Fucking around in Liverpool

By geleriver

Published on Mar 2, 2002



I'm 35, married for 11 years and I have three beautiful children. Unfortunately I'm also attracted to men. Don't get me wrong I love and lust after women and that's why I'm happily married, but I cant stop thinking about men.

Anyway one lunch time I get the urge. I work in Liverpool city centre and know a gay bar that always has willing men. I walk down through the business district and on the way to the Carvern Club. I take two sharp lefts and end up in the quiet run down ally that is used as access to a bar. The alley is dark and dirty. The only bright and interesting thing there is the neon sign for the club. I walk the 20 metres to the entrance and walk right thru.

The room is dirty and dim. It has a square bar in the centre and TV sets in each corner showing Gay blue movies. I walk straight up to the bar and order juice. I then take my drink round the bar to the right and sit where I can see a TV screen, but I'm on the opposite side of the bar from the door and so can not be seenant new people from the door way. The truth is, that while I'm at ease with my sexuality I'm still ashamed of it. In my heart of heart I want to be like John Wayne, not Rock Hudson. Still if god gives you lemons!

Now that I'm seated I can take a look round. It's so disappointing! The room is full of old men. I don't mind men that are older than me but I draw the line at pensioners. As I look round the room they all try to catch my eye, but I look quickly away. Its not that I'm some fantastic Adonis, its just that I'm younger than them. The truth is I'm not fantastic looking myself. As an ex Rugby player I would say my best feature is my strength. I have huge strong shoulders and an impressive chest. Unfortunately I also carry a few pounds too much weight round the middle. I'm about 120kg with a 50 inch chest and a 42 inch waist and 6" 1 tall. Strong and stocky!

I sit and enjoy the Video. Its good stuff! Some young American teenager is getting seduced in the back of a van. I can feel stirrings in my trousers as the lad lets his friend with the hard hat and ripped jeans undo his trousers and examine his member. This isn't hard core so we don't see the construction worker actually suck the lads dick, but his hard hat bobbing up and down, in the lads lap, is enough for imagination to do the rest.

Time ticks on (say 10 or 15 minutes) and I have had enough teasing. I'm a little concerned at what I might find in the men's toilet, given the clientele in the bar, but thanks to the TV I'm now hot for it and I don't care. I get off my bar stool and head for the men's. As I'm rounding the bar to the toilet entrance. Its opposite the bar entrance. I spotted a new comer at the bar, nearest the entrance. He also spots me and makes eye contact. I know him, but where and when?

Then it comes to me. About a month earlier there had been a leaving due in my office. At about eight in the evening I had slipped away from my drunken work mates with only humping on my mind. I came to this very bar and ordered this man to suck my dick. Which he did. Ironically we just petted each other for about 15 mins as he had "friends" in the bar. I left straight away and was seduced by this Irish female squaddie 5mins after leaving the bar. She wanted a big strong man and she picked me. Who was I to say no.

Any way back to today its a very old building and the men's are in the cellar. So I descend the steps. At the bottom you have the choice of going straight on or turning left to the women's. The unofficial rule seams to be you go to the men's to piss and look but you go to the women's to shag. I needed a piss.

The men's were empty. I made the piss last, as I wanted the man I recognised to come for me. As I remember he was as tall as me. A little non str8 (unlike me) and had a Dick bout the same length and thickness i.e. We were both 5-6 inches, THICK and uncut.

Enough was enough. I had finished my piss and left the men's. Then I stopped. Oh what the hell I thought and walked to the women's. No one there.

As I walked back to the stairs who should be coming down, but my old mate the dick sucker. I lent a against the wall as he looked at me and thought do something, but we had one of those uncomfortable moments. Who was going to make the first move ? Eventually I caved. I reached out with my right hand and grabbed him round the waist and pulled him gently towards him.

He shuffled easily towards me until we touched. A split second later I was in his arms as he pressed his tongue down my throat. His hands were everywhere.

I was so turned on by the suddenness of it all, but what made it better was that once my intentions were clear, he took control. I was the women and I loved it.

He stopped and dragged me to the women's toilet and I just followed. At that moment I would have done anything for him. We moved into a cubicle and by that time I had regained my composer he had already began to explore my body.

His kisses began at once and where his kisses fell his tongue followed. I was wearing a fleece and a jumper, which were quickly lifted. He sucked my nipples and squeezed my shoulders. He was obviously turned on by my well defined shoulder muscles and always he was in control.

Eventually he tired of foreplay and moved to the main event. His hand quickly undid my trousers and he had my prick. As far as he was concerned it was his to use as he pleased, but instead he just played with it for while as if humouring a child with his toy and his intentions became quickly clear.

He soon started pushing me down. He was pushing on my shoulders. At first I said No, trying to gain some sort of control, but that was an illusion and eventually I submitted to his will. I knelt down on the floor and took his dick to my mouth.

It felt great. It filled my mouth comfortably. He was surprisingly still and skilled at what he was doing. He slowly filled my mouth, until I felt his warm flesh fill the back of my throat. I undid his trousers and let my hands stray to his arse as he started to pump slowly into my face.

His repeated stabs into my face increased slowly minute by minute as his spine filled will energy. His gasps of pleasure changed as the intensity, of his pleasure, grew. In the back of my mind grew the image of being used. I saw myself as a slave to his whim.

Then as his climax grew near I wanted only to taste part of him. I was his to command and I wanted part of him inside of me. He dually obliged!

Once he had his way, he left me to recover. I gathered myself and went up stairs. I sat nursing my drink until he came over to speak to me. His friends had left and now he wanted to play with me in front of the whole bar. Believe me I wanted to. but now with work to go back too, I realised it was too late..

I said my farewells and left.

If you recognise your self in this story contact me. I want to be used again.

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