Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Oct 15, 2010


The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 12 By Tappy McWidestance

Note: This chapter contains both lesbian and straight sex as Tina and Lisette's husbands take an active role. It probably belongs in the bisexual section, but since the last 11 chapters were posted in lesbian, I submitted the same way.

A wave of panic washed over me when I saw Jim's car. He'd be here in 30 seconds and would see Ronda's motorcycle in the garage. I had to think and think fast. Ronda was still in a heap on the floor. She was naked and still recovering from her orgasm. What was I going to do?

I was frozen at the window watching Jim approach. My mind was racing. Maybe it was meant to be that I'd be caught and finally confess my transgressions to him. I yelled back to Ronda to get dressed, but she didn't acknowledge me. I was starting to freak out. I yelled at her again to grab her clothes and get into the bathroom to dress. Still no movement. I saw Jim's car pull into the driveway and heard the garage door go up. I was screwed. I quickly grabbed Ronda's clothes and took her by the wrist dragging her to the powder room.

"Get your clothes on and whatever story I come up with, go with it," I told her.

I shut the door and quickly looked at myself in the hall mirror to make sure I was presentable. Jim still had not come into the house. I imagined he was in the garage wondering about the motorcycle and ready to burst in on me and whatever guy I was hiding. I decided to beat him to the punch and walked over to the garage door. He still had not come inside, so I went outside. Jim was standing in the driveway. Judy and Lisette were with him. Things were not getting easier for me.

"Hi Jim," I called to him trying to sound normal.

"So who owns the bike?" he asked.

"That's my friend Ronda's," I replied trying to sound casual. "She doesn't like to park it in the sun so I told her to pull it in the garage."

That sounded like a good excuse to me.

Lisette chimed in. "I saw her pull up about an hour ago." She also gave me a wry little smile outside of Jim's field of view.

"She's having a hard time. She just broke up with her lover and needed to talk," I offered.

"I don't think I know any Rondas," Jim stated with a quizzical look. "Where do you know her from?"

"Oh, we work together," I lied. "We've been friends for a while, but I don't think you met her at any of the work parties."

Jim seemed satisfied with the answer. Judy quickly changed the tone of the conversation to neighbor talk asking Jim about his recommendation on some kind of planter or another. She made an excuse of showing him something on the side of their house and like an obedient idiot, he followed her.

"I think you got away with it," Lisette said giving me a scowl. "At least for now."

Instantly I knew it was her I saw in the window.

"Lisette let me explain."

"No need to. My hubby will be out golfing tomorrow. I expect you at my house at 9am," she said before she turned and walked away.

I didn't have a chance to respond. I was still panicking. If Lisette knew I was lying then so did Judy. She might be telling Jim right now. I had to get back to Ronda and get her on board. I sprinted back into the garage. Just as I reached the door, Ronda emerged looking none the worse for wear.

"I think I'd better get going," she said.

"You have to meet my husband first," I responded. "I told him you were a friend from work who just broke up with her lover and you needed to talk."

"Did I just break up with my lover?" she asked. She had a softness in her eyes I had not seen before.

"Not yet," I told her. "But my neighbor Lisette saw us together and wants to talk about it tomorrow. If she knows then my neighbor Judy probably knows. Judy's on the side of the house with my husband. She's also having an affair with him."

Ronda stood there taking it all in. She didn't say a word but I could tell she was thinking that if my hubby was fucking around, what was I worried about that somebody would find out about us? I didn't tell her than Lisette and Judy were part of the Mistress Club.

"Well introduce me to this husband of yours," Ronda announced as she walked out of the garage, her motorcycle helmet cradled in her arm.

I took a deep breath and followed her out of the garage. We turned the corner and found Judy discussing her garden with Jim. I could think of nothing Jim would hate more than discussing our neighbor's garden. Unless, of course, that wasn't all they were discussing and Judy was promising him more sexual thrills to come.

We interrupted their conversation and introduced Ronda. Jim was pleasant and friendly. Judy was outwardly nice, but I could tell she was appraising Ronda as a threat or possibly a potential conquest. Ronda thanked Jim for lending me to her saying that she really needed a friendly ear that morning. Jim seemed to be buying our story and told her to come back anytime. Ronda roared out of the driveway and Jim and I said goodbye to Judy and went inside.

Jim pressed me for more information on Ronda. I must say I told a good tale and he seemed at ease. I asked how his golf went. I knew he was home hours early, but I didn't ask directly about that. I figured asking that question was an admission that I was doing something I didn't want him to know about. He said he had tweaked his back hitting out of a sand trap and had to quit. I played the part of loving wife and offered him a back rub. He moved to sit on the couch, but I skillfully maneuvered him to the bedroom instead. I didn't want him catching Ronda's scent.

We spent the rest of the day doing husband and wife stuff. We ran some errands and worked around the house. I was trying to be the perfect wife, although my thoughts were with Lisette and Ronda. That night, we made love. Well, maybe not love, we had sex. Animal sex. Jim was far more aggressive than usual. I loved it, of course, but I did wonder where he was getting his inspiration. I was tempted to ask, but he wore me out and I fell asleep pretty quickly.

The next morning Jim got out of bed early. I watched him through groggy eyes as he stretched and twisted.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"My back feels pretty good. I'm going to go golfing," he replied.

That was good as far as I was concerned.

"OK. Can I ask you a question about last night?"

"Sure hon. Fire away."

"It's just that you seemed, how do I say this, not like yourself. You were more aggressive."

"I don't know. Was that a good thing? I guess I was inspired."

"It was a great thing. I was just wondering, what inspired you?"

Jim started acting evasive. He clearly didn't want to tell me.

"It's OK Jim," I told him. "I will not get mad. Was it Judy and her tiny little shorts she was wearing?"

"No. It wasn't Judy."

I figured he was lying about that.

"Was it Lisette?"

Jim looked disgusted as he realized I wasn't going to stop asking.

"It was your friend Ronda," he finally admitted.

"Ronda? What about her?" I asked.

"Do we have to talk about this?" he responded.

"Yes we have to talk about this. I'm not mad at you. I liked you being more aggressive. I'm just trying to figure out what I can do to make you be that way more often."

Jim seemed to like that last comment.

"I've always had a thing for a woman in leather or on a motorcycle. I was picturing you dressed in leather."

Interesting, I thought. Jim had never told me about his thing for women dressed in leather, although now that he said that I could remember his reactions to seeing women on motorcycles or dressed that way in movies hinting at his affection.

"Ronda rides a lot," I offered. "Come to think of it she wears leather often at work."

I could see I had piqued Jim's interest. I could probably use this to my advantage in coming out to him. I had hatched a plan that the best way to tell him about my needs was to show him. Perhaps I could talk Ronda into a three way with Jim. He was ready to head out so I let the conversation drop until I could formulate a more complete plan. I also looked at my watch and realized I had to get down to Lisette's house.

I watched Jim as he pulled out of the driveway. To my surprise he was the first one from our family to stop at Lisette's house as her husband walked outside with his golf clubs. I felt my knees go weak. That meant we had at least 5 hours alone. I wondered what Lisette had in store for me.

I didn't have long to wait before I had to walk down to her house. Yesterday she had ordered me to be there by 9. Her tone seemed out of character since she'd always been very quiet and submissive. Since she caught me with Ronda, however, she seemed different. Maybe it was because she felt she had the upper hand. I rang her doorbell right on time. She answered the door wearing a black mesh robe. It was obvious she was naked underneath.

"Good morning Tina. Come on in."

She led me to their kitchen where she had coffee and toast ready to serve. She was obviously ready for sex and after pouring the coffee, our conversation started exactly on that subject.

"So who was that woman in your house yesterday?" she asked.

I tried to be coy saying Ronda was a friend, but Lisette was having none of that. She said friends don't hide their motorcycles in the garage, take their clothes off or get spanked. It was obvious she had been the person I saw at the window. I tried to convince her that wasn't what happened, but I was not convincing.

"Look Tina, I don't care who she was and I'm not going to tell Sharon or the other mistresses. I need your help."

I paused. I'm sure I had a confused look on my face.

"I really want to tell Chuck about Suzy. He's so passive in bed. I love him and don't want to leave him, but I need him to fuck me better or I'll go crazy."

I'd never known her husband's name. Jim had never mentioned it and I'd never actually met him. I realized that we were living parallel lives.

"You know, I feel the same way about Jim, although I must say after he met Ronda he was much better in bed last night. Apparently he has a thing about leather," I said giggling a bit on the last sentence.

We spent the morning talking although I knew she caught me several times staring at her sexy lingerie.

"I wore this to seduce you," Lisette admitted. "Is it working?"

I nodded.

"After I saw you spank that woman yesterday, I wanted you to spank me."

I told her that my relationship with Ronda was way more complicated than what she saw. I told her that although I had spanked Ronda, I didn't really enjoy it and that Ronda was usually the one who beat me.

"Would she spank me?" Lisette asked.

I wasn't sure what to say. Before yesterday I would have said yes and sent her over to the garage. But after Ronda's confession and apology I wasn't sure.

"I don't know," I said truthfully. "She's kind of confused right now about what she wants."

"Would you spank me, Tina? I've been dreaming about it all night and all morning. I've been wet ever since you walked in the door."

Again I paused trying to think about what I should do.

"I'll spank you Lisette, but only if you agree to spank me too," I offered.

I figured that was an offer she couldn't refuse and she didn't. She led me from the kitchen to her bedroom and gently helped me remove my clothes. She then dropped her robe and went to her dresser drawer.

"I bought these from Suzy hoping Chuck would use them on me. But so far I have not been able to bring myself to talk to him about it."

I watched as she produced a leather ping pong paddle and a pair of leather cuffs. She handed both items to me and in her best submissive voice told me to punish her. She hopped up on the bed and lay on her stomach with her hands crossed behind her back. I wondered if I looked as silly to Ronda as she just did to me. With the reluctance gone, there seemed to be an element of nastiness missing. Of course that didn't stop me from cuffing her hands.

I pulled her butt up and ordered her to keep her ass high in the air for her punishment. The paddle was very effective. It was much firmer and had a much larger contact area than a hand would. Lisette came to life with the first blow. After a few relatively soft swats to put some color in her ass cheeks, she began to beg for more force. I was surprised she didn't cry. I could feel the heat rising from her ass. I knew she must be soaking in her juices, a fact I quickly confirmed with my index finger on my right hand. She moaned as soon as I made contact with her pussy.

"Oh, mistress," she begged. "There's a dildo in the drawer. Please fuck me."

I gave her another swat with the paddle. "I'm not your mistress slut. You're doing this just because you're a nasty whore."

I wasn't sure where that language came from, but Lisette appeared to love it. She started humping her hips trying to get my finger back inside her. Instead I just teased her outer lips and gave her clit just enough attention to keep her begging. She was so cute under my control. With Ronda yesterday I didn't enjoy being on top, but with Lisette, something was different. Maybe it was because she was so much younger than me. Maybe it was because she'd never made me submit. Whatever the reason, I was very aroused at my ability to tease her and make her beg.

