Friends in the Big City. .

By Jordan nifty

Published on Dec 17, 2022


Thank you everyone for the encouraging messages I've received. There's a load more to come. As always, please remember to donate to nifty if you can.

Chapter 2

"Listen River. Can you do me a solid? I've got a new kid Jerry or something like that starting today, but I can't stay. Mind showing him the ropes?" My manager Gary asked as I walked into work a few days later.

"Yeah, It's fine."

"Ah, that's great, I'll be back in a few hours. I think his name's Jerry, or Jezza. Something like that. See ya man." He waved, snatching his keys up and walking out the door. How the fuck this guy ever made it to management was beyond me.

The next hour was crazy, and I found myself working doubly as fast making up for Gary leaving. Luckily the shop had died down considerably by the time a handsome young guy walked in looking around. "Hey, what can I get you?" I asked politely.

"Oh, I'm Jerico, I'm here for my first shift, is Gary around?"

"He had to run out. He asked me to help you out. I'm River."

Jerry or Jezza? Gary was a moron.

"Oh, cool. Nice to meet you." He said as he passed over his CV, I gave it a quick peruse and saw that he had experience and that he was 24.

We shook hands as I pulled out a clean apron and passed it over to Jerico, "Come on round and I'll show you the ropes."

Jerico was a similar height to me, maybe a tiny bit taller, he was mix raced with darker skin and dyed blonde hair that complemented his complexion, which was styled into inch long twists on top and a skin fade on the back and sides. He had a strong jaw and dark eyes hidden beneath thick lashes and a thin gold hoop in his left nostril; he was gorgeous.

Just as he rounded the back several people walked into the store and placed orders. To my surprise and relief Jerico got stuck right in, working the equipment with ease and making orders as fast as I could take them. We worked fluidly and in sync, easily stepping around one another as we worked and fulfilling orders as fast as they came. "Well, I guess I don't need to show you the ropes. I'm so glad you've done this before." I said as the last customer took a seat with her latte.

"I worked in a chain coffee shop for a year or two back home."

"Oh, you just moved out here too?"

"Yeah, a week or so ago, I'm renting round the corner in a shared occupancy."

"Ah, that's so cool. I'm in a hostel right now, but I'm saving to do something similar."

"Nice man."

A few hours later, I had my back to the counter, cleaning out one of the machines when a smooth, masculine voice asked, "So what's good here?"

I smiled turning around, and replied in a hushed tone, "You'd like anything I make. I'll be sure to make it hot."

"Mmm, I bet you would." Ezra replied.

"Well, this is a nice surprise. You look handsome in that suit." I looked him up and down, noticing his bag, "What's with the suitcase?"

"I've gotta travel for work. I'll be gone for a few days. But I wanted to make plans for when I'm back and hopefully get a kiss goodbye."

I felt my stomach flutter, "That's nice of you." I replied peaking round the shop, making sure the customers were preoccupied before leaning as far over the counted as I could. I wrapped my hand around Ezra's neck and pulled him closer, kissing him, slipping my tongue between his lips before pulling away. Ezra's eyes were closed still closed when I rocked back to my toes and he exhaled slowly, eyelids fluttering open. His bright blue eyes settled on mine, "River, you're like a drug. I can't get enough."

I smiled, "Good because I'm counting down the hours till you're back."

"I'm back in a few days. When I am, would you like to come on a date with me?"

"I'd love that."

"Perfect. I'll message you tonight, have a nice couple of days." he said, before glancing around and stealing another kiss, then leaving through the door.

I waved him off as Jerico stepped next to me, "Well, he's a dream boat."

"Ergh, I know right."

"I'm not gonna lie, I thought you were related at first. You look really similar."

I twisted my torso to face him, "Does that make me a dream boat too?" I laughed.

He smiled back, "You're cute, but that grown man, in a suit... is a dreamboat."

I sighed, "Yeah. I know what you mean."

"Anyway, seeing as your lover is away... Any chance you wanna do something later? I'm kind of in need of a friend."

I smiled, "Yeah, sure. I was hoping to watch the new Avatar, any chance you wanna see that?"

"Yes. That'd be great, grab something to eat first?"


"That may have been the best film, I've EVER seen." I said excitedly.

"Oh my god. I know right. That bit where he dived down, the effects were insane."

