Fuck Buddies to True Love

By JL Sherlock

Published on Oct 27, 2019



TO CATCH UP: Patti and Jeff are bisexuals who have been fuck buddies for about four months. For Jeff's birthday, Patti offered to get him a threesome with the girl of his choice, provided that he also have a threesome with a bi guy. That has just happened and now it's time for Patti to pay off.


I grabbed the phone on the second ring.

"Hi Babes!' Patti said sweetly on the other end. "What are you up to?"

"Not much," I said. "I was going to go workout then go to work at 2:30, how about you?"

"Jason has day camp all day, so I was going through the list," she said. "I just wanted to ask you something about it."

Ah yes, the list. Part of Patti's plan for getting me "whatever girl I wanted" was the list. She had me make a list of 10 girls with both know who I thought would be both incredible and willing to participate in our little social experiment. She wold go through the list, eliminate the ones that she figured there was no way -- "I have the greatest lez-radar on Earth": -- then from the remainder she would find the right one. I had put a lot of time, thought, and some fantasy into the list and with my luck I probably wasn't even in the ballpark, but it was a start at least.

"What did you want to ask?"

"First, it's a really good list," Patti said. "In fact I only scratched three for sure, maybe four off of it."

"Wow!" I said. "I figured if it came up you'd say something like two out of 10 were even possible."

"Oh God no!" she said. "And two of the ones you listed I could see why you thought that; but anyway, in looking over the list I noticed someone I thought should be on the list...do you care if I add them?"

I was still dealing with the idea that six or seven even made the cut and now she was asking if she could ADD to it?

"Um yeah," I said. "I guess so; I'm assuming this is someone that I'd go `Oh damn, why didn't I think of that myself!', right?"

"Oh yeah," Patti said. "I'll keep you posted!"

"Damn right you will!" I said. "Bye!"

I was intrigued; who could I have missed? I mean, I know who'd I'd REALLY like to see on top of me, but I couldn't for the life think of anyone we both knew that I even vaguely could have thought of as being a candidate or this little social experiment of ours. At any rate, I had to head over to school and get in the weight room.

I really hoped it would either be Jackie or Amy.

Lisa was a gorgeous blonde, Elementary Ed major who just turned 21 -- so eight years younger than me -- and was one of Patti's best friends. I almost cum every time I see her. It's probably a long shot that she'd be in on it, but was worth a shot.

Amy was another story; she'd done a year and a half at Iowa State before moving home to go to Saint Luke's. She was an English major -- not for teaching -- and if her stories were to be believed a devout nymphomaniac. It was not at all unusual at all to hear her "scroggin'" stories about her and her now-ex boyfriend Jake. They broke up during interim and it was obvious she was on the prowl.

Amy's best friend Susie was a possibility, as was Jackie who was another elementary major -- what do they do in those classes, anyway? -- and Erika had to a possible as well. But who the fuck did I miss?

I walked into the weight room, heading off toward the squat benches. With Saint Luke's not being a football school -- like Cokesbury is -- we don't have all these cool toys. I tend to work my core for wrestling: legs, hips, abs, chest. If you're core is strong, you're strong, and when you're old(er) like I am, it helps a ton with flexibility.

I was kind of horny, thinking about the possibilities, but I was already planning on stopping at Matt's for a nooner before work. We'd talked on the phone a couple of time since Friday night, and he'd stopped by for a blowjob on his way home the other night. We were kind of like Patti and I; we were never going to have a relationship or anything, but we both loved blowjobs, Matt liked to take it in the ass and I liked to give it to him.

As I was doing my squats a couple of girls came in; they were at least basketball players, probably throwers on the track team. They were pretty, but they were about my size. I'd always been attracted to the smaller, more lady-like type. Patti called it a "Cheerleader Complex."

"Jocks are naturally shallow; they all want to fuck cheerleaders," she said. "You should be better than that; I'm no cheerleader and you're fucking me...think about that."

I did, then of course all of the girls on the list were more or less the cheerleader type. I guess I was a victim of trying to keep up with the guys; all of my high school friends had cheerleaders and I guess that was what I was always looking for. I knew a lot of very pretty and awesome girls who were bigger or heavier and they were beautiful souls...maybe she was right.

By the time I fucked Matt, went to work and made it home it was almost 10. I had about a half-dozen messages when I got home, one from my Mom, two from my sister, one of the wrestling coaches, and Molly -- we worked out together sometimes -- and one from Patti.

"Call me whenever you get home," she said. "I'll still be up."

I called immediately.

"Oh good!" Patti said when she answered. "We have a plan!"

"We do?" I asked. "What's the plan?"

"I'm getting the room, but we're going to the Canterbury in Iowa City," she said. "Getting one of the fancy suites."

"That's a lot of money!" I protested. "Let me help with it!"

"Nope," Patti said. "I have friend who works there and we worked something out. We're going to do Saturday night, get there about 8:00, OK?"

"This Saturday?" I asked excitedly.

"This Saturday," she said. "You're going to be very pleased I think."