"Where do you keep your dildos tramp," I hissed at her.

"In the bottom drawer, mistress. The same place I had the paddle."

I spanked her again. "I told you I'm not your mistress." She just moaned.

I got off the bed and retrieved her dildo. It wasn't very big, but my finger had confirmed that she was pretty tight so it probably worked well for her. I didn't make her wait. I pushed it into her pussy with one stroke. She threw her head back in ecstasy. I didn't let her enjoy it. I pulled it back out and reached around her head pushing the dildo into her mouth.

"Taste what you have been giving away. Does your husband make you blow him after he's been inside of you?"

Lisette tried to answer my question but I had no idea what she said. Her voice was muffled by the dildo I had jammed into her throat. Still her body language made it clear that she was enjoying herself. I was becoming more aroused at having this beautiful creature under my control. I knew I could make her cum at any time, but I also remembered what my mistress taught me. Mistresses always cum first. I decided I could tease Lisette some more and have my own pleasure doing it. I threw off the pillows from her bed and sat down in front of her head and spread my legs. She was about 5 inches away from my pussy. She also had an up close and personal look as I slowly pushed her own dildo into my steaming snatch.

"You wish I was doing this to you, don't you?" I teased.

Lisette could only watch and nod.

"Oh, this feels so good," I continued. I wasn't lying. It did feel good and not just the fact that I was penetrating myself but the fact that Lisette was submissively hanging of every word.

"Maybe I should dress you in leather and give you to my husband as a gift?" I asked rhetorically.

I could tell Lisette was conflicted. Her pussy was drooling and her ass was on fire. She would have gladly buried her face in my pussy and got me off if I hadn't positioned myself just out of her reach.

"No Tina, I don't want to cheat on Chuck. I want you to help me with him."

"So you want me to cheat on Jim so you don't have to cheat on Chuck? That doesn't sound very fair," I countered.

I was fucking myself good by this point. My pussy was all squishy. Lisette's focus was riveted on the dildo sliding in and out. I knew I could get her to do anything at that moment.

"Roll over and let me ride your tongue. If you make me cum good, I'll consider your offer to help you with Chuck."

Lisette didn't hesitate. In a flash she was on her back. Like a good submissive she kept her legs spread. I assumed she thought I might use the dildo to keep her pussy happy as I sat on the face and ground my pussy into her mouth. I might have done just that if her tongue had not been so talented. Suzy had obviously taught her well and in no time I showered her face with my affection.

As I rolled off of her she gave me a look of pure lust. Her face was glistening with my pussy juice and she begged me with her eyes to finish her off. I wasn't ready just yet. Oh, I did slide her dildo back into her pussy, but I didn't fuck her. I just let it sit there. I then got back off the bed standing as best my wobbly legs would allow. I went back to her dresser while she began to rock back and forth attempting to move the dildo and trying to get a little pressure on her clit.

I found a pair of cotton panties in her drawer. I wanted regular panties not a thong for what I had planned. To Lisette's dismay I slid the panties over her legs and up around her bottom. They held the dildo tight. I then had her stand up. I found a dress in her closet. It wasn't anything particularly sexy, but it was light weight. It came down right about to her knees. I released her wrists from the cuffs and had her put on the dress. I then recuffed her hands. I could tell she was confused.

"We need to talk about how we are going to involve our husbands. I'm not going to cheat on Jim and you should not cheat on Chuck. The only solution is to involve them both. We're going to go to my house and discuss it."

I wanted to do this for one very good reason. I knew Lisette was primed and ready to cum. I also knew walking to my house with her pussy leaking around the dildo would take her even higher. I had a good idea what we should do with the boys but I figured if she was even more desperate to cum it wouldn't hurt. Also I was really enjoying teasing her and didn't want to stop.

Once we got outside, Lisette seemed to be in a hurry to get to our house. I'm sure she figured the quicker she made the trip, the sooner she'd be allowed to cum. I, on the other hand, preferred the leisurely approach. I'd been conditioned to hold off from cumming as long as possible and wanted to make her wait. I saw Judy working on her flower garden again and was tempted to involve her. I wondered how Jim would react if I brought her over as his play toy too. But just as I was about to decide that was a good idea, I had a vision of the boys picking her and Lisette and leaving me out as the third wheel. No, that wasn't a very good plan. Judy did look up and notice us, but we didn't go over to talk to her. We just gave her a friendly wave and disappeared into the house.

This time I was careful not to position my partner in the living room where prying eyes could catch a glimpse. Instead I took Lisette down to our basement. With her safe from Judy's view, I could have my way with her without worrying about the mistresses getting a detailed report. I also figured the basement would fuel her submissive fire.

As we got downstairs, for the first time I started seeing the erotic possibilities of the space. The exposed rafters were perfect for suspension bondage, sound wouldn't be a problem and the lack of windows could make sensory deprivation play an option. I started thinking of our basement as a potential dungeon.

We had a couple of folding chairs stored against the wall so I grabbed one and set it up. I then told Lisette to strip, but not to touch the dildo. In a flash, she was naked. She stood before me waiting for my next command. Unfortunately I wasn't sure what that command should be. I ended up sitting down and once again put her over my lap. As soon as she was in position she began grinding her hips on my knee in an obvious effort to get herself off. The dildo was poking tantalizingly out of her puffy pussy. I took hole of her arms and pinned them behind her back. She gave no resistance to my actions and I felt a surge of power. I wondered if this was what my mistress felt when I lay over her lap.

Lisette's ass was still pink from my earlier spanking, although the fire red hand prints I left before had faded. She continued to grind herself on my knee so I gave her a hard swat to get her attention. She moaned and stopped trying to get herself off.

"Slaves only cum when given permission," I scolded her. "Didn't your mistress teach you that?"

"Yes mam, she did," Lisette whimpered. She then coyly added, "But she needs to remind me all the time."

I caught on to her game. She liked being punished, something I could certainly understand, and was egging me on. I, however, didn't want to play that game. Instead of spanking her, I grabbed the base of the dildo and slowly began to pull it out of her.

"Your mistress may like to punish you for being a cum slut, but I have another plan. We're here to discuss what to do with our husbands not to make my hand sore. So, you are going to lay there and not hump my leg. I will fuck you with this dildo and if we come up with a good plan for Chuck and Jim, I'll let you cum. That's my offer and it's non-negotiable."

I was playing this by ear. I didn't know if I was pushing her too far. Lisette responded by slowing and then stopping her hips from humping my leg. I responded by slowly, as slowly as I could in fact, pushing the dildo back into her overheating pussy. She moaned. I was pretty sure she wasn't going to be much good to me developing our husband plan so I just gave her what I had been thinking.

"The mistresses had Judy seduce Jim to make sure he'd be compliant when the time came for him to find out about my needs," I began. I was currently drawing the dildo back out of her pussy as slowly as I had pushed it in and I questioned whether she was really hearing me or not.

"I assume they did the same with Chuck so neither of them should be too resistant to having a little swap party. I suggest we have an informal dinner party. Since the boys have become friends from golfing this would not seem out of the ordinary. We could even suggest going away as couples to a resort. They could golf while we get pampered. At dinner we'll have some drinks. We'll be sober but we'll play up that were drunk and don't know what we're doing."

I was getting turned on by speaking my plan. Playing with Lisette's pussy wasn't hurting my mood either. I kept fucking her so slowly that she'd not cum and I could tell she was getting majorly frustrated.

"After dinner we'll offer to play some board games for something. We'll play girls against the guys. They'll probably make some joke about playing for blowjobs or something. We'll up the ante and tell them if they lose we get to spank them. It will be a blow to their masculinity and they will do their best to win. Of course we'll lose on purpose and get them to spank us. How does that sound?"

Lisette was unable to answer through her moaning. I couldn't tell if she had heard a word I said, but I took pity on her and began to fuck her in earnest. She began to go off like a rocket humping my leg and screaming as her orgasm overtook her. My own pussy was dripping as she continued to press her clit into my knee and rock back and forth. She was out of control. I could guess Suzy had her hands full with this slave and questioned whether mild mannered Chuck could handle her. I pushed her down to the cold concrete floor, stood up, removed my own clothes and pressed my pussy against her mouth. Even if our plan never came to fruition, I was at least going to have her service me again.

Lisette was definitely skilled in the oral arts. I was turned on by teasing her and she didn't have to work too long before I came on her face again. She was so cute and innocent looking as she lay beneath me glistening in the dim light of the incandescent bulb. We'd had a good morning. Now we just had to implement my plan and I still had to deal with Ronda...

I waited patiently for Jim to return from golfing. I ended up talking for over an hour with Ronda. I told her my plan and he laughed asking if guys were really that stupid to fall for a bet like that. She asked why we didn't just tell them we wanted to get spanked and go from there. She told me to just pull down Chuck's pants and suck him off while Lisette did the same to Jim. I told her for a girl who'd never fucked a guy she sure had a lot of ideas.

"Look Tina," she told me. "You know I don't beat around the bush. Just tell your husband you know about Judy and that you are submissive and want him to be more dominant over you. If he loves you, he'll do it."

I told her that made a lot of sense, but I was scared. I admitted that I'd rather have him think it was his idea and if I could get him to spank me and then admit that I liked it, things would be better. She disagreed. I joked that maybe she should come over and help explain things to him. Ronda didn't find the humor in that. She called my bluff and asked what time he'd be back from golfing. I tried to back pedal on my suggestion, but Ronda was having none of that. Aggressive Ronda was coming back into the conversation and I eventually wilted under her interrogation and told her he'd be home in about a half an hour. She said that didn't leave her much time to prepare but that she would be over as soon as she could. She then hung up the phone before I could protest. I tried calling her back, but her phone went straight to voicemail. I didn't know what to do. I was not ready for this confrontation. If Jim got home before Ronda, I'd have to get him out of the house before she arrived. How do I get myself into these messes?

I paced back and forth in the living room. I worried endlessly about what was about to happen. I worried about Lisette and Chuck. I worried about Judy. I worried about Sharon. I bit my fingernails and I thought about opening a bottle of wine. In the end I just sat down and tried to slow my heartbeat which had begun to run out of control. Eventually I heard the garage door opening. I had reached another decision time. Should I hustle Jim out or wait for Ronda?

As it turns out, I didn't get the chance to make that decision. Before Jim came through the door, I heard the roar of Ronda's motorcycle coming up the street. It was time to come clean. I could only pray that Jim was receptive to my new lifestyle.

I continued to sit in the living room and wait. Jim didn't come through the door and the sound of the motorcycle got louder and more insistent. Finally it roared up onto the driveway. Still Jim didn't come through the door. He must be talking to Ronda outside. Still I waited. What was she telling him?

Each minute seemed like an hour. Ronda had not left. I could tell that because I didn't hear her ride off. Jim obviously had not left because Ronda had not come inside alone. What was happening?

I wanted to go to the garage. But I also didn't want to face Jim until I knew his reaction. I figured if they both came inside, all was well. If it was just Jim or just Ronda, the news would not be good. I struggled to hear any sounds from the garage. There was no yelling and there was no screaming. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I had to know so I walked into the garage. Jim's car was there and Ronda's motorcycle was in the driveway, but neither of them was standing there. Where were they?

