From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Feb 20, 2023


From Foot Fun to Master

"Dr. Beasley Visits Master"

Life went on as usual in the week since Master returned from his latest trip to the Chicago office. He stayed home over the weekend and rested while I completed my usual weekend responsibilities. For the careless incident involving my collar slipping out of my shirt, I received very hard spankings on Saturday and Sunday with the little available time I had left at the end of both days spent in Corner Time.

The week flew by and Saturday morning quickly arrived. Master's plans for the weekend included playing volleyball with his friends, working out at the gym, spending time in the pool, and having Peter sleep over on Saturday night. Of course, the weekend for me would include my usual chores, along with washing and waxing Master's car. He left a voice mail with Peter to see if he could spend the night, and if so, I would be preparing a special meal for the two of them.

After serving Master breakfast in bed, he then moved to the loveseat in his bedroom and rested his feet on my crotch, so I could quickly trim his toenails. While I was secretly hoping he would allow me the honor of licking the emery board residue off his toes or maybe also sucking his toes, after my recent punishment, I knew I had to work my way back up in his good graces to earn either one of these privileges. While rubbing lotion on his feet, the house phone rang. Master picked it up and read the caller ID out loud: "Tom Beasley."

Wow! Professor Beasley calling Master. Although I hardly saw Randy this past week, I knew he was planning on talking to the professor about the two of them beginning a Master/slave relationship. I continued his foot massage while listening to the conversation. During the two brief conversations I had with Randy during the week, all he talked about was how excited he was in wanting to become a property and a slave just like me.

"That'll be fine. I have a volleyball game in about an hour, but I'll be home right after, and I look forward to meeting you; so around 1:00 o'clock will be fine. And Tom, I hope this works out for the two of you." They spoke about a minute longer, and then Master gave me the phone to put back in the phone rest to recharge.

For Randy's sake, I was hoping his fantasy had already become his reality. Master did not share any information with me as I dressed him in his athletic clothes. He left for his volleyball game about ten minutes later, and I left shortly after to do the week's grocery shopping and run a few other errands. I was home by 11:15 and began my household chores. It would be a busier than usual weekend for me.

Master got home at 12:40 and quickly showered. I then dressed him in a pair of navy blue shorts, blue silk underwear, a tan long sleve polo shirt, and his favorite slides. He then went into his office to wait for his company while I continued doing the housework.

At 1:07, the doorbell rang, and I welcomed Professor Beasley inside Master's home. Master was standing directly behind me to welcome his guest. The two extremely handsome men shook hands. Dr. Beasley is in his mid thirties, about an inch shorter than Master, has beautiful brown wavy hair, blue eyes, and an olive complexion. He was also wearing blue jeans, a white polo shirt and flip- flops. Master, in my opinion, is the smartest, most handsome and the sexiest man in the world, but Professor Beasley would also make the list of the world's most beautiful men. Being in the presence of these two Superior men could definitely make any slave feel even more inferior than he already is.

"It's great meeting you, Tom. Welcome to my home."

"Thank you, Brian. Randy has spoken so highly of you from conversations he's had with your slave; it's nice meeting you too. Thank you for visiting with me and offering your help; I appreciate this."

" I'm glad to help in any way I can so you can enjoy your special status as a Superior. Do you care for anything to drink: coffee, tea, soda?"

"Coffee would be nice. Black coffee"

"Slave, two black coffees, and make it quick."

In a little over a minute, I was back in the living room with two mugs of coffee. The two men were still standing up when using my manners, I gave Professor Beasley his coffee first, and then I handed Master his mug.

"Thank you," were the first words he said to me.

"Sit down, Tom, and make yourself comfortable. The first lesson I'll point out to you if you acquire human property is that you didn't have to tell my slave thank you. He's doing the job he was trained to do. He knows when I'm entertaining, especially a possible new Master, that he is to be seen and not heard. If you noticed, the nodding of his head was his acknowledgement to you since he does not have permission to speak right now."

"I realize I've got a lot to learn about taking ownership of my boyfriend. This Dominant side of me is pretty new, and I'm finding out I like it more and more. So far, the only thing I've done to Randy is to tie him up when I fuck him. Brian, the feeling of power I get of when I grab his wrist and then wrap it around an old tie and then tie him to the bedposts gives me an instant hard on. It's like a natural high for me." "

"I know that exact feeling you're experiencing. It is a great feeling knowing you have complete control of your inferior, and their mercy is under your complete control. It's an even greater feeling of control when you use handcuffs."

