From Friend to Footlicker

By John Wayne

Published on Jun 6, 2019



[Author's note: This is my first erotic story. I'm writing it on a whim at 1:30 am, so we'll see how it turns out. The story is fiction, all characters are made up, and the scenario described is strictly fantasy. Enjoy!]


My name is Rick Flanagan. I'm 19 years old, and until two weeks ago, I lived on 937 E. Columbia St. I'll get to that later. I'm about 5'10, 160 lbs, average body, brown hair, green eyes. I'm about to be a sophomore at Wittenburg College in Springfield, Ohio. It's a small, kind of shitty school. But I was kind of shitty in high school, so I'll take what I can get. I was a straight C student, so I just got into whatever local college I could so I could live with the rents for one more year. I'm a history major (the only class I ever got an A in), and in my first class on my first day, I met a guy who would change my life forever. It was a slow burn, but it was well worth it.

His name was Tyler Smith. He was a skater type of guy. Probably about 6', 6'1", 160. You could tell by his arms he was pretty shredded underneath his Vans and Adidas shirts. He always wore either black or light-blue skinny jeans, and the same pair of tattered Vans. I only had the one class with him first semester, HIST 116 and we hardly talked. Just small-talk kinda shit. "This class is so boring," "I did the homework five minutes ago," "I am way too hungover to be here right now." We exchanged Snapchats on the first day in case either of us were ever gone, so the only messages we ever exchanged were pictures of lecture notes. And that's really where it all started, for me at least.

You see, I've been into feet for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, starting around 7 or 8, I would always try to get close to my friend's feet. Sitting on the opposite end of the couch, on the floor, at the end of the bed. Devising "games" to lose on purpose, punishments ranging from rubbing feet to sucking toes to non-foot related dares to throw them off the scent. I was alwasy insanely careful, and as I got older I became too afraid to continue with my shenanigans. Kids get smarter, and they start to think it's weird for you to always be by their feet. So from about 12 on, I was only satisfied in real life by sly glances and the occasionaly sneaky picture. The only people who knew I liked feet didn't know my name, and anybody who even knew OF me didn't have the slightest idea. That was about to change.

About halfway through the semester, I slept through my alarm and missed 116. I messaged Tyler, "Hey, could you snap me a pic of your notes from today?" A minute later, he sent four pictures of his notebook. And what did I notice at the bottom of the screen? Tyler's feet, of course. He was standing in the picture, and his toes were in every shot. And you know what the best part is: I got to screenshot all four of them. Four new pictures of this sexy skater's always- sock-and-shoe-clad feet.

From that moment on, he was my new obsession. I stole glances at his feet as often as I possibly could, and savored every sight. Like I said before, I hadn't attempted to actually DO anything about a sexy pair of feet since childhood, so I had learned to be content with exactly what I was getting right now. We never exactly became friends, and I hardly saw him at all second semester. But I sure saw those four pictures. He never sent another notes picture with his feet in them, so the ones I had were viewed often. Plus, he was present for a large percentage of my masturbation fantasies throughout the year. He also posted Snap stories constantly, and boy did he like to smoke some weed. Lucky for me, so did I. I just had to work up the nerve to ask to smoke with him, or buy some weed, or something, and maybe I could find a dirty old sock to sniff in his room or something. Creepy, I know, but he was SO hot. And he was a super chill dude, so I didn't feel bad about my motives. Why wouldn't I want a sexy new smoking buddy?

Halfway through second semester, we started replying to each other's stories. I put a screenshot of some rap song on my story, and he swiped up with a fire emoji. We started talking about the rapper, and from then on we would have weekly back-and-forths on Snapchat. I was so excited about it. One night after finals, and after I moved out of my parents to an apartent off-campus with some girl I met, I noticed he had a new story posted. It was him alone in his bedroom with a blunt, with a caption that read, "why tryna match?". I swiped up immediately, the story was only posted two minutes before, and offered my services. He gave me his address, I rolled a fat blunt, and I started off to his place.

My mind was fucking racing. I knew nothing crazy was gonna happen, but I was so excited to just be in the presence of such a fucking stud. Plus, his bed was facing an open bathroom door in his story, so I figured I would get a couple seconds alone to scour for socks at some point. If not, then I got to smoke a bunch of weed with a dope guy.

I pulled up to his place at about 11:30 pm. I grabbed my blunt, stuffed it in my pocket, locked my car, and began walking up the driveway. I fiddled with the blunt in my pocket, nervous and excited. About thirty seconds after my "here" snap, he answered the door with just a pair of black skinny jeans on. No shirt, no shoes, no socks. "Oh, fuck," I thought, "I'm gonna be hiding a lot of boners tonight."

"Hey man, how's it going?" Tyler asked, his voice giving away the fact that these would not be his first two blunts of the night.

"I'm good man, you?" I replied, hoping I matched the effortlessness of his tone despite the knots in my stomach.

"Sick, dude. I'm fuckin' high, but I'm ready to get absolutely blasted."

"Fuck yeah. I brought this bad boy-" I said as I pulled the mango-flavored blunt from my pocket.

