Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Nov 13, 2002


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

I want to express my appreciation to my proofreaders/editors, c lee and w1nner, for their help in making this a more readable story. It is amazing how many wrong words new sets of eyes can find.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David - 2

It was a tiny shower with an equally tiny hot water heater. David insisted I go first, watching openly as I stripped. I was about an inch taller than he was, with brown hair and a moustache, maybe thirty pounds heavier, and it was, well. mostly muscle, though no washboard stomach. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he'd gotten hard just watching me, so I knew he liked what he saw. I stepped into the tiny space, got wet, soaped up, rinsed quickly, and stepped out. "Get in here, Boy, before the hot water runs


He was a little more thorough than I had been. I managed to dry off and position myself on the bed so I could see into the bathroom as he stepped out of the shower. He was shivering. He toweled off briskly, facing away from me, then pretty self-consciously came into the larger room. He was hard. "Come over here, David." I patted the bed beside me. He came to the bed and looked at the space a little dubiously. I was almost in the middle, not on 'my half.' "Lay on your side with your back against my chest and your butt against my crotch." Shaking, he moved into position.

"Are you going to .. penetrate me?" This boy might need slang lessons.

"Do you have any condoms?"


"Then I'm not going to fuck you. Not tonight, anyway." There was no way he could be carrying any diseases if he was telling the truth, and I was sure he was, but I like to teach good habits from the start. I was insusceptible to those diseases, but he didn't know that. He slowly relaxed against me, and then pushed back more firmly as I pulled his back against my chest.

"This is wonderful!" He let out a big sigh. I let him drift in the feelings for a while, but I knew if this went on too long he'd be sound asleep, and I wanted to find out more about him.

Just as he was starting to drift away I said, "Tell me about 'David.'"

"Hmmmm?" pulling himself back to wakefulness.

"Tell me why you like the name."

"Oh. He was my father's brother."

"I think it means a lot more to you than that, David."

He thought for a minute or so, organizing his thoughts, maybe wondering how much he wanted to tell me. "The last time I saw him I was probably not quite six. He was twenty or so, I guess. He came through on his motorcycle that summer to visit my parents for a few days. He was fun where my parents were always very serious, very focused on work or money or studying the Bible or going to church. I loved being with him. He would hug me and tousle my hair when my parents would hardly touch me, even back then. I loved to sit on his lap. I discovered that if I squirmed around I could feel a hard lump forming under me. Neither of us acknowledged it. Somehow I knew it was something we shouldn't talk about, certainly not in front of my parents.

"After he'd been there a few days, I woke up really early one morning and went down to the living room where he was sleeping on the couch. He'd been out the night before and I'd really missed him. I wanted to know he'd gotten home OK. It was hot and he'd kicked the sheet off. He was on his side facing away from me. His shoulders were red and his butt was covered with bruises. I was quite fascinated.

"Then he sort of sighed and turned over. He must have been having a good dream, because his penis was hard. To me, a six-year old, it was huge! His testicles were hanging down on his leg, and they were huge, too. I was mesmerized. I wanted to see what they felt like. I started to walk closer.

"Just then my father walked into the room. He grabbed me, screamed at David to cover up, and ran out of the room with me. He took me to my room and told me not to come out until he came for me, then he ran back down stairs and I heard shouting. I couldn't tell what it was about, but I heard my name a few times. I could tell my father was really mad for some reason. The last thing I heard was really loud - my father shouting, 'Get out and never come back!!.' then the door slammed. It's the only time I remember him not being a wimp.

"I opened my door and listened. I could hear David moving around. I guess he was gathering and packing his stuff. I snuck down the stairs and went out the back door where David's motorcycle was parked. Soon I heard the front door slam and David came around the corner of the house dressed in leather and carrying his saddlebags. He looked angry.

"He got to his bike before he saw me. He put his bags down, put his finger to his lips then loaded his cycle. When he finished, he came over and picked me up and hugged me for a long time. Then he put me down and knelt in front of me, 'You take care of yourself, Sport, and try not to let your folks get to you too much. I'll try to stay in touch, but your dad is pretty mad. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that.' He pulled me into another hug and then kissed me on the forehead. He let go, 'You'd better scoot back to your bedroom before your dad finds you out here and we both get in deeper shit.'

