From a Cucumber I Hope To Dad?

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Jan 2, 2005


Same restrictions as in chapter One. You must be of legal age to read.

After my telling Dad all the details of my tryst with Sean. He sat there silent for what seemed like the longest time. I didn't want to say anything as I could see Dad was in pretty deep thought. I knew He was OK with the idea and all but still I was worried.

At last I had to say something I said." So Dad here is my problem, Tomorrow Sean is going to be expecting me to let Him do me like I did Him"

Dad pushed back the hair from His forehead and winked at me saying "Look Kevin You never have to do anything You don't want to, But I do see Your point, I mean Sean let You do that to Him and you did agree to return the favor. So I guess unless You are prepared to give up a long good Friendship You are going to have to live up to Your end of the bargain?

At this point I couldn't believe that I was even having this conversation with my own Dad and that he was so light about telling me I would have to let another guy fuck His cock up my ass. I was just about to say something.

Dad leaned to me on the stool and put his hand on mine saying "Kevin We two can kind of get you prepared for what is going to happen tomorrow?

I was looking into His steel blue handsome eyes and they were twinkling so nice for me sort of saying with his eyes "We can do a secret thing here? I said taking His hand into mine "Dad I think that would be a good thing and Man Dad I can't thank You enough for being able to talk to you like this and know you are on my side"

He smiled and winked again then stood up still holding my hand in His He said "Well Kevin I have to admit that what You were telling me really sounded hot and well it got me really horny Kev. Look let's get dressed and then hit the grocery, We need to stock up on some cucumbers. I'll meet you down here dressed in 3 minutes time"

I wanted to tell him that we didn't need any cucumbers, That what he had between his powerful hairy legs would work just fine, but instead I just agreed. we arrived at the local grocery in short order having been silent on the short drive. In the store we went to the produce section and Dad and I were picking over the cucumbers. It was a real comedy act going on between Us, As Dad would hold up this monster sized cumber for me to accept or reject. I had at first wanted the smallest possible but then had an idea? and Dad was going along so well I said "Dad just for the hell of it pick one that is about the size of Your own dick"

He looked at me and whispered "I will if You'll pick one the same size as your dick too?

I smiled back at Him and said 'You have a deal Dad'

We both were intent on picking through the pile of cucumbers, Me looking over at Dad as He was so seriously picking over the pile, him looking over as I was intent on finding one close to my cock size. Dad found His as I found mine and we held them up to each other. Mine was a nice long one at 7 inches like my cock and only slightly fatter then my cock. Dad's had a good two inches on mine as we held them together.

Dad smiled and said "MM nice one Kev. Mine is just shy of 9 inches, what's yours?

My eyes on His cucumber I swallowed hard and got out "Wow Dad nearly 9 inches, hell mine is only 7 inches"

Dad smiled His most handsome smile and said "Now how big is Sean's would you say? Cause We have to get You ready to take His'

I thought and then said "well I would guess it to be like an inch bigger then mine is, So that would make Him about 8 inches then?

Dad's face brightened up and he said "Well then the one I have here will work just fine, We get You use to it and You'll take Sean's like a champ"

I said Dad "I can't believe We are doing this and i want to thank you so much"

Dad said real low "Well Kevin I have to admit it is going to be a lot of fun for me too. The way You and Sean did it sounded so hot I just want to try it my own self. Now We will need one more item"

He was guiding me to one of the aisles there he found a large tube of KY and put it in the hand basket along with our two cucumbers. Now came a very embarrassing moment. The check out with two men a tube of KY and two cucumbers in Our basket. We huddled like We were planning a robbery or something, about how to do this?

Dad at last said "The hell with it, e'll just go up and do it"

We walked up to the quick express lane. Dad emptied the basket on the runner and the look from the items up to Dad and back on the ladies face was so funny I had to surpress my laughing out loud. Dad was cracking up too as we got in the car saying he sure just blew that girls mind.

During the short ride home Dad was laying the ground rules of what We would be doing and how it would work. He said among other things "We will be doing stuff like We have never done before Kevin and I want you to remember that all along and at any point you always have to right to call it off. We are going to be touching each other like most people would say a Father and Son should never be touching. We are going to be free to just express ourselves as We want to each other without fear of the other judging them"

I was so boned seated there next to this handsome man and hanging on His every word. Watching as so many times before His powerful arm muscles as they would flex when He would turn the steering wheel. Looking at His handsome face and knowing He was just giving me permission for the first time to touch and do what I wanted with His powerful hard body. The sexual tension was so strong between Us two at that moment. I Just said "Oh Dad, This is so much like a dream come true and the hell with what people would say, This is our life and between us"

He smiled that handsome smile of His and said "Kevin this is going to be so hot man and I am so glad You told me about this and that we are going to be doing what we are going to be doing. Look man I am already boned up Kevin"

I looked down between the steering wheel and his crotch and saw the out line of His boner running down His right leg in His jeans. I reached over and I put my hand on His hard cock first time ever and the thrill of the first touch shot through my body, I was really touching my Dad's hard cock.