" I haven't invested in any fancier sex toys yet, but I've been picturing him in handcuffs, blindfolded, wearing a mouth gag, and in so many more submissive positions, and my dick then gets so hard I think it's going to rip out of my body. I like the fact that he'll be at my mercy, and I'd have complete control of him 24/7/365."

Master was smiling when he said, "Tom, my new friend, you are definitely Master material. It's a great feeling, isn't it?"

"It really is. You know we've only been dating a few months. As an experienced Master, is that too soon for me to own him? Was Rick that submissive to you this early in your relationship?"

"Slave here was submissive to me pretty much from the day we moved in together. Eventually we basically began living an informal Dominant/submissive relationship. After a few years of this, I was getting tired of the life we were living at that time and knew the time had come for me to take ownership of him. That was almost eight years ago now, and I've never been happier. He's become the obedient property and slave I wanted all those years before."

"It's nice to hear you have no regrets in enslaving him because enslaving Randy makes so much sense to me. What if Rick ever changes his mind and wants his freedom back?"

" Taking ownership of him was never a problem for me. If he ever wants his freedom, he of course can leave. He'll get dressed and walk out the door with the clothes on his back." Master then lifted his foot, which was still in his slides, and placed it under my chin to hold up my head.

"Tom, look in his eyes. This property has no intentions of ever going anywhere. He understands his purpose in life is in subjugation to me."

"Brian, I've been researching Master/slave roles on the Internet and even chatted with a few Masters on a Master/slave website. But I still have a lot to learn."

"That will come in time. The most important thing for you to do now is to acquire your property. Explain your expectations of him, and the rest comes to you naturally."

"The perfectionist in me wants everything to flow naturally immediately. I realize you're right, Brian. Would you mind sharing what an ordinary day might be like, say a Tuesday morning, for example, when you're both working?"

"He wakes up an hour before I do to shave his body, shower, and prepare breakfast. He'll then wake me up. I'll get out of bed; he kisses my feet in submission and drinks my morning piss. He serves me breakfast and then cleans up while I shower. Then as my valet, he dresses me for work. He then gets dressed, and we leave for work. We usually leave together about 7:15.

"I like the idea of breakfast in bed and having a valet."

: To a free man, it would be somewhat demeaning to hold up a pair of briefs while I step into them, but it's perfectly acceptable for a slave."

"Thanks, it's those little things I guess will come to me once I take control of him. And, I love the idea of kissing your feet and drinking your piss. I may not have thought about that if I hadn't talked to you."

"Having him drink my piss is simply for my pleasure. Before bed every night, he kisses my feet goodnight and drinks another load of my piss."

"I love it; I hope you don't mind if I use that as well. It'll be weird because I've never had anyone kiss my feet or drink my piss before, but my slave will be trained like yours to consider this an honor as well."

"Tom, you're a great guy, and I think you'll be a great Master. I'd like to help you out with a few more pointers. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, I'm open to any help you can give me."

Master took his feet out of his slides and lifted my head up once more with his feet.

"Under normal circumstances, this is my property, and no one but me lays a hand on him. But, I'll show you a few things I like and let you train on my slave. Sound good?"

"Yes; thank you, Brian. Just so you know, I would never even think of touching another Master's property. And I would hope another Master would do the same to my property."

Master then walked to the sofa, and motioned for Master Tom to stand up. The two Masters were now standing side by side. Master motioned to me and I crawled to him.

"Seeing him crawl like that to you is just awesome. It's demeaning in a way, and I find it so fucking hot. I love it."

"Slave, take Master Tom's flip-flops off his feet. You now see twenty superior toes in front of you. Kiss them; start off my kissing my guest's toes and then get to mine."

I started with the little toe on Master Tom's right foot and worked my way to his big toe on his left foot. I then did the same to Master's beautiful, sexy, and superior feet.

"Brian, that's so demeaning in a way because earlier in the morning I was wearing my running shoes and socks until I put on my flip-flops just a few minutes ago. My feet probably don't smell the best; yet, your slave had no problems with kissing my toes."

"It's his foot fetish; he's always loved to be at my feet: clean or sweaty. He really enjoys licking my foot sweat, eating the toe jam and gunk between my toes after a long day. His favorite activity at my feet is sucking my toes. He looks forward to the kissing of my feet twice a day as he is required to do, and he massages my feet almost every day as well. Except for the morning and evening kiss, he knows to do more with my feet he must work hard and be totally submissive to me in order to earn more foot privileges. He has the saddest look on his face when he knows he's about to be earn the privilege of more foot activity and gets punished, which causes him lose the privileges he's worked hard to earn."