"Bro! That looks fuckin' dank. Let's get goin'"

I took off my shoes, and I followed him to his room. His door was closed, and as soon as it opened the smell of pot took over. He had a window open, with an ashtray on the windowsill. He had a speaker playing the new Young Thug album at a pretty low volume, and there was a skate video on mute on his T.V.

Tyler closed the door quickly after I entered and said, "Bro, do you skate?" He lit up the blunt he had rolled as I responded.

"I don't, but I wish I did, man. It looks so fuckin' fun, and doing tricks must feel so dope," I said. He passed me the blunt and I hit it hard, my dumb man-brain wanting to prove to this stoner that I could hang. I managed to restrain myself to only two coughs, and I felt pretty cool.

We smoked the blunts and talked about skating and rap the whole time. It was really fun, and I was getting fuckin STONED. Not the highest I've been, but pretty close. We had both been stationary for about thirty minutes, him on his bed and me on a desk chair rolled up next to it. About five minutes after finishing the second blunt, he stood up and said, "I'm gonna grab some water, man, do you want a glass?"

"Fucking please, I'm so thirsty."

"Sounds good, bro," he said, and he sauntered off to get the water. He closed the door behind him, and I jumped up. His room was filthy, and I had been eyeing up a dirty sock at the end of his bed, slightly underneath. I waited to make sure I heard footsteps leaving, and bent down to grab the sock. I pressed it on my nose, closed my eyes, and inhaled deeply. Holy fuck, it smelled so bad. I had hit the jackpot. I had no idea when the last time he washed this sock was. It smelled like it could've been a month. All of the sudden, I heard the doornob twist, and my heart fucking sank. I was frozen, and I watched him enter and turn around to quickly close the door to keep the smell in.

"Bro, did you want ice--" he started to ask, but stopped when he saw me on my knees with his dirty sock in my hand. "What are you doing, dude? Were you sniffing that dirty ass sock?" He could barely stifle laughter as he said this. "I didn't even know you were gay, bro, that's fucking crazy. Not that I have any problem with fags, you just didn't seem like one. Huh."

"Tyler, I-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Don't worry about it, bro. Listen, two years ago, I would be beating the absolute fucking shit out of you right now." That made me shudder a bit. He continued, "But one of my homies from back home told me he was gay, and it rocked my whole shit. I've known this guy since we were little, and he'd never tried any fag shit on me. One day, I noticed he was staring at my abs a whole lot. I said, 'Bro, you're either jealous or a homo,' and he said 'I'm not jealous.' I didn't know what the fuck to say. I knew if he was gonna try to fuck me he would have done it by now, so I figured it would be cool. And it was. So I don't care if you're a fag as long as you don't try to stick a dick in my ass."

That was a blunt story, but the sentiment had me feeling relieved. I was still down on the floor holding his sock, I realized, and the boner I began to get from sniffing his sock was long gone, so I stood up. "Listen, man," I said, "yeah, I'm gay, and I'm sorry I did that, but I hope we can still be friends."

"Yeah yeah yeah, we still have to talk about the sock thing. Jon never sniffed any socks. So, you're into feet?" he replied, still with a similarly amused tone.

I blushed immediately. "Uh, well, yeah, I guess."

"What do you mean 'I guess'? I caught you sniffing my disgusting socks. Just say you like feet."

"I have a foot fetish. I love guys feet, have since forever. It's fuckin' weird and annoying, but it's true."

"There we go!" he said. "Y'know, I've always thought that foot shit was kinda freaky. I mean, they're weird looking, they smell disgusting, and they're usually fuckin' dirty. But, I've also always thought that toe sucking shit would feel good as fuck." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was one of the sexiest men I've ever met about to let me worship his feet?

"Um, I could, uh, help you find out"

"Exactly the response I was looking for. Now get down on the floor." He flopped down onto his bed, and I complied, sitting down below his feet and looking up to him, waiting for further instruction. "Alright, man, I don't know what you're waiting for. I'm gonna throw on a movie, and you're gonna be at my feet the whole time. I want to feel like I haven't walked a day in my fucking life. Oh, yeah, I skated all fucking day today. Like ALL day. So they're sore, and I'm sure you noticed the smell"

Boy had I. Any drymouth I had from the weed was gone from salivating at his delicious, disgusting feet. They were probably a size 11, perfect, smooth soles, a high arch, and medium length toes, descending slightly in length from big toe to pinkie. His soles were pink and dirty, his toes were plump, toenails trimmed, and he had a little bit of hair on the top of his big toe. He had sock residue in between every single toe, and they reeked to high hell. If I thought that old sock smelled, this was a whole other ballgame. It wasn't a particularly cheesy or revolting odor. Just extreme foot musk, vinegary and freshly dry from a long day.

I picked up his right foot and pressed it onto my face, inhaling deeply between his first and second toe. He laughed and said, "Oh my god, you really DO like feet! That's fucking nasty, bro. I just took my shoes and socks off before you got here and before I smoked the whole room smelled like feet. Damn, go to town, dude. The licking better feel good."