We walked past bars and restaurants reliving the film, blow by blow when Jerico grabbed my elbow, pulling me into an arcade, "Oh my god. Can we go in here!?"

"It's not really a question, when you drag me other the threshold Jerico." I replied smiling. "I haven't been in an arcade in years, let's play some air hockey."

"Yeah, sounds great." He said as he pulled out a twenty-pound note and flattened it before feeding it into a machine, which whirled before dispensing twenty-pound coins into a pot. He grabbed me by arm again, excitedly dragging me to the machine.

After being thrashed three times in a row, by the apparent `air-hockey champion', we played on a coin pusher.

"These games are ridiculous. You never walk away with more money because you can't stop until it's all gone." He moaned, while continuing to feed the flashing machine ten pence pieces.

I changed my notes into some coins and started on a claw machine. "I'm winning that dragon teddy." I announced to the room.

"I want to call you a loser, for being 23 and wanting a teddy... but I'm a year older and I want one."

I laughed, "We're both losers-wait! No, I'm not!" I turned to him excitedly saying, "First bloody try!" as the dragon dropped down the chute, to be collected. "I'm going to win you one now."


We sat in the back of a taxi an hour later, each with a dragon on our lap as the driver guided the car towards my stop, "Thanks for a great night."

He smiled, "You too. Oh, and for my dragon."

We hugged goodbye as I climbed out of the car, waved and then hurried inside.

I opened WhatsApp and typed into the group chat with Ezra and Kobe; [Guess what? I made a friend, new work mate. We watched Avatar and then went to the arcade.]

Kobe - [I'm so proud. Our little River made his first friend.]

[Ouch. I though he was my third friend.]

Kobe -- [Yeesh. This is awkward, you don't think we actually like you, do you?]

I laughed, [You're an arsehole. Laugh face]

Ezra- [Yay. Check you out. I'm all settled into my hotel. I'm glad you had fun. I saw the work friend today, Kobe; he's cute.]

Kobe- [How cute?]

I texted- [Really cute.]

I got to work around midmorning the next day. Josh and Jerico were working full tilt to keep up with the morning orders. A childish part of me hoped that Jerico wouldn't like Josh, I didn't want Josh tagging along because I knew he would be trying to get in Jerico's pants.

I pulled on my apron, nodding hello to them both and getting stuck straight in with the orders. Around lunch time Josh headed out, turning to Jerico, "Remember to text me. We'll hang out. See ya Rivs." I smiled and waved, before turning to roll my eyes.

"Sorry if you're friends; but I won't be hanging out with him."

Surprised, I turned and laughed, "What? Why?"

"He spent the first two hours talking about himself before he even asked my name."

"Yeah, that sounds like Josh," I turned the dishwasher on before continuing, "He's either always late or bails anyway."

"Well, you're currently my only friend... so wanna go dancing tonight?"

"Hell yeah."


[I'm not usually away this much. Work is just pretty crazy at the moment. Kobe is around if you don't have anything to do though.] Came a text from Ezra later that night.

I read the text, I couldn't wait for our next date, but I understood that Ezra couldn't help his work schedule. [It's fine. Honestly, you gotta work, I get it. I'm meeting up with Jerico tonight anyway, we're heading to The Scene, where we met.]

[Wish I could come; I want to bump and grind with you.] I laughed shoving my phone into the back pocket of my black skinny years and pulled on a white long-sleeved t-shirt, pushing up the sleeves. Before heading out the door I grabbed my wallet and key, locking the door behind me.

Jerico was waiting for me outside the bar when I arrived and he waved me over, "River!" He sang as I approached, "Lets party." After the usual conversation with the bouncer, where I confirmed that, yes, I am in fact an adult. He let us in, and we headed straight for the bar and grabbed a couple of shots and a drink each.

Jerico had insisted on buying the first few rounds of drinks as he'd asked me out, we were chatting with each other and making conversation with others who came to the bar. I could feel my own confidence growing, Ezra, Kobe and now Jerico were helping with that. I was finally away from my father, in a new place, making new friends and being who I wanted to be. I felt lighter. Set free.

"So, Ezra's still away?"

"Yeah, he'll be back in a few nights. Oh, that reminds me I said I'd tell him when I was with you."

I thumbed out the text and clicked send. "Wanna dance?" He asked holding out a hand.

