Friday Night Lights

By Alan Smith

Published on Dec 28, 2023


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Friday Night Lights - Chapter 6

The next day, I woke up and as I got ready for school, I thought about what happened the night before with Logan and I in the shower. 'Is Logan gay? Bi? No straight guy would grab my dick in the shower, much less let me grab his ass.' My mind was driving me crazy. As i dressed in some Gymshark shorts and t-shirt and headed down stairs, I tried to clear my mind. The ride to school I was kind of in a mind of my own and when I got to school, I met up with Logan and Scott as we headed to our lockers. Sally of course was right there. Logan was the first to acknowledge her presence and seemed excited to see her. 'That's a change of attitude' I thought to myself. "Sally, did you hear, we're all on the Freshman A team so you'll be having to pick your favorite out of all of us" Logan said. I snickered and rolled my eyes as I said, "Yeah, I'm sure that Sally here has had her favorite picked out since 6th grade" as I kissed her cheek. Logan and Scott just laughed. "We'll see about that" Scott said. We all took off for class. In class, Scott asked me if I noticed anything weird with Logan today. I tried to be coy, because deep down I was thinking the same thing. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't know, it's just it seems like he's always I don't know seemed annoyed at Sally when she's around, and today, it was like he was excited to see her." I shrugged it off, so he noticed it too. "Bro, we're all friends, I'm sure Logan is getting used to her is all and besides, how could he not resist that girl." "So, you're not worried that he may move in and intercept your play" Scott asked? I smirked, if only Scott knew. "Nah, I'm pretty sure that Logan will be just fine and Sally too." I replied. The day drug on and we had practice. I was in the locker room getting ready when Logan walked in and to his locker next to me. I was already wearing just a jockstrap when Logan stepped up next to me, "Nice ass bro, you'll have the girls going crazy in those tight football pants" he said as he smacked my ass. I laughed, wishing it was Logan that was interested more than anything. I thought we had a breakthrough last night but it looks and sounds like I may have scared him away. As I pulled on some shorts, I turned and said to Logan as I reached out and pinched his nipple, "Don't be jealous just because I have a better body than you. See you on the field" and I grabbed my helmet and gear and headed to the practice field, still shirtless. As I turned the corner, I caught Logan adjusting himself in his jockstrap. Maybe I still have him?

Practice was a long hot practice and Logan and I were clicking. As practice winded down, coach dismissed us to the showers. As we headed in, Logan and I were talking with his arm around my shoulder. "Bro, you're amazing out there, I've never had anyone catch a ball and run routes like you" Logan told me. "Thanks man, I'm still learning and growing as well but with you it makes it easier." I said blushing a little. As we made it in the locker room and to our lockers, Logan removed his shirt and dropped his shorts. His whole body glistened and shined including that ass I love so much. He turned around and I know he caught me staring. We all showered and headed out to the parking lot. Logan and I sat waiting on our parents, me shirtless per usual sitting next to Logan. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Logan said. "Sure" I said as I swallowed hard. "You know last night, after we worked out, the shower we took together? Well, I....I don't know what got into me. I've never just reached out and grabbed another guy's dick like that" I looked at him and laughed, "Well, how many guys have you taken a shower together with....I mean that close together?" Logan just looked at me, "Touche. But seriously, I hope we can continue to be friends. I love how we've bonded and gotten to know each other and I just hope I didn't fuck it up by grabbing your dick last night in the shower" Logan stated matter of factly. In my mind I was thinking, there's no way that would fuck up our fact it opened my mind to the idea that we could be something more. However, in response to Logan, I said, "Bro, if I thought it fucked up our friendship, would I be sitting here next to you on a bench with no shirt on? Besides, I do remember grabbing your ass as well." We both laughed. "That's true" Logan stated. Shortly after, our parents pulled up and we went our separate ways.

When I got home, we ate dinner and watched another Astros game. "So, Mrs. Scheid and I have decided to head up the athletic boosters for your school this year. Isn't that exciting?!" my mom stated. I rolled my eyes, "Oh yeah mom, that'll be terriffic" I said sarcastically. She laughed and patted my head. I turned and headed up stairs with my brother right behind me and headed to my room to do some homework. When I had homework finished, I decided to do a quick work out and wanted to see if my brother wanted to join me. When I walked to his room I caught him flexing and looking at himself in his mirror. "Get over yourself bro. I'm going to get a quick workout if you want to join me." He was excited to join me and we had a great workout and I complimented him on his form and the way his body was filling out. His little ego was going about to explode. He went to shower as I put away some of the equipment we used. When I was finished, I headed to the shower and stripped off what remained of my clothes, as i'm sure you know by now I work out shirtless.

When I got in the shower, my mind automatically went to Luke and our conversation on the bench today. "He thought our friendship could be ruined by fondling and caressing in the shower? Hell no, of course not. That ass is mine Logan" I thought to myself. Almost immediately, my cock was hard as a rock. Fuck, why does it do that anytime I think of his name, not that I actually mind. Funny thing is, this used to happen when I thought of Sally or even Lindsay, but Logan just sends me on a whole other level. I grabbed my cock as I soaped my ass and inserted a finger in my hole. "Fuck that feels so good Logan" I moaned to myself, "Yeah, play with that tight hole make it yours bro." I moaned. Quickly I shot a load all over my soapy chest. Damn that felt so fucking good. I hurried and finished my shower and got ready for bed.

The week rolled on and it was fairly uneventful. Friday, Scott caught me in the hallway as I arrived. "Bro, I want to have a party this weekend. My parents will be gone, but I need your help to get the word out", he told me. I smirked, "I've got you bro. Leave it to me and by 3rd period everyone will know about this party." Scott looked at me and just cocked an eyebrow, "Don't worry, I've got you" and smiled. I headed to class and told Brian and the girls sitting in the row next to us about the party at Scott's house that night. Between classes, I told Sally and Logan. By the time we got to English, which was 4th period, when Logan and Scott were in class with me, Scott walked in and said that he'd already heard from 2 girls that he really wanted to spend some time with would be at the party so don't be surprised if he goes MIA a little while. Logan and I just laughed and looked at each other and grinned. What kind of mischief could we get into this weekend?

Thank you for reading. Chapter 7 coming soon! Please email me for any comments or feedback.

Next: Chapter 7

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