From Dusk Til Dawn

By Dawn Savage

Published on Nov 5, 2006


One week has passed since Dawn and her father had moved away. I felt so lonely without her. My heart was crying out for a little bit of love but in vain. I knew that she wouldn't come back - ever. I had to think about what had happened to her on the last day that I've seen her and how it must have felt for her. So many questions were coursing through my mind again but I will never find an answer to only one of them.

I was lying on my bed, staring out the window. Dawn's room was empty, nothing left there to remind me of her. I knew I had to do something. I just couldn't let the sorrow eating me up from inside so I decided to take a walk in the nearby park. It was a beautiful sunny day and I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. When I arrived in the park I had to see that it was full of people. I did not want to have all those people around me so I turned left and walked to a place where Dawn and I used to play when we were children. You had to go through the forest and then you come to a clearing with a small lake. We loved to play in the water and get dripping wet from head to toe. The thought made me smile. I was glad to see that there was no one else but me. I sat down in the shadow of a big tree because the sun was really hot that day. As I looked at the reflexion of the sun in the water of the lake I felt the urge to jump in there so I took off my clothes and hopped into the water. I was swimming for a while until I heard someone jump into the water behind me. I turned around but couldn't see anybody so I continued to swim.

All of a sudden Mark appeared out of the water in front of me and gave me a long kiss on the mouth. I was too surprised to react right away but when he stopped kissing me I pushed him away. I got out of the water and he followed me to my place under the tree. "No hello?" he asked. "Hey!" He lay down next to me and had one arm around my still naked body. He was naked as well and I could feel his cock poking at my side. "I was worried. I didn't know what happened to you after we left the party," he said as he ran his hand down my stomach to my dick. I turned around and he started kissing my neck while his fingers wandered down my spine, makind me shiver. Soon I felt them on my ass and he spread my cheeks and circled a finger around my asshole. I made no protest as he slid his middle finger into my boypussy and started fingering me. It felt so nice and I let him finger me for as long as he wanted. He held me close as he buried a second finger in my tight hole, whispering naughty things into my ear which turned me on even more. Then he told me to suck his cock to get it wet for my ass. I dove between his legs in seconds and took the whole shaft down my throat at once. I started swirling my tongue along the length and had his dick hard in no time. Even though I wanted to be have his cock in me I sucked more and more. Mark had bent his head back and moaned as I slurped on his iron hard meat. Not wanting him to cum in my mouth I stopped sucking and got on my hands and knees, shaking my ass a little. My loverboy got the hint and knelt behind me, his cockhead pointing at my entry. I held my cheeks open with one hand and he needed no further encouragement as he impaled me with his fuckpole. I clenched my teeth as he pushed into me hard. Although he fucked me before I was still very tight and his hard thrusts hurt me. He must have sensed that because he slowed down and got more gentle. He was even kissing my neck and shoulders and I started to enjoy the sex. When I got used to the intruder in my anus he screwed me faster and also a bit harder. I was moaning in his mouth as we were making out. After about 20 minutes I heard footsteps from afar and panicked. I didn't want to be caught by anyone while I was having sex with a man. Of course, nowadays a homosexual man is accepted in society but it could be one of the guys from school and they would make all kinds of jokes and don't know what. "Stop, Mark! Somebody's coming!" "Yea, it is I and now relax baby," he said and screamed out as he shot his load into me.I wiggled my ass, trying to get him out of my ass but he held me by my hips and stayed in me until he was finished. The footsteps were very near now and he eventually heard them too. We quickly grabbed our pants and pulled them up our legs before lying back on the blanket I brought along. Just at that moment a young couple appeared from the forest, arm in arm. They smiled at us when our eyes met and we smiled back. We watched them as they spread out a big blanket and sat down on it. Then they took off their clothes. The girl was wearing a pink bikini which wasn't covering a lot but she had a wonderful body and it looked good on her. Her boyfriend stripped to his shorts and then they lay down on the blanket. The body of the girl was nice but the guy's body was just amazing. I assumed he was bodybuilder or at least working out a lot. My penis got hard at the sight and Mark noticed that because he put his hand into my pants and stroked my dick. I wanted to fuck the girl's ass while having the guy's pole in my asshole. Mark let go off my hard rod as they got up and walked to the water. They dove into the cold liquid and swam for a good hour. Their skin was glistening in the sun as they got out and lay back on the blanket. The guy had his muscular arms around the body of the girl and they were kissing gently and passionately. It seemed they forgot about us because they started undressing each other until they were both stark naked like the day they were born. The sight was so hot and turned me on. And so did it with Mark who had his boxers around his ankles and was wanking his erection. "Mark! Let's go. From over there we got a better view of the show," I whispered, pointing at the forest. "It's also safer and we won't get caught by the couple." Mark nodded and we quickly grabbed our stuff and headed into the forest. We found a place from where we could watch the show without getting caught. Meanwhile the guy had placed himself on top of his girl who had her legs spread for him. His cock must have been eight inches long and was really hard. The girl moaned as he sunk the length into her and began thrusting hard and fast. I envied girl and boy equally. The girl because she could feel this cock in her and the guy because he could fuck this nice pussy. "I have to get there," I told Mark. "Are you kidding me? You can't just walk over to them and join in." He pulled me back. "Why not?" I jumped up and this time Mark couldn't react fast enough and I was running over to the couple. They switched positions and the girl was on top, riding her man. I got behind the girl and watched his dick disappear in her wet cunt and then reappear. The smell of sex was nestling in my nose and got me more aroused. I spread the cheeks of the girl and licked my finger before I pushed it into her. She tried to get away but in vain, I fucked her tight ass with my finger slowly. Her muscles clamped down on my finger and I got faster. Obviously starting to like the feeling she stopped struggling and pushed back against my finger. Adding a second finger into her I stretched her hole wider. I could feel the dick sliding in and out of her pussy. My dick was still rock hard and I needed to release my load so I pushed the girl's head down until she fell on her hands. I walked to her front and pushed my cock against her lips, telling her to get it wet. She obeyed, her tongue dancing happily around the shaft. I shuddered as the guy licked my asshole. He stuck his tongue deep into me. I wanted to stop him but it felt so good. Finally he stopped licking and I went to stand behind the girl. I pushed the head against her entrance and it went in with a pop. I shoved my dick deeper into her until I met resistance. Not quite half of my dick was in her so I tried to go in deeper. She cried out as I pushed more of my fuckpole into her. I had my hands on her shoulders as I forced the last inches into her tight hole. Then I fucked her slowly, letting her get used to the huge intruder in her ass. The guy was fucking her harder and I adjusted my thrusts to his. All too soon I felt that I was reaching the point of no return but I couldn't slow down and pumped my cum into her with vigor. A minute later her pussy was filled with another load of hot semen which sent her over the edge. I felt her ass muscles tighten around my dick as it was still buried deep in her. It took some time until we all relaxed and I withdrew. I found out that their names were Andy and Amanda. We decided to jump into the water and get cleaned up. When we were done I told them that I had to go and said that we should meet up again there sometime. I dried myself and put on my shorts, then I walked back to our hideout. Mark was gone but his clothes were still there. I found it odd but gathered up the clothes and left for home. I felt satisfied and was humming on my way back home. But I didn't understand why Mark left without telling me. How should I give him back his stuff if I don't know where he lives? Nevermind, I would see him at school soon enough.

