Friend in Need

By ten.vtbew@6ocsirc

Published on Jan 12, 2001


I winced a little when he pulled the fastenings tight and I was stretched out on the bed. He poured more lube between my cheeks and rubbed it all up and down my crack as well as forcing some painfully into my virgin opening. He then sat down on the bed and we talked as he told me he was in command now and it was my last chance to back out. He told me if I agreed to proceed there would be no turning back and I would be his to do as he saw fit with me. He said there would be pain envolved but he would not cause me to feel more than I could handle. He confessed to having trained a couple of more guys before me. He told me to think about it for a few minutes and he left the room. Before he stepped out of the room he told me he was going to fuck me regardless of what I decided as my sweet little ass was just too good to pass up. I lay in deep thought as I ran all the previous hour's activity though my mind. I had heard of men being made into slaves by DOM women but I had not heard much about Dom men. I knew I was making a big decision and I knew my friend was very serious about what he said. I knew he would shortly be forcing that massive shaft into my "pussy" as he called it and my being tied down would leave me no choice. When he came back into the room he pulled the gag from my mouth and asked what I had decided. I threw all caution and doubts to the wind and agreed to his wishes. "Good," He said and shoved the latex ball back into my mouth. He then walked to the large cabinet and I heard him open the door. I felt the bed move as he sat down along side of me. "First we will open that little pussy up a little bit so it will be ready to use." With that I felt pressure at my opening and he startedd to shove a small dildo into the tiny puckered opening. "You are much tighter than other pussies I have serviced, so it will prbably hurt more so try to relax." He only had about two inches into me when he told me I needed to have an enema. He quickly untied me and after using a special nozzel in the shower I was flushed and clean as he re-tied me to the bed. "You need to always have yourself clean inside when we are together and if you don't have an enema bag, buy one before you go home!" ............................................................................ I felt the tip of the rubber cock enter me again after he greased me good. Slowly and a little painfully I felt the cock settle about six inches deep into my ass. The pain gave me some inkling of what was to come when he forced his over-sized meaty intruder into me later and a little chill went through me as I felt both fear and excitement. He left the cock sticking up to the base in my pussy and raised off the bed. Then I felt the sharp sting of the first blow from what I later knew as the "whip". My ass cheeks burned from the first blow as the second one bit into my tender flesh. Tears came to my eyes as he struck the third time and I moaned in pain as the gag prevented my scream. "New pussies need to be taught discipline and you will be disciplined on a regular basis each time you fail to please me," He said and he brought the whip down again. He pulled the gag from my mouth and told me to repeat the words he was saying. "I am a cock-slut and a sissy pussy slave." "I will always address my master as "Sir" and speak only when given permission." "I am good for only one thing and that is to be used by my master and his friends." I repeated those and other things over and over as he struck my now tender ass with the whip and shouted "Louder, I can't hear you!" .............................................................................He finally laid the whip down and I felt him remove the small dildo and a larger one soon took it's place. The pain from my burning cheeks helped take my mind off the new much larger intruder as he worked it painfully between my newly stretched opening. In the coming days my pussy wold be stretched to unbelievable dimensions and would eventually hang open like a well used vagina but now it was virginal tight and resisted as the monster dildo split me wide. I tought it would never reach full penetration but soon I felt it hit bottom with a sharp thrust and I must have had at least eight or nine inches wedged inside me. He worked the shaft from side to side and in and ot in an effort to open me up . "I don't want to get you too loose as I want yo to feel my meat and you will know you belong to me," He said as he dislodged the rubber invader and pulled it slowly out . I felt a great relief as my ass gave a little "pop' as it closed behind the retreating shaft. I relaxed my ring and took a deep breath but my relief was to be very short-lived as I felt him straddle my body and his rock hard prick contact my ass cheeks. "Now I am going to make you my slut, you tight little bitch, and your pussy will never be the same after today!" I felt the greased nob contact my little slightly stretched opening. The large mushroom shaped head was forced painfully just into the opening and as he paused he said to me,"You will never forget me and this day !" As the words left his lips he thrust foward, putting all his weight behind his battering ram. I almost bit the round gag in two pieces as I was split wide open like a pig on a barbecue spit. The pain was excruciating and with one more short slam I felt his nine inch monster hit bottom with a sharp pain. My eyes filled with tears and I moaned loudly as the burning spread down the channel of my ravaged ass. He held steady for a moment as I gasped for breath to prevent my passing out. I was hurting so bad I coldn't