"He shoved me toward the door and hopped on his bike and started it. He sat there revving it long enough to cover me going back up the stairs. After he drove out of the driveway I never saw or heard from him again. I watched and waited all summer, then for years I hoped I'd come home one day and see his bike. He never came back. That was the day they started calling me 'Paulie'. I hate that name!!

"They would probably still be calling me that, except when I was 13 I finally threw a real tantrum and demanded that they call me Paul or PD or something. Paulie was a little kid's name. There was a big row and I was so nasty to my mother she ordered my father to take me to the woodshed. After we got there I defied him - I was almost as big as he was even then. I finally agreed to take the spanking if he'd get my mother to agree to call me an adult name. It was a very half-hearted spanking - apparently he agreed with me. They wouldn't use PD, because that D stood for David. They finally started calling me "Paul" and my father "Paul S". They never used nicknames. I never knew why they hated Uncle David so much after that day. I loved him."

David stifled a sob as I held him. "Did you dream of him coming back and rescuing you?"

"Yes. Especially as I got older, I still wish he would at times."

I held David and waited to feel the pain of that abandonment drain from him. When much of it had, I told him, "I can see why you want to use the name. He was very special. How were your parents after that?"

"Awful!! We started going to church ALL the time. Everybody, my father, my mother, my grandparents on both sides, they all started telling me to be careful, warning me I couldn't trust anybody but them. 'Be careful who you play with. Be careful who you meet. Don't trust anyone. Be careful, be careful, be careful.' They were always at it. They wouldn't let me go to school ball games. They got me out of PE, somehow, telling me it was sinful to be naked with other men. Heck, I think they think it is sinful to be naked, period. I have no idea how they had me."

"When did you realize that it was men you really wanted to be naked with?"

"I think it was when I saw my Uncle David naked that morning. I didn't know what it meant then, of course. I never wondered what girls look like, but I wanted desperately to know about guys. As I said, I was fascinated by David' s bruised butt, too. When my father spanked me he never made me take my pants down. I sort of wished he would, but I knew that if he did he'd see my erection, and then I'd be in more trouble.

"I kept hoping some man would come rescue me from them, but I was afraid of that, too." He thought for a minute, "I guess I've known for a while he would really be rescuing me from myself." More thought, "About a month ago I started dreaming about a man with blazing blue eyes. It was very exciting. He'd teach me things I had never imagined. He'd have sex with me. He'd hurt me in ways I couldn't even guess. Then I'd choke to death with his hard penis down my throat. Even though I'd wake up screaming, I always had a very hard erection. When I saw your eyes, I knew you were that man. I was terrified. I'm not ready to die, but I was so excited I could hardly stand it. You have no idea how much courage it took to come to your room."

I held him tight and kissed him on the ear. "I have some idea, Buddy. You were sweating and shaking when you arrived. When I asked you to come in, you did, but you wouldn't budge from the door. I thought you were going to pass out when I reached out to touch you, but you didn't move away. Has it gotten easier?"

"A lot." He wiggled his butt against me. "You still scare me. I keep remembering the dream, I know .. I know you say you aren't going to kill me, but that image is really vivid." He hugged my arm tightly to his chest.

"Some day we may know what the dream really meant, David, but I know it wasn 't to be taken literally." We were silent for a couple of minutes. "Did they finally give in on the name? Your name tag said 'P. D. Perkins'."

He gave a snort that might have been a laugh. "I made the name tag. I'm sure my mother has never noticed or she'd have had a fit. I love wearing it right under her nose."

I stopped asking questions. He nestled still more firmly into me and quickly drifted off to sleep and slept deeply, his voices stilled by the energy flowing from me. I never exactly sleep, but I fall into a deep meditative state, aware of where I am but oblivious to the passage of time. The hint of first light awakened the birds in the forest and their song filled the soft morning air, greeting the day.

When the sun cleared the trees David stirred under my arm. Eventually he turned to his other side, as did I. His morning erection poked me in the butt and his arm clasped me firmly to his chest. For a brief time he fell into a deep sleep again, but his bodily needs soon woke him. I could tell when he became fully conscious, but it was at least half an hour before he gave in to nature and let go of me. I turned to face him and smiled. "Good morning. Sleep well?"

He looked a little surprised. "Yeah, actually, better than in a long time. But now I've gotta . piss."

