From Boss to Slave

By davdar192

Published on Apr 9, 2021


This is an authoritarian story of a desperate man selling himself into slavery to rid himself of his debts and the humiliations he experiences as he accepts his fate.

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The early morning light coming through the window woke me the following day, I had been lying awake on the plastic mattress for some time before I felt the seven taps to my balls, it was a strange feeling, slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. I jumped from the bed, and had a quick shower. Within a few minutes I was in the kitchen making two espresso's, once they were done I quickly went upstairs and gently knocked on my Masters bedroom door.

I heard a groggy.

"Come in"

I went in the dimly lit room and placed a coffee on each bedside table, then stepped back and held the timid position, I felt proud of my achievement already today, I was feeling very submissive and very horny today.

Ed stretched and yawned.

"I need a piss" as he swung his legs out of the bed and sat on the edge, I could see he was naked but only from the side so I couldn't see his dick.

"On your hands and knees and crawl over here maggot"

I was excited, I was finally going to see him naked, I quickly got down on my hands and knees and crawled over to him with my head down, when I was in front of him he gave the order.


I looked up at his naked body, he had a sprinkling of hair across his broad chest which led down in a treasure trail to his thick dark pubes, below them lay a big circumcised cock, it was soft but I would guess it was still 6 inches, his balls hung over the edge of the mattress.

He lifted his weighty cock up.

"Hurry up, but this in your mouth, I'm desperate for a pee."

I opened my mouth, now he was really showing his domination over me, I was looking forward to feeling his cock in my mouth, I leant forward and softly closed my lips around the head of his penis, seconds later the warm liquid filled my mouth, I started gulping it down, his first piss of the day, it tasted strong. I had to regulate my breathing so I wouldn't choke, I wanted to look up at him as I swallowed his piss, but the angle of my neck wouldn't let me if I wanted to not spill any. I realised now that I was naked on my knees drinking my younger ex employees piss straight from his dick just how far I had fallen, and part of me was enjoying it.

"Well done maggot" as he pulled his dick out of my mouth, I actually felt proud I hadn't gagged or spilt any.

James stirred

"Come round here maggot, I need a piss too"

I didn't need asking twice, I crawled around the bed quickly and knelt before Master James just as he swung his legs out to sit on the edge of the bed. Master James had a thick dark hairy chest, he had very pale skin and his nipples poked out of the thick carpet, he also had a thick coating of hair down his belly leading to the bushy pubes and another similar sized cock, he was again easily 6 inches soft and uncut, his big hairy balls were resting on the mattress. I thought about what was dangling between my legs, just over 1.5 inches and hairless, it would have made a comical comparison.

He lifted his dick and I leant forward to take it in my mouth, I gulped down another bladder full of strong tasting piss, my stomach was feeling bloated, when he finished I sucked off every last drop. I could feel his dick growing in my mouth.

"Stay where you are maggot, I think I've got something else for you"

Yes!! I thought in my head, he's going to let me suck him off. I felt his cock getting bigger in my mouth until it was filled, he took hold of each side of my head and started pulling it back and forth, sliding himself down my throat. I got into the rhythm as he let go of my head and I sucked like crazy.

My cock felt as though it was rock hard and ready to cum, my balls were aching full of cum desperate to be released, but I knew if I reached down to touch it the feeling would go, and I didn't want to loose that feeling so I reached in and stroked his balls for him. After a couple of minutes he let out a groan and grabbed the back of my head and forced it down onto his dick, my nose was pushed hard into his pubes and his balls were on my chin as he filled my throat I felt the muscles contracting at the base of his cock with my bottom lip as he pumped his load straight down my throat.

I pulled my mouth off him and his huge wet semi erect cock swung out, he lifted his legs back into the bed and finished his coffee, I knelt were I was with my head bowed, I could see the end of my dick was wet with precum, I was disappointed as he'd cum straight down my throat I didn't get to taste it.

Ed had been watching with interest.

"Get back around here maggot, I need some of that too."

James looked to Ed.

