Fuck Todd

By moc.liamtoh@rekcuz_xoc

Published on Jun 11, 2002



STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction which features sex between two men. If this subject matter offends you, or if you are a minor, or if viewing this type of material is illegal where you are, (blah blah blah) then go away! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback is welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


I'm thinking aloud again. "Fuck Todd!" You know I'm pissed when I'm thinking out loud. I'm realizing that letting Todd's bull shit get to me has been my second mistake. My first was putting up with it in the first place. "I feel sorry for the poor bastard I'm gonna fuck tonight," I added, audibly again. When I'm angry, I tend to like to fuck... angrily. Maybe that's why my miserable relationships tend to extend well past their expiration dates. Or, just maybe, that's why that miserable bastard would start shit with me; because he knew I'd pound his ass afterward like there was no tomorrow.

I let the door slam behind me as I exit my apartment. I'm all too aware of how immature I seem to appear when I have my little tantrums, but it allows me to quickly gain composure when I let off a little steam. "I'm glad that sex club is so close by," I think, and it's the first thought I've had in thirty seconds that manages not to escape my lips. I've never been to this place before. Sure I live in a major metropolitan area, but I'm in the suburbs. I can't imagine the kind of trade that lurks in a suburban tearoom. "Fuck it! I have condoms. I have lube. Give me a hole and a dark room and I'm good to go." Yes, I know I'm delirious, "I'll have plenty of time to regret it later!"

My stride is long and fast. It takes me just under ten minutes to walk the twelve and a half blocks and reach the front entrance of the spa. I finding myself slowly coming back to reality so the trepidaton finally arrives. I'm questioning whether I actually want to enter this place. My cock decides to answer by twitching in my briefs.

As I swing through the entrance, I'm "greeted" by the thuggish looking guy behind the counter. "I.D!" he barks, and I fumble into my denim back pocket for my wallet. I flip the wallet open to unveil my driver's license through it's protective plastic window. "Take it out!" he shouts, and I'm forced to pull it from it's nesting place.

I'm barely a month away from my thirtieth birthday, and despite my modestly sturdy six foot one inch frame, I have a baby face that often makes me look well under twenty. This can be a curse as much as a blessing. I'm usually flattered whenever I'm carded, but under these circumstances, I'm merely annoyed. He examines the card like a detective. I'd momentarily forgotten that I've recently colored my hair one shade darker than my normally medium brown hue until he shoots me a hard look. "This you?!" he asks, as if to expect me to say "no" regardless of whether or not it is. "Who else would it be?" I shrug.

First time visit, so he tells me its membership plus locker and room fee. "Damn," I think, "This isn't gonna be a cheap fuck, is it?" I pull the two twenties from my wallet and count out the rest from the wad of crumpled fives and ones in my front pocket. He hands me a towel than I think used to be white but from the dim lights of the room, I can tell it's more of a warm off-white. I probably would've been more grossed out by it if I'd dwelled on in long enough, but I'm here and I've already paid, so I won't do that.

I go to the lockers and strip down to my boxers. I fling the towel over my shoulder and head down the corrider to the main area. Then it dawns on me. "Oh hell, it's dead here tonight!"

I'm guessing there are about seven guys in the place; Four of them appear to have hooked up already; two look like their doing a cocktease flirtation dance with each other: Will they or won't they? "Who cares?" I think, "I don't want either one of them." There's one last guy lurking in the shadows. About the only thing I can make out is the reflection of a nearby video screen off his coke-bottle glasses and a glimmer of drool dripping from his lip. "Oh, that's hot!" I mumble sarcastically under my breath. "Well, this turned out to be a bust."

It's time to make the most of it, so I enter my room and close the door behind me. There's a "pay-per-view" video machine inside, and fortunately, I still have about twelve dollars worth of ones on me. After the third try, the machine stops spitting out my first dollar bill. The movie kicks in and the first channel reveals a close-up vaginal shot which looks more like a gynocology special on the Discovery Channel than anything vaguely erotic. "Ugh... cheap het porn. The night just keeps getting better, don't it?"

Flipping through the channels until I'm down to the last dime of my first dollar, I land on a video that looks as though it might have some potential. I instinctively feed three more dollars into the machine. I hear the doorknob jiggle and immediately, like a reflex, my foot lands at the base of the door to hold it in place. Then, a knock. "Occupied!" I shout, and I hear grumbling on the other side. With that, the "pissed-off-bitch" inside me is pleased with herself.