As Jim later explained to me, he pulled into the garage and as he was getting out of the car, he heard the straight pipes on Ronda's Harley. He turned to see who was riding on our street and was surprised to see Ronda pull back into the driveway. He obviously remembered her from her leather outfit yesterday. That was the outfit that drove him to make animal love to me.

Today Ronda was again wearing leather pants, boots and a jacket. Under her jacket, however, she was only wearing a leather bra which served up an ample amount of cleavage which she displayed by keeping the top of her jacket unzipped. Jim was a goner as soon as she rode up. He didn't admit it, but I bet he was hard.

Ronda told me that Jim tried to flirt with her, but she put a quick stop to that. He then questioned why she was there again and she bluntly told him we were having an affair. I obviously could never admit that so plainly. Ronda said Jim was upset and said he didn't believe it, so Ronda defended me and told him not to be so indignant since she knew he was having an affair with Judy. She said that took the wind out of his sails.

Ronda said she then explained that I had a deep need to be dominated and that I had been seduced into a lesbian DS relationship with her. Apparently Jim was dumbstruck. Ronda continued and told him that I still loved him very much and that what I needed more than anything was for him to take control of me. She said I wanted to be his slave and that I accepted his affair with Judy, but he had to accept her submission to her mistress.

Apparently that entire conversation occurred just before I went into the garage. At that time Judy happened to come home and Jim had the foresight to ask if she was involved. Ronda said she didn't know all the details, but yes. Jim then led Ronda over to Judy's garage where after some initial denials, Judy not knowing who Ronda was, later confirmed the existence and structure of the mistress club. She also admitted that her involvement with Jim was in order to insure his compliance with the group.

Apparently this was a bit much for Jim as I saw him walk back to our house alone. I met him in the garage and he took my hand and we walked back inside. We sat next to each other on the couch, held hands and looked into each other's eyes. Soon after I heard Ronda's motorcycle pulling out of the driveway.

Jim and I had the kind of deep intimate conversation that you would expect to have with your spouse but which so rarely happens. In the end we both agreed to forgive each other for our past infidelities. I did my best to explain my need to be submissive and he said he would try to be the kind of lover I needed. I told him I didn't know if I could give up the mistress club or Ronda. I told him I wasn't keen on him fucking Judy, but if that was the cost of seeing Ronda and the group, I could live with it. He said as of this afternoon, he and Judy were through. Apparently he didn't like the lie their relationship was based on. I can't say that I blame him.

Finally when we were all talked out, I gave him a tear filled hug and told him that I loved him. He told me to strip. I froze for a moment shocked at what he had said. He told him such hesitation from a slave was reason for punishment. I started to feel myself get wet. I wanted to test him to see if he'd really punish me, but I was also turned on by his change in demeanor so I quickly shed my clothes.

He began by giving me a playful spanking. It wasn't strong enough for my tastes, but I figured he was new to all this. Still I was turned on so I waited to see what he asked for next. He did finger me briefly and called me some dirty names for getting wet like I was. It all seemed so foreign coming from him. He just wasn't right in the roll.

Finally he stood up, dropped his pants and ordered me to blow him. His voice lacked conviction, but I followed his lead anyway. I dropped to my knees in front of him and gave him a loving suck job. I wanted him to fuck me, but apparently I was too good with my oral pleasure as he surprised me with a mouthful of man goo. He was clearly finished as his cock deflated and he sunk back into the couch. I whined that I had not cum yet and he told me slaves shouldn't complain. At least he was talking the talk even if he wasn't walking the walk. That night he did fuck me and with the aid of my trusty vibrating egg, I finally had a soul quaking orgasm. He managed to hold back until after I came and then deposited a reduced load onto my face.

We fell asleep in each other's arms and were out all night. The next morning we woke for work. I told him I usually had to be in my mistress' office by 7:30 to lick her pussy. He said to go ahead, but to be ready to be fucked when I came home. There was no problem there.

At work Sharon knew about the conversation Judy had with Jim. So did Linda. Both were apparently fine with what had happened. I couldn't tell if they knew about Ronda and I didn't bring it up. As usual, I serviced both women during the day. They both, along with Toni under Sharon's orders, teased me into a frenzy. Both of my mistresses said if I was going to submit to Jim, I should be prepared to give it my best. I was ready to fuck when I got home. Fortunately so was he. He must have done some research during the day because he seemed much more knowledgeable the second time around. He even fingered me to an orgasm after spanking me before he made me slurp down another load from his balls. While spanking me he had me tell him about my fantasies and what new things I still wanted to experience.

I couldn't tell him I'd done just about everything I could think of so I let it slip that Lisette wanted help coming out to her husband about her submission. Apparently Jim really liked this idea as he dropped me to the floor and took me by force. I had another delicious orgasm describing how innocent little Lisette was really a submissive hellcat. Jim was pumping me like a wild man before he again pulled out and showered me with his seed. This was becoming a habit I didn't really like, but since he was in charge, I didn't say a word.

After he had finished with me he didn't let me clean up the gooified mess that I had become. He told me a slut should wear her man's load with pride. Where did that come from? He'd never talked like that to me. He had me call Lisette while his cum ran down my body. I felt like such a slut. I told Lisette that Jim was hip to our little plan and that he wanted to help. She asked if tomorrow night was OK to get together since if we waited she thought she might chicken out.

I gave Jim the good news. I also mentioned how overnight he seemed to have learned about how I liked to be treated. Jim admitted he did a little research letting it slip that he had his car worked on this afternoon. I took that as a coded reference that he had talked to Ronda.

"So how's Ronda?" I asked.

"She's fine. She sends her regards. You really did some interesting things with her," he replied.

I wondered just how much she had shared about our relationship. I let it slide for the time being, but later that night I questioned him about what they talked about. It turns out Ronda didn't tell him our history, but instead concentrated on some of the basic moves a dominant would make on his submissive. She said Jim had to learn about me and both what he enjoyed and what I enjoyed.

"She also volunteered to come over and give me a hands on lesson," he said.

"Hands on?" I repeated.

"Very hands on," he replied.

We were set to swing with Lisette and her husband tomorrow and now Jim was telling me he had been arranging a three-way with Ronda. For an inexperienced guy, he was certainly taking charge fast.

For the next 24 hours I wondered how our "date" would go with Lisette and Chuck. Since Jim was in on our plan, I figured our odds of success went up greatly. Jim told me to dress as slutty as I could in an effort to get Chuck to flirt with me. Jim said he wouldn't flirt with Lisette, but that he looked forward to spanking her and then fucking her. I was surprised that I felt a little jealousy toward her, although I said nothing.

Finally at 7pm I heard the doorbell ring. I took a deep breath and headed to the door. I was teetering on 4 inch stiletto heels and wearing a loose fitting skirt which ended a few inches above my knees. At Jim's insistence I wasn't wearing underwear. My pussy had been wet since I first started getting dressed and I could feel my lips sloshing as I walked. Up top I wore a blouse unbuttoned to just past my breasts. The blouse was very tight so I didn't have to worry about my breasts flopping out, but Jim made sure I wore a push-up bra to expose a generous amount of cleavage. I'd never dressed like this for a dinner party. It made me horny as hell and I was dreaming that Lisette and Chuck would take one look at me, tear off my clothes, throw me to the floor and fuck the shit out of me. As it turns out, I wasn't far off.

I opened the door to find Lisette completely disheveled. She looked like she had just been rode hard and put away wet. Her make-up was smeared, her hair was a mess, her skirt was crooked and her blouse's buttons were missing as if they had been torn off. She had a look of satisfaction on her face. She didn't say a word but wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a deep passionate kiss. I couldn't see either Chuck or Jim, but I'm sure they were enjoying the show. Although I couldn't see Chuck, as soon as our tongues met, I could taste him. Lisette apparently had taken his discharge and been ordered not to swallow it until she could share it with me during the kiss. I should have been repulsed. I wasn't. While we were still kissing I felt Jim begin to lift my skirt and rub my ass.

"I felt bad that you girls were going to play a trick on Chuck so I tipped him off. If you slide your hands under Lisette's skirt you will find her ass has been warmed for our pleasure and she has agreed to be our plaything for the evening."

Immediately I slid my hands under her skirt while continuing to swap spit with her and enjoying Chuck's creamy goodness. Jim wasn't kidding. Chuck must have given her a good paddling. I also found a butt plug stretching her asshole. I felt a second wave of jealousy only this time it was because I had not been spanked yet.

Lisette and I continued to make out while Jim slowly stripped me of my clothes and Chuck did the same to Lisette. I was getting seriously turned on sucking face with her while our husbands prepared us to be used for their pleasure. After we were both naked, Jim led me to the couch while Chuck positioned Lisette on her knees between my legs. They must have discussed this ahead of time because she dove into my pussy without any words being spoken. She found me wet and inviting and I found her enthusiastic and talented.

While the boys were enjoying the lez scene playing out in front of them, they stripped off their clothes. I was arching my back as Lisette ate my pussy and hit all the right pleasure spots. This put my head in just the right position for Jim to slide his rapidly hardening cock into my mouth. My head was bent back uncomfortably, but he didn't seem to care. Apparently his only concern was getting to full hardness.

My eyes were focused on the look of lust on his face as he alternated looked at me and at Lisette. Most of Lisette's sounds were of a happy rug muncher, but I did hear her squeal at one point. The sound coincided with a big smile from Jim and I wondered what Chuck was doing to her. I was soon able to find out as Jim popped his cock out of my mouth allowing me to pull my head forward and look down. As I took a deep breath refreshing what his cock had denied, I saw the butt plug lying on the floor and Chuck finger fucking Lisette's ass. I also saw a tube of lube on the floor. Apparently Chuck was being a good husband and was preparing his wife to be ass fucked by another man. Lisette almost had me coming by this point as I watched Jim walk over to Chuck. Jim's hard-on was bobbing out in front of him and almost hit Chuck in the face as Chuck gave Lisette a final spank and began to stand up.

I'd seen Jim fuck another woman before, at least through a video link, but having it live in front of my while that woman was servicing my pussy was too much. I felt Lisette howl into my pussy as Jim began to push his rock hard rod into her ass. I'm not even sure how to describe the look on her face. She was in obvious pain, but she was also glistening with my juices. She paused only long enough for my husband to bury his cock to the hilt and begin to pull back out before she resumed her attention to my pretty kitty. From the next flick of her tongue, I was climaxing.

I grabbed her hair and held her face tight to my pussy as she had no choice but to go along for the ride. I was looking at Jim as he sawed his cock up her butt as I ground my pussy against her face. It was savage. It was primal. It wore me out.

