Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jun 25, 2010


The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 04 by Tappy McWidestance

My anxiety and anticipation was building. Thursday I would finally meet my mistress, even though I had been serving her for weeks in anonymity. I now suspected that she worked at my office. The envelope left on my desk with the DVD of our last session didn't have a return address and our receptionist had not registered any deliveries by a courier. I spent several days methodically searching my office trying to determine who she was. The security guard called her Sharon, but we didn't have anybody named Sharon working for us. Perhaps the guard had used her middle name or perhaps it was just to throw me off, but I found nothing related to a Sharon in our office.

There was also a clue on the DVD. In my private moments at home I had watched the DVD until it was burned into my mind. One thing that struck me was the camera was not always on a tripod. At times it changed position or zoomed in. I began to shake when I realized that meant I had not been alone with my mistress. For at least part of our time together, somebody else was with us. Another unknown person was documenting my debauchery. Although the camera operator had been careful not to show my mistress' face, there was one shot of her nailing me from behind which showed a pair of interlocking female symbols with a pair of handcuffs hanging down from them tattooed on the small of her back. I tried wandering around our office and discretely spying on my coworkers at the bathroom sink hoping to get a glimpse of the otherwise covered artwork hidden beneath a blouse. Again I failed to ascertain her true identity.

I finally had to resort to guessing based on height. I knew when I was on my knees, my mistress' pussy was level with my mouth. She was the perfect height to eat her pussy if you will. I knew she always wore heels with me. I could only guess they were at least three inches tall so I had to estimate where each woman in the office's pussy would be given those conditions. My mistress also had the most exquisite handwriting. Most everything in our office is typed, but there was an archive of memos to examine as some had signatures.

Basically I drove myself crazy trying to figure out who Mistress Sharon was without success. I always just ended up wet, horny and no closer to discovering her true identity. I would just have to wait until Thursday, three days away. Time crawled. I received no emails, texts or notes from her. I was on pins and needles. I had to masturbate 5 or 6 times a day to keep my head on straight. On Wednesday I was horny enough when I woke up to wear the remote panties to work again. The last time they had malfunctioned and I almost got caught cumming during a phone conference. I did get caught in the ladies room. The experience humiliated me, but the memories turned me on enough to try again. As I was sitting at my desk surrounded by my cube mates, happily yet silently buzzing away, I realized another clue about my mystery lover and why she had to be a co-worker. I'd never had my panties malfunction before or since and Suzy claimed she'd never heard of such a thing, but what if somebody in the office either took my remote or had their own during the phone conference. Perhaps somebody was playing with me even then. The thought was enough to send me scurrying to the bathroom to relieve the tension that had built up. Fortunately this time I wasn't caught.

Thursday dawned. Today was the day. I couldn't decide on what to wear. I assumed my mistress would provide for me any clothes I needed. Heck I would probably just end up naked so I dressed in my usual conservative business casual. I had a hard time concentrating on my work. I knew somebody in the office was going to make a move on me and as the day wore on I ended up handicapping the field. In my mind I assigned a percentage of probability that each woman in our office was my mistress. I watched as the clock slowly moved during the hour between 4pm and 5pm. The end of the day always seems longer, but this hour seemed to last an eternity. The office started emptying out, but still there was no message. I was getting desperate. At 4:55, our receptionist stopped by my desk.

"This just came for you," she said holding a FedEx box. "The delivery guy said they were running late today and apologized for not being here earlier."

I assured her it was fine. As she walked away I gave the box a shake. It was light and sounded like only a couple of items were inside. I sheepishly looked around the office. There were a couple of people still there, but most everyone had left by 5. A couple of women I had handicapped near the top of my "mistress pool" still in their offices. Were they waiting to see how I reacted to the contents of the box? When would they make their move?

My hands were shaking as I tore open the seal on the box. There was the expected letter, a pair of shoes and a collar with a set of nipple clamps attached to a ring in the front. My wet pussy quickly became a flash flood as I picked up the letter.

"My dearest Tina. I hope you have been looking forward to tonight. I want you to go out and get some dinner. I want you fed and back to the office by 6:15. From 6:15 to 6:50, I want you to sit at your desk and think about what it will mean for you to serve me tonight and in the future. Do not move from your desk and do not masturbate no matter how strong the urge is to do so. I anticipate the office will be empty by 6:30. At 6:50 I want you to strip off those unflattering clothes you are wearing and stuff them in your desk drawer. Put on the collar, clamps and shoes and then walk downstairs to the ladies room. In the handicapped stall you will find further instructions." The note was printed, but signed Mistress Sharon in the penmanship that made me weak.