"I'm getting up now, I need to get this maggot spit of my cock"

He left me to suck off Master Edward.

Master Edward got out of bed and stood up as I knelt in front of him, he was already hard, easily 8 inches which was twice my size when I was hard.

"Open wide maggot"

I opened my mouth and let him slip inside, he slowly started to thrust his hips while holding the back of my head. He was thrusting deep down my throat, I looked up at his body and could see his stomach muscles contracting. I'd had the hots for him since I'd interviewed him and here I was naked on my knees being face fucked. It was incredible and belittling at the same time, all the times I'd had to reprimand him and here I was with his cock in my mouth. Suddenly I felt him tense and he started pumping his load with a groan into my mouth filling it.

"Hold it in your mouth, don't swallow yet"

Once he finished he took his cock out.

"Open up, I want to see my cum in your maggot mouth"

I looked up and opened up wide so he could see his cum, he looked down at me.

"Swallow now you pathetic maggot dick"

I swallowed the lot in one gulp and stayed on my knees, my dick still felt rock hard as James came out of the bathroom wearing a thick white bathrobe.

"Come on Ed, get moving we need to get going if we don't want to be late for this training session. Maggot, get in the dressing room and dress me"

Ed went into the bathroom as I crawled behind James with the taste of Master Edwards cum in my mouth.

He stood in the centre of the room

"I'll have the Black and Gold Versace shirt and a pair of black jeans today, you can select the under wear and socks."

I started to rummage through the clothes and found the desired items quickly, everything was in colour order so it made it easy.

I moved over to him and he dropped the robe revealing his splendid body, I wanted to suck that magnificent cock again. I still felt like I was hard, but I knew he had been satisfied. I knelt down in front of him and held out his underwear for him to step into, as I pulled them up, I held them out so they would cup his huge dick and balls, he smelt incredible from the shower gel he had used. I fully dressed him as he stood and let me, as I buttoned up his shirt he looked down at my dick.

"look at that little pee pee, I bet you feel more embarrassed being naked in front of us now you've seen what we are packing?"

I answered truthfully.

"Yes Master James I do, you both have really big cocks compared to me"

Master James laughed as he looked down at my pee pee.

"Yes we do, but you are unusually small. Who would have thought just over a year ago you were shouting at us on almost a daily basis and now you stand here naked, hairless, unable to get your little dick hard and you've just drank our piss and sucked us off."

"Yes Master James, it's an interesting situation."

"Is most certainly is"

He looked down at my dick again.

"Is that precum leaking from your dick maggot? have you been enjoying this"

Master Edward came out of the bathroom.

"Look at this Ed, maggot is leaking precum from his pee pee."

Ed took a closer look at me. and chuckled.

"So he has, he must have been enjoying my dick a lot, make sure you don't get any on my clothes when you dress me maggot dick"

James left to get breakfast while I dressed Ed.

"It must be really embarrassing for you standing there naked with your little hairless dick exposed while you dress me in my nice clothes"

"Yes Master Edward, it is"

"Good, you deserve it, you used to stomp around that bank like you owned the place, now I own you, how funny that is"

I looked down.

"Yes Master Edward," I felt ashamed, I had finished dressing him and stood in front of him.

"You even drank my piss this morning, I think that should be a regular event, you seemed to enjoy it maggot"

I had done, but I didn't want to show it, although by balls had let me down and produced some precum.

"Now make the bed and tidy the bathroom then come and wait for us to finish our breakfast in the kitchen."

I made the bed and tidied the bathroom, putting the towels neatly on the towel rail. I caught a glimpse of what I had between my legs in the bathroom mirror, it looked even more pathetic now I had seen their big erect hairy cocks. When I had finished, I ran downstairs to the kitchen, I went in and assumed the timid position awaiting further instructions.

Master Edward and Master James were at the table eating breakfast, they didn't even acknowledge me, once they had finished they both got up, Master Edward looked in my direction.

