Fuck a Fresher Week

By Jordan Tales

Published on Dec 6, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email, jordanstales@hotmail.com.

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will extend to include a few kinks and fetishes. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

As I emphasised the bulge in my joggers that my thick meaty cock was causing, confusion flashed across this twink's cute face. Now that I was getting a better a look at him, I fancied him even more. As well as that sexy little arse I'd been following for the last 10 minutes, he also had a cute face with really quite attractive features. His eyes were a sexy mixture of blue and green which caused them to really stand out against his darker hair. His lips were plump and red and I could tell that his boyfriend must enjoy running his cock along them - I knew that I was going to. His teeth were perfectly straight and a beautiful white, probably as a result of the braces that he was still sporting. This boy was cute as fuck and it just made my cock throb more knowing that I was going to have him bent over and begging for my dick as much as Kyle had yesterday. There was just one major obstacle though. "What are you...?" his high but sweet voice faded out as he looked down at the treasure inside of my joggers. He'd been wondering why I'd stopped him leaving the toilets but, from the way his eyes grew wide, I think he must have been starting to understand. "Look, whatever you think is going on... it's not... just let me pass." His voice was shaky and unsure. "You don't want to pass," I said, in a low and soft voice, while starting to stroke my cock through my joggers. The size and thickness of it were evident and I mentally praised my decision to leave the boxers at home this morning. "I..." he was mesmerised and couldn't tear his eyes away from what I was packing, "I... do... I..." I took a step towards him: "You what?" "I... I have a boyfriend!" he cried out, pulling his gaze away from my cock. "He's not here," I said simply. "I'm not a cheat." The twink's voice was quiet: was it me he was trying to convince, or himself? "You want it." He swallowed loudly enough that it was audible to me even though I was still a metre or so away from him. This boy had already been horny, had already been playing with himself and thinking about his boyfriend's dick inside him. It wasn't going to be hard to make him want me. Hell, he probably already did. I just needed to nudge him in the right direction and I knew just how to do that. The bulge had been enough to bait him; now it was time to hook the little slut. Placing my hands on my waistband, I lowered down the pair of grey joggers I was wearing. First, my trimmed pubes came into view and I could hear the twink's breathing quicken. He was enthralled and that was only heightened when the base of my dick came into view. "I have... a... boyfriend," I heard the boy whisper to himself but that didn't stop me lowering the joggers down little by little until the shaft of my cock was exposed to him. "Oh... no..." his soft whispers of resistance were about to fall away and I noticed how the front of his jeans were beginning to stir - his own cock hardening inside. The reveal of the cockhead did it. Up until them, the waistband of my joggers had been holding my cock down but, as soon as it was released, it sprang upwards towards the twink; it's full length now on display in the open air between us. "You know that you want it," I spoke plainly and slow, as if everything I was saying was obvious, "It's all yours. It's that easy; you can have it. It's okay." "I... I can't..." but even as he said those words, he took a step out towards me, his hand reaching out in front of him. "It's okay. That's it... just... just touch it." My words casting a spell on his mind and permitting him to release the horny twink that he really was. "I... but... I..." It was clear that he was struggling. If he'd truly been serious about being faithful to his boyfriend, he'd have just walked out in the first place and left me here with my cock hanging out. The fact that he didn't meant that he wanted this, no, he needed this. He just needed to let himself go. "You can have what you want. You need this." His hand shook as he moved towards me. He paused - a momentary hesitation - but it didn't last long and every bit of him that knew that he shouldn't be doing this just melted away the moment his fingertips touched my throbbing dick. From that first contact, it didn't take long at all before this slutty boy was on his knees in front of me. He practically fell to them as soon as he felt my dick throb against his fingers. You could tell that this was his familiar position: he'd needed no encouragement to drop down and he'd remained there playing with my cock with his fingers and just staring at it as he moved the foreskin back and forth over the exposed head. "It's so... big," he whispered out, his eyes not moving away from my throbbing dick for the second, "It's just... huge." Placing my right head on his head, I began to play with his hair. Softly at first, comforting him, but then I started to apply pressure as I told him that he could taste it if he liked. It turns out that this slut didn't need any pressure; he'd just been waiting for permission to wrap his soft red lips around the head of my cock. Wasting no time at all, he took me into his mouth and started to work his tongue over my sensitive glands. I let him have this. He'd been so eager so I could afford