Dad looked over at me and he gave me His handsome smile and said "Keep it up Kevin, Go ahead and feel it all you want boy"

I was bent over some to get a feel with my other hand of His balls through His jeans and Dad moaned as I cupped His big balls. We were pulling into the drive way and as luck would have it Pat Sean's Dad was standing there and coming towards the car. We dared not get out just then both being so boned up. Dad rolled down the window and pat leaned in saying. " Bob (Dad's name) There is something I think we should talk about if You have a few minutes?

Dad said "well this is kind of a bad time Pat, Really a bad time, How about you come over later say around 8 O'clock and I'll be ready to talk and we can have a few drinks."

Pat stood up and looked at me kind of weird and shook His head and said "Sure that will be fine, Its really a personal matter nothing to do with the office, OK guy's I'll let you do what You have to do and I'll see You both at 8 O'clock"

I said "Pat will You be bring Sean along tonight?

He smiled and said "yea sure I know He would want to come so I'll ask Him for You Kevin. you two are getting along so well now I am sure Sean wants to be around You all He can nowadays"

Pat walked away towards his house and Dad said "MM sounds to me like Pat may have found out what You two have been up to?

I said "Yea I think so too. Remember I said they talk about everything and it was His Dad who gave Him pointers on the cucumber when he found out? I can see Sean telling Him but I wish he had not."

Dad was opening the door and saying "well that is something We will just have to deal with later? Besides You two are over 18 now so what can pat really say about it?

If my Dad was not worried about it, I sure as hell wasn't going to be and We had our hot plans for the next hour or so. I was already boning up again as We walked to the house. Dad had the bag with our toys so to speak in His arms. Once the door closed behind Us Dad said " we would do better up in my room" I walked up the steps in front of Dad and as I reached the last step up Dad put His hand on my ass and gave it a squease. wow that felt good I said and Dad moaned saying " yea feels good to me too Kev."

In the room Dad dumped the bag on the bed and the cucumbers and KY fell onto the blanket. he asked me " You still boned up boy?

I put my hand to my hard cock and said ' yea I sure am Dad and I see you are too"

he took hold of His hard dick in His jeans and holding it said " yea that sight of Your hot ass walking up the steps has me all boned up for you kevin"

We came together there in his room standing by His bed and we were in each others arms. Dad powerful strong arms around me and his chest pushing against mine. his lips were kissing my neck and I was feeling His hard cock pressing against mine. We just stood a long time grinding our hard dicks into each other. Our hands exploring each others butts. Dad whispered in my ear." kevin I am so glad You are still cherry and you are going to let me take that cherry and we are going to share all the joys of male on male love" With every word his hard dick was messing against mine and i was all but melting in His strong arms.

I said " Oh Dad This is so unbelieveable and so hot and I love you Dad and I am so glad that you are going to take my cherry and not Sean"

He was licking my ear with His tongue this handsome man who could have any women He would ever want with a little smile was loving me. His hard cock was grinding into me and then he said " kevin no matter what You still have your obligation to Sean tomorrow"

I chuckled at that and said " Dad You are always the lawyer"

Dad laughed and said ' Yea I just can't let it go and now I want to be the teacher and get you all ready for your pay back tomorrow. Lets get out of these cloths and get to lesson number one"

We managed to seperate and Dad was kicking off his sneakers as I was. I pulled off my socks but Dad kept His on. we had our eyes glued to each other as We pulled off Our shirts. Dad's bare chest came into view as strong and big as ever his pec's standing so far out and so round and perfect. His arm pits hairy with the blonde hair and His arm muscles moving so sexy as His shirt came off. Then my eyes were drawn down to His hands as he was undoing the belt of His jeans. His bare ABS so hot and so well cheseled. Like mine His fly was opened and I could see his cock in His jockey briefs. It's big haead well out lined in the thin cotton. I saw a hint of wettness on His briefs at the head of His cock and knew it was His pre-cum. The thought of I was going to soon be tasting it came from out of mowhere but was enjoyable too.