As I approached our house a big truck was standing in front of our house and some guys were talking with my mother. "Hey, mom! What's going on here? We're moving?" I asked as I approached them. My mom walked over to me "No, don't worry. The new neighbors are moving in today." New neighbors, eh? I wondered who it could be. A few minutes later a black limousine stopped in front of the house. The driver got out of it and opened the door and out stepped a beautiful lady with long, black, curly hair. Kinda like Dawn, just with black hair. Her dress was extremely short and low-necked. The nipples were clearly visible under the thin fabric. She took off the shades and looked over at us. Her eyes were as green as poison. Dangerous yet attractive. The pink lipstick emphasized her voluptuous lips and her smile could melt ice. "Hi! We're the new neighbors, my name's Lynn. Nice to meet you," she said with a smile. My mom introduced us. In the meantime a young lad had gotten out of the car. "May I introduce my boyfriend, Brian, to you?" He kissed my mother's hand and then glared at me. Gosh, what was wrong with him? I didn't do anything. I turned around and went into our house. >From the kitchen window I could see the couple talking with my mother. My sister was in the kitchen as well and stood next to me. "Who's that?" "The new neighbors." "I don't like the guy. He looks unfriendly," she said. "Yea, be careful when you meet him alone. Don't say anything that could make him angry." "I'm not planning to meet him at any time," she said. I put my arm around her shoulder and smiled at her. She smiled back and leaned against my shoulder. "Do you think dad is missing us?" she asked. "I don't know. I just know that I miss him." "Me too. I hope we'll meet him soon." I smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead before I left the room and went outside again. When Lynn saw me she walked over to me. "Hey, hope my boyfriend did not scare you off. He's very jealous sometimes. Please accept my apologies." "Not at all. I merely didn't want a fight, that's all." "Good good. Maybe he thought you could be a rival and I've got to say that you're a really handsome, young man," Lynn said with a wink. I blushed a little but then we were interrupted by her stupid friend who had this threatening look in his eyes again. If looks could kill I would have died right there. They walked into the house, followed by the guys who came with the truck.

I stood there a while longer, hoping Lynn would come back out but then I chose to go into the house. Upon entering I saw Mark's bag in a corner of the kitchen. I had to bring it back to him. I searched the back for an address, but all I found was his cell phone. 'Hmm, good enough.' I looked through the address book and found his phone number so I dialed it. "Mark Aaron, hello?" "Hey, Mark. This is Damien. I found this number in your cell phone. You forgot your stuff in the park earlier." "Oh, thanks for telling me. Can you bring 'em over?" He gave me the address and I was on my way. It was already getting dark, but I did not attempt to hurry, I enjoyed the walk and the light wind blowing through my hair. As Mark's house came into sight it was really dark outside and I wished I had driven with the car instead of walk here. I climbed the stairs and waited. A few minutes later I heard footsteps and then Mark opened the door. "Hey, buddy. Come on in." I entered and closed the door behind me. Mark led me into the living room and I put his bag on the couch. He was sat on another couch and looked over at me as I sat down as well. "Do you want a beer? he asked. "No, thanks. I will be on my way back home soon anyway." He looked outside, then back at me. "You sure, man? It's already dark and you do not plan to go back home alone, do ya?" I nodded and he rushed over and sat next to me. "You're crazy. You have no idea what kind of freaks are wandering the streets when it's dark. They'd kill you!!" Mark told me, then added "You can stay here tonight." He had this sparkle in his eyes as he said that. Well, maybe he was right. It wouldn't kill me if I stayed here. "And where are your parents?" "That's my house. As my dad moved away he said I could have it." Wow, what a generous father, wished mine was a bit like that too. Just a bit. Mark stood up and took me by the hand, then said "I'll show you where you will sleep tonight." I followed him as he walked me downstairs to the basement and I expected to get an old dirty