From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Mar 27, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 13 -- The loan

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Guy surveyed the scene before him -- Sam laying back contentedly on the sofa, his exposed, cut cockhead still glistening and Hugh, on his knees, the remains of Sam's spunk round his lips and a load of Guy's own cum trickling down the back of his head. "Well, Sam, we have early meetings, I need to hit the sack. My slave will see you out when you are ready" said Guy, heading off to the bedroom. Over his shoulder he added, "slave, set my alarm for 6.30."

When Guy had left the room, Sam smiled down at Hugh. "Does Guy keep you in chastity?" he asked matter-of-factly. Once again, Hugh was a bit startled at Sam's ability to get straight to the point, but replied honestly "not for long periods, Sir, but sometimes he sees my morning wood is particularly hard as he goes out to work and orders me not to wank while he's away." "Seems reasonable -- we don't want the slave having too much fun while his Master is hard at work, do we?" mused Sam. Before Hugh could respond, Sam continued "and did he order you not to wank this morning?" As he said this he looked down at Hugh's hard, leaking cock straining in the confines of his jockstrap pouch. "No, Sir, he didn't" replied Hugh, gasping with pleasure as he felt the handsome American's foot start to play with his balls. "Lose the jock," ordered Sam. Hugh nearly tipped over in his haste to obey from his kneeling position. "Now you may cum on my feet," said Sam, placing his perfectly manicured bare feet together in front of Hugh. "You have 30 seconds," he added, looking at his Rolex, to show the slave he was serious. Hugh gazed at Sam's beautiful, hairless feet as he pulled furiously on his rock hard cock. He didn't even need the full 30 seconds to erupt over the stud's feet, covering both of them with thick, white cum. "You know what to do," said Sam quietly and Hugh set to work on licking up every drop of his own cum. "Use your jock to dry my feet" was Sam's next order. Hugh obeyed and then carefully put his shoes and socks back on while Sam called an Uber. As Hugh saw him to the door, Sam said, "Wear that jock tomorrow, if your Master doesn't object." "Yes, Sir. Thank you Sir" replied Hugh, bowing his head as Sam left the house.

The next morning, as Guy's alarm went off at 6.30, Hugh had already made tea and was kneeling naked, except for his collar by Guy's bedside. Next to him lay the stained jock from the night before. Guy opened his eyes groggily and as he reached for his tea, he noticed the white jock on the carpet. "Why is that on the floor?" he demanded. Hugh recounted in detail what had happened with Sam after Guy had gone to bed and as he got to the part about asking permission to wear the used jock according to Sam's request, Guy muttered, `fuck, that's hot' as he swivelled himself round to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, grabbed Hugh by the collar and pulled him roughly onto his dick. He fucked his slave boy's throat mercilessly, cumming without warning after a few minutes. Hugh choked a little, but managed not to spill any of his Master's seed on the carpet.

As he was now a bit late, Guy dressed himself after his shower and all Hugh had to do was wait by the front door with his Master's rucksack. He was still hard from recalling the Sam episode and the subsequent, unexpected face fucking. As Guy took his rucksack, he noticed Hugh's hard on and his departing words were, "Permission to wear the used jockstrap granted. Permission to wank denied."

Later that morning, Hugh was clearing up the glasses from the previous evening when he heard the special ring tone signalling a call from his Master. He answered within the required 3 rings. Guy got straight to the point; "You clearly did a good job with Sam last night. He wants to borrow you at his hotel for a couple of hours this evening. Be at the Shangri-La at 5pm. Take lube, condoms and massage oil." He hung up before Hugh could respond. Looking vacantly at the phone in his hand, Hugh wondered if he should be resentful that Guy had agreed to `lend' him out like an object, but the growing bulge in his stained jockstrap reminded him how much he had loved serving Sam and decided instead to count himself a lucky slave.

At 5pm Hugh was sitting on a designer bench in the impressive lobby of the Shangri-La Hotel in the Shard, London's tallest building. Having had no instructions on how to dress for the occasion, Hugh decided on chinos, crisp white shirt and a blazer with loafers and invisible socks. His smart Mulberry briefcase contained the items his Master had listed on the phone. He stood and smiled as soon as he saw the tall, handsome Mr van Branden stride into the lobby, but only received the curtest of nods in return from the powerful American executive and a tilt of the head to indicate that Hugh should follow him. Hugh stayed a respectful 2 steps behind. As soon as they entered the elevator, Sam barked at Hugh, "You should have been standing waiting for me. Slaves do not use furniture without permission." "Sorry Sir" replied Hugh, bowing his head. "Now strip" Sam ordered the alarmed Hugh. Thoughts of being caught on CCTV cameras or by another hotel guest flashed through his mind, but Sam already looked pissed off over the lapse in protocol in the lobby, so he started to take off his loafers. Fortunately, the Shard elevator was amazingly speedy and Hugh's outfit was still in tact apart from his shoes by the time they reached the 37th Floor. He followed Sam to the door of his suite and couldn't help letting slip a "wow" as he took in the panoramic view of his hometown from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Sam's "I said, strip, boy. Your focus should be on me, not the fucking view" rudely interrupted Hugh's site seeing. He quickly obeyed and was soon naked, standing to attention, eyes lowered. "OK," said Sam, "Here's the deal. I have a meeting with old man Melchett later this evening where I will have to play nice in order to get the funding for my US expansion. He will no doubt lecture and patronize me about my hot headed Yankee ways before he reluctantly agrees to release the money, even though the old son of a bitch knows my business plan is rock solid. Your purpose tonight, slave Hugh, is to be used, humiliated, beaten and have your lily white, limey ass fucked by this upstart American, so that I will be in the right frame of mind for the meeting, knowing how superior I have proved myself to be over one of his precious countrymen. Capish?"