Devoid of energy, I slumped back down on the couch. I was surprised Jim had not already deposited his load deep inside her. I noticed Chuck had taken up a position standing next to his wife. He took my wrist and pulled me up long enough to reposition me on the other end of the couch. He then sat where I had been sitting and fed his dick to his wife's waiting mouth. She looked pleased to be receiving his cock while I suddenly felt alone and empty. Even though I had just enjoyed a massive climax, I felt my pussy begin to flow again. Watching the two men skewer Lisette reenergized me. Drawn my own lusts, my fingers found their way to my clit and nipples as instinct took over. I sat on the couch not feeling jealousy as my husband fucked another woman's ass but feeling relief that I could finally be myself with him.

I began to moan. Lisette was probably moaning too, but her husband's cock was preventing any sounds except the slurp of saliva from being heard. Watching Jim, I knew he would soon blow his load. I'd seen that look too many times when he was on top of me. I began fingering myself faster and pinching my nipples. I wanted to cum again when he did. I was getting lost in the situation when I was brought back to reality by the snapping of fingers. Focusing back on Jim I saw him snap his fingers and point to the ground next to Lisette. Then he snapped his fingers again this time using his eyes to tell me he meant business.

I quickly dropped to the floor and took up a position next to Lisette's rear end. Almost immediately Jim grabbed my hair and pulled his cock out of her ass. He twisted his hips and pulled my head. The first spurt from his cock whizzed past my ear. The carpet was going to be sticky. The second hit me in the nose and droplets splattered across my face. By the time the third jet rocketed from his man tool, my mouth was open and being pulled at high speed toward his cock and its job as a cum receptacle.

His cock tasted of ass. It wasn't as bad as I had expected. Maybe Chuck had given her an enema before they came over. But I could definitely tell where it had been as four or five additional cum bombs hit the back of my neck. As he finished shooting, Jim pushed his cock deeper for the first time forcing me to deep throat him. I had not prepared and began to choke. He took mercy on me and pulled himself to a more manageable (for me) position and ordered me to clean him off. As I did, I resumed fingering my pussy. My eyes were focused completely on my husband and I didn't even notice that Chuck had finished with Lisette. I felt a finger tap my shoulder and then felt Jim pulling out of my mouth.

I turned toward the tap and a very angry looking cock was presenting itself at mouth level. I was at first surprised that Chuck had not finished in his wife's mouth, but then again, I probably should not have been. From the corner of my eye I could see Lisette lying on the floor. She was staring into space trying to recover and didn't seem the least bit interested that her husband was now fucking my face. I kept one hand busy stroking his cock as he treated my mouth like it was a pussy sawing his way in and out and one hand on my clit trying desperately to cum again.

Jim apparently had other ideas. Quick as a flash, he grabbed my wrist and brought it behind my back. He then took the hand I'd been using to message Chuck and pulled it behind me. Before I realized what was happening, I felt the click of a pair of handcuffs. Where was he hiding those?

I didn't have long to ponder that question. Whether he had been struggling to hold on or whether the site of me with my arms secured was enough to push him over the edge, Chuck unloaded himself on my face. His cum splattered from right between my eyes. I tried to take what I could in my mouth, but he seemed determine to aim from maximum facial content. Soon cum was dripping off my chin and onto my chest and I could do nothing to stop it or clean myself up. I felt dirty and degraded, yet also alive and happy. I could have done without the boys high fiving each other above me. That was a bit much as Lisette and I had given them both a very rare gift.

I looked back at Lisette. She still wasn't stirring apparently shagged out for the moment. I was tired, but my nerves were tingling. I was ready for more. I knew Jim still struggled with being aggressive at time, so I decided to egg him on. Perhaps, please oh please, he would try to prove his manhood in front of Chuck.

From my kneeling position with another man's jizz dripping off my face, I looked at Jim and said, "Is that all you've got?"

Maybe that wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Maybe I could have phrased it better. But it got the desired result. For the rest of the night, I was the center of attention, not Lisette. She recovered soon enough to join us. By that time, though, her husband had lubed my ass and stuck her plug up my butt to "loosen" me up. I'd had plenty of anal sex with the mistresses, but I didn't want Chuck to know. If he did he would have also had to know Lisette had most certainly been used that way too. I figured it was better to fake the discomfort instead of celebrating the joy of finally having something up my ass.

I was repositioned on my knees with my face buried in the sofa seat cushions as the butt plug was rammed home. My wrists were still cuffed behind my back and offered no protection as the boys each took one ass cheek and turned them first pink, then red and finally I was sure black and blue.

At some point I was pulled back and Lisette dropped down on the couch in front of me so I could return the favor and munch on her up until now unused pussy. Like I had been before, she was juicy and inviting. Also like I had been before, her vocalization left little doubt that I was doing a fine job. Only this time instead of being ass fucked like she had been, I was being spanked. In fact neither man used her mouth to get himself hard again. I guess they needed a rest. My ass was quickly getting to the point of needing a rest too as their palms continued to rain down on my backside.

Fortunately Lisette finally came which ended the spanking. As soon as she calmed down, my wrists were released and I was lifted into position to make out with her again. This time we were not sharing semen or trying to turn on our husbands. This time we both were gentle and passionate. I heard Chuck comment that he and Jim were going to have to be careful or the two of us would be getting together while they were at work and there would be nothing left by the time they got home. I chuckled to myself as I thought his deduction was at least partially correct.

The boys let Lisette and I share the pleasure of each other's mouths for a few minutes and then as a group we adjourned to the kitchen for refreshments. Lisette and I quickly whipped up sandwiches and drinks and served the boys. While we ate, our husbands had us sit next to each other and play with each other's pussies. Obviously our night was not over and our masters wanted us primed and ready for action.

By the time we were done eating and the guys were able to get it up again, both Lisette and I were whimpering in need. Neither of us had come on each other's fingers, but we were both close. Chuck suggested that Lisette and I take turns getting DP'ed. I looked at Lisette and she had a nervous look in her eyes. I could tell she didn't want to get ass fucked again. I was game, but I wasn't about to brag about it. Fortunately Jim came to Lisette's rescue with an alternate plan and Chuck agreed.

Lisette and I were bent over the kitchen table facing each other. Apparently the boys liked watching us kiss almost as much as we enjoyed doing it. I felt Chuck kick my legs apart giving him full access to my backside. Thankfully I felt more lube being applied to my brown eye before I felt his gloriously hard cock begin to push against my ass again. From the rocking movement in Lisette's head I could tell my husband was inside of her again. She had not made a sound as she was penetrated so I assumed he was in her pussy.

Both Chuck and Jim were pounding away at their slut wives. Neither one seemed too concerned with taking long enough to make sure we came first. I was cradling Lisette's head with my hands as we continued to make out as her husband bore a hole in my backside. I could tell from Chuck's grunting that he wasn't going to last too long. I guess it was good that his DP plan didn't happen because either Lisette or I would have been left without a hard cock. From the moaning leaving her mouth, I knew she was enjoying my husband's staff. At least this way everybody would get something.

Chuck was warning that he was about to come. Jim kept imploring him to hold off just a little longer. I guess it was a compliment that Chuck told my husband that my talented ass was milking him and forcing him to pop. I heard Jim say just a few more moments and then felt Chuck pull out, grab my wrist and pull me to the floor. I landed on my knees and looked up. I saw Lisette begin the same journey and saw Chuck furiously pulling on his cock. I'd seen enough porno movies to know what the guys wanted to do.

I leaned my head next to Lisette's just in time to share a stream of cum shooting from her husband's cock. There wasn't a great quantity. He'd cum too many times already for that. But it was hot, sticky and fun. The sight of cum blobs splatting our upturned faces must have been the catalyst for Jim as he too quickly unleashed his load hitting primarily Lisette, but splashing onto me. Of course as soon as they were done we were back at each other's lips and licking the cum off each other's mouths. Everyone was too worn out for another round, so Chuck and Lisette soon went home. Jim and I were too tired to talk and soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

That night I dreamed of a happy place where Jim was my master and satisfied all my submissive cravings. I woke up horny and alone. Jim had already left for work. I pulled myself out of bed and realized I'd be late to Mistress Sharon's office. I tried to make myself look at the bright side that at least she'd punish me now :-)

I called her on the way to work and explained why I was late. She said at least I had a good excuse, but of course I'd still have to be spanked for not satisfying her that morning. I was expecting her to spank me during our lunch break session, but was surprised when she walked into Mistress Linda's office as I was performing my morning break duties on her. As I expected I received a blistering spanking for being late to work. Mistress Linda seemed happy to watch Sharon banging away on my ass as she got juicier as soon as the first slap echoed through the office. After Mistress Linda climaxed Mistress Sharon took the time to stop the spanking and finger me to the brink of a major release. Of course then she stopped. That was part of my punishment too. Mistress Sharon switched places with Mistress Linda and I began to eat her pussy. Mistress Linda continued the teasing my clit and began probing my pussy with her finger probing for my g-spot. Unfortunately she was expert at bringing me to the brink of orgasm and then backing away. I could feel the wetness running down my legs as I paused my service to my mistress every 10 seconds or so to beg to be allowed to cum. I could tell Mistress Sharon was getting annoyed at my placing my needs above her. She roughly grabbed my hair and pulled me tight against her pussy. She didn't have to say a word. I knew I was in the wrong.

I redoubled my efforts to please my mistress and she soon released her grip on my hair. She gave me a slight reprieve at least until she grabbed me again, stiffened and shook through what sounded like a very satisfying orgasm. I was still beside myself with need as Mistress Linda was still being very effective keeping me on the edge. I was glad both mistresses had cum because now it would be my turn. At least that is what I thought until Linda told me to get back to work. I implored her with my eyes to let me cum. I didn't bother asking, but I hoped a desperate puppy dog look might break through, but it didn't.

I walked back to my cubical and I could tell all of Mistress Linda's other slaves I shared office space with had a pretty good idea of what just happened. I sat down in my chair and tried to focus on work. It wasn't going to be easy. My ass was still on fire from Mistress Sharon's hand and my thighs were plastered with my juices. Still I felt no shame or humiliation. I knew all my cube mates had been in the same position I found myself in so why worry. I just hoped Jim would be ready for me when I got home.

Unfortunately he was not home. He'd been called into his second job on short notice. I called Lisette, but she and Chuck were out too. So were Faith and Judy. Damn, everybody was gone from my block. I was about to just masturbate myself into a coma when my cell phone rang. It was Ronda. I felt myself get wet when I saw her number on the caller ID.

She said it was a perfect night for a motorcycle ride and asked if I wanted to come along. I wasn't thrilled with a teasing motorcycle seat between my legs, but I was thrilled by the prospect of Ronda putting me through my paces. She roared up the street about 20 minutes later. She was in her leather goddess outfit and I reflexively dropped to my knees and kissed her boots as she approached. She asked was happening and I confessed that Mistress Sharon had left me horny and unsatisfied. Ronda told me she could take care of that situation.

She ordered me to hurry upstairs and change. Jeans, boots and a white t-shirt. "No bra, no panties and don't keep me waiting," she exclaimed. I spun to bound upstairs. As I hit the second step, she added "I want your ass plugged and Ben Wa balls in your pussy."