The night seems to get progressively worse and the video on the screen begins to lose whatever potential it had as it began. I was becoming increasingly distracted by the crewd drawing of a penis which was grafittied on the wall which looked more like a "Killroy was here" cartoon turned upside down than any erect prick I'd ever seen. By this point I was even making a mental note of the "For a good time" message which was scrawled underneath. "I'm not gonna waste the rest of my money here. I'm gonna grab the bus back home." It's time to cut my loses and call it a night.

I open the door and enter back into the corridor. Six or seven more guys have arrived. They don't even look as though they're cruising. One of them genuinely looks like he's trying to get an actual work-out on the provided makeshift weight equipment! I make my way by him down the hall to the exit, and all of a sudden, you guessed it. There he was!

He was around two inches shorter than I, and appeared to be two years younger. He had a slight but solid frame, easily twenty pounds lighter than I, but toned. His features were almost feminine, but he had an amazingly masculine presence as he walked. There was just enough light in the room to notice his hair was frosted at the tips a white bleached blond. As he passed by, his eyes appeared to be fixed on me yet seemed to be looking right through me. He parted his lips as if he was about to say "hey"but instead said nothing and continued by.

Damn, I wanted him. I decide to discretely follow behind him from a few yards back. I'm in the last place on earth were one is not expected to be coy, but quite frankly it was the only thing I could think of at the time. He turned a corner and made his way down a seemingly empty maze off corridors. I was far enough behind him that when I decided it was time to catch up he'd vanished. "Shit! I lost him!" This made me even more determined to hunt down my prey.

I wandered around the maze for about ten more minutes. "He couldn't have gotten too far," I insist to myself. I decide to turn around and head back to my own room. I reach the door and take one more glance over both my shoulders in hopes that, perhaps, hopefully, he'd been following me. Again, I don't see him. I turn back again to face the door and begin to push it open. Out of nowhere, I feel a body brush up against me from behind. "Omigod, it's him!" I feel a chill run through my body. He turns to face me.

"Excuse me," he says politely, and I find myself both surprised and impressed with his courtesy. I was also quite taken aback by just how deep his voice was.

"No problem," I respond.

He asks "That your room?" as he once again seems to look through me as he peers through the slightly open door.

"Yeah," I answered. Before I was able to finish the last breath of the word, I felt his hand grab the back of my shoulder as he pushed me inside and followed in behind me. As we went inside, his tongue forcefully entered my mouth as he spun me around so my back was facing the door His one hand was still firmly behind my shoulder, the other reaching back to push the door shut.

The hand which was on my shoulder began to clench tightly into my back, massaging me deeply. The other grabbed the back of my head, fingers wriggling though my hair, pulling me inward. His tongue continued its exploration of my mouth and throat. I'm normally not into such aggressive kissing, but this guy was hot. I didn't mind it so much. I tried to use my lips in a fruitless attempt to wrangle control of his tongue from him.

His hands made their way up to my shoulders and began to press me downward. "Hey! I know that move," I thought to myself, knowing full well he was trying to get his dick into my mouth, "I invented that move!" I lied to myself. "I didn't come here to suck, I came here to get sucked off." I didn't intend to go down without a fight, so to speak.

Before I could even finish my thought, however, his tongue left my mouth and his lips dove in for my left ear. He applied the perfect combination of "nibble, suck, lick, blow" that sent a shiver through my entire body. As my knees began to quiver, they buckled under the pressure of his hands and I collapsed to my knees.

I looked up into his eyes and I felt drunk from the sensations that were swimming through me. He looked down at me, and he looked as though he felt satisfied with himself in winning our little power struggle. My eyes traced his body, from his eyes down his chest. For the first time, I'd noticed the light sprinkling of dark hair on his torso which contracted into the happy trail which seemingly poured out of his navel down to the rim of the towel.

Without a word, the towel fell to reveal a thick uncircumcised cock, a centimeter or two shy of eight inches, fully erect and jutting forward into my face. I could do nothing but stare.

"Suck it," he whispered, like some beautiful command. Any thoughts I'd had of resisting were nothing more than a distant memory. Instinctively my mouth dropped open and my tongue extended a bit.

"Mmm, very good," he praised me. His hand grabbed the back of my head, tugging my hair slightly, and he pulled me forward so that his cock entered my lips and slip halfway across my tongue. He held me in place with his hand and enjoyed my mouth for a moment.

He asked, "You like that?" but I couldn't respond. My hands worked my way up his legs until they reached his hips and then squeezed his asschecks lightly.

"I'll take that as a yes," he cockily responded to his own question, and with that his body arched a bit. His cock pushed deeper into my mouth until it was all the way in. His pubic hair was brushing my nose and I could feel his balls against my chin. I knew if he could get it in any deeper he would. Again, he just held me there. As he did, I soon felt myself briefly struggle for air and I gagged slightly. The sound of my gagging made him snort a chuckle, and he then slid his prick back slowly across my tongue until the head reached my lips. His hips began to slowly jerk his prick in and out, so I increased my suction to prevent the saliva from pouring out of the corner of my mouth.