"Again, it's so degrading, and I find it so thrilling. Randy's never done anything with my feet, but I think he'll start. Worshiping my tired, sweaty feet is so demeaning that's why I like it so much," and he and Master started laughing.

"Let me show you a few more things, if you're still interested."

"Please do; slave training will begin today. Randy's home right now and probably doesn't realize his freedom ends when I walk back inside the house; make that my house."

"Tom, that's great to hear. Congratulations."

"Now, we'll go to my playroom down the hall. Attach the leash to my property's collar. He wears his collar the whole time he's in my home with the exception of showering, sleeping, or if I tell him otherwise."

Attaching my collar, Master Tom then said, "I can tell you now that my slave will definitely be collared as well. This looks so natural on human property."

"I agree. You now control as to how my slave will get to the playroom now that's his leash is attached. If you want to walk him there, pull up on the leash; he'll stand up, and he'll walk one step behind you. If you want him to crawl there do nothing, and he'll just start crawling alongside you like a dog. It's your choice, and he's used to both choices."

Master started walking to the playroom. Master Tom followed, and I crawled to the playroom. He pulled up my leash three times during the short walk to the playroom, with each grip limiting my range of mobility more and more. Master once again told him, it looks like he will definitely be a good Master because he is learning everything so quickly.

Once in the playroom Master then said, "Slave, corner."

I then crawled to the corner and stopped. Master Tom loosened the grip on my leash and held on to it. Master was standing behind me, and Master Tom was on my right side.

"Up, Slave," and I stood up in the corner where I've spent many hours in punishment or Master using my body for his sexual pleasures. Now I was standing there while my Master was using my body, his property, to help train a new Master. While the two Superiors spoke, all I could think about was doing my best to please Master because I knew right now if I embarrassed him or upset him in any way, I would definitely be in the corner receiving probably the most intense punishment he's ever given me. All I could think about for these few seconds was how I wanted to please Master. Of course I'm always thinking of ways to please Master, but now, it was even more important.

"Tom, this is known as Corner Time. Here's where I have him most often. Yes, I do use the hooks on the wall to have him in bondage, and I enjoy seeing him on the bondage table. But I don't tie him up that much. He's got several different positions I've trained him in, and I'll have him demonstrate them to you."

I then grasped my hands and put them behind my head when Master demonstrated how he likes to fuck me. I then kept the grip and moved them to the middle of my back to demonstrate how I must stand during a punishment. And finally, I placed my hands on my side while Master demonstrated my relaxed pose he uses when company is visiting and I am not busy serving his guests or at night after my chores are done when Master doesn't want me sitting on the floor near him. Once again, Master Tom was impressed.

"So Brian, how long do you keep him here during a punishment?"

"The longest I've kept him here is twelve hours. About half way through that punishment, I gave him a three- minute break to use the bathroom and get a drink of water. Otherwise, it depends on the severity of the infraction. Sometimes he's spanked every day for a few days and spends every available moment after completing his domestic duties here until I release him at bedtime. It depends how severe his screw up was. And Tom, realize that no matter how hard we train them to be totally obedient and submissive as the inferiors they are, eventually they'll screw something up and must be punished. It's inevitable."

"What if he'd need something during the twelve hours or so. What does he do?"

"During an intense punishment, I'll check on him periodically. If he needs something like using the bathroom or wanting a drink of water, he'll raise his right hand, and I'll give him permission to speak. Otherwise, he stands here and tries to move as little as possible."

"I like this too."

"Remember, unless you allow your slave to speak freely, and he often has this privilege, a slave should be seen and not heard. His life is devoted to serving me and making sure all of my needs are being met. That's his purpose: to work hard every waking moment and thinking of how to please me. Working diligently, as he is expected to do, doesn't allow for a whole lot of time for personal conversations."

The two Superior men continued talking. So far everything my Master explained or had me demonstrate impressed Master Tom. Randy will be so lucky because his Master will be like mine in several ways. Both Masters are very intelligent and very handsome as well. While standing and waiting for the next instructions, I kept thinking about how excited Randy will soon be as he begins his journey into lifetime servitude. I remember those first minutes when I first kneeled at my Master's feet and how excited it was for me. He'll be so proud to finally begin his life in slavery.

Master was explaining the sex toys he keeps on the bed and how I am not allowed in this room unless I am punished or when Master supervises me while I clean it. Master Tom once again he pulled the leash limiting my movability even less.