I stopped in my tracks and held onto the banister as a wave of pleasure up from my feet to my brain. I knew her intention was to make me cum on the back of her motorcycle. And I intended to help her succeed.

Ronda was right. It was a perfect night to be out on the bike. I was also right. The vibrations of the big twin engine rocked the saddle and were very effectively transferred through the plug and balls to rock my world. We were scarcely out of our subdivision when my first orgasm hit. Ronda stopped at a stop sign and revved the engine as I held her tight and moaned in her ear. My second cum happened on the Interstate. Ronda didn't seem to have any destination in mind so I fantasized about her taking me to some lesbian biker bar and throwing me to a pack of butch lesbians. I had two more orgasms dreaming of being the object of a girly gang bang before I realized we'd just pulled into the parking lot of her garage.

Ronda hit a remote in her jacket pocket and the service bay door opened. She parked the bike and told me to dismount. I had not realized how four orgasms would take my legs right out from under me and crumpled to the floor as I swung my leg over the seat. Ronda didn't seem to notice, or at least didn't care, and stepped over me to hang her jacket on a hook on the wall.

I'd been on her garage floor many times and wondered what devious plan she had for me tonight. I stayed on the floor waiting for her. She looked back and told me to strip. She said I could take the balls out, hinting that they would slide out anyway, but that I should leave the plug in. I interpreted that to mean she was going to fuck my ass later.

Ronda walked over to a cabinet and returned with a cardboard box. She opened the box and let me look inside. There were various leather cuffs, a blindfold, a collar and some things I could see on the bottom. Ronda started with the collar. It was black leather with no adornments. Just a large D-Ring in the front and an engraved tag that read Slave Tina. My pussy, which was already wet from the motorcycle ride turned into a flash flood as she secured my own personalized collar around my neck. She then attached the cuffs around my wrists and ankles, although she didn't clip them together... yet.

Finally she attached a leash to my collar and affixed a blindfold over my eyes. I was lost in the eroticism of my submission as my sense of sight was taken away and I was led outside. I assumed we would head up to her apartment, but I was wrong. With a tug of the leash and then a hand on my shoulder, I found myself on the cold metal floor of a vehicle. My cuffs were quickly secured and I was left exposed, scared and wanton as the door slammed shut. I lay on the floor wondering what would happen for several minutes before I heard a door open and then the engine start. I did my best to pictures the twists and turns of the route we took, but soon I was hopelessly lost. My pussy was still leaking its juice like a faucet in need of a new washer and the smell of my arousal hung heavy in the air. Finally we came to a stop. After a short pause, we slowly pulled forward a few final feet and stopped for good.

"Welcome to your new home, my pet," I heard Ronda exclaim.

I didn't know what to make of that statement. My new home? I felt the cuffs begin unclipped from the vehicle and felt another tug on my leash. Once I was standing, my wrist cuffs were secured behind my back. Any hope of escaping was gone. Ronda did allow my ankles to remain free. I guess she didn't want to inhibit my ability to walk. She did push two fingers into my steaming pussy. As I knew they would, my wetness allowed them to penetrate me with no resistance as my knees buckled with her touch.

"Good girl. I knew you would enjoy this," she snickered.

I didn't say a word. I hoped she would finger fuck me to orgasm, although I knew that was just a dream. Almost as soon as she pushed her fingers into me, they were already on their way back out and my leash was being tugged indicating I should follow. Once inside it was a quick turn and down a flight of stairs. The steps were tricky without the aid of eyesight, but Ronda made sure to guide me safely to what I assumed was basement.

We stopped moving. I could sense Ronda grabbing something and soon felt a ball gag being forced into my mouth and then buckled around my head. I then felt headphones being placed over my ears. Soothing sounds filled my head. While I would normally consider the classical music relaxing, I was now left blind, deaf and dumb to my surroundings. Whatever Ronda had planned for me, I was left with only touch and smell remaining of my five senses.

I felt my wrists being unbuckled and the cuffs being removed. I was then positioned in what felt like a solidly built wood chair. Although I heard no commands, I knew I was expected to sit still. I put my arms on the chair's armrests and waited. Without being about to hear where Ronda was, I was left to wonder. Finally I felt her take hold on my left hand. She pushed my arm back so my elbow was on the back of the armrest directly below my shoulder. I then felt a length of soft rope begin to wrap around my arm.

Thus Ronda began to secure me to the chair. Personally I would have preferred the cuffs as her rope bondage took a long time to complete. From my wrist Ronda wrapped the rope all the way up my arm until she reached my elbow. I was unable to move my arm at all, although the rope didn't feel like it would cut off any circulation.

After my left arm was secure, Ronda began on my right and then each one of my legs. She took her time and was very deliberate on how she wrapped me up. With my extremities secure, she began on my torso. She did not wrap me in the same way she had with my arms and legs. She began under my breasts going around the chair. After several loops, she switched the rope to above my breasts. Several more loops insured my breasts were sandwiched forcing them to pop forward. At this point she began to criss-cross the rope between my breasts making a rope bra until just my hard nipples and a little boob flesh were pressed forward. I figured she was done, but she wasn't. Another rope was looped through the ring of my collar and tied to the back of the chair while yet another was fitted with a leather pad of some kind to my forehead and the pulled down and secured to the back of the chair. The result was my head was held bolt upright. Now she must be done, I thought.

Well almost. She began wrapping rope around my thighs and under the chair, although I think that must have just been for show as I already couldn't move. Finally I felt a vibrator being pushed between my thighs and across my pussy lips. It was turned on low and Ronda secured it in position with what I later learned was bondage tape. Even as turned on as I was, I knew the low speed would serve just to tease and not get me off. Based on the care Ronda took in securing me, I figured I'd be here for a long slow tease. In one way I hated her. In another I loved her for putting me under her care.

I lost track of where she was. She had not touched me for at least a minute and I could not hear her move about the room. Then the music stopped. Apparently the CD or tape had ended. Silence. I could hear the faint buzz of the slow moving vibrator, but I could make out no other sounds in the room. I was alone, unable to move, unable to finger my steaming pussy and unable to call out or beg for relief.

My only option was to sit and stew in my own juices while my mind raced through fantasy after fantasy. I had no idea what Ronda had planned for me or even where I was. She had said this was my new home. Did she mean I was in a basement prison? Would I ever see Jim or my other mistresses again? I could not tell how long I had been there. I knew I was desperate to cum. Evil nasty thoughts flowed like water through my consciousness. Bad thoughts of things I'd never believe Ronda would do to me, but nonetheless served to build my arousal ever higher. I would do whatever she asked of me right then to climax. Of course how many times had I said that when we were together.

I don't know how long I waited until I finally smelled her again and then felt a gloved hand across my face. If I could have moved my head toward her I would have. But my bondage prevented that. Although I had fantasized about her coming to fuck me, she didn't. She did however remove the headphones. Thank God for small favors.

"I know you're probably ready to fuck anything I tell you right now," she began. "But I've got a couple more treats for you."

I was still unable to move or see, but I could hear a second person moving in the room. I could discern one person off to my left and I knew Ronda had been on my right. Both sounds migrated in front of me. Neither person spoke, but I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper. I then heard the groan of a happy man. What was happening in front of me?

I listened intently. Somebody was getting a blowjob. I couldn't believe Ronda would be performing that act which meant a third person must be in the room. My mind continued to race through the options of what was happening to me. The vibrator, even though it was hardly moving was starting to get to me. After a few minutes, the anonymous couple in front of me obviously switched positions because I could now hear the sound of a squishy pussy being penetrated. I also began to hear a woman moaning. I was shocked when I realized it was Ronda in front of me. I knew her moan. She was getting fucked.

Her moans would have mixed with my own if the ball gag had not prevented me from expressing what I was feeling. Of course I'm sure the couple would have tired of me begging for release as Ronda continued to get pounded in front of me. I was on the verge of a massive climax, but couldn't get over the edge. That was not a problem that Ronda was experiencing. She came at least three times by my count. And I'm confident that she wasn't faking. Finally I heard them stop and maybe 5 seconds later I felt his cum splattering across my face. I was coated in his juice. I'm sure his jizz was dripping off my face, but it must have by landing on the rope because I didn't feel it on the rest of my body.

Ronda and her mystery man didn't speak, but I felt the tape being cut and the vibrator pulled off the front of my pussy. Finally, some relief, I thought. But instead, the headphones were placed back over my ears. Instead of music, this time, however, I heard the sounds of sex. Then it hit me. Not only were they the sounds of sex, but it was the sound of Ronda and I playing our mistress / sub games. I heard myself beg as she paddled me in the garage. I heard her taunt me. I heard myself climax as I rode her dildo. This was pure torture. How long would I have to wait for her to let me cum?

At long last I felt the headphones pulled off my head again. I then slowly felt Ronda, at least I think it was Ronda as they were feminine sized hands, slowly start to unwrap my body. It took much less time to unwrap the ropes than to apply them, but it was still maddeningly slow. Whoever it was made sure to tease the outside of my pussy, brush my nipples and even graze my clit, but none of the contact was enough to send me over the edge. I felt the woman rubbing my wrists, arms and ankles bringing them back to life after being secured for so long. She left the blindfold in place and I never thought to try to remove it. Eventually I felt the now familiar tug of the leash and I stood up.

My path was reversed and I know walked up the stairs. I was almost to the point of tears with my sexual needs unfulfilled. I was afraid she was leading me back to the garage, but my heart leapt with joy as we turned a corner and I felt carpet under my feet. My ordeal was not over.

I felt my arms once again drawn behind my back and cuffed. I then felt myself pushed across a man's lap. It was easy to tell it was a man as his hard cock pressed across my belly. After just a moment of teasing along my pussy lips, the man began to spank me. It felt wonderful. The slaps were firm, but not overly painful. My ass was warming up and I'm sure I looked alluring as I wiggled my butt both in invitation for him to either spank me harder or to fuck me and in an effort to grind my clit along his leg. It was quite possible that I would have been able to finally cum if he had let me continue for another minute or two, but it was not to be. Instead I was dropped rather unceremonially onto the floor.

I landed on my side and rolled over onto my back. I made no effort to get up or even to move. I knew the decision as to what I would be doing next was outside of my control so I just lay passively waiting for my protagonists to make their move. I felt my legs being pulled in opposite directions. Once person had hold of each ankle. I then felt the same cuffs I had worn in the van being attached. Quickly my wrist cuffs were also attached. The horrifying thought that I was about to be put back in the van flashed through my mind. But fortunately that was not the plan.

I felt my legs begin stretched apart again and then two hands on my wrists as my arms were pulled down toward my legs until they cuffs could be snapped together. Thus I found myself lying on my back with my legs spread about as wide as they could go. Unlike in the chair, my body was unsecured, but in reality my mobility was just as challenged. I could rock back and forth and wiggle on the floor, but I wasn't about to hop up and take a walk. I then felt the butt plug being pulled out. I'd forgotten I was even wearing it. My mind had been too distracted by the other stimulations to my body. I was completely defenseless and spread wide open when I came to the realization that I was about to be fucked senseless. OK, the fantasy side of my brain added the senseless part, but I was sure I was about to get fucked.