Needless to say, Saturday was one of the longer days I'd ever spent in my life. I worked 9:30 to 6:00 at the mall, went home to jack-off, shower, jack-off, smoke a bowl, pack and head for Iowa City. The Canterbury had these "fantasy suites" which made the whole thing even more exciting. It was 8:04 when I knocked on the door and after an eternity of a good 15 or 20 seconds Patti opened the door.

"You made it!" she said softly. "Come in."

Patti was wearing a long white silky robe that showed she had nothing else on. She took my hand and led me into the main room. This was the Royal Suite with a kind of medieval theme decor. There was a fireplace going, a king-sized bed and a spiral staircase in the middle of the room. And just before the foot off the stairs was a medieval chair that was facing the bed. When we reached the chair Patti stopped, turned and reached up, kissing me long and tenderly.

"I hope tonight is very special for all of us," she said quietly. "You are a very special person in my life, as is the girl waiting upstairs. Now why don't you go ahead take your clothes off and have a seat."

I did exactly as I was told and once I did, Patti went over to a table and returned to the chair with two thick pieces of a soft-looking yellow rope.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I'm not going to tie these too tight," Patti said. "Don't try too hard, OK?"

"Promise," I said.

Once she had both of my wrists tied to the arms of the chair Patti slipped the robe off and let it fall to the floor. Even at 35 and NOT being a cheerleader time, she really was beautiful. I was starting to realize that I'd been wrong all this time. After tonight, I need to think about that a lot more. But now...

Patti came over the to the chair, leaned down and kissed me as she reached down and tenderly grabbed my cock, slowly stroking it. She smiled.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

I couldn't talk at that point, only nod. Patti reached down on the floor and picked something up. At first I didn't recognize it, but then realized it was one of those sleep masks; a black one that looked like the Lone Ranger's except without eye holes. She put it over my head, leaving the mask part over my forehead for a minute.

"We thought this would be fun," Patti said. "Keep the mystery until the last moment."

"You're the boss," I said.

"Yes I am," Patti said, kissing me again before she pulled the mask down over my eyes.

I was in the dark now but I could sense Patti stepping behind me. She put her hands on my shoulders and started massaging them, then spoke to someone else.

"OK," she said. "We're ready down here."

I heard movement, and footsteps on the stairs. They were slow and deliberate. My dick was so hard from anticipation and I could feel precum dripping down onto my leg. The footsteps drew closer to the bottom of the stairs; I was running the list through my head as I listened to the steps.

"Do I get a hint?" I asked Patti.

"No," she said, deeply squeezing my shoulders, "other than I think you're going to be very pleased...and here she is."

I could sense someone move close to me...a soft cheek brushed mine as lips, then a tongue caressed my right ear sending a shiver through me. The cheek slid back and lips flavored by raspberry Lip Smackers touched mine. It was a soft, sweet kiss as she passed over to the other cheek. From there she moved to my neck then down to my nipples.

I felt her kneel down between my legs and for the first time I could feel larger but amazingly firm tits that brushed my dick then slid up my stomach and she again kissed me, although this time it was deeper with much, much more passion. She nuzzled my cheek again then kissed me again before sliding back down my torso. And I could tell she about medium height and stocky; enough to make me realize that it couldn't have been anyone on my list. Again, I was trying to run the list through my mind when I felt a tongue start licking the head of my cock.

"Oh shit!" I shouted, not expecting that right at that moment, which drew giggles from both ends.

"She just indicated that she was sorry she snuck up on you," Patti whispered in my ear. "It's about to happen again."

She returned to licking my cock from end to end, then even moved down to suck my balls and jack me off before finally sliding up for her prize. She took me into her mouth and started sucking my cock for all she was worth. It was sloppy and had a hint of inexperience, but it still felt amazing especially with Patti's coaching.

"That's it honey," she said. "Right there under the tip...he loves it!"

I was on fire at this point; despite the joint before I left the house, the two one-hitters on the way down and jacking off three times, this was the most sensual moment of my entire existence and I knew it wasn't going to take much longer and my breathing started to show it. Patti sensed it and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Make sure you warn her before go off," she said. "Special request."

The girl was bobbing on my cock like a jackhammer and it wasn't going to take long now.

"Very close," I said. "VERY close..."

She took her mouth off me, sliding her hand up the tip to work the frenulum like a clit for a bit and that all it took. I felt an electric pulse fire from every extremity aimed straight at my balls and we they got there. BOOM! She aimed my dick toward me and the first blast actually hit me on the chin, neck and chest. Another blast hit my chest before she took me back in her mouth to gulp down the less powerful loads. I was electrified...every nerve in my body was reacting at once. I felt her lean back as Patti leaned over and kissed the cum out of my beard. Then the girl leaned up and kissed me with a passion that took my breath away and I lapped my cum off of her tongue was we kissed.

"Well," Patti said, "I think it's time for the unveiling, don't you?"

"I very much do," a voice said. "Very much."

Patti pulled off my mask. Standing before me was a statuesque girl, shaking out a mane of long wavy auburn hair which nearly reached her waist. Her skin was like porcelain and while it was not that of a beauty queen, her face was soft and expressive and tender. A shy smile spread across her face as my jaw dropped toward my crotch.

"Molly?" I asked in stunned surprise. "Oh my God!"


Next: Chapter 5

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