concentrate and I barely heard him as he said, " How does it feel bitch, you hurting now but you will grow to love and maybe even beg to be fucked by anyone who will do it to you." Sluts always end up that way and my intuition tells me your going to be a great piece of pussy for a long time." Even in total agony as I was I knew he was probably right as I loved the feeling of being used......................................................... Slowly he started to pull his ram out of my freshly debauched pussy and relief spread through me. I felt as if a hot baseball bat had been removed and I sighed a sigh of relief. But before I could began to enjoy it he rammed me again,this time burying it in one long stroke. My muscles drew up tight as the pain returned but it was mostly just burning now as he started the fucking motion in and out of my now stretched new fuck-hole. He moaned and called me many names as he relentlessly spread the tiny ring over and over. He would pull competely out and shove roughly back in with an effort to stretch the ring. I could feel my ass cling to his thick cock lke a pair of lips as it turned inside out. He had great staying power and he would slow down at times to prolong his climax. He must have used me for at least twenty minutes before he finally gave a grunt and with one last painfull thrust he deposited what was to be only one of many, many loads of cum in my open hole......................................................................After I felt the long, shrinking shaft slide noisilly from my once virgin pussy I felt him crawl off me and go into the bathroom. He returned with a warm wash cloth and started to clean my fresh-fucked hole and my red whip-marked cheeks. The warm water burned a little but the heat felt good as my opening throbbed and ached. He brought the rag near my face to show me the red blood-stains on the cloth. "You bled a little just like a young female but don't worry it's just a few small blood vessels and they won't be any problem." "Your cherry is gone now and in a few days you will feel much better and we can really put your new pussy to good use." As I lay there waiting for my pain to subside he untied the restraints after removing the gag. I sat up and could hardly put any weight on my ass even on the soft bed. When he saw me wince he took my chin roughly in his hand and said, " How does it feel to be part woman now?" "I will be wanting those sweet little cheeks under me all the time now so you won't be spending a lot of your time at home with your bitch wife." "First I will teach you total obediance and to be a devoted cock-sucker and also how to use your pussy to please me and my friends." .............................................................................After eating he took me back to the bedroom and put me into a leather harness- like device that had a ring that circled my cock. "We will be shaving all your hair from your body and you will stay good and smoothe at all times!. "You will not masturbate or have sex until I give you permission!!" "Your wife is getting plenty from other guys so you won't be fucking her anynore!" He then sat me on a seat at the base of the large "X" frame and pulled and fastened my hands over-head. He then stood in front of me and unzipped his latex bile pants. As he forced his stiffening purple head into my mouth he said, " Since your pussy is probably too sore now for anymore action we will practice cock-sucking the rest of the afternoon". Three hours later after coming two more times down my cum coated throat I had perfected my deep-throat technique pretty good. I had sucked constantly and it felt strange not to have a cock in my mouth. He was tireless as he fucked my mouth. In and out, in and out,went the massive hard meat as he plundered my swollen, chaffed lips. My lips were so puffy later that I looked as if somone had struck me in the mouth. He even put red lipstick on them to make them look more like a pussy. After applying the lipstick he stood back and admired his work. "Just like a pussy and they will only get thicker as you suck more and more cock!" .............................................................................Finally as he prepared me for bed he handed me the phone to call my wife to let her know I wouldn't be home until the next day. "Better think up a good story pussy-boy, as women are very perceptive." I called her and told her I would explain when I got home,that would give me more time to think up a good lie. .............................................................................My mouth was fucked until my neck ached too badly to hold my head up and he finally agreed it was time for bed. I was attached to the bed frame with a small chain and a large butt-plug was inserted into my painfull bruised pussy. I jerked as the big cone-shaped object forced my pussy lips open but I could tell that they weren't as tight as before. I knew I was well on my way to becoming the pure slut he wanted me to be and even all the dscomfort could not squelch the excitement that I felt. He then put a gag on me that had a very thick four inch rubber penis attached to it. It fastened with a tiny clasp behind my head that could only be opened by someone else. My lips would stay stretched open all night and would start to take on the round "O" shape of a pussy. As I lay there in the dark later with spit draining down the corners of my mouth from the gag I realized how methodical and intelligent this guy was. I lay and speculated about the next day and finally dozed off to sleep..........Next Chapter soon!!

Next: Chapter 6

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