"That feels good, dude," he complimented me, "suck me like that!" My wiggled my tongue around as best I could, trying to slide it under his foreskin whenever his cock began to exit. My hand left his hip and worked its way to his balls, slowly rubbing and carressing them. I also worked my fingers behind his sac and massaged him all the back to just underneath his hole. He let out a slight moan and began thrusting his dick faster and harder.

We kept this pace going for nearly ten minutes. The entire time, I could hear the door opening and closing behind me. I could only imagine the curious by-standers who were trying to get a gander at our little show, but all I could see was this stud pounding my throat.

"Get the fuck out!" he eventually yelled. Apparently the audience was breaking his concentration. His dick began to soften and left my mouth. "Cripes! I just came here to get my nut of, man. Too many fuckin' pervs, I gotta get the hell outta here!"

"Well," I tried to console him, "What did you expect? This is the Pervert Palace! We're just intruders on their turf, aren't we?"

He laughed, "I guess your right, man." He reached down to the floor for the towel and began to wrap it around himself once again. Feeling slightly embarrassed and disappointed, I lifted myself up off my knees to stand. "Hey," he added, "do you live nearby?"

"Umm, yeah," I answered, "I'm only about a mile or so down the street."

"Cool!" he exclaimed excitedly, then quickly corrected himself for his enthusiasm, "Err, I mean, is it cool if we go there?"

"Yeah, sure. If it's okay with you."

He pressed his index finger against my lips and circled them all the way around and pushed it into my mouth. "Hell yes, it's okay with me! C'mon, let's go!"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him out of the room. I turned to go to my locker and he said, "Dude, my locker's this way. My car's out back, I'll meet you outside."

There was a part of me that was afraid I was gonna lose my young stud, so I raced to my locker and dressed as quickly as I could. I then rushed outside and around to the back parking area. I pulled out a cigarette and anxiously smoked it as I waited for him to arrive. As I took the third quick, hard drag, the back door swung wildly open and he burst outside.

Under the glare of the street lamps, I could see that he was even better looking in the light than he was in the dark. I only hoped he felt the same way about me.

He darted past me with his keys dangling from one hand, and I got a good glimpse of his perfectly formed bubble ass. He motioned his other forward, "The red Probe," as he said this, I heard a blip and then the flashing headlights of his car in front of us. He opened the driver's side door as I sidled over to the passanger side. I searched his eyes as if to ask for permission to enter, "It's open."

We hopped into the car and I started to give him directions. As he drove, I saw his right hand move down to his crotch and he began to stroke himself through his jeans. He spotted that I noticed him do this and said, "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to be rude." He then grabbed my left wrist and replaced his own hand with mine. "That's better," he said with a smile.

As we reached my building, I swore this guy was going to crash the car. He was in such a hurry. We entered and made our way up the stairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and let him in first. His clothes started to come off before we made it to my bedroom.

"Shhh," I commented, "My roomates are asleep."

"Roomates?" he replied, "Ooh, dude, that's hot!"

"No," I assured him, "They're just roomates. It's not going to be that kind of night."

With mock disappointment, he said "Bummer, dude!"

The door of my bedroom closed behind us. I turned on a few low lights so I could continue to take in the view of him. When I finished, I kicked off my jeans and noticed that he was already stripped completely nude, and lying flat on his back atop my bed.

"So," I said in an attempt to break any tension (real or imagined) that may've still been lingering, "Where were we?"

"You," he responded, "were right here," as grabbed his stiffening cock and pointed it at me again, shaking it. He spread his legs a bit farther as I lowered myself on the bed between them. I was again face to face with his hard prick.

I took him once more into my mouth, working my lips and tongue over the shaft and head. This time, he placed his hands behind his head and allowed me to do all the work, all the while moaning in ecstacy. As I sucked him, I allowed my hands to explore his torso, rubbing his abdomen and massaging his pecs and nipples. Of course, I would occasionally take a rest from bobbing on his dick to lick and suck on his balls and inner thigh.

Then I'd go back to work on his cock. I'd stare him directly in the eyes as I sucked him just to see the enjoyment in his face.

"That feels fuckin' awesome," he'd say, and with each moan I knew I was doing something right and that I'd have to do more of it. "You're gonna make me shoot!"

I pulled his dick out of my mouth and moved my arm under his leg so that my fingers could grab his ass. "Not yet," I asserted. I then worked my lips down the shaft of his cock with gentle, sucking kisses until I reached his balls. I began sucking and kissing his nuts, all the while sucking one, then the other, and eventually both into my mouth. I released them and then blew warm air from my lungs onto his scrotum. I gave his sac a little nibble, then a lick, then a kiss.

