against me working all the way up and down my ass crack. His lips would sometimes kiss me. Then he would nibble at the flesh of my ass. His tongue would slip into my hole, then flick its way up to the top of my crack. He was taking his chin and sliding it up and down in between my cheeks, scraping his whiskers in the spit he had deposited there. Then he would follow with his tender tongue, re-wetting the places where his rough chin had just been. Then he would re-double his efforts and munch on my ass with his lips creating suction, and then his tongue would lash around.

It was pure ecstasy! I had never been rimmed before -- how could I have missed out on this wonderful feeling? I was moaning and groaning with each new feeling. I was getting bolder with my words, too.

"Yes!" "Oh god, yeah!" "Mmmm...Yeah...Eat me, Jack...right there!" "Ohhh!" "Oh, yeah -- get it all wet...aaahhhh!" "Yes! Keep doing that!" "Mmm...oh god!"

I could hear Jack's wet slurps as he worked my ass over. I could feel his slick spit all over my ass crack. Some of it had dripped onto my ballsac. I was ready to take Jack's cock.

"Jack," I sighed in between gasps for air.

"Mmmffpppmmm," he acknowledged that I called him, but he didn't stop attacking my ass.

"Jack...fuck me...fuck me now...I need to feel your cock sliding into me and filling me up." I barely got the words out as my breathing was so erratic. But I was so confident in what I wanted now.

He sunk his face one last time into my ass. His lips met my asshole. He wrapped his lips around the edges of my hole and started to suck. His tongue darted out and penetrated my hole.

"AAAAHHH!...Oh fuck!" I cried.

He pulled his face back, pulling me slightly with his suction. And then with a loud wet smack, his face released me. I could feel my asshole throbbing from the beating it had just taken.

Jack stood behind me now. I heard him spit and then I heard what must have been his hand getting his cock wet. The slick, wet, slippery sound was so hot. I pictured his wet foreskin slipping through his fingers as he got himself all slicked up. I could now feel one of his hands on the top of my ass steadying himself. I didn't give Jack a chance to demand anything from me. I knew what I wanted.

"Line it up with my hole. I want to feel your cockhead right at my hole," I demanded.

I could feel his cockhead now. It was at the top of my ass crack. He slowly slipped it down until it was against my hole. Oh, god, the heat of it was thrilling! Jack moved his hands to my ass cheeks. His right hand was wet where he had spit on it to slick up his cock. His cock was poised to enter; I could feel it just slightly pushing, waiting to go in.

"When I push in, try to push out -- it won't hurt as much," Jack said. His voice sounded tender -- not the terse demanding voice from before.

"Oh god, go slow -- I want to feel all of your cock slide into me," I said. I braced myself and tried to push out.

I felt his hands spread my cheeks, and then there was pressure on my asshole. It was more pressure than I expected. I winced and tried to keep pushing out. Finally, slowly, I could feel Jack's cockhead enter me.

"uunngghh!!!" I grunted. I was breathing heavy. I tried to catch my breath. His cock was in me! It was only the head, but it was in me. God, it felt so good!

"Hold on..." I was gasping in between breaths, "Let me catch my breath..." I swallowed hard. "Then you can push again," I groaned.

He started to massage his thumbs into the side of my ass crack, moving as close to my hole as he could. I could feel him pulling and tugging at the sides of my asshole, trying to loosen the muscle.

"Oh god... push again...slow!" I gasped.

I tried to push out again, but it was hard to control my ass muscles. His cock was stretching my hole so wide. He pushed into me. "Aaahhh!" I closed my eyes. I tucked my head into the sheets and stretched my hands out grabbing at the sheets. I could feel his flesh opening me up. I could feel his cock sliding into me. And then he stopped pushing.

"You've got about 3 inches in you," Jack said.

I was gasping for breath. 3 inches!?!? Shit - it felt like it was all of him. I didn't know if I could take any more of his cock. But Jack didn't give me a choice. He started pushing again.

"Aaaahhhh!" I screamed. "Fuck!" I tried to pull forward -- to get away, but I couldn't. His cock tormented my ass as it drove in unexpectedly. My ass muscles were burning and throbbing as his hard pole slid into my tightness. I could feel the last of his cock sliding into me. I pulled at the bed sheets as I screamed.

