From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Dec 4, 2021


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so if you don't want to read it, you are free to move on. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 1: Part 1

In Town

This story starts place in a world, unlike any other place. It truly may be the happiest place in the world. The world rarely touches this spot-on Earth. It's a place that Mick has known for 25 years. Mick and his family live here. Mick's father is famous, more famous than any other celebrity.

Mick's last name is Claus. Do I need to say anything more? Here in the North Pole, Mick was brought up along with his brothers, sister, and a whole slew of elven children. They were taught magic; well, some magic, the family business, and all about the world of humans. St. Nick's kids got to test the newest toys and gimmicks that the elves came up with while the kids were younger. The one thing that wasn't here for Mick and his siblings were human peers. There was plenty of love which is good, but at times things get lonely at the top of the world.

Mick's life is good, but it lacks something or someone. His parents knew this day would come. When Mick came out to his parents, they immediately told him that their love will always remain with him. Mick has always been curious about the outside world. He also dreams of finding someone to love. How can he find it if he remains here? He dreams of life in the outside world.

A life, he wants more than anything in the world. He goes to the family room, where he finds his mom and dad relaxing.

"Mom, Dad, can we talk?"

Mick isn't sure that his parents will understand why he needs to leave, but he has to try to get them to understand. A smile from his mom reassures him.

"Go ahead, Mick!"

His dad says to his son.

"Mom, Dad, I want to go into the world for a while to see if I can find love. I know that my brothers' will deliver heirs to the Claus' family business. I want; no, I need to find someone to love."

His mom has a tear on her face, and his dad has the kindest, gentlest smile on his face. His father stares at the globe in the center of the room.

"Any place you want to live?

Nicholas asks his son.

"How about Weber, Indiana?"

Mick says in response to his father's question. He's already done his homework, and the place is reasonably safe.

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

Again, his father asks as he begins writing a to-do list of things that he needs to accomplish for his son. If anyone can make Mick; a citizen of the world, the U.S.A., Indiana, and the city of Weber, Father Christmas can do it.

"I'm telling."

Mick says with confidence in response to the question. Nicholas and Emma know that they can't hold him back. They know their kids deserve to live their lives. Mick also knows that there might be a time when he may have to take up the mantle of Santa Claus, but he wants a chance to find love like his parents have.

"Mick, you have our blessings. Now go pack; we'll talk later."

Nick and Emma know their son will be lost in a sea of people. They plan on helping him out in whatever way they can. Mick heads to his apartment to pack.

Mick starts to pack up his home. He starts in the bedroom, where he starts going through his clothes. He begins to fold them and put them into piles. He pulls boxes off of the shelves. The boxes contain trinkets and treasures from days gone by. While he is packing, there is a knock at the door. Mick stops packing and answers the door. His mother is on the steps that lead to his apartment. He welcomes his mother into the apartment, and she sits down to speak with him.

"Mick sit down; please, I want to talk to you."

Mrs. Claus said to her son, who gladly sat down across from her. Despite needing to pack, he knows his mother must have something important to say.

"Are you okay with this move?"

She looks at her son as she waits for a response.

"Mom, I'm not going to find a partner unless I leave."

Mick speaks the truth to his mother. There may be a gay elf amongst the crowd, but there is only one gay human in the entire North Pole complex: Mick Claus.

"I know my son, and I understand. Your father and I will help you out as much as we can. Here take this and keep it with you."

She hands him a locket, a unique locket that will allow the wearer to see what they treasure the most in all the world at that time. She reaches into her purse, which is a little like Santa Claus' big red bag and pulls out a box. This box contains cookies, candy, and even a pie, all made by Mrs. Claus herself. Mick can't imagine being without his mother's cooking, so this package will go a long way in helping him not feel so homesick.

"Your father is going to come to speak with you, and he's bringing more presents. Now, I hope you won't mind my help in packing?"

He smiles and heads towards his room with her close behind. An hour later, the room is ready to be packed up into a box.

Mick's mother heads out of the house, and then five minutes later, there is a solid knock on the door.

"Come in, Dad!"

Santa enters the room and sits in the living room with the big bag in his hands.