I took a deep breath and put the note back in the box and the box in my drawer. I had an hour to get dinner. It didn't take that long so I spent 20 minutes walking around outside the building trying to calm my nerves. As ordered I was back at my desk a couple of minutes early. The office seemed to be empty, but I could feel her eyes on me. In my mind, she had to be watching me and monitoring my compliance. My 35 minutes spent in reflection on our relationship dragged even slower than the 4 o'clock hour had. The anticipation was killing me. I was glad the office had emptied out early. There didn't seem to be anybody around as I began stripping at 6:50. I was prepared for my mistress to pop out of hiding and take control of her conquest, but it didn't happen. I felt safe in my office as I began to wander naked through the halls to reach the stairs. I knew the elevators had cameras and I hoped the stairs were unmonitored.

I was tingling as I streaked through the building. I would have been humiliated if I had been caught, but as it was, I was just exhilarated. I didn't waste any time and knew I had made it to the bathroom before 7. The bathroom appeared empty. Perhaps she was waiting in the stall. I pushed the large door open on the handicapped stall, but all I found was a video camera on a tripod and two dildos. There was also a note on the tripod.

"Congratulations. You've made it this far. To prove your obedience and loyalty, I hope the first thing shown on this tape is you coming in naked. I want you to sit on the toilet and fuck yourself. I'm sure you've wanted to do that for hours so here is your chance. Use one of the dildos on each hole and fuck yourself until you cum. There's no rush so enjoy yourself. I'll know if you're faking, so don't. After you are done, I want you to bring the camera and the dildos to my office. It is on this floor. I'm sure you can find it. The proper way to enter my office is on your hands and knees. Setup the camera outside my door to capture your entrance. I'll have more instructions when you get here."

A sane person would never be following these instructions. I grabbed the dildos. The big one easily slid into my pussy. I could see myself in the screen of the camcorder. I looked absolutely trashy as I sat back on the toilet and spread my legs for the world, well at least the camera, to see. After a few deliciously squishy strokes in my pussy, I grabbed the smaller dildo and began sucking it. After learning to love anal penetration from the remote panties, the smaller dildo went home in my ass without much effort. I leaned on my side and lifted my leg against the stall wall so the camera could get a view of both holes being pleasured. There was no need to fake any gratification as my body released the energy which had been pent up all day. I tried to give flirty looks to the camera but I don't think I was successful. After just a few minutes, my lust overcame me and I came harshly. Losing control of my legs, I kicked the tripod. I was thankful that it didn't fall over, but I'm sure the lens captured an interesting sight as the intensity of my orgasm literally knocked me out of frame.

I grabbed the camera and for the record, gave thanks to my mistress. As I calmed down I suddenly had the realization that I had to find her office. But walking naked through the building carrying a video camera was definitely not my idea of a good time. Still I couldn't delay. I'm sure the camera had a time stamp so she would know. I grabbed the camera and her note and walked into the hallway and then into the elevator lobby. The floor numbers on one of the elevators was changing. I wasn't alone in the building. I quickly made plans to hide in the bathroom if the elevator stopped at my floor, but it passed me. I breathed a sigh of relief and set out on my task to find my mistress. As it turns out, it was easier than I thought it would be.

Next to the elevator was a floor directory. I'd already checked everyone in my company, but I had neglected to think about other companies. Scanning the directory, under the heading of "Building Management," I found a listing for Miss S. McCarthy. There were no Sharon's listed but I remember my mistress telling me to call her Miss S so I decided this had to be the place. I walked down the hall opposite from our offices and the bathrooms. There was a door without a window that said "building services" that matched the number on the directory. I setup the camera and opened the door. I dropped to my knees and crawled into the office. Looking up, there was nobody there. I stood up and retrieved the camera and set it inside the office. There was a hallway with several offices. They all looked dark except the last one where I could see light from under the door.

The crawl down the hallway had me feeling like I was sealing my fate. I prayed I was in the right place or I could never live this down and would have to quit my job. The door was shut so I knocked. I familiar voice told me to enter. I turned the knob and pushed the door open at the bottom wiggling my ass for the camera as I entered Miss S McCarthy's office.

"Your humble slave reporting for duty mistress," I began.

"Welcome slave Tina. Glad you could make it tonight."

I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me as she stood and walked from behind her desk. Her legs and feet were exactly as I had pictured them in my mind. Her 4" stilettos toned her beautiful calves. I followed her legs up as far as I dared without receiving permission. When I reached the hem of her short skirt about 5 inches about the knee, I dropped my gaze back to the floor.

"Stand and look at me Tina."

I stood up and recognized Miss S. immediately. She was the woman who had caught me masturbating in the bathroom. I only had a glimpse of her through my embarrassed eyes last time. But now as I drank in her beauty I was awe. She was probably 15 years older than me, but she was stunning. She was dressed very professionally in a form fitting custom tailored business suit. I watched in awe as she advanced on me and took my face in her hands. She gave me a deep, passionate and definitely wet, soulful kiss.