Then I felt it. I could feel his hairy balls touching mine. His crotch hair was tickling the top of my ass crack. Jack was all the way inside me. I had never felt so full.

He stayed just like that for a moment. I could feel the heft and length of his cock buried deep inside of me. My ass muscles were so stretched. I could feel tears well in my eyes. Not from pain - but from the emotions that Jack had stirred in me.

Jack started to pull his cock out. It fell like he was pulling me inside-out. "Nooo," I whimpered into the mattress. He probably only heard it as a muffled sob. I could feel every inch as my ass muscles closed in on the space that his withdrawing cock left empty.

I felt his cockhead come out and rest at my hole -- just as when he started. I tried to catch my breath. My ass muscles settled back in to their natural, relaxed position. I couldn't control it. My brain could not make it understand that Jack's cock would soon invade it again. And it did.

This time his thrust was a bit faster. It was direct and focused. His cockhead parted my asshole again. "Ohhhh!" I cried into the mattress -- my hands flailed around looking for something to hold onto. As each inch entered my hole, I could feel the skin around my asshole being tugged in, the muscles in my ass were expanding to make room. His balls gently slapped against mine and his rough bush signaled his stopping point. And then he was there again, fully inside me.

This time he had hit something. Something inside me. It shot pleasure around inside my body. It was a spot I didn't know I had. A spot Jack was arousing with his cock.

Jack's hips withdrew his cock again. And he continued his persistent, methodical fuck.

The speed of his thrusts stayed constant. His relentless, driving cock hit my new pleasure spot each time he entered me. It made my cock jump each time. Magnificent waves of contentment and pleasure spread throughout my body. Every time he withdrew, I wanted to hold him inside with my ass muscles, but his cock would slip away from my grip each time.

Eventually, he had brought me to the edge of my orgasm. I was so close to cumming, but his steady, measured pace kept me right on the edge without bringing me over. I knew if my cock was touched, I would cum. I tried to move my arms to reach my cock, but they were useless. The only sounds coming from my mouth were moans and incoherent babbling, so I couldn't tell him I needed to cum.

I was at Jack's mercy.

I have no idea how long he fucked me like that. I was in a place of pleasure unmatched by any experience I'd had before. I lost all track of time as I focused on his cock working its power inside me.

At some point, something changed. His thrusts became more severe. His rhythm picked up. I could hear his breathing get heavier. Oh god, he was going to cum! I wanted to tell him to cum inside me. It was what I wanted, but I couldn't get the words out.

"Huh...Huh...Huh..." Jack was grunting now with each hard thrust into me. "Fuck!" he yelled and then drove his cock further than he had before. His balls slammed into mine. His hands were on my hips holding me down as the force of his last thrust tried to lift me in the air.

I couldn't actually feel his cum spurt inside me. But I felt the muscles in the base of his cock contract. He grunted with the first spurt, "uuunnnnmmm". His hips tried to push his cock in further and he grunted again, "uuunnnmmm". He continued to grunt and thrust -- about 10 more times. Until only his heavy breathing filled the room and then he said, "Fuck!"

Jack had deposited his sperm deep inside my ass. It was the most fantastic feeling -- Jack fucking me and getting off inside me. A wave of realization swept over me - Jack had just taken my ass cherry.

I was still on the edge of my orgasm. But Jack's relentless pounding of my ass had taken its toll. My body was spent. I couldn't move my legs and my arms were splayed limply on the bed. I couldn't even lift my head. I needed Jack to stroke me off, but I couldn't tell him -- I was too weak to speak.

I felt Jack lean over me as his cock slowly slipped out of me. "Ohhh," I whimpered as his hardness slipped away from me. His cockhead flopped out and my hole closed behind it. He planted a soft, gentle kiss in the middle of my back. I think I smiled when I felt it, I couldn't tell if my lips actually moved or not. He wrapped his arms around me, supporting my stomach. With his knees he nudged one of mine, causing it to collapse. He nudged my other knee and then he caught me in his arms and slowly settled me onto my knees on the floor. Then he slipped away and I could not feel him touching me anymore.

