From Boss to Slave

By davdar192

Published on Aug 18, 2021


This is an authoritarian story of a desperate man selling himself into slavery to rid himself of his debts and the humiliations he experiences as he accepts his fate.

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I had been working at the slave center for three months and had really enjoyed it, it was great getting to meet all the new nervous slaves and strip them naked for inspection, the wide variety of dicks, some would get hard when I undressed them, some would shrink up, there would be big hairy cocks and others would shave in preparation for their new life.

Finally the day of the court case arrived, I hadn't slept, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had been a slave for almost a year and I had changed a lot in that time but it only seemed like yesterday since I first arrived at the slave center. Someone from the legal firm came to collect me, they had a suit for me, actual clothes, It was the first time I had worn clothes in all that time, Ryan handed me the suit, there was even underwear.

"Here you go Darren, put this on, you need to look good"

I took the new underpants they were boxer briefs, I pulled them up, the feeling was amazing, my dick was covered and felt supported, it didn't jiggle about when I moved, I pulled on the socks, then the shirt and trousers followed by the shoes and jacket.

It felt good to be dressed for the first time in so long, then I realised how restrictive clothes felt, I wanted to take them off again. I reminded myself that I could walk around that big house as naked as I wanted once I won this court case.

I was taken in a car to the courthouse, there was a crowd outside when we arrived, I had become big news, it was uncommon for a slave to take his masters to court and to get this far. I was taken to a small room and the details were explained to me.

I was ushered into the courtroom, it was packed, shortly after my arrival my former masters arrived and were seated opposite me, they looked dejected and held their heads down, they didn't make eye contact with me, I was looking forward to them being my slaves. Next the jury arrived, as this was a male slave trial it was all men, and finally the judge.

We all stood as the judge entered.

Mark was questioned first by James and Ed's lawyer, he tried to undermine my character and make me out to be useless at work, my redundancy had been due to that, they had been generous making me redundant instead of sacking me. He made out that I had bullied James and Ed at work and made indecent passes at them all the time. This was complete rubbish, I had been a really good employee. It was agreed that payments had been made to Mark, but it was made out that it was in the form of a loan which he was going to repay to Ed and James there just hadn't been a formal agreement.

My lawyers tried to demonstrate that James and Ed were not stupid enough to loan large sums of money with no repayment agreement, so thankfully that seemed to go in my favour.

When it came to the letter to companies James and Ed's lawyers came up with a list of things I had underperformed in and also mentioned my advances towards my subordinates, they tried to demonstrate that Ed and James had been helping other companies in not recruiting someone who was incapable of doing a proper job, my lawyer started to struggle.

James and Ed were questioned about bribing individuals at slave centers to let them know if I had arrived at any of them, I was shocked to hear them both saying they were trying to find me so they could help me in my desperate situation, my lawyer did well here, he questioned them hard, he made it look like they just wanted to find me to take revenge, I thought that he had swung the jury in my favour.

Finally it came time for the old gentleman to be questioned, James and Ed's lawyer made it seem as though they had indeed offered him money to buy another slave instead of me as I was lazy and would be hard work for him to handle at his age. Apparently they told him they would be better placed to manage me, my lawyer seemed to get across to the jury that this was rubbish but it was hard to say.

Each lawyer then gave their summary to the jury, they seemed a kind group, they seemed to be in my favor from the nods and glances they gave me as my lawyer spoke, the jury then left the courtroom.

While they deliberated my lawyers took me to the same side room.

Ryan was waiting for me

"That all seemed to go really well, I think you stand a good chance of winning this"

It was the best news I had heard in a long time.

Ryan went on to explain what would happen next.

"When the Jury return the judge will ask them for their verdict, it's likely they will find James and Ed guilty, so in that situation they will instantly become slaves and your property.

They will be taken to the middle of the courtroom and told to strip naked, if they refuse security will strip them, the judge will then inspect them to ensure their bodies are in good condition and note any flaws, he will then tell them the term of their enslavement before handing them over to you.

