Friend in Need

By ten.vtbew@6ocsirc

Published on Jan 16, 2001


I slept the sleep of the dead that night and I almost over-slept the next morning waking to find I had only 45 minutes to get ready for work. I took a quick wake-up shower and jumped into a new pair of panties and pulled them up my legs, reveling in the sexy feeling they gave me. I decided to really be bold this time and I slipped a pair of stockings on and fastened them to my garterbelt. I was amazed at how I enjoyed the soft silky underthings and they felt so natural now that I had worn them a few days. .......................................................................... As I passed my wife's room the door was open and I peeked in. She had come in after I went to sleep and she was covered only from her waist down. She had fallen asleep with the small bed lamp on and I tip-toed in the turn it off, being careful not to wake her as I didn't have time for a confrontation this morning. As I reached to flip the switch I could not help but notice her ample boobs exposed above the sheet. She had the largest nipples I had ever seen and they were standing beautifully in the cool air. When we first met I had spent many a time sucking and chewing on them. I loved to play with them as I fucked her between her tits. I would straddle her body with my small frame and run my dick in between them as she pushed them together, making a small channel for my cock. I would fuck them until I started to climax and then she would open that pouty, slutty mouth and I would slip the tip of my cock in as I shot my abundant load of cum into her. She would swallow most of it but would keep a little and as I leaned to kiss her she would let it flow into my mouth and I would taste my own sperm. This excited me and I would just work her mouth with my tongue. I will never forget that feeling as I searched her mouth for the last. slimy drop!.......................................................... As I studied her boobs for a moment I noticed the red whelps all over them. Someone had really been nipping at them with their teeth and had even bitten her a few times. There were marks on her lower stomach as well, trailing off below the sheet. My curiousity got the better of me and I slowly eased the sheet downward being careful not to disturb her. That was when I noticed the lipstick on her thighs around her cunt. Several full lip prints were there and I stared in disbelief! She had been having sex with a female and the other woman had obviously been eating her pussy! I was supprised but not stunned as my wife was an over-sexed lusty creature and demanded a lot of sex, especially oral. As I pictured some other woman sucking her cunt it made my cock a little hard and my only regret was that I had no been there to see it. I gently pulled the sheet up and glanced at my watch and saw I was going to be late for work. As I left I called my secretary and told her I was on my way and to take messages if I had any calls..................... As I drove along I thought about my wife and her lovers. She had either found a woman or couple that had took her to a new place and now we were both "Queer". ......................................................................... My mind turned to my master and the time I would be spending with him the next day. I felt that familar tingle in my groin and my wife was forgotten as I pulled into my parking space at work. I hurriedly entered my office and called my secretary on my intercom and asked her to please bring me a cup of coffee. I sat down on the small leather couch next to my desk to catch my breath. I had completely forgotten about having worn stockings and when I crossed my legs my pants slipped up over my calves a little exposing the black silky material. My secretary came in and handed me my steaming coffee and mentioned a couple of calls I had recieved. I noticed her looking down at my legs as she talked and it didn't dawn on me until after she walked out that my stockings were exposed. I jumped up and pulled my trouser legs down to cover my ankles. I wondered what she was thinking now that she knew my secret! I could feel my face flush as I slid into my desk chair and hid my legs under m it. I guess I had to expect a few things such as this and I knew she was wondering about me now, but as my mind drifted back to my coming week-end I realized I didn't really care as my secretary was not the gossiping type and had been with me long enough to share a confidence with her. As I pushed the button to summon her to my office I knew I was taking a big chance but I decided it was worth the risk as sooner or later she was bound to find out anyway. She came into my offce and I asked her to close the door and sit down. ......................................................................... I spent the next 20 minutes telling her about my new life-style as her mouth literally fell open. She shook her head in disbelief as I pulled my waistband of my slacks down far enough to show her the lacy tops of my panties. I didn't tell her about being fucked or my cock-sucking as she was smart enough to figure that out for herself. I just told her I had met another man who enjoyed seeing me in women's lingerie and we had become lovers! I told her also that my wife had been cheating on me although I