"Oh, absolutely." I replied taking it. Our fingers laced between one another's as he led me through the thick crowd and into the centre of the dance floor. The song was sexy and slow, which meant we were obliged to grind into one another, we stayed like that for a while, other people dancing alongside. When the song changed, we were jumping around with our arms in the air.

We headed back to the bar a few more times arms over each other's shoulders, laughing.

While we were at the bar, I felt my phone vibrate and pulled up a message from Kobe. [You out? Come meet me, I'm so bored, with all these oldies. I'm at Queer.]

I laughed holding my phone out for Jerico to read, explaining "Ezra's best friend."

"That's only round the corner." He said, "Let's go."

A few minutes later we were winding through the crowds in Queer as I craned my neck in search of Kobe, "Ah there he is. Kobe, hey Kobe."

Kobe turned and smiled, stepping forward he hugged me, pressing a kiss to my cheek and whispered, "River, good to see you. Oh... Who, is your friend, he is so cute."

I rolled my eyes laughing, "Jerico, this is Kobe. Fair warning, he's into you."

Kobe's eye widened in shock and then he glared in betrayal before saying, "Okay. I may have implied that you are stunning. Good to meet you, Jerico." He said holding out a hand.

Jerico pushed it away, "I'm more of a hugger. Nice to meet you and if it makes you feel better, I wouldn't throw you out of bed." He winked as they embraced. Jerico looked over his shoulder at me mouthing, "Fuck. He's hot."

I nodded enthusiastically and mouthed back, "I know right."

We were introduced to Kobe's friends who had already started peeling away for home and before long it was just the tree of us. On my way back from the bar, drinks in hand I saw Kobe adding Jerico's contact details into his phone. "I knew you two would hit it off. Drinks!"

A couple of hours later Kobe pressed kisses to both of our mouths before declaring, "I must leave before I start trying to undress you both in a public place. Bye boys."

After seeing him off and grabbing a final drink we decided to call it a night too.

"You're staying at mine tonight. I need someone to spoon." Jerico said as a matter of fact as we left the bar and headed for a taxi rank.

Once in the taxi, I opened WhatsApp and Jerico into my group chat with Kobe and Ezra and changing the name to [Young Gays and Old Gays]

Before I had even started typing, Ezra commented,

Ezra- [I find the title offensive. How about MiddleAgedGays?]

River- [Sorry, too many characters.]

Kobe- [You boys in a taxi?]

Jerico lifted up his selfie camera and said "Get in." I squeezed up next to him and smiled for the picture, before he took another kissing me on my cheek, he then sent the second photo along with the message, [Don't worry we'll be back at mine soon. Sucks neither of you could come. Winky face.]

Ezra- [Don't make us feel left out boys!]

"So, have you and Ezra gone all the way yet?" He asked me suddenly.

Blushing I replied, "No. We haven't done anything yet. Well apart from kiss."


"Yeah. Although, I'm hoping that by the end of our next date we'll get there."

"You might have to initiate it. Maybe he's trying to take it slow and be gentleman."

"That's not gonna work for me." We both laughed, passing the driver some cash and clambering from the car.

Once in his bedroom we made quick work stumbling out of our jeans and stripping down to our underwear before climbing into his bed. "Big or little spoon?" I asked.

"You choose."

"I'm going with little then." I laughed pulling up the quilt to block the chill from the room."

"Look, they're still messaging." He said showing me his phone, "Let's take another photo."

Jerico pulled the quilt back down, exposing our bare chests, creeping a hand beneath my neck to pull me closer, we both smiled as he took another photo, "They're going to be hard all night now." He laughed, leaning over to plug his phone in to charge before settling down and spooning his body flush to mine.

I laughed as I read his message on my phone and looked at the photo; our bare chests pressed together.

"They're definitely texting each other separately trying to figure out what is going on."

"I like Kobe, he's a nice guy. Super fit too. Can't wait to meet Ezra as well."

"You'll like him. They have really similar personalities." I explained yawning. "Thanks for a fun night and for letting me crash here."

He squeezed me, yawning back, "Thank you, for staying."


When I woke the next morning, the sun was high in the sky, I reached over for my phone; it was 8:48.

I could hear someone milling around outside Jerico's room. I assumed it was one of his roommates; seeing as he was asleep with his back to me.

I smiled as I reread the messages from the night before and sent off a private text to Ezra clarifying that we went to bed after the photo was taken.

Ezra- [You mean to tell me after all that teasing and visual imagery you gave us, you didn't at least make out? Not even a little?]