"Put the dishes in the dishwasher then come out and get in the car"

I hurried to put the dishes away and followed them out to the car, they were in the white Mercedes this time, so I jumped in the back and put the seatbelt on, I was worried, they were taking me to the punishment training session.

After about twenty minutes I realised I was correct, we were now on a familiar road that I had only travelled down a few days earlier as a free man.

We pulled into the parking and got out of the car, I felt the humiliation again as I walked naked behind them with my head bowed and hands behind my back, I followed them into the reception area, where there was a board listing the days training events and the rooms they would take place in. There were four sessions each of 'positions training', 'punishment training', 'obedience training', 'how to humiliate your slave' and 'Slave sex positions'. I was hoping we wouldn't be attending any more.

We headed to the room for punishment training, we arrived just in time for the training to begin. There were seven other slaves all stood naked at the front of the room, some still had their body hair, most of them looked to have free penises, one was in a chastity cage.

10 free men sat in the three rows of chairs facing the room facing them, the slave handler who I hadn't seen before ushered Master Edward and Master James into the room.

"Come in gentlemen, take a seat, your slave can stand at the front with the others."

I realised I didn't like to be around other naked slaves, I ended up comparing myself with them, and these all seemed to be bigger apart from one that looked a similar size to me. Once my Masters had taken their seats, the handler continued.

"Gentlemen, today we will be helping you get the most from your slaves through punishment, this session is for you and we will be using them as examples for you, we will mainly be giving you ideas on how to get the most out of positioning your slave, how you make him feel and the use of the different tools available to you"

"We will start with the simplest and easiest punishment tool which is the control beads, can I see a round of hands for anyone that has these installed in their slave"

My masters put up their hands as did quite a few of the other masters"

"Has everyone had the chance to use these"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"OK we don't need to demonstrate these today, they are an easy quick way to punish a slave but I prefer more traditional methods, the beads don't give the slave any learning experience and don't give the humiliation other methods do"

I felt a collective sigh of relief from 5 of the slaves, clearly the ones with them installed!

"So we will make a start with positions, the position you have your slave in for punishment is very important. Does anyone want to volunteer their slave as my first example?"

Everyone put their hands up.

"Excellent, I'll give all your slaves a turn at being my demo then, we'll just take this one first" he said with a smile as he took a chubby slave from the line up, he had a bit of a belly and didn't look very fit, but he was quite good looking, he had a slightly above average dick though and still had pubic hair although it looked to be trimmed.

He turned the slave around so he had his back to the audience but was facing us, he looked scared as the handler took a short leather strap from the box to his side.

"Bend over and hold your ankles"

He complied immediately.

"This position is a good starter for spanking, he is feeling humiliation already before I even start, his ass hole, dick and balls are on display and he knows it."

He gave the slave a light tap on the on the buttock with the strap.

"On your knees slave, forehead on the floor and hands behind your head"

The slave quickly complied, I looked at him and realised how pathetic he looked.

"In this position he is more prone, the skin on his ass is taught, and his balls are hanging below, so you can inflict more pain in this position to his buttocks and back, you can also straddle him or even sit on his back to keep him in position"

The handler stood with a leg on each side of the slave and sat down as if riding a horse backwards, he gave a hard few thwacks with the strap, the slave flinched but there was nothing he could do to escape.

The handler then pulled out a chair, the slave was still on the floor.

"bend over my knee slave"

He dutifully complied.

"This is one of the more humiliating positions for a slave, and it also gives you excellent access to his buttocks with a natural swing to your arm."

He gave a couple of swipes to the slaves buttocks to demonstrate, he then continued to show different positions with him seated. The slave was face down with his legs either side of the handler in a wheelbarrow position, which gave the handler access to use both hands or two straps. There was a position where the slave started lying on the floor, facing up and his head slightly under the chair, then had to raise his legs up and under the handlers arms so his ass was exposed, that one look particularly uncomfortable and humiliating, but again gave the handler access with both hands to punish the slaves buttocks.

Once the handler had finished demonstrating several positions he sent the slave back into the line up, he seemed relieved as he re-joined us.