"Not yet." I told him. "Turn on your back and put your arms and legs out toward the corners of the bed." He looked like he might argue, but decided against it. I moved to a kneeling position at his side so he had room to slide into the position I wanted. I straddled his belly and leaned forward and put my hands on his wrists, "Your wrists are restrained to the corners of the bed," and I moved my hands toward the corners I meant. He nodded once. I moved down so I was kneeling between his legs and put my hands on his ankles. "Your ankles are restrained to these corners." as I moved my hands toward the bottom corners.

"I can't get up now."

"Yes." We looked each other in the eyes for a minute or two. It wasn't a contest, just being there. Finally I told him, "I'm not going to 'release' the restraints until you've pissed."

He looked horrified. "I don't want to .. wet my bed. I haven't done that in .. I don't think I've ever done that."

"I don't want you to either, David. I don't like sleeping in wet beds. You have to ask for what you need."

He looked totally perplexed, but not quite so worried. "I don't think I could piss in a pot this way." It was just a statement.

"Probably not."

"Somehow you have to help me." Another statement. His logical mind was trying to find a way to make it work. "Do you have any . hoses?"

"No." More pondering. Blank look. "You did it for me last night, David." He looked mystified for a moment, then the light dawned. It was followed by a look of total disbelief and silence. "You have to ask me to do it, David."

He shook his head slightly in amazement. Finally, very softly, "Would you drink my . piss for me, please?"

"I'd be happy to, David." I leaned down and took his still hard cock in my mouth and bathed its head with my tongue, then I let go. "This'll be hard . er .. difficult for you, David. You just have to relax and let it happen. You have to believe I'll swallow it and not spew it back on you and the bed. I'm going to hold your cock in my mouth and hold very still so you have a chance to do that." I put the head in my mouth and sealed my lips around it. There was a long wait then a little squirt of piss. I swallowed and waited some more. After quite a few false starts his cock finally got a little softer and a small, steady flow started. I could easily keep up.

When the flow stopped I swallowed his cock to the base, letting the head hit the back of my throat. He was fully hard again almost immediately, and I let the additional length slide down my gullet. He loved it. Then I started swallowing, letting my throat muscles massage his cock. "Oh, God!!!" I started playing with his balls and continued swallowing. "Ohhh, oohhhhhh, oh god, ohhhhhh." He started getting louder, his cock expanded. "I'm going to cum, Michael!!" I didn't back off. "Aaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aa aa!" When his cock finished pulsing I just held him in my mouth until it softened a little.

I had the feeling I could trigger the whole sequence again, but if it was going to happen this morning he was going to have to ask for it. I let go of his cock and moved up to kiss him, laying my body on his. He started to move his arms. "I haven't released your restraints." I reminded him. He moved his arms back into position. The kiss was another first for him. At first it he kissed me like I was his grandmother, but I persisted, teasing his lips with my tongue, turning his head and licking his ear, licking under his jaw line and finally coming back to his lips. His body took over, overriding his mind. He was rock hard again and returned my kiss almost frantically.

I slid down his body and teased his tits then kissed his cock and stood up. "I need to piss now. I'll release your restraints if you want to drink it."

He shook his head. "Not yet." I went to the bathroom and had a great piss - I would have flooded his mouth. When I came back to the bed he was still spread eagled, honoring my imaginary restraints. Again we looked into each other's eyes for a while; our cocks were both hard.

"I want to hurt you some more."

"Yes." His cock swelled and pulsed.

"I want to do other things to you."

"Yessss!!" His cock pulsed again and almost begged for attention, but he didn't ask for any.

"OK, David, I need to go soon, but I can come back tomorrow night if you want me to."

"Yes!! Please!"

"In that case, I have an assignment for you. I want you to have condoms and lube by then."

"But everyone in town knows me and my parents. They'll tell them what I bought."

"I'm sure you can solve that problem."

He thought, nodded, then added, "I'm not supposed to have to work tomorrow night."

"Do you want me to come here instead of to the motel?"

"Every time I'm supposed to have a night off my mother asks me to work anyway."

"Do you?"

"I always have."

"What if you said, 'No.'?"

"She'd pout and make me feel guilty. She'd be suspicious of why I wanted a night off. She'd probably send my father to spy on me."

"He'd come down here to the cabin?"

"No, he'd park in that clump of trees on the highway just before the first turn off."

"Can you deal with your mother and take the night off?"

Even 'tied' to the bed, he seemed to get about an inch taller and his shoulders squared. "Yes!"

"When would your father take up his watch?"

"Probably about 4. A little after he gets off work."