Our jeans fell to the floor in unison and We were stepping out of them. As we were stepping out of them we would take hold of each others shoulders to keep our balance. This was so hot the very touch of Dad's skin so tight on His nearly fat free body sent chills throughout my whole body. We stood there now just admiring each other in our briefs.

Dad said " Oh Kevin look at that body on You boy. So firm and tight. You stomach so hard and the that line of hair going down You ABS to the top of You jockeys so hot boy"

I said ' Dad take a look at Yourself man those hairy muscled legs of Yours and your ABS and those arms Wow dad and that cock of Yours is a monster cock'

He slowly came up to me, His best Robert Redford smile on His face and He stopped just at the point where the two heads of Our cocks were barly touching in Our briefs. the wettness from His briefs coming on to mine. the heads of our cock in contact. I looked from side to side as Dad's strong arms came on each side of me and took hold of my shoulders he was pulling Us together and little by little our cocks came more and more into touching and pressing as he did. At last I was fully engulfed in Dad's strong arms, His powerfull chest against mine. Our ABS making contact and as they did each of ours flexing against each other. His hard long fat dick against mine only the thin cotton between them. We were grinding Our cock and balls against each others.

Dad said ' how do you want this to work kevin? It is You show after all"

I said " Oh Dad You said we could be open and do what ever We want and not fear being Judged, so can I well can I try sucking Your cock now?

He licked my ear again with His tongue and whispered." Oh yea kevin i would like that go for it buddy, just go for it now"

This I knew was my chance and iwas just going to make this so much a pleasure for my Dad that he would always want me doing Him. I had to i had to please this man and now. I would do what ever it took. I had never sucked a cock in my life and had only een sucked off myself a few times but i knew i would do my best.

Slowly I came from his grip. I was going down slow and when my mouth came to his chest I took a lick of His breast bone. I tasted his skin for the first time in my mouth. I loved it. Dad was kind of pushing his one tit towards me and I got the hint. I took His brown tit into my mouth and with my hand I held His breast to my lips and was sucking on His bare tit. Dad was moaning and i knew this was a turn on for Him I did His other tit and more moans from my handsome Dad. I kept going from one to the other holding His strong breast in my hands as I sucked in his brown hot nipples. I then went down to the strong hard ABS of his my tongue loving the taste of Dad's skin, the sweat from His hard body. MY tongue was out lining each and every ripple of His strong ABS. Down the trail of blonde hair from his ABS to the op of His jockey shorts. Dad was now pulling down his briefs to greet my sucking mouth. I smelled His bare bush of blonde hair and I took a mouthful of His pubic hairs into my mouth and was wetting them up and tasting them. Dad was thrusting His hips to meet my tongue. then to the prize, the base of His hard cock. The base was so wide I took it in on the top of it and wow the taste of His bare cock root in my mouth was wonderful. I held it in my hand as my mouth was going along the whole thick shaft of His bare cock. then I nearly died when I was at the flared rim of His cock head. I licked under the rim and then I opened wide as I could and was taking His whole wide cock head bare into my mouth. Dad was now moving kind of fucking into my mouth and telling me how good I was sucking his cock. I loved it and as I wanted I was actually tasting His cum. i held His massive balls in my hand as I was sucking in His hard long cock.

Dad said " oh kevin you are a natural cock sucer boy and I swear I am going to suck yours as good as You are mine boy"

My hands now were feeling Dad's strong hard hairy legs as i sucked His meat into my hungry mouth. his legs so hairy and so strong. I came off his cock and down to His feet. I just had to lick the feet i had been playing footsies with for so long and had loved for so long. Dad lifted his foot and i removed His white sweaty sock and now held that strong male foot bare in my hand I licked the high arch of his bare foot tasted his sweat in my mouth, then licked under His foot His bare soul. i licked His big toe and I was sucking it like it was his cock. then to his ankles and licked them up His hairy legs I sucked and tasted him then to His big hairy balls and licked them then back onto His cock licking all arond the wide rim of his bare cock head.

Dad called out in measured breaths " Kevin Oh fuck kevin I am going to cum man You better get off unless you want a load of Dady cum in your mouth?

No way was Igoing to come off and then he pushed His cock hard forward into my muth and I felt his cream come rushing into my mouth filling my mouth and I nearly choked but got ready for the next load he shot into my virgin mouth. now I was able to take the other loads and iliked the taste of His cum and knew I would want more.

I cleaned off the last of Dadies cum from His hot dick. I stood and agin he took me in His powerful arms and we kissed and he was taking his own cum from my mouth.

more to come soon write kevin Kelly NJ and Montreal.

Next: Chapter 3

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