didn't tell her it was with another woman. She didn't seem supprised when she heard about my wife and after I finished talking I just sat back and waited for her to speak as she looked down at my stockings. As I waited for her to speak I looked up and down her body. I had never noticed what an attractive woman she was for her age which was abouty 40 I guessed. She always wore very conservative clothes and did not flaunt her attributes. On a few occasions she had worn blouses that had low necklines and I had caught a glimpse of an ample busom hidden underneath. I met her husband one time and I was suprised to find out that he was very gregarious and out-going. We were at a company party and he came along. My wife hit it off immediately with him as he was very good looking. She danced several dances with him and I'm sure he got a good feel of her ass. I was a little jealous but I was accustomed to her flirting by then. ................................................. After hearing my story and thinking for a few minutes she looked at me and said, " You are my boss and your private life is your business so I really don't have too much to say." "Your secret is safe with me and I will certainly tell no-one here in the building." Then she grinned and said, " I certainly approve of your choice of underwear, they are very sexy and I bet you look good when you are dressed up because you are so slim and small -framed." "I have often wondered how you stay so slim!" .............................................................................When I heard her say this I knew the worst part was over and I heaved a long sigh of relief letting the wind expel from my lungs loudly. "Why don't you bring me a picture", She said, "I would like to see you in drag." I told her I would think about it and she smiled and left the room . ............................................;; After she left I noticed my cock had actually hardened a little as I talked to her and the feeling that someone else knew excited me a little. I decided I would have my master make a picture and I would show it to her soon. I would dig out my poloroid camera and take it with me Saturday when I visited him. I wanted some pictures of me in action anyway. ................................................... About noon my master called me and gave me instructions for the week-end. He had asked another bar-tender to cover for him and was off both Saturday and Sunday and he had invited a couple of his friends to join us. When I heard this my heart jumped a little as I knew I was going to meet some of the "friends" he had mentioned to me. Before he hung up the phone he asked directions to my office, saying he had some things for me. He would be in my area and he would drop them off. About an hour later my secretary told me I had a visitor and she brought him to my office. As I asked her to pull the door closed behind her she looked at me and gave me a knowing wink. I knew she had already guessed who he was!..................... ............................................................................ Looking at the closed door he lay a package down on my desk and we embraced causing my cock to grow instantly to a full erection. He ran his tongue into my mouth and fire flew through my body. As he reached and locked the door I called my secretary and told her we did not want to be disturbed! "Get your slacks and shirt off and sit on the couch!" he demanded and I was soon sitting clad only in my lingerie. He didn't waste a minute as he stood in front of the couch and shoved his rock-hard prick down to the pubes causing me to gurgle and choke a little. But I was learning fast and soon was sucking like the pro that I had become. You could hear my noisy slurping mouth as I devoured my favorite meal. I could never get enough of this man's prick!!!!! He started to quietly talk to me and call me whore and cock-sucker telling me to "Take it deeper you little cunt," as he shoved it in my throat up to his balls. He pulled it out and battered my swellng lips again and again as they puffed up. The thought of me sucking with my secretary just outside the door had us both turned on and he fucked my mouth like a pussy. "Your my bitch now and I am going to fuck you right here in your office!" He pulled his cock out and bent me over the big over-stuffed arm of the couch and plunged into my un-lubbed as up to the hilt. I felt a litte burning at first but it was then I realized just how much he had stretched me as he sank unempeded into my hot depths . I begged him to "Fuck me",not caring at this point if my secretary heard us or not. "Fuck your slut, fuck your slut, " I kept saying this over and over as I succombed to the feeling he was creating inside me. He hit my postate and I almost screamed as I felt the sensation rip through me. I was a pure female animal now only existing for his huge prick. He reached under me and squeezed my female-like breasts and moaned behind me. Halfway through our fuck he literally picked me up and flopped me down on my back, grabbing my legs and rolling me up in a ball with my head against the cushion. He fucked straight down into me now as my ass tilted up like a wet cunt. Penetration was at it's deepest now and I felt him hit bottom a couple of times as sharp pains shot through me. I didn't