to let him taste the precum leaking out of my big dick and explore it at his own pace. Kyle had needed taking control of but this boy wasn't anything like that. He knew exactly what he wanted and he was going to have it - he'd just needed permission to push aside his boyfriend. To turn his mind away from the promise they'd made to each other and the notion of loyalty that he had clung onto and give in to the reality: he was a cock-hungry slut that needed to be free to service as many dicks as he could find. The boy had clearly spent a lot of time sucking cock and he had me moaning as he worked the glands of my cockhead with his tongue, swirling around them and sliding underneath my foreskin to reach the most pleasurable parts. Nasty little sluts like this remind me of what Kyle could become now that I'd broken him in and I really hoped that this roommate had taken control of the broken slut I'd left behind. This boy's skills were good but you know how I love a good face-fuck. I had no choice but to take control but, in fairness, the little slut eagerly gave it up to me. He stopped trying to lick or move himself and just gave in to being a hole for me to pull up and down my dick as I wanted to. At first, I thought that he must have been even more experienced then I'd believed as his gag reflex seemed non-existent. However, as I pushed further and felt my cock pop into the tight constrain of his throat, he began to choke. I love hearing sluts struggling to take my dick inside them; it's such a fucking turn on. His throat was pulsing around of my cock as if it was trying to milk it. I don't know if he was doing it deliberately or whether having my dick so deep inside of him was causing it to happen but, to be honest, I didn't care: it felt amazing around the head of my cock. Looking down, I saw how resigned to his fate the twink had become. His eyes sparkled with happiness as I slid my cock in and out of his throat, noticing how stretched out his lips were around my fat shaft. I had him - I knew it - but I wanted to test it. I took hold of his hair and pulled him back while withdrawing my cock. He winced, a moment in pain both from his hair and from how roughly I yanked my cock from his throat. Then, he looked lost. With no cock in his mouth, he tried to pull back towards it but I held him back, refusing to let him. His eyes peered up at me, pleading, as he uttered just one word: "Please." At that, I let go of him and he was straight back on my dick. This time, I didn't need to hold his head or even thrust towards him: he was fucking his own throat on my thick and meaty cock. He'd force his head down until my balls were pressing against his chin and keep himself there despite the fact that he was choking: that's how much of a cock-hungry slut he was. Taking out my phone, I recorded him fucking his own throat up and down my cock. He didn't know - he didn't bother to look up and spent most of the time with his eyes closed, particularly when he was forcing himself all the way down on my long shaft - but I didn't care. The video was hot and I couldn't wait to show the lads - especially Jacob as I knew that he'd really be pissed off. It was time for more though. His throat had served its purpose but I was that beautiful arse that I was really after. I pushed him away from me and told him to get up. As he did, looking disappointed at no longer tasting my cock, I shoved him against the wall and hold him to put his hands on it and stick out his pretty little arse. He complied, of course, given that he wanted this as much as I did, probably more. Reaching around, I undid the button on the front of his jeans and pulled them down over his arse. In one continuous movement, I dragged down both his jeans and his boxers so that they were around his ankles. I knew that someone could come in at any point but I didn't care - they'd just find this slut with his arse exposed. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time that I got caught doing something sexual in public. As I pulled his jeans all the way down, I quickly reached over and picked up his phone from where he'd dropped it before. I'm not going to try and kid you into thinking that I was doing it with the best of intentions and just didn't want him to lose it. No, I was going to get some of what I was doing to this slut recorded on his phone too - a reminder of how easily he gave up his slutty hole for another man despite only being days into the long absence from his boyfriend. Fucking hell, this boy's cunt was beautiful. It was a soft pink and completely shaved smooth - something that he boyfriend had clearly been insisting on him doing. I resisted the urge to dive in and eat it; I could have spent hours with my tongue in there but I needed to be quick. Whilst I wasn't overly bothered if we did happen to be caught, I wasn't eager to be so I needed to get what I wanted from this slut now. I spat down onto his exposed pussy and used two of my fingers straight away to push the spit inside. He'd already been fingering himself for his boyfriend but he was still tight which caused him to moan out as I invaded his hole. "Oh fuck...mmm!" He clearly loved having his cunt played with and normally I'd be happy to oblige but I was in a hurry so I'm afraid he'd have to make do with the minimal amount of preparation we'd already done. There was an audible pop as I pulled my fingers out of his hole and he gasped at suddenly being empty. That gasp quickly changed into a whimper and moan as I placed the head of