"We're going to have a lot of fun tonight, pet."

Miss S told me we were going out for drinks and dancing. She unzipped a hanging bag and pulled out a black cocktail dress. She also pulled out translucent g-string and a small box I recognized as a Ben Wa ball container. I needed no lubricant to insert the balls into my smoldering pussy. The panties, thin as they were, felt like I was wearing nothing at all. At least they would hold the balls in, I figured. The dress was actually more modest than I would have guessed. It covered my breasts and ended a couple of inches above my knees. I wasn't crazy that my mistress had not seen fit to provide a bra for the outfit, but all things considered, it wasn't too bad.

We headed downstairs together in the elevator. I was twitching as the balls began to work their magic as soon as I started walking. Sharon drove which left me free to fidget in the passenger seat. We drove to a well know night club. I was surprised that we didn't go to a lesbian or S&M bar, but I knew better than to question my mistress. We found a parking space in the club's lot. Before we got out, Mistress S had be hike up my dress. She then pinched the sides of the g-string and pulled on the top until the sides disappeared between my pussy lips. I felt myself flow around the sides of the g-string and knew my pussy lips would now be teased by those panties much in the way the balls were teasing my insides. I followed Miss S into the club. It was almost 8pm.

There were a few people dancing and a few more at the bar, but the place was pretty slow. I guessed it was early and that Thursday wasn't a big night out. Sharon and I found a booth in a dimly lit corner where were able to sip a couple of glasses of wine and talk for nearly an hour before things started to pick up and the club turned the music up. By then a series of guys, some good looking, some not, began hitting on us. With a well practiced wave of the hand, Miss Sharon sent them all away until a geeky looking college type kid approached. I don't know if Sharon took pity on him because he was clearly out of our league or if it was part of her master plan, but she suggested (I took it as an order) that I dance with him.

If you've never danced while stuffed with Ben Wa balls, you don't know what you're missing. Between the balls and the g-string wadded up in my snatch, the motion of the dancing was turning me on. By the end of the song I questioned whether I could make it back to our booth without cumming. Fortunately a slow song came on and I was able to wrap my arms around my geek in shining armor to steady myself and slow down my heart beat. I held him tight. He wasn't sure what to do with his hands although I secretly wished he was squeeze my ass or fondle my breasts. I managed to trap his knee between my legs by the time the song ended was dry humping him in a very pleasurable way.

My hero finally caught on that I was basically masturbating against him. He had a smile from ear to ear. When the song ended the DJ announced he was taking a break. I was crestfallen. My partner became much bolder and asked if he could take me home. I told him that I was with somebody and didn't think that was such a good idea. We walked back to the table and he surprised me when he made the same offer to Sharon. Apparently he thought if he struck out with me, maybe she would say yes. I was a little worried that Sharon might say yes for me since she picked the club for a reason, but she didn't. She told me to sit back down and asked the geek if he would buy us another round.

He calmly asked Sharon if he wasn't our type, why should he buy us drinks? Sharon asked if he had noticed I was trying to cum on his leg. He said of course he had. Sharon told me that I was horny because my husband wasn't seeing to my needs. That of course was a lie. At that point Sharon was the one not seeing to my needs but it was a white lie that the geek could easily believe. She then offered to let him watch me cum in exchange for two more glasses of wine. Quick as a flash he was at the bar as I was staring at her shooting daggers with my eyes.

"Oh come on Tina. I know you want it. It will be fun and you will make his night."

I wasn't in a position to argue as he returned with two drinks in his hands and slid into the booth next to me.

"Tina," Sharon began. "This nice gentleman has brought us a drink. I think it is time you repaid him."

I reluctantly spread my legs under the table resting one on his leg and one on my mistress. I was staring at his face the whole time and I assume Sharon was staring at me. As soon as I touched my pussy all thoughts of restraint vanished. I felt wet and sloppy as I began fingering my clit and sliding my fingers up and down my slit. I could tell he was getting as into my performance as was I. There was no need for me to fake my climax. The only question I had was whether I would be too loud when I came. I solved this problem by burying my head on his bicep as I screamed out in pleasure into his arm. I'm sure my mistress was pleased by my performance and I'm sure the geek got his money's worth.

After I came, he once again offered to take us home when my mistress told him we both prefer the company of women and sent him away. He left with a smile on his face and a lump in his jeans. He was $10 lighter but obviously much happier. I watched him disappear in the general direction of the rest rooms. I bet I can guess what he did next.

