From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Mar 10, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 12 -- Business Dinner

Just getting up from the bed and moving slowly to the corner seemed to re-stoke the flaming pain of each of the seven cane stripes on Hugh's backside, but somehow the feeling of Guy's cooling spunk slowly dripping from his buns down the back of each leg was soothing for him as he stood, slightly shaky, staring at the bedroom walls. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any resentment towards his Master/husband, despite the pain and humiliation. He had known Guy's punishment tariff for disobeying a direct order and that that is what he had received. As the throbbing in his buttocks subsided, he grew calmer and the 30 minutes corner time actually went quite quickly. He was grateful, though, when he heard Guy call him from downstairs. The residual pain caused by walking and the fact that his wrists were still fastened together with Guy's silk tie, meant it was slow progress down the stairs and he hoped Guy would not be too impatient.

Guy had intended to leave Hugh in the corner for longer, to contemplate his crime and its consequences, but after the euphoria of his intense ejaculation over Hugh's beaten arse, his conscience started pricking him. He watched a red-eyed Hugh meekly enter the room, wrists still bound, and lower himself slowly to his knees. Hugh winced in pain as his bruised backside came to rest on his heels and Guy's heart melted. He got up from the sofa and gently lifted Hugh to his feet. He undid the tie, allowing Hugh's arms to drop into a more comfortable position and hugged him. "I love you Hugh," he said, just like in the old days. "I love you too, Sir," replied Hugh. After more hugging, Guy told Hugh to fetch his rucksack from the hall. As he obeyed, Guy observed the bruising now beginning to show underneath the still livid cane stripes. Despite his slight shame at inflicting this damage on the flesh of his beloved slave husband, his cock did twitch at the sight. When Hugh came back in with the rucksack and once again made a painful kneel, Guy went over to him and produced a plain, white box from the bag. He opened to reveal a beautifully made black leather collar with silver D rings and embossed in smart silver letters, the initials GH. He put it carefully on Hugh and Hugh kissed his hand in silent thanks.

In another box was some cream that Guy had ordered from the same supplier to sooth his slave's striped arse. He helped Hugh over his knee and applied the cream as gently as he could. Part of Guy wanted to give Hugh the rest of the day off from serving, but all his Master research told him that a punishment needed to be a punishment, so Hugh only had half an hour to rest on the sofa before it was time to start lunch preparations.

Now that the worst of the pain had subsided, with just twinges when he moved too fast, Hugh actually found he was turned on again, cooking for his Master with an apron at the front, but his bare, beaten bum on show behind. He was getting used to the weight of his slave collar, but constantly felt its presence as he moved round the kitchen. This added to his excitement and Guy was pleased to note that his boy's apron was once again tenting at the front. Hugh had learnt his lesson from last week and only set one place at the dining table until Guy noticed and told him he was allowed table privileges. This time, Hugh wouldn't have minded eating standing up in the kitchen as sitting on the antique dining chair was very uncomfortable.

Guy went easy on Hugh for the rest of the day until it was time for bed. Turning off the TV, he ordered Hugh to go upstairs and wait on all fours on the bed, ready for his spanking. Hugh's face dropped. Surely Guy was going to skip the bedtime spanking after such a hard beating earlier? However, the risk of having the spanking increased for hesitating to comply with a direct order prevented Hugh from even trying to protest, so after a sad "Yes Master" he headed slowly up the stairs.

After keeping a nervous Hugh waiting for 15 minutes, Guy went upstairs and administered the minimum bedtime spanking of 6 smacks with his bare hand. Even this relatively mild treatment re-ignited Hugh's soreness, but he took it stoically and hopped off the bed as quickly as he could afterwards to get on the floor and kiss his Master's feet in thanks.

Guy was turned on by his slave's absolute obedience and gestured Hugh up from his feet to his big, hairy balls and eventually to his hard cock. Looking down to see a string of pre-cum trailing from Hugh's glistening knob as he sucked and slurped, Guy took pity on him and gave him permission to wank. Not long after, Hugh gratefully swallowed down his Master's second load of the day and came into his own waiting palm.