You will be asked if you want to keep them or have them sold, if you want to keep them, the slave center will process them on your behalf, the following day you will be able to go to the slave center to collect them and decide what modifications you want. If you decide to sell them, they will still be taken to the slave center and will go to the next auction, you will not see them again, you will just receive the sale proceeds.

Does that all sound good?"

I was excited, I was going to have their body hair removed, the chastity vaccine and some control beads.

"That sounds great, I want to keep them though, what happens if they win"

He looked at me

"I think it's unlikely, but in that case you will be taken to the middle of the courtroom and told to strip, if you refuse, security will strip you, you'll then be told to stand with your legs spread and hands behind your head, you'll be inspected front and back by the judge, it's best to comply, the guards have canes and a taser, you may then be given an additional term of slavery which could be life and if the judge is feeling bad you may also receive a punishment.

If you receive a life of slavery, your masters will be able to make body modifications such as tattooing, piercings and circumcision without approval from the courts.

If everything is in order, you will be taken out of the courtroom, given a quick check over by someone from the slave center and handed over to them immediately.

I think it's unlikely but does that sound OK to you?"

I felt nervous, the stakes were high.

"yes that sounds fine"

It was too late to change my mind now anyway.

Two hours later we were called back into the courtroom, I've never felt so nervous in my life, was I about to get millions in compensation or was I about to be back to being a slave.

The jury entered the room, followed by the judge.

Then the judge uttered the words to the foreman of the jury.

"In the case we have heard today, do you find the accused guilty or not guilty of acquiring the slave by unjust means?"

I held my breath as the foreman stood.

"We the jury find the defendants Not Guilty"

The words seemed to echo around the room, I felt a chill go through my body.

The courtroom erupted with applause, James and Ed threw their arms around one another and started jumping up and down, I wasn't even sure what I had just heard, but obviously they had just won, I was in shock.

The cheering and applause calmed down and instantly two big security guards were at my side, they each took a grip of my upper arms and led me to the middle of the courtroom, my masters looked very pleased with themselves, the judge spoke.

"Slave, you have been found to have attempted to undermine you masters, strip for your inspection before I hand down your punishment"

I felt a bit sad to be removing the clothes already, I'd only had them on for a few hours, but I didn't like the restrictive feeling anyway, I knew what to do. I removed my clothes and handed them to the security guards, once I was naked I stood with my legs spread and hands behind my head with my elbows back, I tensed my muscles and stuck my hips out a little to give the judge a good view, my ass exposed to the rest of the courtroom, maybe this was for the best.

He looked me up and down

"You are an obedient slave, turn around"

I turned my back to him and faced the rest of the courtroom, hundreds of phones seemed to be pointed at me, all the eyes on my little hairless dick again, it felt amazing. I could see Jason and Scott in the crowd with Mark and Adam, they seemed really pleased and were giving a thumbs up to my masters, I heard the judge again.

"Bend over and spread your buttocks"

I bent over as far as I could, put a hand on each buttock and pulled them apart for his full inspection, it was nothing I hadn't done before and I'd been doing it three times a week at the slave center. I looked at my soft dick hanging between my legs.

The Judge spoke again

"Turn around, now I will hand down your sentence. As you have tried to defame your masters and gain their fortune I sentence you to full life ownership. You will also receive a public caning of 100 strokes outside the courtroom now, I also deem that your kind masters may need to be more restrictive with you going forward so there are no limits on how they can restrain you or any body modifications they wish to make."

He stood up

"Court dismissed"

I was shocked at how strict he had been, I was terrified of the public caning but the rest didn't bother me, I knew I had security with my masters now and it didn't matter what they did to me as long as I still was able to serve them and make them happy.

The security guards came forward and grabbed my upper arms and led me outside to a large yard, people were flowing in, there must have been hundreds, I was taken up to a raised platform, there was a steel frame on it.

A collar was fastened around my neck and pulled up so I was standing straight, then my legs were pulled apart and attached to posts at the side and my arms attached horizontally so I was completely spread out and stood up, the entire crowd could see my face and my naked body stood before them, I could feel my scrotum pull up and my dick shrivel, it felt incredible to have so many looking at my naked body.

