Freedom Exists

By Dylan

Published on Feb 6, 2006


This story is copyrighted by the owner, do not use it for anything unless first given permission by the owner. This story involves gay love, if you are offended by this then go fuck yourself you hateful piece of shit.

Freedom Exists

Hello, my names Dylan. I wont lie, im not like every other guy in my school, I dont pervert of girls all the time, I like writing, I like poetry and I like expressing my feelings. Oh, and im half gay as I like to say. I'm bisexual. It really sucks sometimes, because I don't get crushes on girls, I get them on guys. Yes, im a little more sexually attracted to girls than guys, but I like guys better.

I have a crush on this one guy, Jake. He's only in my gym class, which sucks because I really dont get to talk to him. Doesn't matter really, because im too shy to say anything to him.

I came from U.S. History, ready to go to gym class, I was excited rushing a bit so I could see Jake without his shirt off. Jake is skinny, he probably couldn't get fat if he tried. I on the other hand have a muscular build, I'm a few inches taller than Jake. I don't think Jake is gay, or at least Bi, he talks with girls alot. Everytime I see him in the hallway I look into his eyes and he looks into mine, its beautiful. He probably has that look in his eyes because he's afraid of me, hehe.

I went into the locker room and saw him there, I just caught him taking his shirt off. His creamy white skin was showing, I could see his skinny chest, and lines wheres its slightly built. Ooh, how I wanted to hug him. He looked at me and then I quickly looked away and unlocked my locker.

I told everyone I changed a few lockers over because, "I didn't want to get undressed in front of you weirdos", but I really didn't get undressed where my locker was because I was too shy to get undressed in front of Jake.

I got my gym shorts and shirt on and looked back again to see if Jake was still undressed, he wasn't, he had his gym clothes on. I walked out of the locker room to do my stretches before class started.

The class went by regularly, we were doing volleyball, I didn't really like it, but I couldn't complain. I just couldn't wait until we did wrestling so I could fight Jake. The thought of rolling around on the floor with Jake is enough to make me giggle. And it will be like that too, I know im more than strong enough to hold Jake down, so I could definitely have my way with him without it seeming "gay" to my classmates.

After gym I went to art we didn't do anything, the art teacher was too busy correcting things, so we basically got a free class. I sat there talking to my friends Matt and Andrew, we made fun of this guy Luke who always swears and stuff but never gets in trouble for it, I still don't know why.

Once I got home I took off my backpack and threw it in the corner. I went over the my drawer and took out a picture of Jake I stole form the science room, no one noticed hehe. We had some kind of camera project in science a few weeks ago, and the pictures of the students got hung in the room next to the science room (workroom) and I saw a picture of Jake. So...I kind of...took it. Ok, I stole it, Jake probably wondered why it was gone. I giggled to myself at that thought.

I sat there daydreaming about Jake for a while, then the phone rang. I picked it up,

"hello?" I said.

"hey Dylan, its Matt."

"dude, whats up?"

"I didn't really call to talk, im kind of busy right now, but I just wanted to ask if you knew that Jake kid, i think hes in your gym class."

"yeah I know...well, Ive seen him, but I don't talk to him...."

"Yeah, I don't talk to him either, but his dad died, I heard it from Gina."

I had to stop for a second, that actually hurt. I felt bad for Jake.

"So dude, if you can, be nice to the guy, hes probably messed up right now, so bye"

"Bye, Matt."

He hung up. I started crying, why did that happen to him? did he do anything wrong? was asking the same kind of questions about Jake that a kid who lost a parents asks himself. I guess I do have feeling for Jake. Poor Jake, I have to say something to him tomorrow, something to make him feel a little better, I don't know what though....

Gym was my last class the next day, the day went by kind of slow, I felt god I was in a fairly good mood, but I felt a little sad for Jake. I saw Jake in the locker room, I didn't even pay attention to the fact that he had his shirt off, I was too concerned with the face I saw, not that usual cute face, of course it was still cute, was full of sorrow....sorrow is something I know well, a few years ago my mother died from liver failure, I had to get used to life without her, and i had to get closer to my father, sorrow is definitely not a stranger to me. Memories of sitting at a wake looking through blurry, wet eyes at a casket remind me of that.

I got dressed and we played volleyball again, Jake didn't do much, he tried but he basically just stood there. I wanted to hug him so bad, I knew he needed it. Jake too a long time in the locker room, he didn't get dressed on front of everyone, he went into his own seperate locker area like I always did. I made sure I stayed in there long too, to just be with Jake.

Everyone had left by now, and the locker room was empty except for me and Jake.

Then I heard whimpers coming from the locker place next to me. I slowly looked over the corner, and I saw Jake on the bench, with his face in his hands, crying.

I slowly walked over and sat down next to him. Jake looked up at me with red, tearful, sad eyes.

"oh, im sorry....I didn't know anyone was still in here....." Jake whispered to me.

I put my arm around Jake and held him," its ok Jake, I know what its like, you can cry if you want, don't try to hold it in, it just hurts worse...."

Jake buried his head into my chest and continued to cry, besides feeling bad for Jake, I was actually enjoying this moment. I picked Jake up and put him on my lap, and he didn't even say anything. He just kept crying, I rested my head on his while I slowly caressed his back.

"Dylan..." He said into my chest. "I have to tell you something....."

"Sure Jake, you can tell me anything...." I whispered in his ear.

He looked up at me, looking like a hurt animal.

"Dylan, I've had a crush on you for such a long time, and the fact that you sat here with me and comforted me, has cemented that fact, Dylan....I love you....I don't know if you're gay, like me...but...but I love you....."

Jake buried his face in my chest again and continued to cry. Ive been waiting for Jake to tell this to me for such a long time, I felt my heart begin to warm, I felt my arms and legs began to strengthen. I felt loved. I felt good, I felt like I had to protect Jake, protect him from this world, from everything any pain he could come in contact with. This boy deserves a good life reguardless of what life has dealt him.

"Jake....I love you can't even imagine....."

He looked up at me, with a scared look on his face. I looked at his lips, and it was perfect, I kissed him. Jake gave me a huge grin and hugged me. "I love you too, Dylan."

That day we both cried together, and we both loved together.

Next: Chapter 2

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