Friday at HOme

By Susie Smith

Published on Oct 10, 2000



Friday at Home By CDVeronica

My wife Vicki knows that I like to dress in panties. I typically slip into a pair when I get home from work at night. I also sometimes wear a silky nighty to sleep in. The more frilly and feminine the clothing, the better I like to wear it. I don't think Vicki really likes it, but she lets me because she knows I enjoy it. Occasionally when Vicki was at work in the past I was able to dress up even more. I have a long red wig that I bought a long time ago. I also have a skirt and blouse that I got in a closeout sale, but have never gotten a chance to wear. I've got stockings, garter belts, slips, even a bra. I'd put on some lipstick and maybe a little other makeup. Unfortunately I don't have any shoes or earrings, but I loved getting all dolled up. It's been a long time since I've been able to fully dress in these things and I kind of miss it. I've tried dressing this way with Vicki a couple of times and she really hated it, so I quit trying. With my dark mustache and considerable chest hair I guess I don't blame her. I'm sure I don't look very feminine. I've been working very hard lately and was ready for a day off. Tuesday on my birthday Vicki suggested that I take off Friday so we could spend some extra time together. That sounded like a great idea to me. I was hoping there might be a chance for some great sex, since we would be home alone, while our son was in school. I looked forward to the day off all week. Thursday evening at bedtime I slipped into a pink nighty, hopped into bed and kissed Vicki good night. She told me I should sleep late in the morning, and that she would have a special treat for me. She would get up and get our son off to school. I drifted off to sleep, thinking of the enjoyable day we would have together, and wondering what the special treat would be. Vicki got up early Friday morning and got the kids off to school. I got up a few minutes after they were gone and walked into the living room in my nighty. That's something I never get to do. Vicki was still wearing her robe. She looked at me and gave me a big smile. "Now isn't that a pretty pink nighty. It's so frilly and feminine. I bet you really like that." "Well thank you," I responded shyly. That wasn't exactly what I was expecting to hear from Vicki. "Now let me guess what color panties are you wearing. Are they pink too?" she asked. "Why yes they are," I replied, still surprised (but very pleased) by her reaction. I could feel my cock starting to rise inside the panties. I was really enjoying her interest. "Well it looks like you're enjoying them," she said as looked down toward my swelling midsection and walked over to me. "Can I see them?" "Why yes," I replied, lifting my nighty so Vicki could see. "Oh my! They are lovely panties aren't they." She knelt in front of me and took a closer look. "Look at the lace along the top and the legs. And the pretty little bow here in front." She reached over and ran her fingers across the lace on the waistband. "And look how these panties have made your cock so big. You DO really like them, don't you?" She reached inside the panties and began to fondle my cock. "Yes I do," I answered. "But I enjoy that even more." Vicki pulled down the front of the panties and leaned forward to take my cock in her mouth. What ecstasy!! That woman really knows how to suck a cock! She took it all the way into her mouth, sucking in and out a few times and then stopped. She gave me a kiss on the end of my cock and said, "that's all for now sweetie. I've got more plans for that big cock." She pulled the panties back up. "Follow me." She headed down the hall for our bedroom. I followed, eager to find out what else was in store. I was confused, but I followed her command. She went into the bathroom and came back with a makeup bag. "I'll be needing this. Now why don't you go in and take your shower," she said. "I'll be all ready for you when you are done." "This is great!" I thought to myself. Vicki is going to get herself all gussied up for me. I love it when she puts on a little extra makeup, and gets a "slutty" look. Maybe that's what she has in mind for a surprise. I closed the door and hopped into the shower. There was a knock at the door and then I heard Vicki say, "While you're in there why don't you use my razor to trim a little of the hair off your chest? It will look better with the nighties you like to wear." "Did I hear her right?" I thought to myself. We both like having our nipples sucked, and during sex, I've occasionally suggested she'd like sucking my nipples better if I shaved some of my chest hair. Maybe that was what she had in mind. "OK, whatever you want," I yelled back. As I finished my shower I picked up her razor. "Better be careful," I thought. (I use an electric razor on my face.) After a few tries I started to get the hang of it and was able to do a pretty good job of trimming the hair off my upper chest and particularly my breast area. Looking down I thought "what the hell" and decided to trim most of the hair from the rest of my chest. It took a while, but I actually didn't think I did too badly. All that extra work meant I was in the shower for a pretty long time. When I finally dried off and left the bathroom, I saw I was right. Vicki had done her makeup with an extra flair. She definitely looked 'hot'. She looked at me and at my chest. "Well it looks like you got kind of carried away with the razor." "Sorry," I said. "Oh, no need to be sorry. It will actually work better." I had no idea what she meant. "Why don't you go ahead and shave while I finish my makeup. I finished shaving my face, trying to get as close as possible. "You know your chest looks a little red from shaving. Let me put some of this lotion on you." Vicki picked up a bottle of lotion and squeezed some onto her hands, then began to rub it on my chest. I noticed that it had a strong, feminine smell, almost like perfume. But it felt good as she rubbed my chest. "That smells kind of like perfume," I said. "Do you think it's OK to use that on me?" "Oh it will be fine," she responded. "I'm sure you like the scent." She continued to rub it on my chest, then my stomach, then continued lower and started to rub some on my cock. "Careful dear," I said, "you're liable to get yourself in trouble doing that." "Actually I've got you just where I want you," she replied. It felt great as she continued to rub the lotion on my cock. "It seems to be having the desired effect," she said. Shortly she stopped and handed me my robe. "Here dear, put this on. It will be a while before we are ready to get you dressed." "What???" I wondered. What did she mean by that? I guess we'll see. "Yes dear," I replied and put on the robe. She went over to our dressing area and pulled the chair back in front of her makeup mirror. "Come sit over here," she said. Now I really didn't know what she had in mind. She picked up the makeup bag and I noticed she hadn't opened it yet. "Now sit back and relax," she said. "You've told me you'd like to try some makeup, so I thought we'd try that. I got some just for you. I think the colors will look better than my makeup would look on you." I didn't know what to think. "I guess today's my lucky day," I said. "I think we'll both be lucky," she replied. "Before I do your makeup, let's fix your hair." I was confused because I don't have long enough hair to fix. But she went to her closet and pulled out the red-haired wig. She had already done some work to style the hair. "Would you like to be a redhead today?" she asked. "I'd love to," I replied. "You know I think redheads are the sexiest women alive." Vicki is a natural redhead too. She put the wig on my head, fixed hair and then proceeded to apply eyeshadow, blusher and lipstick to my masculine face. As she did it, she explained what she was doing and gave me some tips on how to do it correctly. "Do you want me to put in on a little heavy?" she asked. "Yes please," I answered. "I like the look with a lot of makeup!" "Then that is what we'll do," she said. "But you know if you look slutty, then people may expect you to act slutty. Can you be my slutty girl? Do you promise?" "Oh, yes I will. I promise!" I replied. "You really seem to be enjoying this," she said. "Yes I am enjoying it very much," I replied somewhat sheepishly. "Thank you so much for doing this. You don't know how much I appreciate it." "I thought you would like it, so I wanted to do it for you, to show my appreciation for everything you do for me." She looked down at my lap and could see that my cock was very aroused. "Your cock seems to be enjoying it, too. I'll let it show me its appreciation a little later." "Gladly," I replied. "It seems kind of weird to call you by a male name when you are wearing so much makeup," she said. "Do you still like the name Veronica?" "Why yes," I replied. "Then Veronica it will be. Now we need to do my toenails. Would you like to paint them for me, Veronica?" she asked. "Oh yes, I'd love to paint your toenails," I replied. "Good! It will be good practice for you, Veronica," she responded. She sat in the chair and had me sit on the floor in front of her. I followed her instructions on how to paint her toenails. She has her fingernails done professionally, and the color was very close to what we used on her toes. "You did pretty well," she said when I was done. "But you still need more practice." When we finished she had us switch places and she painted my toenails. It was heaven!!! She used a bright red color that went with the rest of my slutty look. "Now it's time to do your fingernails," she said. "You do one hand and I'll do the other." We painted them the same flashy red color. When she was finished I looked at my makeup and my nails and I loved it. So how does it make you feel to wear makeup and have your nails polished, Veronica?" she asked. I hesitated. "Well, actually I know it will sound dumb, but it makes me feel pretty and feminine. I don't know exactly why, but I really enjoy that feeling. I know you don't really like it, which makes it mean even more to me that you are doing this." "I just want to make you happy," she replied. "If this makes you happy, I'll try to understand and cooperate, even if it is kind of hard for me." She looked down at my cock again, and saw that it was poking out of my robe.