care as I was starting to like the pain as he pummeled my newly stretched cunt. I felt him rub my stocking clad legs as he used me like cheap whore!! .................................................... This 6ft 5" man was using my five foot six inch body like a rag doll and I was be pounded like a young girl getting her first fuck. As the mixture of pleasure and pain continued I wanted it to go on forever but nature took it's course and I soon felt him slam hard and deep as he jetsoned his fluid deep into my inverted cunt. I clinched and squeezed my ring as tightly as I could trying to milk his cock. My position let all his fluid drain down my open hole and he stayed until the last drop ran into me. My cunt didn't close like it once did and I could feel the cool air as the little hole now flared wide never to return to it's original tightness. Before he went to my private bathroom inn the corner he looked down at my new pussy and said," That's the way a slut's cunt should look and it will only get larger this week-end. ............................................................................ We both cleaned up and I shoved a couple of towels into my panties to catch what cum was left inside me after I sat on the toilet and let my pussy drain. We dressed and kissed a long and passionate kiss before he left. My lips were puffy and it was a little difficult to pronounce my words as I told him goodbye. He noticed my big lips and traced his finger around them. "Your getting there fast baby, soon you will have lips like a camel."He joked and he left the room. I was sitting behind my desk tryin to get myself oriented to the work I had to do when I happened to hear static from my intercom system. When I looked down I almost fainted!!! I had accidently left my intercom on through the entire fuck and suck session. My scretary had heard me moaning and goaning as I begged for more cock. My slurping and sucking sounds were probably pretty loud too. She had listened to me being fucked hard and sucking cock!! I knew we had no secrets now but it was quiet awhile before I got up courage enough to consult her on a problem I had. She walked sheepishly into my office with a half smile on her face and I bravely asked her how much she had heard. "I heard it all," she reported," And I must say one thing,you seem to enjoy your new roll in life." "Bye the way, your new friend is very handsome and I don't blame you for falling for him, and it sounds like he is a great lover!". "You were squeeling lke a young girl!" I blushed and shooed her out of the office. I picked up the package my master had left and opened the envelope attached to it. ...................................... He left me specific instructions inside and it read like this;"Wear this outfit to my apartment Saturday and I don't care how you manage it but I want you to have these clothes on when you knock on my door!! "DO IT CUNT" was written in caps at the end. ............................... I tore the sack open and put the things on my desk. My mouth fell open at what I saw. First was a pair of 5 inch heels with a strap over the top of the foot area. Next was a pair of "thong" panties in red. A pair of skin tight vinyl shorts were inside with a halter-like top that left my mid-drift open. The shorts were shinny red too and the top was almost transparent. Fishnet stockings topped off the selection. I sat and studied the new clothes and then it really struck home that I was officially a whore for my master. I couldn't resist trying them on later in the restroom. As I looked into the mirror I was impressed!! I had never really realized how girlish my body was. The skin tight shorts showed off my small button like butt and my over-developed boobs were pushing against the tight top. The nipples were very obvious. I tetered on the five inch stelleto heels as I fastened the straps across my foot. The pants were cut so short you could see the edges of my panties at my crotch. All I needed was make-up and I would have looked like a true whore on the street. Just for curiousity I let my pony tail loose and let my hair fall down almost to my shoulders. My hair grew like a weed and I got tired of paying te 15 bucks for a haircut so I started to keep it in a pony tail to save money. My wife loved it that way so I let it stay. She loved to grab it and pull when I was down there eating her pussy. ................................................ .......................... I could not believe my eyes as I gazed at the young girl in the mirror!! I had always taken the remarks about my girlish body with a grain of salt but with my hair down I was a girl. I stood in awe as I turned round and round in front of the glass. Later as I told my secretary goodbye,she told me to have a good week-end and winkled at me . I pulled her close and thanked her for her kindness and undertanding. If I had known what was in her mind I would have probably knocked her on her ass. As her gold colored Cutlass drove out the drive I put the clothes in my trunk and jumped into my car excited about my day and even more excited abot my week-end. I knew I was going to reach some new horizons soon. The thought of being with his friends took my breath away.........Part 10 Soon.....Crisco

Next: Chapter 10

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