We sat and sipped our new glasses of wine while I calmed down. Other men had noticed my performance. From their chairs, the bar and from other booths, I saw men holding folded bills obviously offering money for a repeat performance. I wondered if my mistress brought me along to save money on wine. I was about to ask her when I saw my boss Linda and her husband walk in. What was more shocking is I saw my cube mate Becky with them. This wasn't the Becky I knew, however. At work Becky was the quiet one in our four person workgroup. She was very conservative always wearing professional, but not particularly revealing or sexy clothes. She never wore heels and rarely talked about her personal life. The Becky I now saw was completely different. She was dressed to the nines in a slinky dress slit high up her thigh and low down her chest. Her hair, usually up in a tight bun was down around her shoulders and styled for a night out on the town. Almost most shocking was the pair of fuck me pumps on her feet. Who even knew she had legs let alone a toned set that run all the way up to a very tight ass. In truth, I almost didn't recognize her. I say almost most shocking because the most shocking part was Linda's husband had his arm around Becky's waist. It wasn't just a friendly I'm giving you a sociable squeeze kind of hug either. They were walking arm in arm into the club.

Linda clearly wasn't oblivious to the situation. She had turned and looked at the pair and wasn't mad. What was going on here? Immediately I sank down into the booth.

"What's wrong Tina?" Sharon asked.

"My boss just walked in. I can't have her see me here."

"What not? You're not doing anything wrong."

"Really? So grinding myself on a stranger and then masturbating for him is normal?" I responded.

"It might not be normal, but there is nothing wrong with being here."

"Can we go now before she sees us? Please?" I asked.

"We since you asked nice, we can. But you're going to owe me one for this."

I already owed her everything this night. I would never refuse an order from her so I wasn't too worried about what her statement might entail. "Fine, but let's please sneak out of here."

We discretely made our way to the door. Once I was past an angle where I could have made eye contact with my boss I hurried to the entrance. Sharon was following at a more relaxed pace and caught up to me in the parking lot. I was smiling. She was not.

"Don't ever do that again, slave. You stay behind me and walk at my pace. You will be punished when we get back to the office."

I looked down at the ground after realizing my mistake. The drive back to the office was quiet. I hoped I had not blown the final interview. We took the elevator back up to Sharon's floor and walked into her office.

"I've been thinking about an appropriate punishment for you. Strip."

I immediately pulled off the dress and the g-string. I had learned to leave the heels on so I did. As I pulled the g-string off, the balls slid out of my pussy and made a clanking sound as they hit the floor.

"Wet enough, slut?" Sharon taunted.

I blushed, then bent over and picked up the balls. I cleaned them with my tongue like I cleaned all my mistress' toys and then handed them back to her. She put them back in their case and opened one of her desk drawers and dropped them in. She also took the opportunity to pull out a collar and leash. At least I had not blown the last interview completely, I thought. After clipping me in, she tugged on the least and we headed toward the door. My legs began to weaken as we reached the elevator bank. I followed her submissively into the elevator and she picked my floor. Where were we going?

As building manager she had a pass key to all the companies and I soon found myself walking past my cube, then the conference room and finally to my boss' office. Sharon unlocked the door and led me inside. There was a picture of Linda and her husband on the desk.

"I wanted to talk to your boss and see if she could smell how dirty you were at the club. You're probably immune to your scent by this point, but I assure you that cute geek boy knew you were on the make. Since you denied me the pleasure of giving you a little humiliation, I think we'll leave Linda a small present for tomorrow."

I didn't know what Sharon was talking about and I didn't think I wanted to know. Sharon sat down in Linda richly appointed leather desk chair and motioned me across her lap. We started with a vigorous hand spanking so I would remember my place. My ass was on fire, but with each slap, a wave of pleasure rode up through my pussy and directly into my brain. I was grinding my crotch on my mistress' leg much like I had on my poor dance partner. I'm sure if she had let me, I could have cum just from the spanking, but my mistress had other ideas.

She motioned for me to sit on the desk. I'm sure my sweaty ass made quite an impression on Linda's monthly planner which covered the top of her desk. I spread my legs without being told. I was hoping my mistress would soon give me some relief. She did, but not in the way I was expecting. Picking up my boss' phone receiver, she told me to masturbate with it. She wanted my scent on the mouthpiece so tomorrow morning my boss would get a surprise. I was pretty grossed out at the thought, but I also needed to cum and grabbed the improvised toy and began rubbing it against my slit.

Sharon cheered me on as I began to get into the rude act. She helped unclip the phone cord so I could insert the handset deep into my pussy. I hoped my liquid wouldn't ruin the microphone, but I wasn't about to stop. I was getting closer and closer when Sharon slapped my hand and told me to heel. I opened my eyes in horror and let go of the phone. She pulled the glistening receiver out of my pussy and plugged the cord back in. I watched as she carefully set the receiver back in the phone cradle without wiping the excess juice off. She then stood up and motioned for me to do the same. I hopped off the desk to stand next to her. The top sheet of paper on the calendar stuck to my ass and I had to peel it back. There was a perfect butt print on it.