"Good. About 5 a car exactly like yours will drive by his hiding place. It' ll slow down at the turn then head on, like it's going to the next town, or further. He'll be positive it's you and will follow it. I'll get here around 5:30."

He frowned a little. "How are you going to do that?"

"A car like yours driving by? I have ways to get a little help when I need it."

"They won't . hurt him, will they?"

"Not physically. He may get a little pissed at being misled, but that's his problem." David smiled a little uncertainly. He wasn't used to tricking his parents, messing with their minds. I thought they needed a lot more of it.

I went around the bed and brushed his wrists and ankles. Understanding the symbolism, he even rubbed his wrists a little. Suddenly he reached out, grabbed my wrist, pulled me down, grabbed my hair and pulled me into another kiss. He was stronger than I'd expected. His cock was hard and poking me in the ribs. He started hunching his hips, poking harder. Eventually I reached up, grabbed some of his hair and pulled him back enough to talk. "You're hot to trot again, aren't you, Boy?" Another pull, another kiss, another thrust, each more eloquent than any words.

He reached under me, found my cock and started stroking. He rolled us over on the bed and slid to my side so he had better access. He fondled my balls, stroked me, kissed me, and kept hunching my hip with his cock. He spit in his hand and used that to make his stroking even better. "I'm going to cum soon, David." I was panting; he was good at this. Hardly missing a stroke he slid down and rose on his knees so he could take the head of my cock in his mouth and continued stroking the shaft. He slid his tongue around on the head and I felt my shaft expanding even more in his hand and all my muscles tensing. "I'm going to cum, David. aaaaaAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUuuuuuuuooooooo!!" I shot in his mouth. He didn't back off, holding my cock in his hand with the head in his mouth until my spasms had subsided and every last drop of cum was forced out. Then he carefully slid off, keeping his lips sealed around my cock. When he could he swallowed.

I pulled him up beside me again. "That was fantastic, David." As he moved up against me I realized there was a slick spot on my thigh. "Did you cum again?"

He looked a little embarrassed but smiled. "Yeah, while you were ejaculating in my mouth."

"You liked that, hmmm?"

"Yeah!" We kissed and he laid his head on my shoulder. "God, I've wanted this and been terrified of it for so long.." I tightened my arm around him. "All those voices kept screaming I had to be careful, couldn't trust anybody, and all that ..shit" That was the strongest word I'd heard him use. "With you those voices are quiet and it feels soooooo good and soooooo right."

"For you it is right, David. It's when people want to make what's 'right' for them be the rule for everyone that we have problems." We cuddled a while longer, then I squeezed him harder and kissed him on the ear. "I need to go, David. Think I could take a quick shower?"

"It'd better be quick if you want it warm." He didn't move or let go of me, so I used my free hand to see if he was ticklish. He was. He rolled off me, laughing.

"OK, OK, I'll let you go." It was the first time I'd heard him really laugh. It was deep and flowed up from his belly. I pursued him across the bed to keep his laughter going. When he started to get a little frantic I grabbed him and kissed him hard.

"You should laugh more, David. It sounds good." I kissed him again and got up and headed for the shower. As I stepped into the tiny stall I looked back. He was openly watching me and stroking his cock. He looked much happier than when we had met the night before.

As I finished dressing he got up. I stood in front of him with my hands on his shoulders; his were on my hips. "You'll tell your mother 'No.' when she asks you to work tomorrow night?"


"How are the voices?"

"Barely whispering."

"By tomorrow night they may be pretty loud. Remember, you can turn them off. If they don't shut up, you can tell them they're full of shit."

Weak smile. "I'll try it. Anyway, I WILL be here tomorrow!"

He walked to the car with me, naked, almost glowing in the sunlight. I turned the car around and just before I pulled out I called him over to me. "Come over here, Boy." When he was close enough I reached out and grasped his cock and balls in my hand. "I don't want you to cum again until I get back tomorrow, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He sounded quite disappointed. Maybe that was all he had expected to do between now and then.

"Trust me, Boy. It'll be fantastic tomorrow when I let you do it again."

"If you say so, Sir." He looked like a petulant little boy who hadn't gotten his way.

"That look may work with your mother, Boy, but it doesn't work with me."

He dropped the pout and grinned a little. "It never really worked with her, either, Sir."

I looked him in the eyes. "Trust me?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll do what you say, Sir."

"Good boy." He watched me leave and waved as I turned the corner onto the lane.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

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Next: Chapter 3

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