A tall muscular man walked onto the platform with a large cane, he spoke to me.

"You will count the strokes starting 'one Sir', shout it loud and clear if you don't I might miss count and you wouldn't want that"

I couldn't turn my head to look at him, but I replied

"Yes Sir"

I was shaking with fear and the cold.

I felt the fist stroke, it was hard, it felt good across my ass, I could feel the sting.

"One Sir"

I thrust my body forward, the crowd cheered, I saw My Masters, Mark, Adam, Jason and Scott all stood at the front, they were smiling and talking amongst themselves as I was caned.

The strokes continued, it seemed to go on for ever.

"36 Sir"

I was shouting out the numbers, I heard someone in the crowd.

"Look at that little dick bounce"

I didn't feel embarrassed any more, I was enjoying the attention, this felt so good.

Finally he finished, I could feel my buttocks burning, they were stinging like crazy, I dreaded looking at them, my masters then came up to the platform, the man who had just caned me talked into my ear.

"Apologise to them for putting them through the court case, do it loud and honestly so everyone can hear"

I looked at my masters.

"Masters, I apologise for what I have done to you both, I deserved this punishment and any further punishment you wish to give me, I will endeavour to be a good slave from now on and will not disappoint you again.

Master James looked at me angrily

"Don't worry maggot, we've got a lot more punishment for you"

He walked inside.

I was unlocked and taken inside to a large room, a representative from the slave center was there with my Masters, he rubbed some some lotion to my buttocks, it stung when he applied it and I had a look, it didn't look as bad as it felt, but I could see raised red lines across my buttocks.

The punishment hadn't been that bad, I think it was more to deter other slaves than punishing me.

Master Edward stood up.

"We've decided to keep you, but you're getting some modifications tomorrow at the slave center, just so we can take a little more control over you."

The representative from the slave center spoke to my Masters.

"Would you like me to put his collar and cuffs back on him?"

Master James looked stern.

"Yes please, we need to restrain his hands while we take him home"

As the representative was fastening my collar, he was chatting to my Masters.

"We've noticed at the slave center that he is starting to get slight semi erections, it looks as though the chastity vaccine is wearing off, would you like him to have a booster"

My Masters looked at one another, Master James smiled.

"Absolutely, he's not having any pleasure from that thing unless we decide"

The representative took out a vaccine from a medical bag.

"I'll just restrain him while we do it"

There were some loops in the wall, he fastened my collar to one high up and restrained my arms behind my back.

He put the needle in my arm, after a few seconds my dick got hard, it felt incredible, then I felt my first real orgasm in a long time, my whole body tensed, I arched my back, I wanted to touch my dick so badly, a single squirt dribbled out of my dick and the orgasm was over, it was pathetic, I looked down as my dick shrivelled back up.

Master Edward laughed.

"Is that it!"

The representative looked at my dick.

"Yes, because the vaccine hadn't completely worn off it's still very limited, his dick will become more sensitive now, I'd recommend you have him injected every 6 to 9 months, then he won't have such a reaction to the vaccine in future, he may just get hard and orgasm with no ejaculation"

He roughly wiped the cum of my sensitive pee pee, then released my neck attached a leash which he handed to Master Edward and we left the courtroom building, I was taken outside to the waiting car with my hands restrained behind my back, it felt very different to a few hours earlier when I entered clothed and with hope of my release.

They drove home in silence, it was very uncomfortable for me to be sat down, but it felt good to be back with them again.

When we arrived I jumped out of the car quickly to open the doors for them to make a special effort, I struggled with my hands still restrained. I followed them to the kitchen, they sat on one of the sofas, I didn't know what to do so I knelt in front of them, they were still in their suits and looked so good.

"I'm so sorry for what I put you through Masters, I hope I can repay you somehow"

Master James undid his belt and took it off, the pulled down his zip.

"Get to it maggot"

I moved forward as he pulled his dick out and wrapped my lips around it. It felt so good to pleasure him again, he grabbed the back of my head and forced my mouth down his shaft, my nose was deep in his pubic hair, it was amazing to smell him again. I felt his belt on my back, I quickened my pace on his dick, he quickly came down my throat, then pulled my head of his dick and spat in my face.