I heard the sound of Ronda sucking his cock again. At least I assumed it was Ronda and the same guy. Why he would need help getting it up looking at the enticing morsel of sex flesh I was presenting was a question I asked myself, but for whatever the reason, he didn't waste much time before taking up position above me. Finally I felt a hard cock sliding into my dripping pussy. I had been teased for hours, it must have been hours wasn't it, and I was ready for him. I think I started to cum on his second stroke. His cock wasn't huge. It was probably about the size of Jim's and I almost felt sorry for him because I was so wet I'm sure he wasn't getting much sensation transferred to his dick.

He kept slowly fucking me while I rode out a climax I could only describe as massive. He then pulled out and I felt his cockhead pushing against my ass. Having worn the plug most of the day, I was well stretched and ready for him. His cock had been liberally coated with my juices and he had little trouble pushing into my backside. I then sensed legs on either side of my head and was soon presented with a dripping pussy over my face. As the sweet nectar of an aroused woman reached my tongue I immediately knew it was Ronda. Her flavor and scent was unmistakable. I was relieved it was her. Although I wasn't in position to argue, I wonder what I would have done if it had been another woman now riding my face.

My suitor was pounding his cock up my ass while I did my best to get Ronda to climax into my mouth. I felt the flat leather tip of a riding crop draw across my clit. In an effort to placate her, I redoubled my efforts eating her pussy. I didn't want my clit whipped. Ronda was grinding her crotch along my face and apparently was more concerned with that since she thankfully just flicked the crop along my naughty bits. My mystery cock was not losing steam. Whoever Ronda had found was a stud par excellence. If fact he made sure to hold back until after Ronda came before pulling out and spraying another load up my torso. I'd now been spunked from above and below by him yet had no idea what he looked like or his name.

I was still recovering when I felt them unclip my cuffs and lead me back to the van. The collar was removed and I was once again secured spread eagled in the van. I think I almost fell into a blissful sleep because quicker than I could fathom we were back at the garage and Ronda was removing my cuffs. Finally the blindfold and the gag were removed. My jaw was sore and my eyes needed to adjust to the harsh light of the garage. Of course I had a barrage of questions about what just happened and where we had been. She just told me all my questions would be answered in due time.

We seemed to be retracing our steps from earlier. I quickly found my butt plugged and the Ben Wa balls back in my pussy as I once again rode bitch on her motorcycle as she brought me home. It was late and I was sure Jim would be home. What would he say when another woman brought me home completely fucked out?

We rode up the driveway. I asked Ronda if she was coming in, but she said it was late. I knew I'd have to face the music alone. I walked up the front steps. The ride had me horny again and the dance of the balls in my pussy had me contemplating masturbating on the front porch. I walked inside. Jim was sitting in the living room. He looked tired.

"How was your evening dear?" he asked.

Knowing what I looked like I couldn't believe he had been so casual. Even if he wasn't upset, certainly he would be wondering what I did.

"It was fine. I went out with Ronda."

"That's nice," he said yawning. "I'm heading up to bed."

Jim stood up, gave me a hug and started toward the stairs.

It was surreal. Certainly he should be able to smell the spunk covering my body and undoubtedly the female musk emanating from between my legs. Maybe he was just too tired from work. I stood in stunned silence as he began to walk away. He paused when he reached the stairs.

"Hon, do I have a clean dress shirt downstairs by the laundry?" he asked.

The question snapped me back into domestic mode.

"Yeah, I did laundry a couple of days ago. Do you want me to get you one for tomorrow?

"That would be great. Do you mind?"

"No. That's fine. Head up to be and I'll be there in a few minutes."

I watched as he disappeared up the stairs before heading downstairs. I was worn out myself as I rounded the bottom of the stairs and headed into the laundry room. I grabbed a couple of shirts I had on hangers after ironing them. I turned and was prepared to head back upstairs when something caught my eye in my peripheral vision. I flipped the light switch for the finished side of the basement and dropped the shirts to the floor.

You can probably guess what I saw. In front of our projection TV was a large wooden chair I'd never seen before. Covering the arms and on the floor all around it was discarded rope. Next to the TV was our video camera on a tripod and hanging off the lens was a collar. It didn't take long to confirm that this was the same collar Ronda had place around my neck and the same one she had removed when we got back to the garage. Everything clicked that is was where I had been restrained.

Looking at the video camera, I noticed that the power was still on. We had the style of camera that wrote the video to a mini-DVD so it was a simple matter of popping the DVD into the TV's DVD player to confirm what I already knew. The scene wasn't me in the chair, although that probably was on another DVD. The video clearly showed me cumming as Jim's cock pummeled my ass and Ronda rode my face. Needless to say, my pussy instantly flash flooded as memories of the night returned and I realized that Jim was finally becoming the kind of man I craved. And apparently he was fine sharing me with Ronda.

I hurried back upstairs. Jim was waiting for me in the bedroom. I was surprised to see he had changed into a pair of leather chaps and a leather vest. He cock was on full display and it was hard and ready for action. I immediately dropped to my knees in front of him.

"Oh master, may I please suck your cock?" I begged.

"You may my pet," he replied.

His voice sounded possessive. I was thrilled. He used my mouth. There was no other way to describe it. He took what he wanted and didn't worry about my needs. Of course that was exactly what I craved. Apparently Ronda had taught him well, although I still didn't quite understand how it had come to pass that he had fucked her.

He blasted one final delicious load of cum into my mouth before we both stripped and collapsed into each others' arms in bed. I don't think either of us moved the rest of the night. In the morning we showered together and then I went to make breakfast while he dressed. While he was eating I ran upstairs to get dressed myself. I didn't want to be late for work. Jim promised to fill me in on the story after work tonight. I kissed him goodbye and was walking out to the garage when he stopped me.

"Just a minute slave," he began. My pussy began to lubricate at the authoritarian sound of his voice. "There will be many new rules going forward, but rule number one is that you are to always be naked in the house. You will dress and undress in the garage. Rule number two is that you will also always wear your collar at home to remind you of your status."

Jim's confidence left no room for discussion. He dismissed me and I got to Mistress Sharon's office with just 1 minute to spare. She seemed pleased to see that I had made it on time.

The day was completely usual for how my life had become. I sucked some pussy. I got horny. I begged to be allowed to cum. And then I drove home with a wet pussy anticipating my husband explaining how it came to pass that he fucked one of my mistresses and made me cum as hard as I ever had before. As I rounded the corner of our street, I saw Ronda's motorcycle in our driveway. Walking in the door, I was surprised not to find either Jim or Ronda. I searched the main floor and then the bedrooms but I was alone. Then it hit me. They had taken me downstairs. That must be our new playroom. I hurried downstairs. The chair was still there as was the ropes. But still no people. Then I heard a muffled moan.

I traced the source of the moan to our mechanicals room where the washer, dryer, furnace and water heater are located. Hanging from the ceiling was another new apparatus. And hanging in that apparatus was Ronda. It was a bondage swing. She was apparently quite comfortable, although her arms and legs were extended in a spread eagled fashion and she was unable to move. She was blindfolded and gagged. Then I noticed why she was moaning. Belted over her pussy was a Hitachi Wand. I traced the power cord back to an appliance timer. It was currently on, but as I was watching it turned off. I watched as Ronda's body began to relax. A minute later, the wand turned back on. Her whole body tensed and the moaning resumed. I watched this timer cycle on an off at one minute intervals. It was fascinating. I couldn't tell if she knew I was watching, but I felt myself getting wet at the voyeuristic opportunity I had. Her pussy juice was leaking around the bulbous head of the wand making obscene squish noises every time it turned on. I couldn't help myself. I stood in front of her and played with my own clit as she was teased mercilessly.

Her moans were getting more insistent with each cycle of the timer until finally she came. My own fingers were flying over my clit and her screams of passion drove me over the edge too. I was still howling after she finished climaxing and the wand had turned off. I saw Ronda turn her head in my direction and smile.

"Hello Tina," she mumbled through the gag. At least I think that is what she tried to say.

I was still shaking from my cum, but I managed to stagger over to her and removed the blindfold and gag. She blinked several times adjusting to the light and open and shut her mouth a number of times. Just then the wand cycled on again.

"Damn that thing. Turn it off," she beckoned me.

Suddenly I felt a surge of power run through me. Jim had been teasing her and now it was my turn.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Jim called me up and invited me over for a nooner. He bound me like this and then left me," she replied.

"So did he fuck you?"

"Not today."

She was fighting against the vibrations. She must have been there for over four hours and her clit must have been buzzed raw. She could tell I was thinking about leaving her, but she was having none of that. She found enough inner strength to transform back into dominant Ronda.

"Listen slut. Turn that damned thing off and get me down from here," she shouted.

I was stunned, but I didn't make a move toward the timer.

"Bitch, you pledged obedience to me and I still expect that. Trust me, I can make your life very unpleasant, not to mention you'll never get the chance to serve me again if you balk at serving me now."

Her tone was turning me to butter. In truth, she had me at "listen slut" as all my submissive tendencies flowed back to my mind. I simply nodded and unplugged the wand. I then began uncuffing her from the swing. I wondered if I would soon find myself placed into the same torturous position. After I got her free from the swing, I helped her into the finished side of the basement and onto the couch. Her legs and arms were weak from being tensed so much all afternoon. She explained that the wand wouldn't be enough to get her off each minute, but the cumulative effect of the cycle was enough to get her off about every 20 or so. I did the math in my head. That meant she'd cum 12-15 times that afternoon. I could only imagine or is it dream about such a day. While her body was done for a while, her mind recovered quickly.

"I suppose you are wondering how it is I fucked Jim last night and why I was bound in your basement?"

"As a matter of fact I am. Jim said we would talk about it, but he was too tired last night and left early this morning."

Ronda went on to describe how Jim came to her looking for pointers. Apparently he thought he and Chuck didn't do too well when they tag teamed Lisette and me. I wanted to say they did fine, but I held my tongue and let her do the talking.

"So Jim came over to talk. As you know, I'd never been with a man before and I wasn't really looking to hook up with him. But as I got to know you and how much you loved each other, I started getting jealous and wanted that for myself. I started thinking about trying to have a relationship with a guy. I also kind of wanted to expand my relationship with you beyond just beating you and then masturbating after we were done. I bet you didn't know that as soon as you left each time we were together I'd frig myself blind thinking about you."

"No I didn't. I had no idea," I replied

"I guess I need to thank you in a way. Your friendship has allowed me to move past, at least a little ways, my pain from growing up. I really want to try to have a normal life."

I was staring at her in disbelief. The rock hard mistress I'd known was crumbing before my eyes.

"So how do Jim and I fit into this?" I asked.

"To get back to the story... Jim wanted some pointers so I tried my best to instruct him on what you like and what needs you were not having fulfilled. It was pretty graphic. Somehow I ended up getting naked to demonstrate how he should touch you. It was weird. It was like I was watching myself in the third person. I shocked myself by telling him to practice spanking me. That definitely wasn't my plan and I'd never realized I'd had a submissive side, but when his first hand print made contact with my ass, I flooded my pussy like I never had before."