I started at the ceiling thinking about it; I did want to kiss Jerico. But I also didn't want to jeopardise whatever I was building with Ezra. After a few minutes I decided to test the water and typed out, [Not, even a little. But there's always this weekend. Winky face.]

I got an almost instant reply. [Maybe. But I intend on keeping those lips busy for the majority of the night.] I felt my pulse quicken at the thought, [Can't wait Ez.]

Jerico rolled over opening his eyes, "Ergh. I feel rough. How're you feeling?" He shimmed over grabbing his phone before setting his head on my chest to scroll through his phone.

I laughed, "I've felt better. Can you believe the number of messages they sent us last night?"

He scrolled through the messages sent after the last photo, "Oh my god. We definitely gave them blue balls."

We laid together each helping the other to piece together the events of the night before. It was weird how in the span of a couple of days Jerico had so easily become one of my friends. Although I guess it was also equally odd that we were practically naked and cuddling in bed together, while I `Ignored' his erection pressed into my thigh while also trying and failing to ignore my own.

We spent most of the day together watching movies and playing games on his console before I decided to head back to the hostel for a nap; making up for the hours I'd missed the night before.


The next few days passed in much the same way, I worked with a combination of Jerico, Josh and Gary and every evening I either played video games with Jerico at his or we'd watch movies at mine. I really liked him and if it weren't for my looming date with Ezra, I might have hoped for something more.

I was just finishing up my afternoon shift and heading to mine when my phone rang. I pulled it out and was greeted by the photo Ezra had taken of himself the night we first met.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey gorgeous. I'm just sorting out my bag and doing some laundry. Just wanted to check we were still on for tonight?"

"Yes! Absolutely. What are we doing?"

"Well, here's the thing I really wanted to blow your socks off?"

"Blow... my what?" I teased.

Laughing he continued, "But, I'm exhausted from travelling. I was kind of hoping you might want to have dinner at mine and then watch a movie?"

My stomach rolled with anticipation, "That sounds great. I'd love to."


"Yeah. Honestly."

"Okay, great. I'll pick you up at 7. You can, erm. You can bring an overnight bag if you- if you want?" he stammered.

I felt my self blushing, "Okay. I will."

"Wear comfy clothes. Otherwise, I'll feel like a slob."

A few hours later, I climbed into the front seat of his sleek sports car, throwing my bag into the back, leant over the console to grab his face and kissed him passionately. I pulled back and smiled, "Hey handsome."

"God, I've been looking forward to seeing you, all those teasing texts have been kissing me." He said as he popped his indicator on and pulled into traffic leaving the hostel in the background. He glanced a look at me as we rounded the corner and laughing asked, "What are you wearing?"

"You said wear comfy clothes. This is my most comfortable outfit." I said plainly.

He carried on laughing, "I like it, it's cute. You look cuddly."

"I am cuddly." I smirked while adjusting the sleeve of my fluffy grey onesie. "Jerico got a navy one too. I bet Kobe would like it."

"I know Kobe would. I think your little friend might find himself with a stalker before long." He mused.

Ezra pulled into a below ground parking lot, on the other side of the city below a tall apartment block. As he climbed from the front seat he grabbed my bag, throwing it over his shoulder and reached out a hand for me before leading the way towards the elevators. Once inside, he pressed the top floor and we started ascending as he talked about the job, he'd managed to secure during his business trip.

The doors opened to a large hall with only three doors, one was marked `Emergency Exit'.

"This one's me," he said pushing open the left door, into a large open planned room.

He kicked his shoes off by the front door and dropped my bag before sweeping me into his arms. I wailed and giggled as he lifted me into the air as I hooked my own shoes off. "Just as I expected. You're super cuddly in this." I wrapped my ankles around his waist, hooking them over each other, anchoring myself to him. I looked down at his face and kissed his nose, as he carried, we down the hall and into his large bedroom.

"I'm getting changed into some joggers and a vest." He opened his shirt revealing dark hair that covered his broad chest before narrowing into a thin channel that led down his abs and into his waistband. The hair was thick and curly, I reached out, running my fingertips through it and murmured to myself. Fuck this man turned me on.