My ass felt raw. My cock was as hard as it was ever going to get. I was on the edge of cumming when Jack finished fucking me, but now I couldn't finish it off. And Jack had left me on my knees half on the bed. I felt so alone.

Than I felt his hands - they were on my legs. Oh, god, he hadn't left me! Then something rough was scratching my abdomen. Then his hands were on my ass cheeks. He was under me now. The top of his head was touching my abdomen. His breath was on my cockhead.

He slowly took my cockhead into his mouth. He bathed it in warm wetness. "Mmmmm," I moaned. One of his hands was now on my balls. It was tugging and pulling and squeezing my balls. His other hand found my asshole. It was still slick from Jack's spit and cum. His finger danced in the wetness around my hole without going in.

He kept me like this for what seemed like forever -- tickling my hole, massaging my balls, just cradling my cockhead in his warm, wet mouth. I tried to thrust into him -- to create the friction that would make me cum -- but I couldn't move my legs.

And then Jack finally gave in. His tongue came out and started licking the sensitive spot on my cockhead -- right below the rim of my mushroom head. His tongue zeroed in on it and never let up. His finger finally entered my asshole. Jack sought out my newly discovered pleasure spot with his finger and stroked it with abandon.

Between the intense flicking of his tongue on my cockhead, the insistent battering of my balls, and that finger -- that glorious finger hitting my pleasure zone, I was ready to cum.

With my first contraction, I could feel my asshole close in around Jack's finger. He latched on tighter to my cock and began sucking me. I started to cum into his mouth. As my orgasam came over me, the pleasure I felt was beyond anything I had ever felt before.

Spurt after spurt entered Jack's mouth. My asshole tightened around Jack's finger with each spurt. I was lost in my own, new, blissful world. My head was rolling back and forth over the mattress. My hands were entangled now in the sheets as my arms thrashed around. I must have been moaning, but I never heard it.

I have no idea how many times I spurted inside Jack's mouth. But he never pulled off - the seal he created on my cockhead was never broken.

My orgasm subsided. I felt an exhaustion I'd never felt before. Jack had fucked me and then drained me. I was depleted. I felt Jack's finger slip out of me. His mouth slid off my cockhead. I couldn't feel him touching me anymore.

I felt like I was in a fog.

Jack was moving me. I was on the bed now. I was lying on my back. He was next to me. His face was near mine. My eyes were half open. He was saying something to me; I don't know what it was. His lips touched mine. I tried to respond. I tasted salty...sweet...Jack. I was tasting my cum in Jack's mouth! His tongue entered my mouth - more cum. I swallowed. My eyes rolled back in my head...

I opened my eyes. I found myself face down on the bed. I was naked. I was disoriented. I turned toward what I thought would be my bedroom clock. It wasn't there.

Where was I?

Then I remembered...I was in the guest bedroom...In the basement...Jack... I must have passed out... Did it really happen? Where's Jack?

I sat up and looked around the room. I realized that every muscle in my body ached. My shorts were there, still on the floor.

I lay back down onto the bed and sighed. I ran my fingers through my hair. My nipples were still tingling. My balls ached from the constant manipulation Jack had given them. My cock was limp and red; it felt like it would never get hard again. My ass was warm and I could feel a dull ache where Jack had worked it over.

I paused to listen to see if Jack was still somewhere in the house. No sound.

I got up from the bed and put on my shorts. I made my way upstairs. Taped to the banister was a piece of paper. I pulled it off -- it was Jack's bill:

Plumbing Services (Hourly Rate): half hour - $25.00 Clogged Toilet (Incident Rate): $20.00 Leaking Pipe (Free Plumbing): $0.00

I chuckled to myself as I read the last line.

I went upstairs and got into the shower. I let the warm spray hit my face. The water swept over my chest and washed over my crotch. I braced myself against the shower wall as I felt the warm water cascade down my back and into my ass crack. I thought about what Jack had done to me. How he had awoken feelings in me that I had never experienced before. But I mostly thought about the things Jack and I didn't do -- things I still wanted to try.

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