"Now I want you to rub your little pink pussy all over the chair. Spread your scent around. Stink it up real good."

After the phone receiver, this task seemed almost comical. I stood on the seat of the chair and as Sharon steadied it, I rubbed myself all over the leather headrest. Getting the lower back of the chair proved more problematic. I had to sit on the chair and wrap my legs over the arm rests and around the back to make contact. Sharon wasn't pleased with my efforts so she stuck two fingers inside me and after wiggling them around to my undying gratitude, she took them out and wiped them all over the chair. She repeated this process several times until she was satisfied and I was a panting mess. I begged her to allow me to cum. She said I could, but not here.

She told me to crawl like the bitch dog I was and led me back into the hallway. She locked Linda's door. She'd never know anybody was there when she arrived at the office the next day. Sharon led and I followed as we made it back to my desk.

"Ever been fucked on your desk?"

"No mam."

"Well there's no time like the present."

That is how it came to be that at 10pm on a Thursday night I found myself bent over my desk at work while another woman finger fucked me to orgasm. It was so wonderful. I knew my desk and most of my cube would now smell like my boss' office and I didn't care. I rode my mistress' fingers as I ground my clit into the edge of the desk and howled like an animal. Amazingly my mistress did allow me to orgasm. I figured she would stop me on the edge again. When we were done I dropped to the floor, grabbed her ankles and kissed her feet while thanking her over and over for letting me cum.

"We've only just begun pet. You need to call your husband and remind him you are not coming home tonight."

I had totally forgotten about Jim. My mind had been distracted after all. I made the call from my cell. He didn't seem surprised. He sounded sleepy. He thanked me for calling and told me to have a good time. I was relieved he was trusting enough that I didn't have to make up more of a story than a girls goodbye party for someone who was leaving. As I hung up the phone, Sharon tugged on the leash again. I was allowed to walk this time. Sharon told me two steps behind and one to the left. Always, two behind and one to the left or right. We walked back to the hallway and she relocked our office door. I figured we were heading back to her office. I was wrong.

Instead we walked around the corner and down a hallway. This side had the men's room. I wondered if she was going to have me leave a present for the guys in the office too, but we walked past the bathroom stopping at the freight elevator. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as we waited. The elevator arrived. It was definitely a service elevator lacking the modern decorating touches of our other elevators, but it was the additional destination buttons which immediately caught my eye. Beyond the lobby button where the other elevators ended was B1, B2 and B3. Sub-basement 3. My mistress' other office. I realized as we descended that our last session took place right in this building and I knew where we were headed.

This elevator was much slower than the passenger elevators which gave me more time to think, worry, remember and even dream a little. Slowly we descended into the bowels of the basement. As the doors opened I immediately recognized the dimly lit, dank, moldy hallway. Walking out of the elevator I noticed the gate was shut heading to the old locker rooms. Sharon never turned instead leading me straight to the security office. LaShawn was not on duty. Another guard, Tasha was. She apparently had expected us and expressed that LaShawn had raved about my oral skills. She said she was very ready for "her bribe" and spread her legs for me. Like LaShawn before her, our encounter was very businesslike. Apparently my tongue was paying the access fee to the locker room. After Tasha was satisfied, three orgasms later, she handed a key to Sharon. Traveling down the hallway I felt alive as we walked into the unknown. At least unknown to me. I had no idea what to expect.

This time I was allowed to see the room. As I had pictured in my mind, the locker room had long been neglected and really wasn't suitable for use. The tiles were moldy although it looked like all the fixtures were functional. The former storeroom which had been converted to a make-shift dungeon was cleaner. The paint was a few years old, but still nice. There was enough bondage and S&M gear to have a serious party. I wondered just what Mistress Sharon had in store for me. As it turned out, not much. She let me go to the bathroom and then she tied me to the twin size bed in the corner of the room. After that she strapped on the chin dildo and rode my face until she screamed in ecstasy. It was close to 11 when she came. She then pulled a thin blanket over my body and told me she was going home. I started to twist in my bonds. I didn't want to be left there alone. She told me not to worry that Tasha would look after me and that she would see me in the morning. She shut off the lights on her way out. It was very quiet. The only sounds I could hear were my heartbeat and my breathing.

Left without stimulation and no way to get myself off, I eventually fell asleep. In truth, I slept very well. I don't remember waking up through the night until I felt pressure on my head. I woke to the dim bathroom light shining around the open door of my room. Rising and falling above my face was the very juicy pussy of another woman. I couldn't get a look at her face. All I could see was pussy and boobs. She had a guard's shirt on so I assumed it was LaShawn. She didn't speak. She just took her pleasure until she was satisfied and then put her skirt back on and walked out the door. A few minutes later Tasha came in. The scene was repeated. She dropped her skirt, fucked my face, came and climbed off. Instead of getting dressed right away, however, she undid my bindings.