"Mick, I have some presents for you. I am allowing you to use one of my spare bags, the kind that I carry on the sleigh with me on Christmas Eve. It will proudly hold all your belongings and then some. You carry embers of magic within you to help you find what you seek in Indiana. The elves will see that you arrive in Weber, Indiana. Here is the bag, some deep boxes; boxes that hold a lot more items than they should, and there is one more present, a notebook that one of the elves put together that has a ton of elven cantrips like the one I use to go up chimneys, and there are a few others as well. I love you, Son, and I can't leave you without giving you something else. This snow globe, when shaken, can be has a secret in it. You can use it to speak with anyone in the family. Just shake it up, say their name, and you can talk to them. You know there is no other family like our family on the face of the earth. Be proud of your family without giving away any secrets. Most importantly, my son believe in yourself, in the magic, and in others, but be warned not all humans are nice or kind. Using this spell from the elven notebook, you can distinguish between the naughty ones and the nice ones. The guy you are looking for is out there; just keep your eyes open. Now, I need to check on your mom and on dinner. I love you, my son!"

Nicolas leaves the apartment and heads back to the main house. Mick goes back to packing up the house. His father had been more than helpful, and his gifts will go a long way in helping him get settled in his life in Indiana.

Since Santa's visit, several hours have passed, and Mick is now packed and ready to go. Emma and Nick are waiting near the sleigh. Before he leaves, his father and the logistics team have a gift for him.

"Mick, the elves have an apartment for you. It's one the elves have set aside in case of a sleigh breakdown. It's not far from the center of town. They took into account that we don't use cars. Here are the keys and the paperwork you'll need for your life in Indiana. If you lose any of this stuff, just call me. Now you're ready."

Nick knows that his son is itching to get to Indiana. Mr. Claus hands him the keys to his apartment and the paperwork as well. He is packed and ready to go. Nick and a small group of elves load up the sleigh. Nick decides that he would guide the sleigh instead of an elf driving the sleigh. The sleigh is loaded up and ready to go. Nick climbs into the sleigh and takes the reins. Mick gets himself into the sleigh.

"Okay, son, are you ready to fly? You've been on the sleigh before but never for any long-distance travel. Wait till you see the speed in the sleigh; you are going to be amazed."

With a flick of his wrists, the reindeer begin to move forward.

"Okay, let's fly, Blitzen, let's go!"

Mr. Claus says as he gives the signal for the reindeer to begin their run before taking off and heading to Indiana. The deer and the sleigh go faster and faster. Nick says
"Up!" and Blitzen and the other deer begin to take off with that word. They climb higher and higher before they begin circling their home, and then they head south. They leave behind the magical field that hides the massive North Pole Central city. Its effect hides the city from human eyes, satellite images, and even radar. In a matter of minutes, they approach what Santa calls the Tube. The tube is a new bit of technology that helps propel the sleigh, the reindeer, and the riders of the sleigh through time and space, which should speed up deliveries. Santa and son have reached Mick's new home in under an hour. Nick uses his magic to port his son and his son's luggage directly in front of his apartment. Mick enters and sets the bag down on the floor using the key.

The apartment is perfect. Mick has unpacked the bag's contents in each room that the stuff belongs in within the apartment back home. He sets up the living room, the mini-office, the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, the dining room, and then stashes the bag in the closet. It took him 5 hours to get everything just right. The apartment needs a few things, and somehow, the elves have already managed to accomplish the needs in their own way. Mick has internet thanks to the Elves and their magical internet network. He also has a device designed by the elves that streams movies, tv channels beyond that of any commercial devices. Now he can just relax.

After relaxing for 15 minutes, Mick knows that he needs a job. As luck wo9uld have it, the coffee shop, which is a 15-minute walk from his apartment, is hiring. Mick trained with the best baker in the world; his mother. Once the shop opens, Mick heads out to the place he hopes will hire him. Mick gets hired on the spot under the name Mick Owens because how do you explain the last name of Claus, either way, Owens works. The manager told him to be at the coffee shop by 6:00 am for orientation. He walks out of the coffee shop and walks home from there.

He's been in Indiana for a week now, and already he can tell the world is a very different place than being back home. He's seen some stuff on the news that scares him, and at the same time, amazes him. It seems like people can tear each other apart or build themselves up. Either way, he looks at it; the world of man is crazy. His dad has said that humans can be scary, mean, and rude, but he's also said they are filled with goodness. There have been times when he's wanted to turn around and go back home. In just a short time, he's seen people running around like crazy, and it seems like family comes second, or families come in third to other things they deem necessary.

Very few people have reached out to him, and it stings a little. He doesn't understand why more people have not said "Hi!" or smiled at him. Some people at work have been kind and cheery towards him. More people are at work, primarily customers who seem stressed or busy when he sees him. Maybe, they should smile more instead of going around like they are in a daze. He's seen potential guys, too, but nothing feels right to him. Maybe someone will cross his path. Too bad there isn't some kind of test he can do to see if someone is suitable for him.

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Next: Chapter 2

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