He kept his eyes on mind and pulled at his belt, letting his jeans drop to the floor. My eyes involuntarily widened at the sign of his crotch. The thick, black, curly hair spread across his groin and down his thighs and there nested amongst it was his large, thick dick, his heavy-set balls hanging low beneath it. I reached out to cup them in my hand taking in their weight as they filled my cupped palm. "Fuck you're perfect" I said in awe.

He leant forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead before stepping backwards and sitting in the low armchair with his legs spread, "I wasn't expecting this the moment we walked in... but, let me see you baby." I started to feel a little shy as he stepped back and sat on the edge of his bed, his dick hanging over the side, "Let me see that beautiful, slim body."

I pulled down the zip to my fluffy onesie; suddenly regretting my choice of attire, I clumsily pulled my arms out and then dropped the fabric, so it pooled at my feet exposing my hard dick, which was already leaving precum. I stepped out of the fabric and took a few steps towards him, placing a hand on each hairy thigh, pushing them further apart; I dropped to my knees.

I took in the sight before me. Before I began to lick and kiss his balls. I pulled them one by one into my mouth, coating them with spit, I watched with satisfaction as his cock grew harder while I worked, pointing towards the ceiling. I had to grab it and angle it forwards so that I could take into my mouth. It's girth and length had increased slightly, and I loved every inch of it as it slid into my mouth and down my throat. Ezra groaned and placed his hands on my head encouraging me to keep his dick in my throat, where he thrust in and out. "River, Baby. You're an expert."

After a few short minutes he pulled me on top of him. I straddled his thick legs and kissed him deeply. Our tongues curling over the others, I groaned into the kiss. His stubble scratched across my face and then down my neck as his kisses roamed, I threw my head back allowing him to explore.

I groaned slightly as my finger splayed across his broad back, "I've never been with a Daddy before." I whispered.

A smile spread across his face at the word, "Oh baby, you'll never be the same again. River. I want to fuck you."

I reached behind my ass and squeezed his dick, "Yes. Need this inside me."

His hands wrapped themselves around my back, cupping my arse as he stood, lifting me easily. Gently he laid me onto my back on his bed and pushed my legs into the air, exposing my pink hole. "Fuck. Your hole is so pink." My cheeks reddened as he leant forward and placed a kiss right at the entrance of my body, which quickly became licks. His tongue circling the edges, my moans encouraging him to continue he made his tongue rigid and pushed it passed my sphincter and began messily kissing my hole. I felt his fingertips digging into my cheeks, holding me wide. I then felt a slicked finger push inside of me and another and finally a third, stretching me wider than I ever had to myself. He sucked his finger back into his mouth again and again to apply more saliva, lubricating his way. He removed his fingers and was now lining the head of his cock to my ass. He leant down over me and kissed me again, just as the head of his thick dick popped inside of me. I gasped into his mouth as he continued to slowly push his length into me. "God. You're so tight, I've wanted this since I first saw you in that bathroom." Just as I felt I could take no more, I felt his large balls settle against me. I protested when he pulled his entire cock back out, but he only spat inside of me and pushed himself back in. He fucked me with long, slow thrusts. He stared into my eyes as I writhed in pleasure beneath him. I kept my legs splayed open and reached out my hands to explore his muscular chest, running my fingertips through the hair and pinching a nipple. He looked magnificent as his dick pushed in and out of my hole, his core muscles tensed and worked beneath his skin. "You wanted me inside you too didn't you." He said firmly wrapping a hand around my throat, "Sending me pictures with your sexy little friend to tease me. Getting we all worked up. This is your punishment." I groaned as he wrapped his hand around my dick and began to tug it as he increased his speed and began jackhammering inside of me, causing my groans to stutter into the quiet room.

"I did Daddy. I've been so bad." I practically squealed, surprising myself.

"Don't worry baby. I'm forgiving."

The force of his thrusts rocked not only me but the bed, and my cock bounced in his fist, so that I was basically, fucking his hand. I looked up, seeing the beads of sweat running down his forehead. My body endured the assault for a few minutes longer, his helmet repeated pummelling into my prostate, I finally gave over to the feeling and cum sprayed from my dick covering us both, Just as Ezra fell on top of me, bracing himself on his elbows, "Here it comes."

My whole body trembled as his cock slipped from my hole a few moments later and he kissed me again.

He rolled onto his side, dragging me with him so that he cuddled up behind me. "That was amazing River."

I was still reeling from what he'd done to me as I panted, "Yeah. That was perfect."

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Next: Chapter 3

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