"I'm off duty now. You need to go to the bathroom and shower. You smell like a whorehouse."

I didn't want to question her, but at least part of that smell was from her and her security partner. Still I was happy to be free so I did as she instructed. The shower tiles were pretty nasty, but the water pressure was good and the temperature was warm. The shower felt great and I spent a little longer than necessary just relaxing. I had my eyes closed standing under the cascade of water letting my body get back to a feeling of normalcy when I heard Tasha bellow.

"Enough slut. I want to go home. Get back in here."

I snapped back to the present and turned off the water. I toweled off and walked back into the dungeon room as I had learned Tasha and LaShawn liked to call it. I was hoping she had some clothes for me to wear so I could either head home or up to work. I couldn't tell what time it was but figured the shift change was probably either 6 or 7am. As I walked into the dungeon, Tasha was patting the cylinder I must have been tied to last time I was here.

"I know you liked this last time, bitch. I saw video of you as you came on your mistress' fuck machine. I'm sure you will enjoy it just as much today."

I had a chance to look at the fixture this time. It looked like a short gymnastics pommel horse. I'm guessing that is what it started life as. Since then it had been modified to add restraint hooks, the clit vibes and a few things I apparently had not been introduced to yet. I didn't hesitate to bend myself over the horse once again. I hoped LaShawn would hook me back up to the fuck machine. If I had to wait for Mistress Sharon, at least I could enjoy it.

Once I was restrained, Tasha stood in front of me, bent over and pushed her ass in my face. "Tongue my brown eye white girl. You white sluts always like tasting black ass, don't you?"

I couldn't speak for all white girls, but I know I found both black security guards to be a turn on. They both seemed powerful which was very attractive. Tasha ground her ass into my face rubbing her foul tasting hole all over my mouth and nose. She rubbed my face for a few minutes until she tired of this game. I figured she would have me eat her again, but she began to walk away. Apparently the smell of her backside was going to stick with me for a while.

I heard Tasha in one of the cabinets. She returned with two items. One was a big butt plug with a long hair tail. The other was my ever present blindfold.

"I always liked the look of this tail. I've never let somebody stick something this size up my ass before, but I'm sure you can take."

"I pleaded with her not to put that thing in me, but it was to no avail. At least she lubed it up good before she began pushing and twisting it into my rectum. It was much larger than the ass plug from the vibrating panties. I'd always thought those were pretty big and the dildo I had used last night in the bathroom wasn't near this size. This thing felt like it was splitting me apart. I grunted and grunted trying to take my mind off the violation, but Tasha would not take no for an answer and kept pushing until my body finally yielded and the phallus buried itself up my ass. I could feel the hairs from my new tail brushing against my ass cheeks and thighs. I couldn't see it, but I'm sure my tail presented quite a sight when you entered the room and the first thing you would see is me bent over the pommel horse with a tail sticking out of my ass.

Tasha moved back in front of me a secured the blindfold. Whatever was going to happen next I would be without sight. I could tell she was walking past me when I felt a sharp slap to my ass.

"Just relax bitch. Your mistresses will be here soon."

I heard her laughing as she walked out and then heard the click of the light switch and the shutting of the door.

Mistresses? Did I hear her right? Did she really use the plural of the word?

I was left alone in the dark. I was naked, cold and strapped bent over the pommel horse. All I could do is wait and think. Well I could also feel my juices running down my thigh. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long. After only about 15 minutes I once again heard the door opening. I felt a gentle hand run across my butt and up my back.

"Good morning pet," I heard mistress Sharon say. "How did you sleep last night?"

I began to answer but I stopped when I felt her finger begin to penetrate my wetness.

"I can tell you are still happy with our little arrangement," she cooed as her finger continued to explore my pussy.

"No doubt you are wondering what is going to happen. Allow me to explain a bit. I belong to a group of mistresses who exchange ideas and occasionally slaves. We each have a stable of women willing to do our bidding. The numbers vary, but we each usually keep from one to four slaves at any given time. Some of us are strictly lesbian; some of us share with our husbands."

I was trying to focus on what my mistress was telling me, but it was difficult as she continued to manipulate my sex.

"Since we do swap slaves from time to time, we all agreed to vote on adding anybody to the group. Today you will meet three more mistresses and possibly some of their slaves. While you would belong to me, you must serve them without question or restriction if our relationship is to work. The room you are in is my private sanctuary. I only bring my slaves here and only share them with LaShawn and Tasha. As a result your interviews with the other mistresses will not be here. However I do have a lot of work to do today so they will be in this building."

If I had not been tied to the pommel horse I think my knees would have buckled.

"You can still back out. I'm sure this wasn't quite what you expected this morning. If you chose to continue, we'll have to call your boss and tell her you're sick or something. You should probably call your husband too. Tell him you're hung over, but otherwise fine. Do you want to continue?"