"Don't fuck me off again maggot"

He pushed my away and I fell on the floor.

Master Edward pushed me with his foot.

"Get up and bend over maggot"

I did as instructed, I was on my knees with my hands restrained so I rested my chest on the floor with my ass in the air. I heard him pull his trousers down and kneel behind me, he dick was pushed into my ass, I looked between my legs to see my dick flopping about as he pounded me hard, and slapped my ass, it wasn't long before he pumped his load into me, it felt so good. He pulled his trousers up as the doorbell went.

"Get that maggot, it's time for a celebration" He released my hands and I went to the door to see Jason, Scott, Mark and Adam, I let them in.

I stood and waited as they congratulated my Masters on their win.

Jason turned to my and rubbed the top of my head.

"Never mind maggot, I think you really enjoy this anyway"

He was right, I really did!

Master Edward led the way to the living room.

"Get us some beers maggot"

I got a tray of beers and opened the bottles for them and followed them into the room, they were all sat around on the corner sofa as I served their drinks.

Master James looked at me.

"Put the tray down and kneel in the middle of the room so we can all see you, hands behind your head"

I did as instructed, Master Edward spoke to the others.

"He's totally delusional thinking he could win that court case"

He looked at me.

"How did you think you would win that, you used to bully me and James all the time, we would see you looking at our crotches, probably fantasising about what we were packing. A hand on the knee here and there, glances at the urinals when you thought we wouldn't notice then the time you grabbed my crotch after a few too many at the Christmas party, whenever we ignored your advances then you would humiliate our work in front of the whole office"

Jason shook his head.

"I thought you were my friend but you always stole me and Scott's ideas, and passed them off to Mark as your own, you were never able to do anything yourself, lying to Mark all the time to get ahead, and we noticed you always looking at us naked in the gym showers while keeping yourself covered up to hide your hard on, just looking for another fuck all the time."

Scott stepped in.

"Ed is right, you are delusional Darren, the story I told you at Mark's house was a test Ed and James had thought up to see if you had admitted to yourself what you had done, clearly you hadn't"

They were all right, everything they said was true, I'd try to forget about it, I had been a horrible person to them always looking for cock and getting angry when people ignored my moves, punishing them any way I could, my sex drive was out of control, it was time for me to face up to my past and be honest with myself.

I was now living my ultimate fantasy, my dick and sexual desire was completely under the control of my Masters, I was there to satisfy their every need, my frustrated little dick that I had tried to hide was now always on display.

Master James looked me in the eye.

"Come closer maggot, lets have a better look at that pee pee"

I moved closer, he reached out to my dick, I took a sharp intake of breath due to the sensitivity, he roughly pulled my foreskin back and held it there as he studied my dick.

"I think it would look better circumcised, what do you think Ed"

Master Edward leant in closer.

"I think you're right James, maggot, turn to let the others have a look"

Master James put his other hand on my ass and and moved my body slightly to face Mark and Adam, they had a closer look at my exposed glans and nodded. I was turned to Jason and Scott, my former friends who looked closely at my exposed pee pee and also nodded.

Master James smiled at me.

"It looks like it's decided then, we'll get this circumcised then"

I knew I had no choice in the matter, and if they wanted it that's what they should have, the thought of this made me feel a phantom erection, they had complete control over my body, he let go of my penis, the foreskin stayed back.

"Go to bed maggot, we have things to discuss and you have a big day tomorrow"

I left the room, I could them laughing as I left.

I lay thinking about my life, what I had done and how I had to tried to get revenge on my masters, but it now felt good to be back here, I enjoyed serving them, I took a lot of satisfaction from it now, my body was theirs and I told myself it was up to them to do what they wanted with me.

I woke early the following morning, prepared coffee and ran up to wake my masters, they were still asleep, so I quietly placed the coffee on the tables next to the bed, they soon woke up.

Master James looked at me sleepily.