The next week followed their now normal routine of Hugh getting up before his Master and spending the day following Guy's orders and making sure everything was perfect for his Master's return home from work. He wore his usual uniform of jockstrap and collar all the time in the house now, even when Guy was out and this added a certain sensual frisson to the most mundane of tasks.

On Tuesday evening Guy informed Hugh that they would be having dinner the next evening with Giles and a colleague, Sam, who was over from the New York office. "Usual drill, you will wear a dark suit, white shirt, no underwear.....oh and this" Guy dipped into his rucksack and brought out the distinctive red box with gold embossing that meant it could only be from one place -- Cartier. Hugh opened the box to find a white gold chain with a small disk engraved with the letters GH. He sank immediately to his knees and Guy fastened the clasp round his neck. "This is for outside when the collar might not be appropriate" Hugh was overwhelmed and kissed both his Master's hands repeatedly. "Thank you Sir. You're the best Master in the world."

Sam, or Samuel van Branden III as he was officially known on the New York social register, had decided he wanted to see a bit of real London and so Guy had had Alexis book a table at the little Italian trattoria round the corner from their house instead of one of the trendy Mayfair restaurants he normally favoured for business dinners. Hugh arrived promptly at 7.30 and was the first there. He was nervous for 2 reasons: 1 because he had marred his last restaurant meal with Guy by interrupting him and earned a hard paddling as a result; 2 because this was the first dinner with other people in his role as slave to his husband, albeit on an `in public at ease' basis.

Hugh would normally have ordered himself a Campari and soda whilst waiting for the others, but not wanting to give Guy the slightest pretext to punish him, he gave his order for a glass of tap water to the disappointed waiter. He didn't have to wait long to be alerted to the arrival of the rest of his party by the booming, patrician tones of Giles echoing from the door. He stood as they approached the table. Giles was the first to greet him, with a big man-hug. As he was pressed in to Giles' pinstriped shoulder, Hugh picked up the expensive notes of his bespoke cologne. Hugh liked the fact that Giles, despite his very conservative upbringing, didn't bat an eyelid at his and Guy's same sex relationship and was secretly pleased that he was a rare recipient of a Giles hug, as he was usually a strict handshake for men, peck-on-each-cheek for women kind of chap.

Once he was released from Giles' friendly embrace, he turned to see the tall, blond Mr van Branden. Sam held out his hand and Hugh tried his hardest not to blush as he said. "Delighted to meet you Hugh, Guy has told me all about you." Hugh shot a glance to Guy who gave an imperceptible shake of the head to indicate he hadn't told Sam ALL about Hugh. "All good I hope" Hugh managed, returning the firm handshake.

Hugh got his Campari and soda after all as Giles would not hear of him having more tap water, but after the severe consequences of the infamous lunch with Gina, he subsequently went a lot slower on the wine than the other 3 besuited men around the table. Before their current arrangement, Hugh had always felt a little out of his depth at these macho high powered business dinners and had compensated for it by teasing his husband in front of his colleagues. He was under no illusion that those days were over and apart from a discussion with Sam about the hottest new places to go in Manhattan and Brooklyn, he let the conversation be dominated by work talk by the others. Guy had briefed him the night before that the purpose of tonight's dinner was to try to get Giles and Sam to cooperate more for the good of the company. Sam was frustrated by the cautious approach Giles and therefore London HQ was taking on his West coast expansion plans and Giles was having no truck with this Yankee upstart who, he felt, was being reckless with the hard earned British capital. Guy was attempting to be umpire as he recognised both intelligent men's contribution to the success and growth of the firm in which he was now partner.

During the tiramisu, Giles finally noticed that Hugh wasn't chatting as much as usual. You all right, Hugh? Quiet tonight." Hugh was caught off guard. He was actually quite happy just listening to 3 handsome, powerful men talk about mergers and acquisitions. The fact that he had no underpants under the thin wool of his designer suit also added a subservient sexual thrill to the evening for him. The "I'm fine Sir" slipped out. Giles laughed, "I know I'm senior managing partner Hugh, but we're on first name terms after all these years." Hugh tried to brush off his slip of the tongue, "Sorry Giles, I was miles away, thinking about a particularly stroppy client who has to be buttered up." As he made his lame excuse, he felt the unmistakeable pressure of Sam's muscular thigh pressing firmly against his under the table. Giles looked at him, then Guy with a puzzled glance, but immediately moved on by summoning the waiter for some limoncello shots.