room with the washing machine in there which was running all night so I couldn't sleep. He took a key from a hook and unlocked the door and we went inside. Now that was a really nice room. There was only one small window with white curtains but the room was pretty big. In fact, everything in this room seemed to be king size. A water bed was placed in a corner of the room and had nice red, silky sheets and bedclothes on it. A flat tv screen was hung on the wall in front of the bed. Then there was a desk standing under the window and lots of pictures were hanging on the blackboard above the desk. The dim light made me feel as if I was at the set to a porno movie. "You like it?" Mark smiled at me and I nodded. "Good, I will just get you something to put on." And gone was he. I sat on the chair which was standing by the desk and had a closer look at the photos. There was Mark and his friends and also a few dogs which, I assumed, were his. One photo showed him and Dawn at a party. They were standing arm in arm, smiling at the camera, having a good time. Tears filled my eyes and I ran my fingers over the picture. 'Dawn...' "Hey, everything okay?" I turned my head and saw Mark standing in the door frame, holding some clothes in his arm. "They should fit. You look like you've got the same size." He placed the clothes on the bed and came over to me. He looked worried. "Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm alright," I said but he raised one eyebrow. I sighed. "I'm missing Dawn, that's all." He grabbed another chair and sat down next to me. Putting an arm on my shoulder he pulled me closer and said "Hey, that's okay, I miss her too but I'm sure she is fine where she is now." I lowered my head because I didn't want Mark to see the tears. "Maybe you should rest, Damien," Mark said and led me to the bed. I lay down on my side, my back towards Mark and I closed my eyes. Then he told me to move over and lay behind me. Putting his arms through mine he pulled me close and cuddled with me. I welcomed this kind of comfort. Everything that made me forget Dawn for a while was appreciated. And Mark knew exactly how to make sure of that because he started stroking my body, ran his hands under my t-shirt to let his fingers glide over my abs. He planted kisses on my neck and his hand moved into my jeans, grabbing my dick and moving his hand up and down the shaft. I moaned and felt myself getting aroused as he touched me. When he nibbled my ear he whispered "I want!" My body was pressed against his and I could feel his dick poking at his pants, trying to find a way out. His hands undid the button on my trousers and then he lowered the zip. Then they were pulled over my ass alongside my boxers and he quickly dragged his pants and boxers down also. I was then led over to the desk and I was to lie down on it on my back which I did. Mark raised my legs so they were on his shoulders and opened a drawer. I couldn't see what he was doing but then I felt him probing my tender hole with his fingers, smearing lubrication all around it. After that he put the lube back into the drawer before smiling at me. "Okay, relax now baby," he said as he pressed his cockhead against my asshole. I could feel my hole stretch to let his big shaft enter and I cringed as it sank into me. I wasn't a virgin anymore but his cock seemed to be bigger or maybe I wasn't prepared for him. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain but Mark kept shoving until the whole shaft was buried deep inside me. I cried out and told him to take it out but he just smiled and played with my hair. I shook my ass, trying to get him out of me but he held me in a tight grip and then he started thrusting. I have never felt so much pain but Mark didn't seem to care and pumped my ass with long strokes. Over the next minutes the pain decreased and was replaced by pleasure and I really started to enjoy his cock in my ass. Mark too seemed to enjoy it. Maybe too much because all too soon he emptied his balls deep inside me but he kept thrusting. I thought he would want to cum in me again but then he pulled his softening cock out and pulled his boxers up. His cum was dripping from my ass and I could feel it run down my crack. My body was shaking and my knees were wobbly as I tried to walk over to the bed. With my last ounce of strength I made it there and fell down on it like a stone. The last thing I remember was that Mark cleaned my ass with a wet towel. Then sleep took over.