I was determined to make it feel better than anything he'd ever felt before. If he was this fucking chill with everything that had happened, and everything I'd told him, if he liked it there's no WAY he wouldn't let me do it again. And again. And again. A friend that fucks with your music, brings you weed, and then licks your feet while you do whatever the fuck you want? Who wouldn't want that?

I took his big toe into my mouth and began to suck on it, slowly. I swirled my tongue around it as I sucked, and I heard a satisfied sigh from above me. 'Thank god,' I thought. With one final suck I popped that toe out of my mouth, and moved on down the line, savoring the salty, sweaty taste from this skater hunk's perfect toes. I couldn't believe it was real life. After sucking on his toes for some time, I moved my attention to between his toes, licking out all the sock lint festering between them. All the while I was massaging his supple sole, savoring how soft they were. I don't think I even have to mention how fucking hard I was.

"Damn, bro, this feels good as fuck," he muttered through a haze, clearly entranced by the feeling. Being high out of his mind probably helped.

I popped the three toes I had in my mouth out and said, "I'm glad you like it. I'd be happy to do this literally anytime."

"Fuck yeah, you can come over whenever the fuck you want. I love foot rubs, but my feet are always way too fuckin' nasty for any girlfriend I've ever had to want ot rub them. And pedicures are gay and expensive. But this is the fucking best."

"Sick," I replied emphatically, and returned my attention to his feet. His toes were glistening, so I looked to his soles. I picked his foot up, and slowly licked from his heel to his toes, engulfing them all into my mouth at the end and sucking enthusiastically. I continued licking his sole and sucking his toes for a few minutes, one hand rubbing the other foot, before repeating the process on his left foot. The whole time, I could hear Tyler moaning softly every minute or two. He was fucking loving it, seemingly nearly as much as I was.

I switched from right foot to left foot to right foot to left foot for what could've been days. We were both in a trance, until loud gunshots from the movie jolted Tyler. He took his sole away from my tongue and said, "Alright, this bitch is almost over, and I wanna try a couple things." Before I even had time to think, he opened my mouth with his big toe and slid all of them in there. He then lifted his other foot and attempted to slide it in below the other. My dick was pounding in my pants as he forced both of his feet into my mouth. My jaw was basically unhinged when he finally got them both in there.

"Alright, now wiggle that tongue around, boy!" he said with a snicker, and I complied. "Huh, feels weird. Next." He took the second foot out and left the first one in. "Brace yourself, dude," he said, and he started to move his foot further and further down my throat. I opened up as wide as I could again, and tried to expand my throat as big as it would go. I had sucked enough dick to know the basic mechanics. I started to gag as the arch of his foot slid past my lips, to which Tyler responed, "C'mon bro, you can get the whole fuckin' thing in there!" I opened wider yet, breathed through my nose, and let him force feed me his rank foot, until his heel was touching my bottom lip and my top lip was nearly at his ankle.

"Holy shit bro that's fucking hilarious. My WHOLE foot is in your mouth! It's a good thing you like feet so much, because that shit looks like it fucking sucks." Tears were streaming down my face at this point, but I shook my head no. My cock could've fucking burst at any moment. This was my fantasy, and I wanted him to know I would do literally anything he asked. "No? It doesn't suck? Well, in that case I'll let this puppy soak in there for a little while longer."

He left his foot in my throat for a few more minutes while I rubbed his other one, until he decided to switch their places and I did the same thing for a while longer. After his other foot exited my throat, he said, "God, I could have you do this forever, but the movie's over and I'm fuckin' exhausted. That was so relaxing. I have a feeling you're gonna see a lot more of my feet this summer."

I was looking up at him in awe. I could not BELIEVE that had just happened. My hair was mussed with my own spit, tears were drying on my cheeks, my whole face smelled like an insole, and I was as happy as I'd ever been. And he want's it to happen AGAIN? I sputtered out, "That was amazing, I would do that literally every day, dude."

"Good. I'll hit you up. Have a good night, bro."

"You too, man!"

And hit me up he did. I worshipped his feet at least three times a week the entire summer. I worshipped them after more long days skating, 12 hour shifts at the factory he worked at, camping trips, you name it. We built up quite the friendship, as well, usually smoking before I started doing anything to his feet. A couple of times he even let me worship some of his friends, all of whom left pleased and less homophobic. He would introduce me as his friend, I would smoke and talk to them, and then I would get a foot on my lap to start massaging. The friend would normally be a bit confused, but Tyler would give them a little rundown and before I knew it I would have two pairs of beautiful skater feet all to myself for hours.

That brings us to today. Today, I'm moving in with Tyler. His roommate had gotten sick of the smoking, and is actually friends with my roommate. We haven't gotten that close, as I spent every second I could this summer at Tyler's place, so we just decided to swap rooms before the semester started. So now, I'm about to get out of my car at Tyler's again, this time in the garage. As I close my door, Tyler walks out of the house, barefoot.

"Hey, roomie! Let's get this shit unloaded! I just got off work, and my feet should get pretty fuckin' gross helping you move in."

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, then started towards my new home. I had a feeling this good summer was gonna roll into the semester nicely.

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