"Next we need a slave who can get erect, is there a slave I can't use for this demo?"

Master Edward and Master James raised their hands, Master James pointed to me.

"Ours can't he had the vaccine as he was getting too many erections"

The handler looked to me.

"I can see why you would want to prevent that, I'm sure it wouldn't be much use hard anyway"

I felt my skin flush red as as he grabbed another of the slaves, he had darker skin great pecs and a good size penis, he was shaved, his skin shone under the lights above us. the handler moved him forward, he had his back to me and unfortunately I was unable to see his dick.

"Can you get erect or do you need assistance"

I saw the slave reach his right hand forward and take few strokes, the handler looked down.

"That's very impressive, so quick, well done"

"Gentlemen, you see before you an nice erect penis, the penis is a very sensitive organ and easily used to punish a slave, you can do this with a soft penis but erect is much better."

I saw the handler bring down the leather strap in his hand and hear a slap and a scream from the slave.

"See how easy that is? We have lots of tools in the box for this type of punishment,"

He took out a small whip with lots of leather cords attached to it and bought it down with another slap, the slave screamed again.

"The penis is much easier to punish than the balls, you can cause permanent damage to those, so take care unless you are using the control beads. You can however beat the penis much more, although never use anything hard on it."

He finished with the slave and sent him back to the line up, when he turned around I saw he was still hard, his dick was bright red. The handler grabbed me by the upper arm and pulled me forward.

"The next area of punishment we are going to look at is restraint, we won't be going into as much detail as the restraint workshop but just giving you a general overview today"

He reached into the box and pulled out a leather collar and four cuffs, the collar had four D rings on it and the cuffs had one each.

"These restraints are useful to quickly immobilise your slave, and are comfortable enough for you to leave on at all times"

He said this as he fastened them on me, then reached into the box and pulled out a ball stretcher with a loop on either side, he coaxed out my balls and pulled them down hard to attach it, as the skin was pulled my foreskin retracted exposing my pale pink glans.

He reached back into the box and pulled out three lengths of chain, two were short and one was slightly longer, He bent down and attached one of the short lengths to each ankle cuff, the walked behind me, pulled my arms back and attached the other short one to my wrist cuffs, then attached one end of the longer chain to the ball stretcher, he held the other end and stood back to admire his work.

"With the cuffs attached, we can restrain the slave in seconds, he is now almost completely immobile"

He tugged on the chain and my dick bobbed a couple of times, he then moved over to the chair and sat down, then pulled on the chain.

"Get over my knee"

I shuffled over with tiny steps, the biggest steps I could take, my dick bobbed along as I moved then I collapsed across his lap without my arms to ease me, has I fell forward, he allowed the chain to become loose but then put his foot in the loop hanging down and pulled to trap it under his foot, I could feel it pulling on my balls.

"There we go gentlemen, I have this slave unable to move and I'm not even holding him down I can spank as much as I like with my hand, a cane or a paddle"

He demonstrated with several quick whacks to each buttock with the leather strap, I couldn't move unless I wanted to cause a lot of pain to my balls, all I could do was whimper.

"You can use these simple restraints in many positions to keep your slave in position to prevent him moving and injuring himself, the ball stretchers are also useful just to lead him around and remind him who is in charge"

He stood me up again.

"Get back in line"

He left me tied up so I turned around and shuffled to the line, I saw one of the other slaves giggle, I couldn't blame him, I must have looked funny, I turned around and faced the audience.

The next five slaves all experienced different punishment tools, the cane, the electric whip, a riding crop, a belt and a long paddle with holes in it. He included instructions on how to use them to the maximum effect.

The session quickly finished after that and everyone filed out of the room, I was left there with my Masters while the handler removed my restraints.

We left the room and walked down the corridor to reception, it was busy as another auction was about to start. We left the building with Master James and Master Edward chatting about the training and how it had given them some good ideas, I hung my head in shame as we walked to the car.

To be continued.......

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Next: Chapter 7

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