I awoke in a cold, dark chamber. My arms were chained to the wall but my legs were free. There was only one small window and I could see the moon hanging on the sky. My eyes searched the room but I couldn't see where I was. Suddenly I heard a sound, it was sobbing. "Who is there?" I whispered. "Ah, he's awake." Okay, I wasn't alone but where the hell was I? The lights turned on but it was so bright it hurt my eyes. As my eyes accommodated to the light I could make out the contours of two people and a bed-like construction in the middle of the room. There was someone lying on top of it, tied up and gagged. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them again I could see clearer. To my dismay I saw Dawn lying on the construction. She was completely naked and her legs were spread. Tears were filling her eyes and when she looked at me she started struggling. One of the kidnappers took off their mask. It was Mr.Leigh, Dawn's father. Now it was time for the other person to take off theirs too and a beautiful young lady with red hair appeared. With small steps she walked over to me, then she cupped my head in her hand and lifted it until it was on eye level with hers. "What a handsome young man we got here," she said and I pulled away from her. She only smiled briefly, then walked back to Dawn and her dad. One of her hands was running through Dawn's hair and she kissed her cheek whereupon Dawn started to cry. I pulled on the chains, yelling. The young woman gave me a smile before she went to stand between Dawn's spread legs, then she removed the long, black robe which she and Dawn's father were wearing. So did her accomplice. Both of them were naked underneath and Dawn's father's dick was already standing hard. It was moving up and down as he approached his beautiful daughter's face and pushed the tip against her lips. She shook her head but her dad grabbed her head and forced his tool down her throat as deep as it will go, making her choke but he didn't care as he started to ease it in and out of her mouth. I was so fixated on watching that fat cock entering her mouth that I didn't notice the woman had put a huge strap-on around herself which was glistening in the bright light. With one of her hand she raised Dawn's legs and put them on her shoulders and with the other she guided the strap-on between Dawn's buttcheeks. A loud scream broke the silence. It was Dawn's as she felt the thick shaft stretch her tiny hole and she tried to get away but the woman had a firm grip on her. The toy plunged in and out of her, stretching her wider. Dawn's screams were silenced by her dad as he pushed his meat into her mouth again. Together they fucked her holes in a steady rhythm and I was disgusted by the fact that my penis got harder by looking at the scene. The woman looked over at me and grinned as she saw the bulge in my pants. Mr. Leigh saw it too and walked over to me, opened the chains me and dragged me over to the construction in the middle of the room. He was very strong so my struggling was in vain. They positioned me on top of Dawn in a 69 position and secured me in place with ropes which they tied around my wrists and ankles. The sweet aroma of Dawn's pussy nestled in my nostrils and made my cock grow to its maximum. The woman went behind me and pulled my jeans and boxers down in one go, freeing my rock hard cock which was then inserted in Dawn's mouth. She choked at the size and I wanted to pull out of her but the ropes kept me in place. Next I felt the woman grease up my ass and she also stuck two fingers inside me which made me groan. She fingered my asshole for a few minutes before she withdrew them and Mr. Leigh took her place. His cock was still hard and I knew what was about to come. He pulled my cheeks apart and in the next moment I felt my anus open up to let the fat cockhead in...