Come on maggot, get your head on my dick, I've got a raging boner"

I happily put my head under the covers and started sucking, it felt so good to be back, he came in my mouth quickly, I didn't swallow held his cum there to fully appreciate the taste as long as I could, his dick was still in my mouth.

"Just keep it in your mouth maggot, that feels good"

I knelt with his softening dick resting on my tongue, breathing in his musky scent with my nose in his pubes, and the taste of the cum in my mouth, this was so good, then I heard Master Edward.

"Are you done with him James, my turn now"

I swallowed Master James cum and cleaned of his dick with my tongue and moved around to the other side of the bed to satisfy Master Edward. It felt so good to be back and serving them both.

When he had finished, Master Edward got out of bed.

We've got some new tasks for you now maggot, come in the bathroom with me.

He sat on the toilet and did his business, I stood and waited.

He looked at me.

"Wipe me then!"

I felt disgusted but I got some toilet paper and attended to him, he stood up when I was finished.

"Shave my face"

I followed instructions, I hadn't shaved myself for a year now, not since the hair removal treatment, it was strange doing it for another man.

I kept glancing at us both in the mirror, looking at my hairless body and small dick in comparison to his beautiful slightly hairy body and his big hanging dick, he looked incredible.

"OK now you can soap me down in the shower"

I joined him in the shower, I got splashed my a bit of the water, I gently soaped down his chest then moved down his body I paid a lot of attention to his big hairy dick, then I knelt to wash his legs and feet. He turned around so I could wash his back and ass. When I had finished I towelled him off and he went to the dressing room where I dressed him, I then did the same for Master James. I enjoyed these the extra duties for my Masters and was already looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.

I waited while they ate breakfast, then they took me to the slave center.

This was now a place I was very familiar with. We entered through the main entrance to reception.

Master James went to the receptionist.

"We have him booked in for tattooing, do you know where we take him?"

"The tattoo room is just down this corridor, second door on the left."

I partly felt excited, partly scared, at what they were getting tattooed on me, I would be wearing their mark from now on.

We left reception and I followed Master James and Master Edward down the corridor, the tattooist was waiting for us.

"Hi, the slave can go and lie on that table and we can fill these forms in"

I went and lay on the cold table, I noticed there were straps on each side, I could hear them chatting and completing forms with my Masters, once they were done they came over to me and the tattooist started strapping me down.

"This is going to take a while so I'll just strap him down to prevent him from wriggling about."

Straps went over my legs and torso a few times, pinning my arms by my side and one across my forehead so I could only look up at the ceiling.

The tattooist sat one side and told Master Edward and Master James to pull up a chair on the other side if they wanted to watch, they both did.

"So just across here then"

I felt the tattooist run his fingers across my lower belly, just above where my pubes used to be, I saw Master James lean in.

"Yes, just about there, with 'dick' where his pubes were"

The buzzing of the tattoo gun started and so did the pain.

The three guys just sat chatting about general things while watching the tattoo take shape, all I could see was them looking in the direction of my dick which the tattooist was holding down as it kept popping up trying to rest itself on my belly.

"So I'm guessing you've had him vaccinated so he can't get erect my the look of it and the fact it's looking a bit shrivelled even though it's warm in here."

Master James smiled and nodded

"It's small anyway" he stroked my balls, the three of them chatted about my dick and my inability to get erect as if I wasn't there. I lay there trying to ignore the pain and enjoying the attention my dick was getting.

I don't know how long I had been lying there while they laughed and joked about things, including my dick, but eventually it was finished, the tattooist removed the straps and I saw the size of the lettering for the first time as I raised my head.

Master Edward was staring at it

"That's amazing, it's so clear, stand up maggot and have a look in the mirror."

I stood and faced the full length mirror to the side of the table and looked at 'maggot dick' tattooed across my lower belly in big bold capital letters, there was no fancy font to make it look less obvious, it was very clear. the word maggot was written across my lower belly in a slight curve in black ink, below it where my pubes used to be was the word dick. Master James put his hand on my shoulder and in my reflection I could see the three of them looking at the work.