I began to lift his leg over my shoulder with the force of my arm, and I worked my lips down under his balls to his asscheek. He let out a slow deep moan as my mouth got closer and closer to his crack. When I worked my tongue along the crack I felt his legs spread wider and his hips push his hole into my mouth.

"Oh fuck!" he shouted, "Your mouth is so fucking hot!" I darted my tongue deeper into his tight, almost hairless pucker.

I could feel from his body that his hand was now ferociously attacking his own cock. "I'm gonna come!" he screamed, and grabbed my hair again. He pulled me back down onto his cock and fucked my face hard. "I wanna come in your cocksucking mouth!" he shouted.

Before I could fully absorb what he had said, I felt his prick erupt. My initial reaction was to pull away, but his hand held my head firmly in place. His salty seed spilled across my tongue and down my throat. "Swallow it dude," he said forcefully, "Eat my fucking load!" I willingly complied, swallowing every drop as quickly as I could. He pistoned himself in my mouth again and again well after he'd stopped coming and relaxed his grip of my head.

I pulled my face from his cock and began to nursingly kiss and suck on the balls that had so generously fed me. I stared up at him and then back at his dick to notice that he was still hard and jumping up and down.

"I'm ready to go another round," he sneered down at me. All I could do was look up at him and smile.

I rolled over onto my back to reveal my own raging hard on. "That's fine by me," I said. "I still haven't come yet."

"Cool... So, umm," he replied nervously, "What gets you off?"

"Well, this was definitely fun," I answered, "and I'd love to eat your ass some more."

His eyes lit up. "That was fucking awesome! I never had my butt eaten before! I'll definitely let your tongue back up there!" His legs opened up wide around my head.

"Actually," I told him, "I was hopin' you'd roll over on your stomach."

Now there was a slight hint of worry in his eyes.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Trust me," I said.

He slowly rolled over. His round, smooth asscheeks were pointed directly in the air and I stared at them for a moment. I began to massage them with my fingers and then lowered my lips down to them to kiss them. I slowly slid my tongue up and down the crack, lightly at first. I then applied more pressure so that my tongue entered his crack and worked my way down to his hole again. Again, as before, he let out a long, slow moan.

I worked my tongue deep into his hole. The hands I was once using to massage his cheeks were now trying to spread them apart so my tongue could tunnel even further. I heard a whimper, then a pant, and another long, slow moan. This only encouraged me.

As I rimmed his ass, I rubbed my prick against his leg. I snuck one of my hands away from his ass into the pockets of the pair of jeans I'd dropped to the floor. I grabbed one of the condoms I'd brought to the club earlier and quietly opened it. I pulled the latex over the shaft of my dick, all the while my mouth and tongue never leaving his asshole.

Once the rubber was firmly in place and my mouth planted firmly in his ass, I used my hands to explore his body. I rubbed the small of his back and massaged his back and shoulders. His ass began grinding deep into my face. His deep, low moans were replaced by high-pitched whimpers.

I slid my tongue back up to the top of his crack and kissed my way up his spine. My lips met his neck, and his body was firmly pinned underneath mine. I nibbled and kissed his neck and my cock rubbed across his ass cheeks. The shaft slid up and down his crack. I used my finger to tickle and tease his hole.

His legs then tensed up, and his moaning stopped. "Dude," he said nervously, "I'm not a bottom."

I continued to slide my cock up and down along the crack of his ass which was wet with my saliva. "I never said you were."

I kissed his neck a few more times. My mouth left his neck and my lips dove in for his left ear. I applied the same combination of "nibble, suck, lick, blow" that he had done to me earlier in the club. I felt his whole body shake and his knees buckle. I felt his legs slowly spread apart.

"Fuck me," he whispered...

The next morning, I awoke to an empty bed. I was disappointed, because I'm always friskiest in the morning and was hoping to go another couple rounds with my newfound friend. I looked over toward the nightstand to see what time it was, and noticed his pager was there. I quickly examined it to see if there was some telltale sign as to how I could reach him in order to return it, but the queue was empty. "Damn!" I thought, "I didn't even get his name."

I groggily lifted myself from the mattress and slumped over to the bathroom to clean myself up. When I got to the sink, I noticed a piece of paper taped to the mirror.

"Hey buddy!

"I accidentally left my pager at your place this morning. Give me a call when you get a chance so I can swing by tonight and pick it up!! 555-7893...

" -Jeffrey"

It suddenly dawned on me that I'd totally forgotten what I was so pissed off about the night before.

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