my big cock against his little pucker. I could feel the heat from it against my cockhead and it was even pulsing a little in time with his heartbeat. I wasn't about to just give it to him though - he needed to ask for it. "What do you want?" I said, the words echoing a little in the empty bathroom. "What?" he said, unsure as to what was happening, his mind in a cloudy horny haze. "Tell me what you need." "I... I... need your dick... your big dick... I need your big dick inside me," the dam broke and the words came spilling out: "I need your huge dick inside my little bum... my... my cunt... fuck my little cunt with your big dick... please!" I'd caught every single word on video on his phone. He didn't know, of course, but he would when he looked back and realised how much he had begged to be fucked by a man who wasn't his boyfriend. I'm not one to make a boy wait when he's made it pretty clear what he wants. So, with a forceful push, the mushroom head of my thick cock stretched open his tight hole and really turned this boy into a cheating slut. There was no build-up, no easing him into it: there wasn't time for all that. This was a passionate, quick fuck and so this eager slut soon began to feel what it was liked to be long-dicked by someone who was really just using him for his own pleasure. "Oh fuck! FUCK! You're so biiiiigggg!" he cried out, struggling as I forced his tight twink hole wider and wider to accommodate my big knob, "So fucking biiigggg!" "Oh yeah, you little slut, take my big cock. It's the biggest dick you've had isn't it?" He panted and moaned: "YES! Oh God yes!" "Bigger than your boyfriend, aren't I?" I hadn't intended to mention this slut's boyfriend to him but, in the throes of the fuck, I decided to really hammer home what he was doing here with me. "So big! So much bigger!" That turned me on so much to hear him being such a cock-hungry slut for me. We continued like that, with the dirty talk just increasing, until something that I wasn't expecting happened: the slut's phone rang with a voice call from someone called "Baby". For a second, I debated ignoring it but then decided 'Fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound.' I answered the call whilst still thrusting my cock into the moaning slut in front of me. "Hey," I answered, as if nothing was happening, while the face of a decent-looking lad appeared on the phone's screen. "Hi ba... who is this?" His voice started out low but quickly became higher as he realised that it wasn't his boyfriend that he was speaking to. His face looked confused at first and then angry. "Alex." The twink was moaning out and I'm sure that his cries would have been heard on the other side of this call. "Alex? Where's Chris?!" So that was the slut's name. "He's busy, aren't you Chris?" Chris moaned out as I drove my thick cock deep into him, my balls slapping against his arse. "Yes!" he cried out, "Yes!" Though I'm not sure whether he was replying to me or just lost in the mist of slutty sex. I had an idea of how to clarify that. "Let me speak to him now!" the tone coming down the phone from his boyfriend was aggressive and pointed and it played perfectly into what I was now planning to do. "Okay," I replied and switched the camera so that the image being sent to Chris's boyfriend was now of the little slut being fucked by a stranger. He was suddenly flooded with all the sights and sounds of sex that were filling the bathroom including hearing his slut of a boyfriend moaning and panted with a huge cock up his arse. "What... what's going on?!" the voice from the phone cried out I could still see his face and he looked both furious and devastated at the same time. "Chris," I called down to him, "Tell your boyfriend how much you love my cock inside you." Chris realised what was going on at this point but was far too into the sex to stop himself: "Oh baby, I... fuck... I'm so... oh God! I'm so full! I'm sorry baby! He's... fucking hell! He's fucking me! Oh fuckkk... oh no... I'm... I'm cumming!" With my cock hitting all the right places inside of him, I'd just forced Chris to shoot his load without touching himself and all while his boyfriend listened on from the other side of the phone. Feeling the little slut's arse start to spasm around my shaft pushed me over the edge too and I cried out as I started to fill up the nasty slut's cunt. "Fucking breeding your boyfriend - watch him take my fucking load!" I shouted into the phone as I lowered it to film my cock flooding the boy's hole. Chris cried out with each jet of spunk that forced its way inside of him. I ended the call and quickly sent the images and videos that I'd recorded to both my phone and to Chris's boyfriend's phone before withdrawing my leaking cock from the slut's sloppy hole. He collapsed to the floor, panting as my seed leaked from his open arse. With barely another word said between us, I passed him his phone, pulled up my joggers and walked straight out of the bathroom. There was no need for any further conversation - I'd taken what I needed from him and he'd realised that the whole uni long-distance thing doesn't really work when one of you is a cock-hungry slut. We'd both gained something from that experience and I couldn't wait to rub Jacob's face in it.

Thank you so much for reading the seventh chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at jordanstales@hotmail.com - all messages are welcome!

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

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