"Let's see Tom where do I begin. I already told you of his required shaving. Of course a slave is kept naked and sits and sleeps on the floor. Occasionally, I'll cuddle with him on the loveseat in my bedroom, but again, that's occasional. All assets are in my name; he owns nothing of any value. Using a credit card or writing a check is done so only after he is given permission. He gets $20.00 every two weeks for an allowance and must provide receipts for every purchase. Returned money at the end of the two weeks must match up. If he comes up short, he loses his allowance for the next two weeks or longer. He can never open up the mail unless given permission. Personal emails must be approved before sending them; the exception of course is for work. Then his work duties include cleaning the house, cooking, laundry, yard work, being my valet and chauffeur, and completing other duties I assign him."

"I like all those requirements, especially the allowance. Keeping a slave busy sounds like it's what they need since they lack structure to function on their own."

"Believe me, I keep him busy, so when his body lies down in his bed area on the floor at the foot of my bed, he generally has no trouble falling asleep. It's great being able to relax or leave and have fun when I'm off from work knowing that I have a slave to work at these menial tasks. And I do enjoy every minute of my free time."

"That sounds great not having not having to do housework, yard work, or cooking. Working hard and then being able to have more time to enjoy myself will definitely be a nice reward. That's awesome!"

"Now Tom, unleash my slave, and I'll show you how to give an effective spanking."

Master then leaned down and spoke in his lowered and seductive voice telling me, "Your Master is glad to help train a new Master. Do well today, and you'll be rewarded; mess up, and you'll be spending every available minute here, and you'll finally develop a love for canned tuna since you'll be eating it for three months. Make your Master proud. Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

Master then walked to the bed and grabbed his cane, which always hurts the most. He explained that out of all his toys, this is probably his favorite, followed by the paddle with holes. He then began to give me a spanking. As usual he started off softer and explained his routine to Master Tom. Quickly the harder whacks began for about a minute, He then stopped and handed the cane over to his mentee.

"Your turn. You can spank him as hard as you want; he's used to getting extremely hard spankings from me."

Master Tom began his first spanking on a man. Like Master, he is also quite strong. Although he was not spanking me as hard as Master does, it was pretty hard. Randy's butt will be as red as mine is after a spanking; I'm pretty sure. After a minute or so of a pretty intense first time spanking from another Superior, Master stopped him.

"Tom, let's have you use the paddle now. And, try to get a tighter grip on the handle so you can give a harder whacking to his butt. It helps to give it a deeper red when you're finished."

The professor, and soon to be new Master, is definitely a quick learner, and my butt was receiving almost as intense a spanking as I get from Master. With each whack, again, I kept thinking of Randy and hoped he would get used to this quickly in order to please his Master.

"That's a good job; you see how nicely his butt is already getting red. In a few more minutes, it would be a deep red and a welt or two will make its appearance. Now attach the leg restraints and have him walk over to the hooks."

As he bent down to attach the restraints, once again, I saw Master Tom's dick getting really hard. Once again, he then held my leash in his hand as we walked to the hooks. Master was waiting for us to take those eight steps from the corner to the hooks on the wall.

"Tom, I see this is already getting you horny, and we've hardly begun."

"Brian, I'm so fucking horny right now thinking of doing this and other things to my slave. My dick is about to rip my underwear if it gets any harder."

"Take them off in case you want to jack off. It's one of the benefits you'll have as a Master. Sometimes I'm dressed; sometimes I'm in my underwear or swimsuit; it just depends my mood at the time. And yes, sometimes I'm naked as well. "

"If you don't mind," and in a few seconds Master Tom was standing on the side of me wearing only a pair of black briefs. His toned and athletic body is very attractive, but to me no one has as perfect a body as my Master does.

"Brian, I see what you were talking about earlier. As I'm standing here barefoot, I totally agree with you. The carpet in my bedroom is as plush as this one is. It'll be very comfortable for my slave; he won't need pillows to be comfortable."

"Now attach the handcuffs first to his hands, and then attach the cuffs to the hooks on the wall. Sometimes I have him in this position to fuck him or to punish him, but most of the time it is to have my fun with torturing him with my tickling machine. He's very ticklish, and it's great watching him beg me to stop and squirming as I tickle him longer and longer. I get a kick out of him as he tries to break loose of the cuffs or turns his body as if that would stop me. I tickle him and laugh like crazy until I cum and not a second sooner. Once I cum, I sometimes leave him cuffed to the wall long enough for me to catch my own breath and go for a second round. He's constantly begging me to spank him instead because he's so fucking ticklish. I have a lot of fun doing this and probably need to do it more often than I do."

