Friend in Need

By ten.vtbew@6ocsirc

Published on Jan 19, 2001


I walked slowly up the steps trying to be as quiet as possible, my heels making small clicking sounds as I went. I eased my key into the door and stepped into the entrance hall. I stood for a moment letting my eyes adjust to the darkened foyer. Then I walked slowly toward my room. Then I heard to noise coming from my wife's bedroom. I heard the bed creaking and my secretary's loud moan as she shouted something uninteligible . When I looked through the partially opened door I gulped at what I saw!! My wife was on her knees on the bed eating my secretary's pussy while the husband fucked my wife in the ass. I stood mesmerized as he pounded his big prick into the place I had been so many times. She was pushing back against him each time he thrust foward, trying to get him as deep as possible. I couldn't take my eyes off his slick, shiny cock as it buried and re-appeared each time from the well-used hole. I was at that time I realized just what a cock-loving queer I had become. Here was a man fucking my wife's ass and all I could think of was how much I would like to suck his cock!!! ........................................................................... They didn't even know I was there and after a minute or so of watching I entered my room and quickly changed clothes. I put on my old pantiess as the thong-style were uncomfortable. I put on a pair of gym shorts and slpped into my house-slippers. I just tossed my previous outfit into the closet as I knew there was no reason for secrecy now. I felt my abused lips as I looked in the big mirror on the dresser. They were still very puffy and I wiped the last traces of the red lipstick from them. I could hardly feel my fingers as the removed the grease and I knew it would be awhile before the feeling returned competely. I lay across the bed and drifted off to sleep as I heard my secretary scream her climax as my wife's sucking lips worked their magic. ......................................................................... About an hour later I woke to someone shaking me furiously and as my eyes cleared I saw it was my wife. She was sceamng at the top of her lungs! "Get up you little faggot , I want to talk to you!! As I slowly rolled over and put both feet on the floor I noticed my secretary and her husband standing just inside the door. I rubbed the sleep from my tired eyes as my wife proceeded to call me every queer name in the book. My secretaty's husband had not even put on any clothes and his big cock hung obscenely down toward his knees and as I looked at it he took his hand and skined it back saying. "Want some of this pretty boy, I like guys too you know and I'm BI just like my wife!" Even with my troubles I was having and my wife screaming at me I still felt that tingle as the thought of sucking that big cock crossed my mind.................................. .............................. I can't remember all the conversation that went on for the next few minutes as I slowly made my way toward the kitchen with my wife berating me as I went down the hall. I heard threats of divorce and other things as I put a cup of water in the microwave for coffee. I ignored her as much as possible and finally sat down to drink my coffee. I wasn't even listening as I heard her talking and she seemed like she was off in the distance as my mind tried to blot out her voice. I was tired and worn-out and all I wanted was to get back in bed and sleep as it was getting late.................................................. Finally she ran down like a cheap alarm clock and silence invaded the kitchen as she moved toward her room. My secretary and her husband were dressed and soon my wife stood in the the kitchen door with a small suitcase in her hand. "I'm going home with them and I don't know if I will be back or not," she shouted ! As I heard the cars leave I felt a little apprehension but I realized I didn't really care what she did anymore. .......................................................... Later before I went to bed I removed all my lingerie and female stuff out of my hiding place and put them in a drawer in my chest. I even sat my women's shoes under my bed in plain sight. I felt giddy and free now that my wife' and her friends were gone. It had been a lot easier than I had expected and even though there was still a lot of rough road ahead I was glad it had come to head at last. I slipped out of my gym shorts and looked down at my new panties and smiled. I had no trouble fallng asleep and as I prepared for work the next morning I noticed my lips were not sore anymore but still a bit larger than normal and as the day wore on I would realize they were going to stay that way. I knew that each time my mouth was fucked and beaten they would get a little larger and I would have pussy-lips like my master had said............................................................ I felt a little defiant and I decided to wear a bra as well as my stockings and panties to work. I was controlling my own destiny now and it felt great. I am really a submissive guy but I have a rebellous streak in me too. I put on my white dress shirt over the lacy push -up bra and unless I had my dress coat on it was easily visable. After a good breakfast I slipped into my coat and left for work. Even though I dreaded seeing my secretary actually I felt better than I had in several days. As I pulled into my parking space I saw her car and knew she had already opened up as usual. ........................................ As I entered the outer office she smiled and acted as if nothing had happened and when I entered my office she followed me in as I removed my coat and hung it on the coat rack When I turned her eyes were on my bra and she grinned a little as I flaunted it before her, hoping she would tell my wife. "If you have any visitors you better put your coat back on if you don't want them to know your secret." I agreed and we sat down to talk. She was worried about her job and even though I wasn't too happy with her I realzed she was good help and already knew I was queer and I didn't want to go through breaking in another secretary. She seemed satisfied when I told her that she could stay if she didn't discuss my wife and her activities at her house. She agreed and went back to work. Our contact was a litle strained as the day wore on but after my master called and talked to me for awhile I felt better and things returned to normal again......................... My master complemented me on my conduct over the weekend and told me I was now a full-fledged whore and he and his friends would be using me a lot from now on He was also delighted to hear I had separated from my wife and asked me how I felt. I simply said "It's great." He told me he had plans for the coming week but I was dissappointed to hear he was working Saturday and Sunday. "We won't have a lot of time but I want you over Thursday night to service a couple of friends for me". He said.. I felt a little better as I had already started to want his big cock again and could just taste it in my mouth.. Before he hung up he told me to stop at a store and pick up a skirt as it was time to really start to dress the part of a slut. "Pick you out a couple of skirts and blouses and wear a skirt and blouse when you come over Thursday." I agreed and as I put the phone down I thought of my lady at the clothing store and I knew I would be visiting her again that evening.............Next Part Soon...Teddy

Next: Chapter 13

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