Friday Night Lights

By Alan Smith

Published on Mar 12, 2024


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Friday Night Lights - Chapter 9

What a weekend. My "straight" friends covered me in cum and we all jacked off together. It was an awesome weekend. But it's Monday morning. Returning to reality. Scott and I arrived at school together and Logan shortly after. We laughed about the weekend then Scott whispered, "Nothing about what happened between us gets out. It was a one time thing. Just guys having a good time releasing after a stressful week." Logan agreed, "Yeah, definitely can't have the school thinking I'm gay." The words stung when I heard them and I blankly stared at Logan for what seemed like an eternity. Scott got me out of my daze when he grabbed my arm. "Yeah, can't have anyone thinking we're gay, even though I'm the one who was covered in y'alls load" I said and stormed off. I needed to get away from them and I think they knew it because neither one came after me.

The morning was pretty uneventful after that. I allowed myself to come back to reality because let's face it, if our group isn't hanging out together at lunch, that will raise more suspicions and get the rumor mills going. I went to lunch with Sally and Jessica in tow and joined Scott, Logan, and several other of our friends. Logan and Scott gave me a glare that I swear, if looks could kill, I'd been dead. I'm not sure why they looked at me like that but it's whatever.

The rest of the day was pretty chill, nothing out of the ordinary. My mind though, my mind was on practice after school. I needed to have a talk with my best friend and my new close friend. I rushed to the locker room to hopefully catch Logan and Scott and have some privacy. Logan got there just after I did. "Logan" I shouted, "we need to talk." Logan walked toward me confident and cool like. "Bro, I wanted to apologize about this morning. I overreacted and I'm sorry." Logan just stood there and was silent. Scott walked up to us about that time and I swear, you could cut the tension with a knife. "It's cool bro" Logan stated and went to his locker. Scott watched him and looked at me, "We good bro?" He asked. I laughed, "Of course we're good, I'm the one who acted like a jack ass this morning." Scott laughed, dabbed my fist and headed to his locker. I was still hurt by the words Logan said, but I couldn't out him. I couldn't out myself.

Practice went on without a hitch. Scott, Logan, and I had a great practice. Perhaps the boys were back. Practice ended and we all showered and were heading home. The drill team and cheerleaders were wrapping up practice at the same time, so we all were heading home. Sally volunteered her mom to give us all a ride home. I think she wanted to feel like she was the coolest girl in school and all the guys wanted her, and let's face it - they do. We dropped off Logan then Scott. WHen Sally and I were alone in the car, she asked me about Logan. "So, I know that I don't have a shot with you now that Jessica is all over you, and you know exactly what I'm talking about. I caught y'all making out between classes today. So, what about Logan, do you think I have a shot with him?" I rolled my eyes and mumbled under my breath sure if you grow a pair. "What?" Sally asked. "Sure" I said laughing. "Logan is only fighting off half the girls in school and maybe a few guys if we're being honest." We both laughed. "I'm the most popular girl in our's like an unwritten rule that I date the Quarterback." I laughed. "I think that only applies to the seniors, you know the Homecoming Queen is the head cheerleader on VARSITY and the VARSITY QB....not us lowly freshman." By now we'd arrived to my house. I thanked Sally's mom and headed for the front door. What a fucking day.

The rest of the week continued on like nothing happened. We all seemed to be living our lives and keeping our secrets. Scott didn't know I had made out with Jessica, just like Logan doesn't know I know he is at least bi-curious; and they still think I'm 100% straight. Thursday came around and we had our Freshman football game. Logan and I connected for 2 touchdowns and Scott had 1 as well. We won the game. Jessica and Sally came up to us after the game and Jessica gave me a big hug and a kiss on the lips. Sally wrapped her arms around Logan but he stared at me. Again, if looks could kill, I swear I'd been dead. We headed to the locker room and there were high fives and cheering. We weren't varsity and just lowly freshman but a win was a win. When I got to my locker, Logan was at his locker next to me sitting on the bench. "Bro, we need to talk" he said. "What's up?" I answered. "You know what's up AJ. What's with you and Jessica? Are you two a thing now?" I laughed, "No, we're not a thing. She may think we're a thing but I like to keep my options open. I think there could be something better that makes life more interesting for me. Maybe more of a challenge." Logan just kept staring at me then responded, "A challenge huh, well if you say bro; because I don't want to see anyone get hurt and I think you're a little play boy." I was again shocked by Logan's choice of words. I threw open my locker as I grabbed my shower gear and I turned to head for the shower as Logan dropped his football pants. Fuck, that's such a nice ass I thought to myself. When Logan stood up, he caught me looking and winked at me as he headed to the shower. Honestly, I think Logan is figuring me out. Will he out me though? Guess only time will tell.

Thank you for reading. I know the story is slowly developing. As I mentioned from the beginning, this story is the story is the story of my first love. The juicy content willl be coming soon enough. Please send any feedback to

Next: Chapter 10

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