Friend in Need

By ten.vtbew@6ocsirc

Published on Jan 21, 2001


Thursday finally came and and as I dressed for work I knew I would be on pins and needles all day. I slipped into a pair of panties and fastened my stockings to my garterbelt. I was starting to like the feel of my bras as they held my breasts in place. I also like they way my breasts jutted out when encased in the lacy material. I slipped my sport coat on and headed down the road... ........................................................................... I mumbled a "good morning" to my secretary as I went by her desk and entered my office. There were a couple of notes attached to my blotter and one of them was from my master asking me to call him right away. Soon I had him on the phone and he told me there had been a change in plans. Instead of going to his place he gave me an address and directions on how to get there. He told me to dress competely in fem and make myself look good and meet him at the address he gave me. I wrote the directions down and started catching up on my work on my desk. I made several business calls and then asked my secretary for a cup of coffee. I knew I needed to concentrate more on my job as I had neglected it lately. I spent the entire day going all my accounts and making phone calls. By quitting time I had everything in good shape. I locked my desk drawers and closed my door. As I walked past my secretary's desk I told her to lock up and I hurried out the door, anxious to get home and change . I was really looking foward to my evening and the thought of wrapping my thick lips around another cock made my dick hard as I sped down the road. I wasn't sure exactly where the address was and I didn't want to be late.................................................................... I took a good enema and shower and dressed in my new panties and other lingerie before slipping the pretty little skirt on. Next came the blouse and then my sexy shoes. I decided to try my hair the way the lady in the dress shop fixed it. I grabbed a can of hair spray and comb. I had watched her closely as she did it at the store and soon I had it looking pretty good. When I stood and looked in the mirror I was very pleased as the shoes just made everything right. My legs looked very good as the shoes and stockings shaped them. My thick pouty lips looked huge with the bright red lipstick and I was very happy with how I looked. My cock was semi-hard as my panties carressed the tip. .............................................................................I decided to take a chance and I didn't put my long coat on over my outfit but just pitched in the back seat. I drove the speed limit to avoid any cops. I didn't want to end up in jail dressed this way. My destination took me into a very affluent section of town and as I sat at one stop light I was beside a large delivery truck . I heard his horn honk as he looked my way. At first I didn't understand but then I looked down at my skirt!! It was so short my garterbelt straps were showing and you could see the lacy bottoms of my panties. I then realized he was flirting with me and thought I was a female! It was a four-way intersection and the light changed slowly and I had to sit several minutes beside the truck. As I glanced toward the big, burly looking driver I thought to myself, "If you only knew what is under my skirt?" I flipped my hand at him in a feminine way and smiled at him as the light turned green. I realized my cock had gotten a little hard at the thrill of passing as a woman. I saw him coming behind me in the curb lane and I knew he would be beside me at the next light. I decided to have a little fun as I pulled my skirt up almost to my waist, letting my panties come into plain view. My cock was safely tucked in so it looked like I had a pussy instead. He almost broke his neck as he leaned out to get a better view. I noticed then that he had a co-driver as he too leaned over to get a good look. They followed me for several blocks trying to catch a peek at each crossing. My cock was rock hard and a little uncomfortable tucked under me but I almost hated to turn off at my street but all good things must end and soon I found the house I was looking for. ..................................................................... As I pulled up to the big ornate iron gate I realized this was no house, this was a small castle!! As I pushed the little button on the rock gate a voice came back and asked me to identify myself. I gave them my name and the big iron barrier swung open. There was a long winding drive leading up to the house and a large parking area at the side where several expensive cars were sitting. I pulled into the nearest space and got out. I felt a little nervous as I looked up at the ivy covered front of the old home. This was a section of town where the money people lived. You didn't live in this section of town unless you were filthy rich. ............................. My high heels clicked on the cobblestone walkway as I approached the front door. Before I could ring the bell the giant door swung open and a man who appeared to be in his forties stood looking me up and down. Behind him was my master. He motioned me inside and turned and said to my master, "Your right, this bitch is really something and if I didn't know better I would swear she was a real woman!" He reached over and fondled one of my breasts and said, "Those babies are real, I really love that." My dick