I still couldn't believe the story she was telling me. Ronda told me that before the spanking was over she had cum on his lap. She said he didn't even ask, but that she dropped to her knees and blew him right in her living room. For the first time, she felt a man unload on her face and she found she loved the feeling of the hot sticky liquid running down her cheeks.

"He went home to you after that, but he was back the next day and I fucked him. I was prepared to send him away, but I think I finally understand how you felt coming to me because I couldn't resist him and stripped on command. After that I was a goner. I couldn't go back. That is when we decided to share you."

"Share me?" I asked.

"Yup," she said. "Although Jim tapped into a submissive side I didn't know I had, I'm not going to give up being your mistress. You're going to serve both of us, but I'm also going to serve Jim. You fucked around on him for too long. He deserves to have two women serving him."

I had to admit, the thought of Ronda serving my husband as my slave sister was a turn-on. And the thought of them dominating me like that had the night before was even better.

"So just how did the two of you plan this relationship?"

"Well I'm going to teach Jim how to dom you. Last night worked pretty well, I think. I know you came pretty hard. And if he can't get it up, my strap-on will always be there to fill in. I'll have to see how submitting to him goes. I'm not sure I want that full time, although it's been fun. Maybe we'll find me a submissive guy and Jim and I can dom the two of you as a couple. Who knows?"

I didn't think she meant to say she and Jim would be a couple. I certainly wasn't going to give him up after all we'd been through, but I let the comment pass.

"I don't know about this," I stated.

"You don't have much of a choice, pet," she retorted. "I know what you need and if I gave the command right now, you'd be between my legs eating me. Jim knows what you need now too and is committed to giving it to you. He loves you more than anything."

I knew she was right about having to just give the word and I'd be slobbering over her pussy. After hearing the deliciously naughty sounds her juices were making against the wand I'd done nothing but dream of burying my mouth in her wetness.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked.

"First we need to get you ready for tonight's training session. Didn't Jim tell you to always take your clothes off in the garage when you enter the house?

"Well, yes, but I came in through the front door because of your motorcycle in the driveway."

"Do you really think that is an excuse?"

"No mistress," I said while I bowed my head.

"So why are you still dressed?"

"I don't know mam."

"I can tell you are going to need a lot of training too. I shouldn't even have to say it, but get your clothes off now."

Her tone left no room for argument.

"You have earned a severe punishment for breaking that rule, but I'm going to wait until Jim gets home so he can learn how to keep you in line."

My arousal was building as Mistress Ronda continued to chastise me. In the end we ended up in the living room. The front blinds were open and anybody walking by could see me standing naked and collared. Before Jim got home, Ronda had secured me very effectively. Using a series of straps around my ankles, legs and thighs I found myself on my knees, bent over with my face to the floor unable to move. My legs were pressed tightly together and my arms were secured against my legs. My ass up straight in the air presented for whatever punishment they saw fit to give me for my transgressions.

While we waited for Jim to arrive, Ronda amused herself by pressing the wand against my rosebud for a few seconds and then removing it. She couldn't get the large head between my bound thighs to access my clit so the vibrations didn't do much for me, although they hinted at a night of teasing I was sure to experience. Eventually Ronda got bored and after I described how to find my sex toy collection left me alone and headed to my bedroom. She returned with a medium butt plug and some lube. I was a bit surprised that she didn't gag me or blindfold me since Jim apparently liked both. After pushing the plug into me, she used another strap to make sure I couldn't push it out. Of course I didn't want to push it out, but in a perverse way I liked her attention to detail.

While we waited we talked at great length about Ronda and her emotional state. We also talked about my fears and expectations. In the end it seemed like the right thing for everyone concerned to try and make this relationship work. We had become close as sisters, only unlike sisters, when Jim came home Ronda immediately dropped to her knees and fished his cock out of his pants.

"Hello Tina," he began. "I trust Ronda has explained things to you?"

I couldn't turn my head very well to look him in the eyes, but I could still respond. "Yes master."

"Good. Like your rule to always be naked entering and leaving the house, Ronda has a rule to always greet me with a blowjob. I hope you don't mind."

Of course I minded. I was still not thrilled about sharing him with another woman, although I didn't have much choice. I had to admit to myself watching her suck his cock was hot.

Jim pulled out after about two minutes. He had not cum. I expected him to roll me over and have me finish what she had begun or at least jerk off and come on one or both of us, but he didn't. Instead he asked Ronda if I had been naked when she first saw me. She tattled on me and told the truth.

"I have prepared slave Tina for your next lesson in how to punish her," she said.

My pussy quivered at the thought as Jim agreed with her plan. First they began with a light hand spanking to "warm me up" before proceeding to a paddle. My ass was bright red and I could feel the heat radiating off my soft skin. Although they told me to be quiet, I couldn't help but scream with each blow. Of course they promised more punishment for not following orders, but I didn't care. After they determined my ass had enough, the rolled me over.

Lying on my back with my legs above me was much more stressful than being on my knees. The pressure against my ass wasn't helping, but the pain in my butt was soon forgotten as the kiss of a riding crop snapped against my painfully hard nipples. My pussy was still protected or I'm sure it would have received the same stinging embrace that my nipples endured. Again I was unable to comply with the order to stay quiet, although their solution, having Jim ram his cock down my throat, was perfectly acceptable to me. Ronda refrained from hitting me while Jim knelt over my face. I imagine having your dick cropped would be pretty painful, but I'm sure she was also worried I'd reflexively bite down.

Finally Jim had reached his limit and he stood back up just in time to shower me with his affection. I was a mess and I loved each and every gooey drop as his load splattered against my face and over my chest. I wondered if Ronda would continue with my punishment as Jim sat down on the couch to rest, but apparently she was too excited to waste time causing me pain. Instead she straddled my face and force fed me her well used but still juicy pussy. 15 orgasms was not enough as she rode my face for two more and Jim recovered enough to stand again at full attention. After that it was a simple matter of him pulling me up and flipping me back over onto my knees before pulling out the plug and driving his cock into my ass with one push.

I was seeing stars as he pummeled my back door. Jim always took longer to cum the second time I and figured I was in for a long hard pounding. I was right. I lost all track of time as over and over Jim drove his seemingly undeniable cock into my defenseless body. I was turned on beyond belief, but with my clit protected by my bondage, I couldn't cum. From the corner of my eye I saw Ronda returning again from the bedroom, this time sporting a strap-on. My ordeal was far from over. Fortunately Jim finally had enough and deposited a small, but nonetheless hot load deep into my bowel. I shivered as I felt the spurts contact the sensitive walls of my ass, but still couldn't cum. I felt him begin to deflate and wondered if Ronda was about to take his place. Instead, he returned the plug to its home up my butt and pushed me over on my side.

"As your ass is occupied, I guess I'll have to break your pussy instead," she sneered.

With Jim's help she quickly removed the straps which had held my body for so long. I should have been sore from holding that position for so long, but when Ronda told me to stand up I jumped.

"We're you ever into gymnastics, slave?" she asked.

"No mistress."

"Well if you want to get fucked and have a chance to beg me to let you cum, let's hope you are a natural," she replied.

I didn't understand at first as she moved in front of me, took my face in her hands and gave me a passionate kiss. After she broke the embrace, she told me what to do.

"You're going to wrap your arms around my neck. When you settle yourself on the tip of the dildo, you're going to jump and wrap your legs around me. Jim will help steady you from behind. After that, you have three minutes to fuck yourself and cum if you can. After three minutes, cum or not, I'm strapping you to the bed and leaving."

I nodded my understanding.

"Oh, one more thing. If you don't do this right and cum for us, I'm leaving that damn wand on the time teasing you all night. Only I'll have it on for a minute than then off for five so you don't build up to any climax."

Again I nodded. It wasn't easy and it took two tries which cut into my orgasm time, but eventually I got the monster into my pussy and my legs wrapped around her enough to steady myself. The first minute was already gone before I could start trying to hump her appendage. Fortunately after my punishment my body was primed for any pleasure it could take and I immediately found it building to a wonderful release. Jim stopped supporting my ass and move away a bit to watch. I'm sure it's every man's fantasy to see two sluts fuck each other the way Ronda was fucking me. He announced the second minute was gone. I was getting there but it was going to be close. I needed something else. I yelled to Jim to resume paddling me.

He quickly grabbed the paddle and laid his hardest swat squarely on my left ass cheek. The pain shot up my spine and mixed with the pleasure Ronda was giving me exploding into my brain. I was seeing stars.

"Again," I shouted.

This time it was the right cheek and I let out an inhuman, guttural groan.

"More master. Punish your slut," I screamed.

The time must have been up, but three more swats was all it took before I came so hard I blacked out. I must have fallen off my mistress' cock as I woke up some time later lying in a heap on the floor. The room was dark. There were lights on in the kitchen, but the house was still. The plug was still up my ass which was still on fire. I could only imagine the bruising I would feel tomorrow.

I saw Jim returning from the kitchen. He had a glass of water for me and he helped me to the couch. He said Ronda had gone home and we cuddled on the sofa. The blinds were still open. I'd forgotten Ronda had put me on display. Anyone walking on the sidewalk could have seen out entire performance. I should have been upset, but I wasn't. I was happy and as I felt Jim's strong arms around me, I felt safe.

We sat together for about 15 minutes no saying a word. I didn't think there was anything that needed saying. Jim finally broke the silence.

"I think you were suitably punished for being dressed in the house, but you broke another rule tonight."

I couldn't think of what I had done.

"You came without permission."

"I don't understand Master. You never told me that rule."

"I know your other mistresses have that rule. Besides, do I really need a reason to punish you?

"No Sir."

I guess he liked the idea of the bondage swing and the Hitachi Wand because I soon found myself secured the same what I found Ronda some six hours earlier. My master informed me that since I shouldn't have cum without his permission, after all he is superior to Ronda in the household, I would have to learn that lesson. I watched as he reprogrammed the timer and the wand came to life causing me to jump a little. The intense vibration felt great, but I knew it would only be fleeting. As I expected, after a minute, the wand went still. I looked at Jim with evil in my eyes at his intent to tease me.

"I put Ronda on the minute cycle. I'm sure she came her fool head off this afternoon. Actually it was her idea. I liked her idea of making you wait five minutes for the next vibration. But even at that pace you might cum and that would be a shame since I'm going to bed. I wouldn't want you to come without permission again and break a rule. So I've put a 29 minute delay on the timer."

With that, Jim turned and walked toward the door as I pleaded with him to reconsider. He stopped at the door as if he was thinking.

"You know honey, you're right," she said.

He walked out of the room but left the lights on indicating he was coming back. When he did, he was carrying the ball gag he had used with Ronda. Without ceremony he gagged me preventing me from pleading any more for him to change his plan. Curiously he didn't blindfold me. He did walk back out of the room without saying a word. This time he flipped off the light switch. I could hear him walking up the stairs and with the flip of another switch, the room went dark.