She laughed. "It looks like part of you is getting pretty hard too. Let's get you dressed Veronica." We got up and walked back into our bedroom. Vicki opened a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of black panties. "Here put these on," she said. I picked them up and looked at them. They were just what I like, silk panties, with a lot of lace on the front. "Don't put those on yet, she commanded." "Yes ma'am," I replied. "Do you have a bra?" she asked. I went to my dresser and rummaged around until I found a black bra and put it on. "How about a garter belt and stockings? I know you have those." I rummaged some more and found them too. "Hmm. You know what they say. A girl only wears black underwear when she hopes to get fucked. Are you hoping to get fucked, Veronica?" "I'm counting on it," I responded. "Well then you better put the stockings and garters on under the panties, so you can remove your panties later." I sat on the bed and pulled on the stockings, put on the garter belt and fastened them. Then I pulled the panties up my legs and over my still excited cock. It strained against the silky material. "The new panties look great," Vicki said. "Now what else have you got to wear?" I went to my closet and found the skirt and blouse. I also found a black slip and put it on. Then I put on the skirt and blouse. "Now don't you look pretty," Vicki said. "But the outfit seems to be missing something. Do you have any earrings?" "No I don't, I replied. "That's OK, you can wear some of mine," she said. "But aren't all of yours for pierced ears?" I asked, concerned about what she might have in mind. "Well I have pierced ears, so of course they are sweetie." "But I don't have pierced ears," I replied, getting even more concerned about what she may have in mind. "That's OK, I know how to pierce them." I was speechless. Was she really going to pierce my ears? What would I do? How would I hide it at work? Suddenly she laughed. "Oh honey, I'm not going to pierce your ears. I was just kidding." I was so relieved. She walked over to her dresser and opened her jewelry box. "Here are some clip-on earrings you can wear." We went over in front of the mirror and she helped me put on the earrings. "That looks better. How about shoes?" "Sorry I don't have shoes either." I replied. "Well that's OK. We can do something about that another time. Let's get me dressed now." She walked over to her closet and pulled out a very short dress, tight I bought for her. She's never worn it except in our bedroom. "Do you think you'd like me to wear this outfit today, Veronica?" she asked. "I'd like you to wear that outfit any day, any where," I replied. "Good. I want to look good for you. Do you think I'll look good enough to eat?" she asked. "I will guarantee you'll get eaten," I responded. Vicki went over to her dresser and pulled out some crotchless panyhose which she put on. "If you're so sure I'll get eaten, then I'll wear these to make it easier for you." Then she slipped on the dress. No panties. No bra. "Did you forget your bra and panties?" I asked. "Oh, no," she replied. "If a girl hopes to get fucked she wears black underwear. If she wants to make sure she gets fucked, she doesn't wear any." "And you're pretty sure you'll get fucked?" I asked. "Looking at the bulge in your panties, I'm pretty sure you'll fuck me. But as horny as I am, if you don't fuck me I'll go find someone else who will." "Wait hon, that's part of another fantasy of ours," I replied. "In that one, we'll have another guy here so you can have two cocks." But that's another story.