With that said, Master handed over the tickling machine to Master Tom. Being the quick learner, once more he did this task well too. Starting with my pits, he kept it there for a few minutes, and at times both he and Master were laughing as I was facing tickle torture at the hands of a Master in training and hoping this pleased my own Master. On my crotch, he held the machine much harder than Master usually does and then said, "Feel good, slave. Your little slave friend will be getting this done to him. He's also ticklish but not as ticklish as you," and he then moved it to my balls and kept laughing at me squirming."

With my peripheral vision, I could see that Master was jacking off; although, he was laughing at my struggles even harder than Master Tom was. Master Tom was hard as a rock watching me squirm. He stopped only momentarily to get out of his briefs, and I quickly tried to catch my breath. He then held the tickler even harder, and I could hear Master's breathing getting harder realizing it would soon end once he would cum. Finally Master let out a loud moan, and I knew he had cum.

"Tom that was so fucking hot watching you torturing my slave with the tickling machine. Keep doing what you're doing if you want. I'm going to wash up."

While Master was washing up, Master Tom told me, "Slave, unless your Master stops my training, I haven't cum yet. Get ready for more tickling"

He then rubbed the tickler all up and down my body. I was laughing so hard and squirming in every direction trying to avoid direct contact with the tickler, but as usual I was out of luck. While back on my balls, all of a sudden once again, I heard a loud moan, and Master Tom had also now cum. While both of our breathings were resuming their normal pace, Master walked back in the room and started clapping.

"Congratulations Tom; you did well. Why don't you go and wash up as well, and then we'll move to the bondage table."

Master Tom went to the bathroom and washed up pretty quickly. While he was gone, Master stood behind me and told me, "You're doing well, Slave. Master is proud of you, and when I get back from the gym tomorrow, you just might be sucking my toes. Don't disappoint Master this afternoon."

"Thank you, Master, " and Master Tom was once again standing next to Master.

Tom, while Slaveboy is still handcuffed, let me show you how I sometimes like to have him here for CBT as well. I really like CBT. The first night of his slavery I stood over him while he was finding a comfortable spot on the floor to sleep and I used my foot to press really hard on his balls. Even if I don't have a long CBT session, sometimes it's just fun to reach down and pull and twist on his balls." "Are you going to show me?"

"Of course." Master then started spanking me with his hands starting off slowly and then getting harder. After ten whacks, he stopped, and Master Tom took over. His first two whacks were soft but then got extremely hard just like Master's.

Master then showed him how to squeeze my balls, and once again Master Tom didn't need additional training. They each took turns paddling my balls with Mr. Ping Pong Paddle. And, the final CBT instructions were when Master explained that when he wears his leather pants or leather jockstrap and boots the CBT is at its most intensive sessions when Master uses his boots to step on my balls and dick. With my lowered head, I could see that once again both Masters had raging hard ons.

I was then released from the hooks by Master and told to crawl to the bondage table. Master Tom secured me in place, and Master told him to also blindfold me and to insert a mouth gag. Before I was blindfolded, I saw that once again Master Tom's dick was probably the hardest I had seen since his Master training began. Yes, I agree with Master when he says that the chemistry professor and scientist will enjoy being a Master. Randy will be so fortunate when he becomes his property.

"Brian, once again I'm amazed. I love this probably the most: bound, gagged, blindfolded; your property is now literally under your complete control and mercy."

"You're right. I have him on the bondage table only a few times a year. Although, I could easily have him on there every day, I keep it for special occasions.. Every so often, I like to have my fun with him here to remind him of his status and be grateful he is able to follow his destiny into slavery. It's another thing I do on occasion because after a while the natural thinking of an inferior is that they have it so easy; this is a harsh reminder to him of exactly who he is and reminds him of his purpose is existing to serve me."

Master then walked away, and when he returned I could hear him unzip his bag of clothespins. He then instructed Master Tom to put them throughout my body. After placing a few pins on my chest, Master stopped him and gave him another instruction.

"Tom, here's what I like to do with the clothespins. As you release a clothespin on his body, pull up on it and twist on it. Sometimes after I do this, I'll take it off his body for a second and then reapply it in the same place."

Master Tom followed his training instructions and pulled as hard as Master does. I was at his mercy as Master stood back as trainer. Master was enjoying his role as trainer, and without being able to see him, I had this gut feeling that his dick was also fully erect. Master then handed the ping- pong paddle to his trainee. It was time for CBT.