got hard in my panties as I followed them into the house. There was an air of authority about this man and he was obviously accustomed to getting what he wanted judging from the funrnishings in the home. Everything was expensive and many antiques sat around the rooms. .......................... ............................................... I got lost as we wound through halls and doors toward our destination. Finally we came out into a large indoor swimming area. There were lounges sitting around the pool amd a table of food. In one corner there was a guy lifting weights and working out. My new host saw me looking at him and said. "That's Gunther, one of my body guards and you will get to know him a lot better before you leave." He smiled at my master as I watched this giant of a man. He was well over six foot and appeared to weigh at least 300 pounds. There was no fat on him just massive muscle. He looked me up and down and winked as he bench pressed the weight ladened barbell. I then noticed two other guys sitting on the farside of the pool. They looked our way and waved. My host took my hand and led me toward a door at the far end of the pool. I thought it a little strange when he took a key out and unlocked it but when I entered I found out why! I was about 25 feet in length and 15 or so feet wide. It was equipped with evey kind of restraint device imaginable. One wall was completely mirrored and as we walked through it I saw tjhere was a bathroom at one end with a large shower stall. There were hooks on the cieling and two giant "X" frames with loops for tieing people. There was a stool with a giant rubber diido sticking up through a hole in the base. I was fascinated and he showed me how it worked. He pushed a foot lever on the side and the dildo started to turn and as he pushed harder it raised out of the hole. There was no mistaking it's purpose as the masive shaft picked up speed. .............................................. He took several minutes to show me the different devices for painful pleasure. When he told me to take my skirt and panties off I wondered if I had bitten off more than I could chew? I heard the door slam shut behind me and I turned to see the other three men undressing at the end of the room. I was then fastened face down on a padded table about waist high. All I could see was the lower part of each man as they gathered around me. The giant stood to my left and I turned my head painfully to look. His legs were like posts and then I saw it!! His massive cock was enormous and hung like a giant club almost to his knees.! The head looked the size of a tennis ball and his balls were huge. He was slowly bringing himself to an erection and I watched in awe as the giant snake came to life. It raised like a serpent and pointed straight out and the weight of it caused the bulb like head to droop toward the floor. I felt someone greasing my open pussy as I was prepared for breeding. ............................................................................ I felt four fingers covered with crisco as they were shoved into my newly stretched pussy. I felt no pain and they went in easily and my new slut hole opened like a giant vagina. Gunther moved out of view and then I felt his giant hands playing with my ass. He spoke with a heavy German accent as he voiced his approval . Then with no preliminaries I felt the giant shaft painfully ram it's way passed my quarter sized opening and bury itself in my bowels causing a sharp pan as it struck bottom. I had been fisted and stretched wide and I was thankful as I would have split open from the big invader. My legs were not fastened and he was lifting me up on my toes each time he slammed me to the core. I felt as if a giant, hot fence post was hammering at my pussy. He pounded me again and again and I started to moan when He struck my "P" gland. It is an indescribable feeling and I found myself begging for more in a high-pitched girl like voice. My tits were tingling as my bra was rubbed against them and I slid back and forth against the slick vinyl surface. My nipples were hard like a bitch's now and I was in another world as the big hammer spread me wide. I felt my hands being released and then I felt the massive horse cock leave my dripping gapeing hole as I was turned toward the giant fucker. He picked my 132 pound body up like a doll and held me over his giant phallus. Someone behind me lined it up and then he slammed me down on it like a giant spike. He held me suspended for a moment and then lifted me up only to slam me home again . I could hear the squishing, slushy sound as the lube was forced from my dripping hole with each thrust. I was being used like a piece of meat to satisfy his lust. That day I completely entered the slut/whore world which I still occupy to this day. ........................................................................... After the giant finished me they each took their turns moving their slightly smaller dicks around to get some feelng from my open gash. I was then given and enema and led toward the stool after being re-greased. I shuddered as I looked at the impossibly thick shaft and I knew it was the largest thing I had tried so far. It only extended about 7 inches above the top of the stool but it had a shaft nearly ten inches in circumference. I was strapped in position and I felt the tip just touching my greasy opening. I braced myself as the machine started to rotate and humm. My host pushed the pedal and