Full Circle

By Mel J

Published on Jun 21, 2023


Disclaimer!!! This is fiction and has no reflection on Nysnc's sexuality or sexual preference.

I hope you are enjoying this story.. I am having fun writing it.. feedback always welcome!!-Mel

Full Circle-Chapter 4 By Mel 2001

They wasted no time getting to the hospital and Joey and Justin filled Jc in on the way. They knew they couldnt keep it a secret any longer, not if they had any hope of saving Chris.

Jc was white by the time they got to the hospital. They all ran to the emergency room, where they found Lance, pacing up and down the hallway.

"Is he ok? Where is he? Is he gonna make it?" They all said at once and Lance had to shout to make himself heard.

He ignored Jc's eyes, filling them in. "They had to pump his stomach, that much I know. I am waiting to hear more, just like all of you." Jc nudged Justin and Joey looked sick to his stomach.

"Ok.. what is it you are not telling me?" Lance asked, his green eyes narrowing. Justin looked at the ground and Joey wouldnt meet his eyes. Finally Jc spoke.

"Lance. Chris has been doing cocaine." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chris was in pain. Through a red haze, he could see the nurses and doctors bustling around him. He groaned, and was rewarded by a smile. "I see you have decided to join us."

Chris opened his eyes slowly, trying to sit up. "What happened?" he croaked. The nurse gave him water, then the doctor spoke. "You Od on cocaine. You are lucky to be alive."

Chris sank back against the sheets. Oh dear god. "My friends?" he asked. He knew they must know by now, and he could feel his cheeks get red with shame. "They are outside. They are very concerned about you."

Chris nodded and took a deep breath.

Lance was first. Chris met his eyes, scared at what he might find there. "You almost died. Dont EVER do that to me again."

Chris nodded, a tear falling down his face. "I am so sorry Lance, help me."

"We will, we will." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Justin and Joey sat together, talking softly, while Jc took Lance's spot, pacing up and down the hallway. He couldnt believe he had been so involved with Lance that he had missed all the signs.

Involved with a man who obviously didnt love him. He ignored the voice in his head that kept remembering that Lance had called him baby.

It was safer that way. Besides, Chris was going to need all of their time and support to get through all of this. That is when he made the decision to let Lance go.

He didnt know how hard that was going to be, but he knew he had to try. For the sake of the group. Or at least that is what he told himself.

Justin shook. This was all his fault. If he had told the others sooner, this wouldnt have happened. Joey knew instinctivly what his boyfriend was thinking, and put his arm around him.

"Its not your fault. I am surprised it didnt happen sooner, its obvious Chris has been taking this shit for months."

Justin looked up, tears streaking his handsome face. "Do you really believe that?" He whispered, his eyes full of torment.

"Yes, Just, I do." Joey said, and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was Justin's turn next. He couldnt believe how white and frail his friend looked. "I am so sorry Chris." were the first words out of his mouth. Chris stared at Justin's tear streaked face in shock.

"This is not your fault. This is mine." he said, for the first time taking full responsibility for his actions.

Justin couldnt believe that Chris didnt blame him. "I am gonna need your help if I am going to get over this." His friend continued, grasping Justin's hand. Justin nodded. He couldnt seem to bring himself to speak, as if he did, Chris would disappear.

Chris seemed to understand. They sat there for a few minutes, not saying anything just holding hands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When it was Joey's turn, Lance and Jc did their best to keep thier distance, deliberatly keeping their thoughts on Chris.

Justin went to go call Chris' mother, knowing it had to be done. "you know we have to keep this quiet, and get him help." Lance finally said, breaking the uneasy silence. Jc nodded.

"I know. I cant believe I didnt see the signs." He admitted, running a nervous hand through his hair.

"Me either." Lance agreed, trying not to notice the way Jc's body moved. "Look, I am sorry." He said, finally looking Jc in the eyes.

Jc forced himself to hide the burst of emotion that he felt just looking at his bandmate.

"No harm done. Let's just put our... behind us" he said, faltering over the words. Lance came over and sat down beside him. "Friends again?" he smiled, pushing his feelings down where they couldnt be seen.

"of course" Jc replied, hugging him. As soon as his body touched Lance's he felt the electric current between them flair. He felt Lance stiffen, then melt against him. Neither one planned what followed...tbc...

Next: Chapter 6

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