"Yes Master Sam" replied Hugh, his cock hardening. "But first we need to address your lack of respect in the lobby. Get over the desk, " Sam ordered. Hugh placed himself over the elegant Macassar ebony desk, with its spectacular view of the winding Thames. "We're gonna do this American frat style. You count and ask respectfully for another" explained Sam. Hugh had watched enough US jock porn to know exactly what Sam meant and after the first searing stroke of his belt, intoned the appropriate phrase: "1 Sir. Thank you Sir. Please may I have another?" After 6 strokes wielded by Sam's very muscular right arm, Hugh's phrasing was getting a bit shaky and after "8 Sir" he wasn't sure if he could bear to ask politely for another. After a few seconds pause, he managed to continue with the request, but was relieved to hear Sam say, "That's enough. Get down under the desk, take off my shoes and give me a foot rub"

Hugh gratefully replied and painfully maneuvered himself under the desk, his glowing backside pointing towards the London skyline. He took off Sam's shoes, soaking in the smell of sweat and leather and lovingly began to massage his temporary Master's socked feet. Above him, Hugh heard Sam get out his laptop and start going through emails. From the sounds of the muttered Jeez' and For Christ's sake' he took it that the content of these was not putting Sam in a better humour. After a while, Hugh heard his next order: "Go run me a bath and lube yourself up while you are waiting for it to fill." Yes Master Sam, " replied Hugh as he crawled from under the desk. Sam watched him and said, in an amused tone, "I like that. Carry on crawling until you get to the tub." Hugh obeyed and so only saw, to his amazement, when he stood up to reach the taps, that the bath (or tub as his American Master called it) was set into another floor-to-ceiling window, with an equally stunning view. Once the water was running at what he hoped was an acceptable temperature, Hugh realized that the lube and condoms were still in his briefcase by the door to the suite. Not wanting to risk any more strokes to his already sore ass, he decided to crawl back out of the bathroom to retrieve his bag. Sam, now changed into the hotel bathrobe was reading the New York Times and pretended to ignore Hugh's slow, naked progress across the shiny marble floor. As Hugh headed back to the bathroom, Sam grinned to himself at this hot Brit boy's complete subservience and started to stroke his hardening dick

Once back in the huge bathroom, Hugh stood and started to lube himself up, his cock rock hard at the exposure he felt doing this by a large plate glass window overlooking the capital. Sam heard the bath tap being shut off and sauntered into the bathroom, shucking off his bathrobe as he entered. He was delighted to see Hugh drop to his knees, head bowed as soon as he saw Sam come in. He also noticed the condom neatly set out on a marble shelf and a fluffy hotel towel folded carefully over the edge of the bath. "Get here, slave boy. Bring the condom," ordered Sam." Hugh crawled over and knelt once again in front of Sam. "Lick my balls" was the blond stud's next order. Hugh complied, relishing the difference between Sam's shaved balls and Guy's lower hanging, hairy ones. He lapped up the working day's sweat from his American Master, eliciting appreciative moans from above. Sam, pleased with Hugh's eager tongue work, said in a softer tone than before, "Put on the condom, boy." Hugh ripped open the foil packet and gently rolled the condom over Sam's smooth, beautifully proportioned tool, his task aided by the copious pre-cum pouring out of Sam's piss slit.

As soon as the condom was on, Sam ordered Hugh to stand and then guided him into position; bent over the conveniently placed towel and arms braced against the grab bar on the window side of the bath. Sam pushed straight in until his trimmed pubes were pressing against the hot, beaten flesh of Hugh's arse. Hugh couldn't help crying out, which earned him a sharp slap on his thigh and no let up on the brutal rhythm of Sam's fucking. Sam looked over Hugh's shoulders to the spectacular view of the city and felt on top of the world as he pistoned into his colleague's slave boy. Meanwhile, underneath him, Hugh felt a rush of adrenaline from being fucked by this tall, powerful stud and was soon whimpering in pain and pleasure. This whimpering sent Sam over the edge and he roared as he shot a load into Hugh. He pulled out and discarded the full condom onto the marble floor before stepping past the still-panting slave boy into the bath. Once Hugh had caught his breath, Sam ordered the slave to wash him carefully with a soapy flannel. He also ordered Hugh to tell him how grateful he was to serve his American Master. As he soaped each part of Sam's body, Hugh described what a lucky English slave boy he was to be soaping this alpha male's muscular arms and legs, beautiful feet, perfect pecs and amazing dick and thanked Sam over and over.

When Sam decided he had had enough physical and verbal adoration, he got out of the bath and had Hugh dry him gently, but thoroughly with an enormous bath towel. To Hugh's surprise, Sam then told him to get into the bath, which was still full of soapy water. "Can't send you back to your Master all dirty, can we boy?" He announced with a grin. "You've been an obedient boy, so you can jerk off in my used bath water" he continued, watching Hugh's hard on bob above the bubbles. Hugh looked pained, "Master Guy has denied me permission to cum today, Sir"

"Good boy!" exclaimed Sam. "You passed the test!" Hugh looked puzzled, so Sam explained: "We had a discussion about this earlier. Hugh told me that if you were honest about his order not to cum, even though you were really turned on -- which I can see you are -- I would be allowed to give you permission. So go ahead." A grateful Hugh wasted no time in grabbing his soapy cock to make the most of Sam (and Guy's) largesse. He was just getting into his stride when Sam started to piss into the bath, working his way over Hugh's hand and cock and up his hairy chest. The unexpected feeling of hot piss on his chest was so electric that Hugh came immediately, shooting rope after rope over himself. Sam laughed. "Hugh said you weren't too keen on watersports, but looks like I made a convert."

End of part 13

Next: Chapter 14

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