"That's a great job" Master James said as he shook the tattooists hand.

"That's great isn't it maggot, everyone can see your name now"

It did look very neat, I quite liked it.

We left the tattoo room and went back to reception.

Master Edward went back to the reception desk, then we went down another corridor into a room that looked much more medical.

There was a doctor in scrubs.

This is maggot here for a circumcision.

I thought that they may have changed their minds, now it seemed real, I couldn't help myself.

"Please masters don't do this to me"

I begged and dropped to my knees

"please I beg you"

Master James looked down at me.

"Stop being so pathetic maggot, it's a normal surgical procedure, it will keep that little dick cleaner and it looks better than that ugly foreskin"

I had no choice in the matter, my body belonged to my masters.

The doctor directed me to the operating table and asked my masters

"Do you want him to have a local anaesthetic?"

Master James looked me in the eye.

"They do it in certain cultures as a passage into manhood without an anaesthetic, he can have it as a passage into complete slavery"

I took at deep breath, this was going to hurt, but Master James was right, this was my passage into complete domination.

The doctor strapped my legs to the table at my ankles and thighs, there was also a strap across my waist, chest and arms.

"I need to be certain he won't move while I do it, how tight would you like the circumcision? I can do it so the skin is tight when he is erect or a bit looser"

Master James looked to Master Edward.

"We have control over erections and he doesn't get erect often, so do it as tight as you can, we want the head of that little dick completely exposed even when he's soft, he won't be using an erection anyway"

I saw the doctor reach for a scalpel, then the pain in my dick started, I tried to control my breathing, thankfully he finished quickly, then he cauterised the wound and put a couple of stitches in.

"OK, all done, put some vaseline on it to stop it drying out, keep it clean and don't let him get erect for at least two weeks, I don't need to tell you to make sure he wears loose clothing though do I"

He smiled as he unstrapped me.

I looked down at my dick, he'd put a small bandage on it, the head was poking out.

We left the slave center, I felt more exposed than ever with my bandaged pee pee on display to everyone.

I soon got back into my old routine, once my pee pee had healed I was back in the office and running with the rickshaw, I could see people reading my tattoo as I ran through the streets I felt strangely proud to be a complete slave now.

I liked the look of my new pee pee, it was much tidier and I felt much more naked with the head of it on display at all times, it looked smaller than ever now with the extra length from my foreskin gone, I had been circumcised tight so there was no spare skin even when soft.

I felt my balls were on display more now too, without my foreskin hiding them, they seemed more vulnerable, with my dick resting on them, I liked the feeling. I found I was feeling extremely horny all the time even without a phantom erection as things would touch or brush my dick all the time.

It became routine in the evenings while my Masters relaxed and watched TV for me to kneel next to it with my legs spread and hands behind my back with my head bowed waiting in case they wanted anything, all I could see in my field of vision was my dick as I looked at the floor unable to play with it.

It was about a month since my circumcision when I was in this position when I heard Master James say.

"We should get him some piercings"

This was something I had been expecting and looking forward to since I had been made their permanent Slave.

I heard Master Edward.

"Good idea, we could have more control over him if we could lead him around by a nose or nipple piercings"

I looked up and smiled at my Masters.

"A prince albert through my pee pee may also be useful Masters"

They both looked down at me and smiled, Master James spoke first.

"Now that's a good slave maggot, we could have all sorts of fun with that!"

A few days later we were back at the slave center for my piercings, my masters had decided on a large prince albert and a septum piercing for my nose as well as having my nipples pierced.

The pain was well worth it, the prince albert was large and heavy, I could feel my dick being pulled down by it's weight, together with the circumcision, I was always aware of my position as a slave and it kept be turned on at all times and unable to satisfy myself. The other piercings felt good, I looked and felt like a real slave now.

As the months went by I became ever more subservient to them, I spent a lot of time on my knees now, if they were not using me or I wasn't working I would kneel at the side of the TV, hands behind my back, head down at all times. I never hesitated when told to do anything, it didn't matter I was there to serve and please my masters and that was all I wanted to do no matter the discomfort to me.

The End???

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