Friend in Need

By ten.vtbew@6ocsirc

Published on Jan 20, 2001


I was still very tired from my weekend so I shut my door for awhile and dozed behind my desk. Mondays were slow and I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I slept for about an hour and when I awoke it was almost time to leave and I busied myself with the few remaining things I had to do and then prepared to go. I knew I had to stop by the little store and pick-up a skirt and blouse for Thursday. I left my secretary there to lock up and I drove off toward the little dress and foundation shop. As I sped down the road a million thoughts ran through my mind. A lot had happened in the last few weeks and it was almost too much to comprehend....................... ......................................................................... It seemed only minutes before I was pulling into the drive of the little shop. I tossed my coat on the back seat and with my bra easily visible I entered the door. I was really getting bold now and since the owner knew my secret I was not embarrassed this time. I walked pass the panties and bras to the racks containing dresses and skirts. The elderly owner came out when the bell rang and walked toward me. As she approached she noticed my bra and recognized me about the same time. She smiled and said, "How are you today, I kinda thought you would be back and I just bet your looking for a dress, right?" "I want to try on a couple of skirts and maybe pick up a blouse or two." She said, "Good, it's been slow and I will make you a good price on what you buy." ............................................................................ She took a long skirt off the rack and held it up in front of me but I complained that it was too long so she selected a shorter one that was a pale green in color. We spent several minutes just like two women as we discussed color and other things. I finally went into the dessing room with three skirts and three blouses to match. I stripped my shirt off and stepped out of my pants leaving only my lingerie on. After slipping into the first outfit I was admiring myself in the mirror when the owner stepped through the door and stood watching me as I checked myself . "I can't get over how feminine you look now and your body is so much like a womans. I serve many women in my store and most of them would kill for your figure." "if you would do your hair up right and put on a little make-up no-one would ever guess your a man!" "You have the largest breasts I have ever seen on a man and their as large as mine!' I was now feeling perfectly at home there and I slipped the first skirt off and handed it to her as I reached for the second one. My cock was gettng a little hard standing there talking to her and I dribbled a little on the front of my panties. She left the room for a minute and returned with a comb and something in a can. She pulled a little stool up in the fron of the mirror and asked me to sit down. As I did so the short skirt pulled up and you could see my garter straps. She stood behind me and said, "I want to try something,' as she started to comb my hair out from my ponytail. She combed for several minutes and then applied the hair spray from the can. When she finished I saw that my hair was done up like a girl's. She reached in a little drawer and got a tube of lipstick which she applied to my lips. "Your skin is good and she don't need a lot of makeup but stand up and take a look in the mirror! .............................................................. Looking at me from the mirror was a pretty well-built young woman and the sight took my breath away! I knew I would probably never be a full-time TV but I sure enjoyed what I was feeling at that moment. My friend was pleased as I smiled and turned to look at her. "I really appreciate your being so understanding". I said. "This could have really been difficult for me if I had not stopped here." I couldn't wait to get home and try my outfits on with my high heels. ........................................................................... She gathered up my new clothes as I put my slacks and shirt back on. I let my hair stay like it was as I wanted to learn to do it that way myself. I didn;t remove the lipstick and as we walked toward the cash register the little bell rang on te door and a woman walked in and started to look around. My clerk nodded and said "Hello" as she rang up my ticket. "Your becoming a good customer,"My friend said. "I have a little gift for you," She laid a pretty pair of pink lacy panties on top of my other stuff. I held them up and looked at the delicate lace down the front and around the legs. As I lovingly fondled the underwear I didn't realize the new customer was standing behind me and just to my right. She was waiting to ask a price and was holding some garment in her hand. She looked directly at my bra when I turned and I was a little embarrassed but something else happened too. I was actually turned on knowing she saw me . My cock got hard as a rock and I was enjoying the look on her face. Suddenly I turned back and held the panties up in front of me at waist level and said," I like these and I think they will fit me," The young woman looked down toward the floor and smiled . I was having fun now and I loved the wild feeling I was getting from all this. I grabbed one of the skirts and helf it up too, just to see her reactions. I am being very honest when I tell you that I never enjoyed anything more than I did teasing that woman. I spent several more minutes discussing my stuff before finally paying and leaving the store. My saleslady excused herself a minute and opened the door for me and as I walked out she said , " Come back and let me see you fully dressed sometime and I nodded my head as I layed my things on the hood and reached for my keys. ............................................................................ As I drove off down the road I felt almost light-headed from my recent experience and I smiled as I thought of the woman in the store. I reached my hand down into my pants and felt my prick through the wet front of my panties. I would have loved to jerk off right there in the car but my master had told me to save it and was doing as he told me. I knew when he finally decided to let e cum I wuld probably fill a cup! ............................................................................ I breezed along the road feeling good and I forgot a lot of my troubles and just gave into the feeling that had spread through my body. I was broight back to reality when I pulled into my drive as my wife's car was parked next to the house! I sat foir a moment before getting out mentally preparing myself for the confrontation that I knew was coming and then I grabbed my packages and entered the foyer of the home. I decided right then that it was time to decide some things and get everythig up front. When I walked by her room I looked on the bed at the suitcases and boxes full of her clothes and I realized she had made some of my deisions for me already. I pitched my bags on my bed and tossed my jacket beside them. I saw that my high-heeled shoes were sitting in another place and I knew she had been looking at them. As I turned she walked from the kitchen dinking a cup of coffee. She stared at my bra under my shirt and shook her head. "You have really gone all the way, haven't you, my lttle sissy?" She walked to my bed and picked up one of the skirts that had slipped from the sack. "With that wimpy lttle body of yours you will probably look great in this and I know all your queer friends will love fucking that little girl ass of yours!" " I have only stopped by to pick-up some of my things as I am moving out and staying with my friends." "At least her husband knows how to fuck me and that's more than I can say about you, you faggot bastard!" I winced when she said that but I decided not to comment as I didn't want to fuel the flames. I helped her get the things she had packed into her car as I wanted her out as soon as possible. Before she left she turned and asked me to pack her remaining clothes and some other things and she would be by later to get them. I agreed just to get her out and slammed the door behind her. .................................................................... As the silence returned I flopped down in a chair in her room and just leaned back and closed my eyes. I was sad for a few minutes as I thought about our life together and the fact that we had some good times too. But I knew down deep that my turning queer was not the cause and had just speeded the inevitable. She would never be happy with normal sex and she wouldn't be happy for long living with her new friends. I wondered how many men she had fucked on the side since I married her. I rested awhile after eating but was too tense to sleep so I decided to pack some of her remaining things ad try to get some privacy as soon as possible and I planned to have the locks changed as soon as her stuff was gone. I changed into my old gym shorts and started to dig through her stuff stored in a big closet in the hall. I was amazed at how much stuff she had. I never used this closet and she had taken over. As I dug through the mass of discarded clothes and boxes I uncovered an old shoe box hidden under a lot of junk. Before, I had wondered how much fucking around my wife had done and when I opened the box it answered a lot of my questions. I was filled almost full of snapshots, most had been taken with my poloroid and many of them in my bedroom! The pictures showed my wife in every concievable situation with men I had never seen before. One showed her in room with two guys fucking her at once. She was sandwiched between them as the fucked her front and rear. There were countless pictures of her sucking cock and several 'wet ones" showing cum all over her face and body. One showed a large black man with a formidable looking shaft just as it entered her lips. There was another attached to it with a paper clip showing the big meaty prick half buried in her throat. The third one showed her pursing her lips as the cum ran from her mouth. She was smiling and obviously enjoying it very much. For some reason all the pictures did not make me mad as I contiued to sift through them. It was almost like looking at porno pictures of someone else. Then they latest pictures popped into view. The included my secretary and her husband. My wife was being used like a whore in most of them and some showed a second guy getting in on the action. .......................................................................... I sat looking at the pictures spread out on the floor and smiled a little. I knew I now had some ammunition to use in case she got nasty about the divorce!!! I put all the pictures back into the box and took them to a safe place where I knew she would never find them. I felt a lot more secure now and not so vulnerable. I went back to the hall and picked up a silky nighty that was stacked on the shelf and slipped into it. I wondered as I slipped under the covers if she had ever been fucked while wearing it??? I enjoyed the silky gown as it caressd my body and It took all my self control to keep from masturbating!!!!!!!!! I fell asleep with my mind on Thursday night when my master and his friends would use me again and I would fulfill my roll as a whore. Chapter 14 Soon....Teddy

Next: Chapter 14

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