From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Apr 8, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 14 -- Guy shows his gratitude

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Hugh rinsed off and dried himself as best he could with Master Sam's used towel. By the time he ventured back into the main part of the suite, Sam was already dressed and trying to put on the second of his Tiffany cufflinks. Hugh hurried over to help and then held out Sam's suit jacket for him to slip his arms into. Even though he had only just experienced an intense orgasm in the bath, the sight of the sexy, dominant Mr van Branden in his best suit was enough to make Hugh's cock start to harden again.

"Hey, down boy" laughed Sam, "I have to be in business mode for Sir Rupert Melchett." Looking more serious, he added, "Thanks Hugh, that little session was just what I needed. Guy is one lucky man."

"It was my pleasure, Sir," replied Hugh, smiling and respectfully bowing his head.

Sam left the suite, telling Hugh to hold on a few minutes before leaving himself, so that the Chairman of the Board would not spot his fellow director's husband skulking around the lobby.

By the time Hugh arrived home, it was nearly 8pm and he was surprised to see Guy waiting for him in the hall as he stepped through the front door. He immediately began to sink to his knees, but Guy shook his head, guiding Hugh back up to standing position by his elbow.

"I had a text from Sam. He's delighted with my loan of you and apparently the meeting with Sir Rupert is going really well. Your service put him in a great mood for the negotiations," Guy explained.

"I enjoyed serving him Sir," replied Hugh, blushing slightly. Without another word, Guy took Hugh's hand and led him up to their bedroom. As they entered the room, Guy announced, "I'm really proud of you for being so obedient and you may just have played an important role in the future success of my company. I think you deserve a reward." With that he started slowly undressing Hugh, kissing him gently on each area of his body as he revealed it. Once his slave was naked from the waist up, Guy motioned him to sit on the side of the bed and knelt down to untie his shoelaces.

Hugh had been apprehensive when Guy started to lead him upstairs as, while he had thoroughly enjoyed his time with Master Sam, he was still sore from the belting and the hard fucking. Guy's unexpectedly tender ministrations soon made him forget his discomfort, however, and he lay back on the bed luxuriating in the now rare joy of having his own body worshipped, rather than being the one doing the worshipping. Once he had his boy completely naked, Guy set to work with his tongue on Hugh's cock and balls. Hugh hadn't been on the receiving end of a blow job since he signed the Master/slave contract, so the feeling was intense. When Guy sensed that Hugh was close to cumming, he stopped sucking and reached over to the bedside table for some lube. Before Hugh knew what was happening, his Master was slowly easing himself down on his slave's rock hard cock. They both sighed with pleasure as Guy's hole reached the base of Hugh's column. Guy rode himself slowly up and down Hugh's shaft whilst wanking his own leaking cock. Hugh resisted the temptation to push up with his hips to go deeper into Guy's arse and let his Master set the pace until Guy suddenly cried out and began pumping a huge load of spunk onto Hugh's hairy chest. The contraction of Guy's arse hole around Hugh's cock as he came was enough to send him over the edge for the second time that evening and he exploded inside Guy. Guy collapsed on top of his very satisfied slave boy and they kissed when they had stopped panting.

Once they had cleaned up and gone back down stairs, Hugh was delighted to learn that his reward was continuing when Guy brought him in some pizza from the kitchen. Only when he saw this treat did Hugh realize how hungry he was after all the exertions of the evening. He couldn't decide which element he was enjoying more -- the delicious taste of the pizza or the unaccustomed luxury of having it served to him.

They watched TV for a couple of hours and then Guy announced it was time for bed. "Go up and get naked for your bedtime spanking" Guy casually ordered. Hugh gave Guy a surprised stare. He thought that he was being rewarded and surely Guy had seen the welts left by Master Sam's belt? Guy did not take kindly to Hugh's questioning look, nor to the fact that he was still standing in the living room, not rushing upstairs to strip. "Slave, you have been well rewarded this evening. Don't spoil it by being impudent. Rules are rules and your bedtime spanking will happen EVERY day, come what may."

Hugh blushed, realizing his error and headed up the stairs. Ten minutes later, Guy entered the room and was pleased to see Hugh back in obedient mode, naked on all fours on their bed, his marked backside on display for further punishment. Guy took his time selecting a belt from his drawer and, without daring to turn his head to look, Hugh realized that he was to receive more than just the regular hand spanking that normally constituted his bedtime reminder' to be a good slave. Guy looped the belt and held it close to Hugh's face. His slave knew what to do and turned his head slightly to kiss it, gulping as he registered that it was Guy's father's old military belt -- thick, black, supple leather. Guy never wore it - he kept it as a keepsake of his father, but his choice of it as an instrument of chastisement would definitely get the message across to Hugh. He stroked the looped belt over the fading but still visible welts left on his boy's arse by his colleague Sam. "Why did Master Sam beat you, boy?" he demanded suddenly. "I wasn't standing as he entered the hotel lobby Sir," replied Hugh nervously. Guy spoke again: "And how many strokes did he give you?" "8 Sir" was Hugh's even more nervous answer. "Well, I think you need the same again, to teach you some manners towards me and Master Sam" was Guy's merciless conclusion. With that, he laid on the first stroke with full force. "COUNT" he barked and Hugh instantly called out "1 Sir." By the fifth stroke, Hugh was crying, as much out of shame that he had angered his Master after such a lovely evening as from the intense pain that this second, hard leathering of the day was causing him. Guy laid on the last 3 strokes all onto Hugh's left buttock. He knew that his slave hated this, as the repeated strokes on the same spot made it especially painful and hindered the recovery as the pain felt unbalanced' and therefore lingered longer in the miscreant's mind. Guy saw tears were running down Hugh's cheeks as he turned to kiss the proffered instrument of torture for a second time. "You know how to thank me and you'd better show me how grateful you are" Guy whispered ominously into Hugh's ear.

Hugh got down slowly from the bed, each movement re-igniting the searing pain in his buttocks and knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed. Guy sat on the edge of the bed and remained silent as Hugh lovingly worshipped his feet in thanks. Normally, a few kisses on the bridge of each of his Master's feet would suffice, but after Guy's whispered warning, Hugh felt he should make an extra effort and sucked each toe, licked between them and covered the whole of each sole with loving kisses until Guy ordered him back into bed.

End of part 14

Next: Chapter 15

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