I hung in my bondage completely defeated. At least the swing was comfortable. I couldn't really move, but the hammock like contraption didn't stress my arms or legs. Unfortunately I could see hanging like this for 4 hours like Ronda or 8 hours like I was likely to be required. I wondered why my master had not blindfolded me and then realized the deviousness of his plan. Ronda was stuck until somebody came home. Time didn't matter. I was only going to get buzzed every 30 minutes and I would be begging for it long before that. Above the washer on a shelf was an old cock radio we placed there as a clock. It was 10:30. I'd be able to watch the minutes tick away until my next blast of pleasure. Damn him.

And watch I did. My saliva was dripping around the gag and I counted down the minutes. I kept my mind active with dirty thoughts hoping to achieve another orgasm in the short time I'd be allowed pleasure. I had not noticed when my first buzz had occurred, but it must have been around 10:25. I watched as the clock hit 10:55 with a sense of anticipation. But nothing happened. 11:00, still nothing. 11:05, 11:10, 11:15 and still no vibrations. Had the bastard forgot to turn the timer back on? I screamed for him through my gag but I knew he'd never hear me upstairs. My only hope was he was waiting in the living room and he would return to set me free. I'd learned my lesson. I'd have to control my orgasms better.

Finally at 11:25 the wand sprung to life. A sense of relief and dread rushed through my body and the pleasure tingles I felt would soon be replaced by another hour of anticipation. I watched the clock intently. My entire body was tensed against the swing's bondage and I did all I could to trick my mind into allowing me to orgasm before I saw the clock changed again. My pledge to control my orgasms had lasted all of ten minutes as I screamed into the gag and fantasized about serving both Ronda and Jim. Just before the wand turn off I remembered all of the pleasure the Mistress Club had given me and pictured myself groveling before them. It almost worked. I almost made it. But then nothing. I groaned in frustration. It was going to be a long night.

Once again I found myself staring at the clock. I counted down the minutes until 12:25 and my next brief encounter with the pleasure wand. But then something strange happened. At 12:11 the wand sprung to life again. I was taken aback. I wasn't prepared. I'd been mentally ready to start fantasizing to try and get off at my next opportunity. I figured 10 minutes of wicked thoughts before the vibrating wand worked its magic would have been enough to climax, but without that preparation, the minute of pleasure turned simply to another minute of teasing torture. WTF?

From then on, the cycle seemed to become random. There was never less than a 15 minute delay before the wand would buzz my clit for a minute, but it was anybody's guess whether I'd be left panting in need for 15 minutes, 30 minutes or up to an hour. The result was I spent the night unable to relax, sleep or climax. Much like the state I had found Ronda in, my thighs were plastered with my juices and I was worn out.

Finally the night was over. Jim appeared about 7am. I was so horny I would have fucked anyone or anything he commanded. He removed the gag and asked me if I had learned my lesson.

"Yes master," I replied. Then I begged for him to fuck me.

Jim responded by adjusting one of the pulleys holding the swing which caused my back to drop. Now instead of an almost sitting position, my head was at a downward angle and slightly below the line of my shoulders. My glistening pussy was on full display and ripe for the taking. But Jim had other plans. He opened his robe to reveal his semi-hard cock. A couple of quick tugs brought it to full attention. He then walked over to the timer and flipped a switch. Immediately the wand jumped back to life. He must have hit the manual override. This time it was going to stay on.

"Thank you master. May I please cum?"

"Not yet pet. I'll tell you when."

The intense vibrations on my clit were impossible to ignore. I was going to lose this game. Jim walked behind my head while continuing to stroke his cock. At the angle my head was held it was easy for him to slip his cock past my lips and right down my throat. I gagged at the sudden intrusion and blocking of my airway. Jim began to slide his cock in and out of my mouth using it as if it were my pussy. At the same time he took hold of both my nipples and squeezed them hard.

"Ronda says you love nipple play? Is that right pet?"

All I could do was moan around the base of his cock, but I think he got the idea. I was transported to another world. I did my best to service him, but it was clear he was more interested in just taking what he wanted from my body. Saliva was running down my cheeks and my nipples were on fire as he continued to squeeze them, pull them side to side and then lifted them up letting them snap back down. My clit was buzzing driving me into frenzy. I tried to beg again to be allowed to cum, but all Jim would have heard was a muffled grunt.

Jim picked up the pace he of his face fuck. He was still pinching my left nipple as he began slapping my right breast. I couldn't hold out much longer. I was going to cum and it was going to be huge. Punishment be damned. I couldn't wait. Jim popped his cock out of my mouth with a sloppy fling of spit. Reflexively I tried to move my mouth to capture him again, but he slapped my cheek.

"I make that decision slave," he chastised me. "However, ask nicely and I'll let you cum. It's been a long night for you."

I didn't need to be told twice.

"Master, please may I cum?" I begged.

"Do you pledge your undying love to me and Mistress Ronda?" he asked.

"Of course master. Anything."

"I'm serious, Tina. From now on you must follow the rules and never refuse me or even hesitate."

The time was now. He knew it and I knew it. I was about to explode. The only question was whether I'd do it with his blessing or whether I was a bad girl. I did love him with all my heart. I didn't want to disappoint him. I also wanted to serve him more than anything I'd ever done in my life.

"Yes master. I pledge my life to you."

"Very well. You may cum now."

I shut my eyes. The entire night of fantasizing came crashing down on me as I let go the biggest orgasm of my life. It made the Mistress Club seem like pretend as I came on command for the love of my life. I was lost in the fog of release and didn't notice what Jim was doing. He had stopped touching me, but I soon felt the splatter of his spunk across my head and down onto my torso. I wished he had fucked me, but I guess he was overwhelmed by the sight of my bound and convulsing body and my pledge to serve him whatever he demanded. My face was a sticky mess of cum and spit as Jim finally helped me out of the swing. I was exhausted from my ordeal and Jim had to help me up the two flights of stairs to our bedroom. Jim tenderly laid me on the bed and pulled the cover over my body.

"I'll call your boss and tell her you're taking a sick day," he said.

I just nodded. I was in an otherworldly state. I was warm under the blanket and glowing from my massive climax. I heard Jim talking on the phone but it was as if he was somewhere else. Soon the world went dark as I passed out. My body obviously needed the rest as I didn't move until Jim gently nudged my shoulder. Looking at our clock I was shocked that it was 3 in the afternoon. I sat bolt upright with a start.

"Relax honey. Everything is fine," Jim assured me.

It took a moment to get my bearings, but then the events of the night came flooding back to me.

"Don't worry. I talked to Linda and told her you had a restless night and had to sleep in. She said she would talk to Sharon."

I was sure she could guess what "restless night" meant. I wondered if I'd face punishment at the office for not performing my daily duties.

"Linda was very understanding. We had a long talk. She's very happy for us."

"Do I still have a job?" I asked.

"Of course. In fact, she said Thomas is looking for a new director of sales and I managed to sell myself enough that she's getting me an interview. If it comes through, I can quit my second job and spend more time with you."

That sounded great, although I had to wonder why Linda was so interested in Jim all of a sudden. They knew each other, but to my knowledge had never had a meaningful conversation before.

I didn't have time to dwell on it. Jim said we had plans for the evening and I needed to get up. My face and hair were a fright from our nocturnal activities so the first order of business was a long hot shower. Jim also told me to shave my legs and pussy in anticipation of going out tonight. Immediately I began to get excited.

After I was done in the bathroom, I returned to the bedroom expecting to find the outfit he wanted me to wear. When I questioned him he told me it was in the garage. Of course it was. Rule number one after all. We still had some time before we needed to leave so I busied myself around the house cleaning and then made us dinner. It felt liberating to be walking around the house nude, although I wish Jim had allowed me to shut the blinds.

By 7 I was wondering when we were leaving. At 8 he said it was time to get dressed. Jim escorted me to the garage. I started to remove my collar, but a stern look from Jim told me it was to stay on. I thought the collar was only for inside play, but apparently he wanted the world to know my true identity. I meekly tightened it around my neck again.

Looking around the garage I tried to find my clothes but all I saw was one of Jim's dress shirts hanging from one of our storage shelves. I looked at him confused as he retrieved the shirt and wrapped it around my naked body. At least it was a tall size so it covered my ass by a few inches. Jim left the top three buttons open. My nipples were on prominent display and any breeze would show off the tops of my breasts. I was not pleased.

Jim excused himself to get my shoes. Apparently they were still inside. I looked at my reflection in the car window. I looked hot in his shirt. I always did when I'd put one on after sex. But this was different. With the collar and no underwear I was not dressed to leave the house. Yet I knew that was exactly what was about to happen.

Jim returned with a short pair of black stiletto heeled boots. They only came up my leg a couple of inches. I'd never seen them before, but I had to admit the heels did wonders for my calves and butt. Turning to look at my reflection again I did like what I saw. The only question was who else was going to see me this way.

Jim opened the passenger door of the car and indicated I should get in. As I squeezed past him, he said, "Oops, I almost forgot."

From his pocket appeared a shiny chrome set of handcuffs which he deftly used to secure my arms behind my back. The night was getting kinkier and kinkier much to my pussy's delight. Jim helped me into the car. As I slid down the leather seat, Jim grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it up so my ass landed on the seat instead. He told me he didn't want any of my naughty juice spilling on the shirt. At least not yet.

We began to drive toward the city. I had no idea where we were going. I was lost in thought and didn't realize at first we had arrived at Ronda's garage. Jim told me to wait in the car while he walked around back. He returned with an identically dressed Ronda. The same shirt, the same boots, the same collar and of course, the same handcuffs. Ronda was deposited in the back seat. Jim opened my door and soon I was sitting next to her. Jim then opened the trunk and returned with a paper bag. Inside were two silver bullet vibrators which he turned on and positioned between our thighs. He did not push them into our pussies as we both begged him to do. Instead he told us we'd have to just hold our legs together if we wanted any of the pleasure the toys promised.

We resumed our trip. Neither Ronda nor I said anything, but the buzzing between our legs was having the desired effect. The car began to reek of female arousal, a fact I'm sure was not wasted on Jim.

We were now on the Interstate driving out of town. I still had no clue where we were going and if Ronda knew, she wasn't giving any indication. The vibrator between my legs was giving me happy tingles and I just passively watched the scenery fly by out the car window. Wherever my husband and master was taking me was fine. I looked back at Ronda and she too seemed happy and content. My mistress and sister in slavery looked back at me. There was happiness in her eyes. Our adventures together were just beginning.

The End.

Author's note: This is the end of The Fuckerware Party. I'm pretty burned out on the characters and I want to write new stories. I want to thank everyone for the wonderful feedback on this story. I really appreciate all the positive reactions and kind words. I hope you will enjoy my new stories as much as you've enjoyed this one.

A special thanks to Tamara, the reader who created the Ronda character and who collaborated on how she could be woven into Tina's life.

For those who are wondering, I do know where Jim is taking Tina and Ronda, what happens next and what happens after that. I have a basic outline for chapter 13 and maybe after a long break, I will write it down. If not, just use your imagination...


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