Several shots and coffees later, Giles announced Cam curfew,' his code for it's about time I got back to Camilla, my fiancée.' Without further ado, he was up from the table, heading for the door, hooking his cashmere coat over his shoulder as he passed the rack. Guy called for the bill and asked Sam if he wanted to come back to the house for a nightcap. Sam readily agreed, thigh still secretly pressed against Hugh's. When they got home, Sam conveniently asked to use the bathroom, leaving Guy and Hugh a few moments alone. Guy came straight to the point: "I think he's up for something. You OK with me telling him about us if it comes to that?" "Sir, yes Sir!" replied Hugh enthusiastically. They both grinned.

Back from the bathroom, Sam made himself at home on the sofa, loosening the knot of his Hermès tie and undoing the top button of his monogrammed Brooks Brothers shirt as he gave Hugh his order for Scotch on the rocks. When Hugh came back in with the Scotch and a brandy for Guy, he heard Sam dive in with the killer question, "so, what's the deal with you two?" Hugh, still standing by Guy's chair, listened as his Master explained their recent new relationship to a delighted-looking Sam. "Damn, that's hot!" was Sam's succinct reply. Guy turned to Hugh and said, "Slave, I think it's time you showed our guest your normal house uniform." Hugh left the room immediately to obey, but it took a while to stuff his by now leaking hardon into a jockstrap and fasten the leather collar round his neck. By the time he came back stairs into the living room, Guy and Sam were both on the sofa, jacketless and kissing passionately. Hugh knelt, eyes down, the sticky patch of pre-cum on his jockstrap pouch growing larger by the second. He heard Sam say, "Jeez, Guy, you have him well trained!" and then the order from Guy, "crawl over and make our guest comfortable." Hugh crawled towards Sam's highly polished dress shoes and began to undo the laces. He slowly and carefully took each shoe off, then started to peel off the sock from Sam's left foot. He still did not have permission to look above Sam's ankles, but enjoyed hearing the American stud's moans of pleasure interspersed with the quieter sounds of him kissing his Master. Once both Sam's feet were bare and Hugh had tentatively kissed the bridge of each one, he heard the next order from Guy, "Now your Master." He followed the same procedure with his Master's feet, producing appreciative sounds from both alpha males.

Sam, once again, did not beat around the bush: "So, Guy, have you trained your boy just as well in cock sucking?" "I'll let you be the judge of that" replied Guy in a nonchalant tone. Then, in a much harsher voice, "You heard, slave, get to it! And you'd better please our guest." Hugh did not need to be told twice. He carefully unfastened Sam's belt, undid his fly and immediately started licking at the thin cotton of his briefs. Guy, smiling, left him to it and went out to the hall to fetch a paddle he kept in the drawer of a side table. By the time he returned, Hugh was gagging on the impressive uncut dick, belonging to his esteemed New York colleague. "Is he doing OK?" Guy asked Sam, holding up the paddle with a conspiratorial wink. "He's doing pretty good, but I think THAT would help him try even harder."

Poor Hugh, very much focussed on the task in hand, could not see what the emphasised `THAT' was referring to until he felt the thwack of leather against his bare ass. The shock of the blow sent him lurching forward, further down on Sam's delicious dick. As he tried to pull back the second whack hit and once again he felt Sam's neatly trimmed pubes brush against his lips. On the fifth whack, Sam exploded a massive load into his mouth and despite his best efforts, Hugh choked and did not manage to swallow it all. As he tried to calm himself and lick up the spilt prime grade US spunk, he felt something hot on the back of his head. Unseen by Hugh, Guy had been wanking with one hand whilst paddling with the other. The sight of Sam choking his slave with a huge amount of cum had sent him over the edge.

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End of part 12

Next: Chapter 13

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