it started to force the big intruder home. It spun and it tickled as the friction started to build between my open pussy lips. Inch by inch it started to invade my bowels. The spinning caused a sensation that goes beyond description. My breath came in gasps as I threw my head back and closed my eyes in pure lust. A feeling went through my balls and lower body like I had never felt before. When it reached it's maximum depth it came in contact with my postate and I almost passed out from the feeling. My legs started to shake uncontrollably as it massaged me. I was babbling and saliva was running out of my mouth. He locked the switch in position and just let it run and I couldn't hold back anymore as my cock squirted a cup of sperm out the tip. MY stomach felt as if it was sticking to my backbone as my body convulsed and spit out it's long pent up juice.......................................... As the spike spun inside me I came back to reality as a large cock was pressed against my puffy lips. Gunther was hard again and as he pounded my lps with his club my eyes cleared and I saw the mighty tip dipping it's sweet juice as my lips parted to recieve my prize. He was so large I could only wedge his cock about five inches inside my mouth. There was no way that monster would fit into my throat even though I tried. He fucked me in short strokes as my head snapped back and forth with the force of his thrust. When he climaxed he took my head in his giant hands like coconut and forced shot after shot of slick sperm into my over-filled gullet. I choked and sputtered as I tried to get the tart fluid all down. When he finally slipped his big prick noisily out of my mouth my lips felt numb and my mouth hung open as my lower lips drooped downward and cum dripped from it onto my legs. I only had a minute or so as the next stiif cock was forced down my throat and started to fuck my face. I felt the fuzz on his cock tickle my nose as he forced it into my suctioning throat to the hilt. He raped my throat over and over as I struggled for air. When he came it shot directly into my stomach and I only had the drainings from the tip to swallow. I licked and sucked him until his cock-head was clean and then the next guy popped his leaking meat between my red, over sized lips. I could hardly concentrate on my cock-sucking because of the slowly rotating shaft in my pussy. My cock was getting hard again as the sensations grew. Evereyone was momentarilly satisfied and my host clicked the button for a faster speed. The heat from the friction started to build and the well stretched ring started to tingle and itch a little as my inside turned to jelly. I was moaning and slobbering like an animal with my head rolling around like I was dememted. I lost track of time and only returned to reality as the machine slowed again and I realize someone was sucking on my cock. I opened my eyes to see Gunther with his lips wrapped tightly around my it . He was being fucked in the ass by my master and as he moaned and groaned around my cock the sensation set me off and I filled his big mouth with my second load of cum. He raised up off my cock after sucking the last drop down. He turned his head as my master stretched his ass with his big, hot rammer. After that I was helped to my feet and allowed to rest awhile. I was taken into the shower and my pussy was cleaned before we went outside to get a little food. I hardly felt the warm coffee as it flowed between my numb, well-fucked lips. They were getting larger and larger now and my pussy was taking on enormous proportions. I never felt more slutty than at that moment. Things turned into a Greek orgy after that and everyone was fuckng everyone else. I saw my master fucked for the first time as Gunther forced his massive cock into his little used ass. My master moaned and his face was drawn up in pain as he was breeched time and time again by the monster cock. I finally took my last shower about 3 AM and pulled my panties and skirt back on after fastening my bra. My nipples were raw and I had hickies all over me. My pussy was wrecked and hanging open like my mouth. When I looked into the big morrors my lower lip had started to droop permanently making it look as if a cock was still between it. As I approached the door everyone had dissappeared except my master and my host. As I neared them I saw my host put a large amount of bills into my master's hand and I realized I had been rented out for the night just like a whore from the streets. I followed my master outside and just before I entered my car he shoved a $100 bill into my hand and said, "You were great tonight and I will be using you again." As he drove out of the drive ahead of me I looked down a the money and realized I was a real whore!!!! When I finally got home I went straight to the shower and took a good.long enema as I was still wet from all the juice that had been pumped into me. When I finished I walked by the phone in the hall and my recorder light was on. I punched the button and my wife's voice blurted out. "Your probably out getting fucked and sucking cock you little slut but this to let you know I will be over Saturday to get the rest of my stuff, so have it ready you little bitch!" I grinned as I thought of the pictures and I put on one of my wife's gowns and juped into bed. I only had about two hours to sleep so I would probably go in late..........More Later, Teddy

Next: Chapter 15

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