"Yes mistress," I replied immediately.

"Good. Let's get you ready."

Mistress Sharon unbuckled me and pulled off my blindfold. I blinked several times as my eyes adjusted to the light. She was dressed in tight fitting mocha coffee brown dress. The length was below her knee and she had on shoes with a modest one inch heel. She looked professional, plain even, certainly not like a wild mistress who now controlled my sex life.

She looked at my tail and chastised Tasha for inserting it with me. I like this tail for some slaves, but you were not prepared for it. I apologize. If you are accepted into the group, I will make sure you get enough anal training that using this would be a pleasurable experience. I have not decided if I'm going to pony train you yet so let's just forget about this for now. My mistress slowly pulled the invader from my backside. I felt more violated than I ever had with her before. I was sure my ass would never be the same again.

She had me shower and fix my hair and makeup. She told me to prepare myself to impress. I was almost done when she approached me from behind and started patting talcum powder all over my body. "Trust me," she said.

She led me back into her dungeon and had me sit on a small stool. I looked at the stool expecting to see a dildo sticking up or something, but sometimes a stool is just a stool. Mistress Sharon then opened a box and pulled a strange looking garment out.

"We like to play dress up with our slaves. Today you are going to be Batgirl. Unlike Yvonne Craig on the TV show, however, you will be the teasee not the teasor. Like you though, she did always seem to like being tied up."

My mistress held a purple latex catsuit in her hand. I'd never seen such a thing up close. It was both frightening and exciting at the same time. Sharon began to unfold the suit and helped me slide my legs into it. I'd never worn anything so form fitting and constricting before. I now understood the need for the talc. It was a challenge even with my mistress' help to get my legs into the suit. I could only assume the torso would be more of a challenge and it was. I had to bend over and pull my arms in to allow enough slack in the suit to get in on my body. When I stood back up it tightened taking my breath away. There was a built in bra which snuggled around my breasts. Mistress Sharon then slid a pair of purple go-go boots onto my feet. They seemed like a weird choice but I wasn't about to complain. There was a strap at the top of the boots which my mistress tightened and then locked in place with a small luggage lock. The boots were not coming off until she was ready for them to come off.

My hands were contained in latex gloves formed in the catsuit itself, although my mistress saw fit to put soft purple cuffs over my wrists. Finally a purple latex hood was pulled over my head. My hair flowed under the edge of the hood. My mistress teased my hair so it was balanced around my head and not clumping unevenly. The hood had build in plastic ears at the top and tiny slits at the eyes and over my ears. My nose was held in a plastic nose piece inside the mask, but the holes were big enough to allow normal breathing. The mouth hole was fairly large. My entire lip area and part of my cheeks pushed through the hole and were visible, or more accurately available, for my mistress' pleasure.

I looked at the transformation in the mirror. The suit fit me like a second skin. Every curve of my body was accentuated. The built in bra looked like something Madonna or Lady Gaga would wear. I don't think there was much of me holding up the solid cone shaped breasts which pushed obscenely out of the front of the suit high on my chest. The boots were a challenge to walk in. I'd begun to get accustomed to walking in heels as high, but the tightness of the suit made moving my legs difficult and left me unstable. As we began to walk out of the locker room and down the hall, I began to feel a euphoria and warmth wash over my body. Tasha was our first stop to get her opinion of my outfit. I wasn't surprised to hear it was favorable. I was fully prepared to service her again, but instead Mistress Sharon directed me back to the hallway.

As we waited for the freight elevator, Mistress Sharon clipped two additional pieces of latex over the eye slits. Apparently she didn't want me to know where we were going. I tried to count the floors on the elevator. I couldn't be sure, but I thought we stopped one floor below Sharon's office and two floors below mine. I was hustled out of the elevator.

"This floor is vacant. The tenant moved out a few months ago. It will be perfect for your interviews."

I was led through the office. I tried to picture how our office was laid out to determine where I was. I quickly gave up as we turned where my office doesn't have turns and I realized the build out was different. We reached our destination and Sharon put me in an office chair. "Let's make those calls," she said.

First we called Jim and I told him everything was ok. He asked a few questions about what we did last night and I had to think quickly on my feet. I told him about going to the club with Linda, her husband, Becky and a new friend Sharon who manages the building. He seemed to buy my story, but I was very glad to be done with the conversation. I hate lying and don't think I'm very good at it. Next I called Linda. Thankfully I got her voicemail. Apparently it was still early. At Sharon's suggestion I told Linda I was having car trouble and that I would be in later. Apparently my interview was not an all day affair.