Master then spoke to me through my bound mouth. "Slave, tell Master Tom who your special friend is."

Through my gagged mouth I said, "Mr. Ping-Pong Paddle."

Master then said, "Tom, I'm so sorry, at times my slave speaks in some foreign language. Tom, meet Mr. Ping Pong Paddle. Since I don't have a ping-pong table, he likes to play ping- pong with my slave's balls. Would you be willing to coach Mr. Ping Pong Paddle in his next game?"

"I would be my pleasure, Brian."

"Mr. Ping Pong Paddle likes to start off softly hitting a slave's balls. Once he warms up, his competitive nature then likes to play harder. Just remember that Master, I mean Coach Tom."

Master Tom followed Master's instructions, and once more, he picked up this new task quickly. He grabbed my balls just like Master told him told and started paddling. Within a minute or two, the whacks were getting harder and harder. He stopped paddling for a few seconds and then pulled on the clothespins. The paddling then resumed with harder and harder whacks to my balls. After a few more minutes of having my balls whacked good by a Master in training, Master Tom finally stopped.

"That'll hold you until your Master takes over. Brian, that was great; I like seeing a slave bound and gagged like that. I see I'm going to ordering lots of sex toys so I can have my fun."

"Tom, as your slave trainer, I'll help you out some more. I have an extra collar, leash, some extra paddles, and an extra set of handcuffs. I'll lend them to you until you can get your own sex toys. It'll really be better for you and your property if you introduce him to these things right after you acquire him. That'll give him a chance to get used to them right from the beginning of his slavery since they'll be part of his new life."

"I'd appreciate that, Brian. I'll order sex toys this weekend."

"I know you'll soon be busy obtaining your new property and training him for his life in slavery, but when you're ready, and if you're interested, I'd like to invite you and your property here for a dinner on a Saturday night. I'll invite a few Master friends I associate with and introduce you to them. At these get togethers, the Masters have fun socializing and enjoying each other's company while the slaves are busy preparing and serving food and cleaning up after. We get together occasionally on weekends, sometimes before a holiday or sometimes on an actual holiday, and on Super Bowl Sunday. Even if you're not interested in sports, Super Bowl Sunday is a really fun day. For all these gatherings, the slaves are kept extremely busy and work the entire time we're together with very little down time. We keep them busy. And, it's always a nice time when we can socialize with other Superiors."

"I'm definitely interested, Brian. Give me two or three weeks so my property will have completed a little slave training. I have learned so much from you in just a little over two hours. Before I got here, I had some doubt about whether or not I would find pleasure in this lifestyle. I've been horny since I got here and can't wait to acquire my property within an hour."

"I'm really glad for you, Tom. Welcome to the Superiors club." Master then started to unstrap me from the table. I then got up from the table to see two Masters still naked with bulges going down.

"You have two Masters to dress. Dress my guest first."

Master Tom stood just like Master does when I dress him. I started by putting his briefs back on him, followed by his jeans, then his shirt, and finally his flip-flops. I then took two steps to my right and dressed Master in the same order. Master then leaned down to speak to me.

"Master is proud of his slave for helping me train a new Master. Tomorrow after the gym, you'll be able to worship my sweaty feet, and I may even let you suck my toes."

"Thank you, Master."

"Get in the corner for now."

"You ready to officially be known as Master Tom?"

"You bet I am."

Standing in the corner, I then saw Master Tom waking towards me. He leaned down to me and in a deep, seductive voice similar to Master's he told me, "I hope you're happy because in a few minutes your little friend will become an inferior. You'll be two inferior friends who have strict and demanding Masters."

Master then turned me around and told me this afternoon I was expected to mow the lawn, shower, and then start cooking dinner for he and Peter. During the slave training session, Peter had texted Master he would be able to spend the night with him. I then kneeled and began kissing Master's toes, my first of two earned rewards, for doing so well in the training session. While on my knees, I heard Master Tom talk on his cell phone.

"Hi babe; I'm about to leave Brian's house. I need you to do something for me," and he paused for a moment.

With the speaker from his cell phone on, I heard Rick say, "sure Babe."

"I want you to go into our bedroom, get completely naked, get in the middle of the room and kneel. Wait for me, and enjoy your last few minutes as a free man." He then hung up.

Master then gave Tom a hug while telling him, "Well it's now official; you now belong to the group of Superiors. My friend, you'll love being a Master."

"Thanks Brian; I've got to go; I'm about to acquire a new piece of property."

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