I screamed out as I awoke from that nightmare, bathed in sweat. Mark was lying beside me, still sleeping. It was still dark outside but I had to go home so I got dressed and wrote a message for Mark before I left. As I walked down the streets I had to think about last night's dream. The longer I thought about it the clearer it got that I needed Dawn with me. Just as the sun began to rise I reached my home. It was 7 o' clock in the morning and everyone was still sleeping so I made sure to keep quiet as I walked up into my room. The first thing I did when I arrived there was grabbing a chair and sitting in front of the window. A smile spread across my face as I recalled the moments Dawn and I had spent talking here. For a moment I hoped that the curtains would part and Dawn would appear. But that didn't happen. A few minutes later I lay on my bed and dozed off. I didn't wake up before 9am. It was silent as I walked downstairs into the kitchen. I found out why when I found a piece of paper on the kitchen table. My mom had gone out with my sister and they wouldn't be back until the late evening. So there I was on a Saturday morning, no plans, nowhere to go. I looked outside the kitchen window and as I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans I came across a post-it. I unfolded it and there was a number and 'Call me' written on it. Of course, that was Cindy's number. Now I knew what I could do that day. Shaking I picked up the receiver and dialed the number. "Here at Johnson's!" A female voice answered but it wasn't Cindy's. "Errm...hello, m-my na-name is D-Da-Damien," I paused and cleared my throat. "Sorry about that. Could I please talk to Cindy?" "Just a minute sir," said the woman and then there was silence for a moment. What was I going to tell her? 'Hey, I wondered if you wanna go out with me?' Nah... "Hello Damien," I heard Cindy say. "Oh hey hey, Cindy. How are you? I found your number in my pocket and thought I call ya. Wondered if we could meet again. You know for a drink or so." "Sounds great. You wanna come here?" I was perplexed but agreed so she told me the way and soon after I was sitting in mom's car (thank god she didn't take it that day).

It was a long drive until I turned into the street where she lived. As she explained I drove to the end of the street. Last house on the left she said and I couldn't believe my eyes as it came into sight. It was one hell of a big house. It seemed to me that this old man was a multi-millionaire. I parked the car near the gate, not wanting anybody to suspect me of having something forbidden in mind. In fact, I didn't have but you never know what kinds of people are living there. Anyway, I was walking to the front door, my eyes wandering around the big area. 'Nice place!' I thought. A few round flower beds here, two big fountains there and a couple of expensive cars in front of the mansion. It took me a good five minutes to reach the front door. Upon reaching the top of the endless stairs (I counted 50 steps) I knocked on the big door. You could call it a portal it was that big. I heard the echo of high heels hitting the ground as someone approached the door. A moment later Cindy stood in the door frame and greeted me with a smile. "Hey, come one in, Damien!" I nodded and then the door closed behind us.

To be continued...

Have you got anything to tell? Questions about the story? Criticism maybe? Feel free to mail me at Thank you! :)

Next: Chapter 3

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