I was now free for another few hours before I would be missed. Mistress Sharon took my arm indicating it was time to stand again. I felt her rub her hands all over my suit. I didn't have much sensation on the inside, but I could tell she was enjoying the tactile experience. She then took my hand and pulled it forward. I felt a table. Probably a conference table left behind from the previous tenant. As she pulled my hand along the edge, I felt a strap. She then pulled my hand onto the top of the table and I felt the soft padding. I immediately recognized the bondage bed.

Mistress Sharon began to help me onto the table. It wasn't easy because I could not bend my legs very much. With my hands on the table, my mistress had to put both her hands on my butt and basically push me up onto the table. I ended up on my hands and knees, a latex cat in doggie position. I began to move toward the center of the table, but a sharp slap on my ass told me to stop. The sensation of the spank was much more pronounced than when my mistress was simply touching me. Perhaps it was the position tightening the suit even more that allowed the spanking wave to propagate over more of my body. Perhaps it was my arousal. Perhaps I really didn't care about the reason, but it felt good and went straight to my pussy.

I stopped moving and waited for my mistress' next move. I felt a zipper enclosed in the crotch of the catsuit being opened. The tension in the bottom of the suit released giving access to my pussy and ass. It was still tight, but at least I could breathe a little easier. My mistress gave me another swat and I continued crawling to the center of the table where she rolled me onto my back and secured me the bondage bed. As I'm sure you guessed, I wasn't using the Velcro straps. I was stuck there until I was released. My mistress fingered me again. I had no doubt she would be pleased with the level of slickness she would find. I felt her moving her hands up to my breasts. When I had been helped into the catsuit I had not noticed the nipple access panels. They were almost like a Ziploc bag closure as Mistress Sharon deftly opened the area of the suit right above my hard nipples allowing them to pop out. This further detensioned the suit. It was now almost comfortable.

I assumed I would be teased at this point. Nothing in my experience with mistress Sharon led me to believe I would be getting off anytime soon. Still, the very act of being teased had become a huge turn-on because I knew my eventual release would be mind blowing. Mistress Sharon did not let me down. I felt the sticky electrical pads of remote panties being attached to both my nipples. I really didn't like the electric play, but I was in no place to complain. I then felt another pad being attached to my clit. Shit, the clit teaser was fun, but electric shocks? Not good. My mistress worked quickly and efficiently to wire me up and then zipped the suit back closed. It was a struggle to get the pussy zipper closed but the nipple Ziplocs shut fairly easily.

"I've got some work to do slut. The other mistresses should be here in a little while. Serve them like you desire to serve me and you'll be fine. I've told them not to mark you, but I can't say you will not be punished for being the dirty slut whore that you are. Have fun. I'll be back by noon."

Her vulgar language and description of me didn't faze me. The time of her promised return. That bothered me. Noon. It sounded almost like a death sentence as the first shock of electricity hit my nipples and clit. Linda had not answered her phone. She's always in the office at 8am. That means I have at least four hours up here. As a second jolt of electricity hit my nipples, I could only pray my new anonymous mistresses would have mercy on me. A short time later a softer jolt hit my clit. Then a stronger one hit just my left nipple. Apparently the electric controller had a random element to it. This was going to be a long morning.

I don't know how long I lay on the table alone with my thoughts and the stinging bites of electricity tormenting my nipples and clit. The gentler ones, which the controller seemed to favor, were keeping me aroused. They were, or my body decided they were because I needed them to be, quite exhilarating. However, every 10 shocks or so, a harder jolt would rock my body. These were not arousing and were quite painful. Especially when the controller decided to hit my clit with a hard jolt, any pleasure that had been building drained out of my body. Of course the diabolical machine would reset to lower voltages and begin ramping me back up. After several cycles like this I realized that the number of low intensity hits was increasing each cycle. From a strong pop at the beginning for every 3 soft ones to once every 5, then every 10 and now every 20 the electrical toy began to tease me. My body was becoming more and more aroused while my mind struggled to estimate when the next hard jolt was going to happen. I felt like my body was betraying me. It shouldn't be enjoying this treatment. But I knew better. What I classified as a hard jolt 3o minutes ago now seemed mild and was a turn-on. If I could hold on long enough so the interval of soft electrical kisses could be long enough, I might actually be able to cum.

I lay on the table twisting in my bonds as I sunk deeper and deeper into the depravity of my situation. My only thoughts were on the triangle of pleasure and pain under my suit and how much longer I would need to get off. I was getting closer each cycle and knew my climax would be soon. I just had to make it a little longer. A little longer. One or two more cycles. A little longer. Then I heard the door open.

I heard heels on the hardwood floor. They were not my mistress' sound. The heels were different as was the length of the stride. I almost couldn't believe my ears had become so in tune with my environment when I was blindfolded that I could tell so much with so little information. I heard her walk over to the table. She was standing next to the controls for the electric pads. What was she going to do? I heard the tapping of her fingers on the box and then felt the change...

Next: Chapter 5

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