We had a wonderful day together. She made me wait while we did some 'girl things' like make breakfast, reading Glamour-type magazines and watch some soap operas. All the time she called me Veronica and treated me pretty much like I was a girlfriend. That is if you can have a lesbian girlfriend with a big hard cock. Throughout the day, she did things to keep me aroused, like play with my cock through my girl-clothes. She also flashed me her tits and pussy under that sexy dress. It was fantastic. And she was right. She did get fucked. In fact, she got sucked and sucked, then fucked, then sucked and fucked some more. It was some of the best sex I've ever had. The whole time I got to dress as Veronica. While we were making breakfast, Vicki had me finger her pussy and then suck on it as she lay on the kitchen table. While watching TV Vicki had me suck on her pussy and then she pulled down my panties and sucked on my cock. She brought me right to the brink of orgasm and then stopped a number of times. What exquisite agony! She had me get a dildo and use it in her pussy while I was sucking her. I lost count of how many times she came that day. But I was so happy to do that for her, as thanks to her for doing something so very wonderful for me. After we fucked the first time she had me suck her pussy and lick out the cum. All the time she was calling me Veronica and asking if I liked the taste of cum. She promised that when we had our threesome she would have me suck his cum from her pussy. After each time that I sucked her pussy, Vicki had me redo my makeup, since it got a bit messed up. She gave me some tips, but told me it was up to me to make myself pretty again. I didn't do as well as she had, but Vicki told me she was sure I'd get better with practice. I just about came again just at the thought. It sounds like this will be more than a once in a life-time chance. I can hardly wait.

The End

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