
By alexander magoon

Published on Jul 24, 2010


Let me first say thank you to all that gave me feedback and advice on the first chapter and second chapters. Sorry for the long wait, guys. I kinda got writers block. If you have any suggestions or ideas, send 'em to me. The usual disclaimers apply. I would appreciate feedback at ( Thank you and enjoy.

Freedom chapter 3 part 1 (Ale's POV)

I don't know why I'm acting the way I am. There's just something about this boy, Zan, that just makes me nervous and act like a little kid. It may be his boyish appearance or his straightforwardness or something else entirely. What shocks me the most though is the way he treats me. Most people buy slaves for three reasons, sex, food, or enjoyment. It doesn't seem as though Zan bought me for any of those reasons. It seems to me that he just bought me because he needs a friend.

I followed carefully behind him downstairs to where all the others were. I kept thinking about Zan and what he needed me for and what he was going to do to me. My eyes kept running all over his body and my heart kept fluttering in my chest. I knew better than to trust this boy, no matter how much I wanted to. My life as a slave taught me that. When we arrived in the living area, I saw Annabelle on the couch, with the little boy from earlier nuzzling up to her side. He was out cold and he seemed so peaceful, not at all meant for the life that his family had chosen.

"Belle whats the situation with him and his family, are they just regular robbers looking for money?"

Zan seemed to be so straightforward, it's as if he's never heard of the word restraint. His clothes were kinda itchy on me to, but I think I liked the way they felt and looked. I just hope he doesn't make a habit of dressing me how ever he pleases, I'd be very pissed if he did that.

"I don't know, Zan. The poor boy was scared out of his mind. He was hanging over a cliff for christs sake. You are not allowed to talk to him..either of you three." This was a different Annabelle than I was used to. This Annabelle seemed like she was in charge. The phrase `hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn' comes to mind.

"well fine, then. I need to know, though, if it was money they were after we can give that to them but if it was something else, then we need to know. His family isn't exactly in any state to talk right now, so he's our only lead." "fine Zan. I'll talk to him when he wakes. Now-.."

Annabelle stopped talking suddenly and stood up and yelled for us to get down. She looked honestly terrified and the sound of glass breaking resonated through the house, right after a loud bang. Everything went black after that.

Chapter 3 part 2 (Zan's POV)

My body can normally filter toxins out of my system in a matter of minutes, however, it seems that these assailants knew that already, as they kept pumping me with anesthetic every time I moved. I could see Ale and Annabelle with me but William was nowhere to be seen. All I could see was a bright orange blaze in the night sky. These bastards burned down my house, kidnapped me, and worse yet; kidnapped Ale. I would kill them all if I had the chance.

I quickly tried to scan for william's mind and was glad to see that he was still alive. somehow he had managed to get out of the house unseen, and was now trying to track us and come get us. Glad as I was that he was coming to find us, I couldn't risk him getting hurt and captured, too. I sent my thoughts to his mind telling him to stay where he was, and that I would get us out of it.

Because of the anesthetics that were coursing through my system, it took me longer to realize that an extremely evil aura was seeping from someone nearby. the kidnappers, oblivious to this impeding and depressing feeling, continued talking as if they were on a school feildtrip. I struggled and tried to warn them of the coming danger, but the idiots just gave me more sedatives. I blacked out once more pissed as hell that these damn humans had caught me, the king vampire of the area, and my friends. something wasn't right.

Chapter 3 part 3 (ale's pov)

I hated these pigs. not only did they have me tied up, they had knocked out belle and were pumping some strange liquid into Zan that was keeping him from doing anything. and the pigs were even talking about what they planned to do.

"that damn 'sucker over there ain't got no clue we was coming, did he"

"nope, not at all, poor leech is gonna be a great toy, though. look at him in his cute little attire, here."

the man roughly pulled at zans clothes and my anger flared.

"yup, got ourselves a good toy, a bitch, and a lil murdering pig. it's a shame we gotta give him to Creed, huh."

the man snickered and realization hit me like a brick. Zan and belle were here because of me.

I yelled out at the bastards.

"I'll kill you".

I tugged at my bonds and they snapped easily for some reason. I felt a sharp pain in my head and then darkness, sweet sweet darkness.

Chapter 3 part 4 (kidnapper's pov)

What was this kid. he didn't stop coming and he was docile only moments ago. I was laying face down in the dirt, a claw slice down the middle of my back causing me extreme pain. why had he suddenly flared like that, his skin turned red it isn't normal, and those marks that appeared, hes a demon. a clawed foot landed next to my head and my breath caught in my throat as I felt this...this thing lean down and whisper in my ear,

"what a great little toy we have here, huh. too bad humans are so fragile."

his foot moved closer and suddenly, I was looking at a headless corpse thinking,

"why doesn't it hurt?"

Chapter 3 part 5 (ale's pov)

I was screaming, but I don't know why. the blackness was going away and now all I saw was red. at first I didn't think it was real, then the smell hit me, a slightly metallic tang and I knew. everything here was stained with blood. I looked around frantically looking for Zan and belle, they had to be here somewhere. then I saw it, the torn and shredded body of a young girl, it was annabelle. I wailed and frantically spun looking anywhere and everywhere, finding nothing but more blood. where was Zan, hes here, I know it. a groan sounded from under a pile of bodies. I leaped to the pile and dug through it looking for Zan, hoping, knowing that he was alive. I found him, a slashed and bloody body that was undoubtably alive and also Zan. I picked him up and gently cradled him, tears streaming down my face.

"don't you dare die, I owe you, so you cant die till I pay you back." I stood with him and ran through the woods, not knowing where I was going, but knowing it was in the right direction. I ran for hours, keeping Zan still, and alive. eventually I reached a cabin and I collapsed on the doorstep before pounding on the door. a young man of around 20 answered.

"geezeous christ what happened to you two."

" him."

I escaped to darkness and slept"

I don't know how long I slept but my dreams were filled with carnage and blood. it was not a peaceful rest for me. I woke to a strange feeling. a gut feeling that something was wrong. I peeled my eyes open and looked around. straddling my stomach was Zan, my elation that he was alive and well was undeniable. I tried to sit up but realized I couldn't. something was holding my hands.

Zan spoke then, "glad to see your awake. Mortimor make sure the bonds are strong enough to hold him, the strongest ever." I looked at Zan and felt hurt and betrayed. I tried to ask why but found I couldnt even speak.

"I plan to lord Zan." I looked around to find the source of the voice and saw the man from the cabin. apparantly hes a magician as he was chanting softly and glowing.

"okay, now we can begin." Zan suddenly had a dagger and stabbed it into my shoulder. tears streamed down my face as a silent scream left my throat.


Next: Chapter 4

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