Fun on South Beach

By David Howland

Published on Nov 1, 2001


Fun on South Beach, Part 7 by

---------------------------------------------- Hey - all the usual disclaimers apply since this is a work of fiction. ----------------------------------------------

As Angel rode in the backseat of the car with the 2 hi-powered attorneys, her mind drifted to thoughts about sweet Emi. She wondered how the teenager had done out in California. She wondered if everything had gone okay. Angel knew that the people out in California, especially L.A., could be very harsh sometimes. With Emi being so young and so new, she hoped that she had done okay.

"Miss Enriquez, is there someplace that we can drop you off?" one of the attornies asked her, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Um, just take me to the Ocean's Reef please," she replied.

The 2 attornies looked at each other. Ocean's Reef, they both thought, impressive. This girl must have some clout.

The car passed quickly through the city and over the familiar bridge to South Beach. It glided down the street leading to the exclusive condo and stopped at the gate. The driver rolled down the left rear window and Angel spoke to the guard.

"Hi Earl, had a bit of a problem yesterday. I don't have my passcard with me. Can you give me a temp card please."

The guard smiled big at her, she was one of their most popular residents, even if it was only part-time.

"Sure thing Angel, hold on a second," the guard replied.

He went back into the gatehouse for a few minutes and then came back out with a temp card. He used it to open the gate and then handed it to Angel.

"You have someone waiting for you upstairs Miss Angel, a very sweet young lady I must say. Met her for the first time yesterday. Very delightful she was, yes indeed."

Angel's million dollar smile flashed at him. It made her happy that other people saw Emi as she did. She motioned with her finger to come closer. He bent over to the window as Angel stretched out the window and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Earl, you made my day," Angel whispered to him.

The car drove on up to the front door and a doorman ran down the steps and opened the door for Angel. She got out and went up the steps as the doorman ran in front of her to open the door of the building. Angel thanked him -- she was one of the few residents who actually did say thank you to him every time -- then she went inside and headed for the elevator.

She got off at the 14th floor and walked down the short hallway to the door. Her passcard let her enter quietly and she went inside. She looked around the main room and in the kitchen but did not see Emi. She walked down the hallway towards the bedrooms. Looking in the master bedroom, she saw the jacuzzi bubbling, but the teenager wasn't there.

She continued down the hallway to her bedroom door and as she pushed it openly quietly a smile came to her face. Emi was tucked into Angel's bed, sleeping soundly. Angel stood in the doorway as she watched the darling girl sleep for a few minutes. She was happy to be home and happier still to have Emi here waiting for her.

Almost as if she felt Angel watching her, Emi's eyes fluttered and then opened. She saw Angel standing there watching her and smiled at the older girl.

"Angel, you're here. I was just dreaming about you," she said.

"Dreaming about me? You'll have to tell me what happened."

Emi folded the covers back and patted the sheet with her hand.

"Why don't you join me and I'll show you."

Angel stepped to the side of the bed as she began to strip her clothes off. Emi rolled over and watched as the beautiful latin model removed her clothes. She felt a shot of warmth as Angel dropped her shirt on the floor. The skirt and panties followed right after and Emi took in the beauty of Angel. The two girls had only met 3 months ago, but in the last week, they had gotten so close that Emi could hardly believe it.

Angel slid into the bed next to Emi and the 2 girls quickly locked into an embrace. Angel pulled the covers back up as she felt the comfort of Emi's warm body pressed against her. In this sweet embrace, the two girls talked quietly as Angel wanted to know about Emi's job in L.A.

Emi told Angel all about it with great excitement. The shoot was for Metropolitan Magazine and might be used on the cover. They had shot with her for 2 full days and there had been this huge crew of people, all of them there for her. The girl was so excited and Angel was happy for her.

"Angel, I owe all this to you. It was you who plucked me off the street and got me into modeling. It has been you that has taken care of me and shown me the ropes. It was you that introduced me to Mrs. Beecham and got me the opportunity I have had this week."

Her hand went to Angel's face and stroked the lovely cheek as she continued.

"And it has been you that has shown me what it really feels like to be loved and cared about."

Angel almost was crying as she listened to Emi. She felt blessed to have Emi here with her because she felt the same way as Emi did.

The girls talked themselves out after half an hour or so and then they drifted off to sleep. Their bodies stayed pressed together as each girl slept peacefully.

The 2 girls slept most of the day, only waking up just as the sun was going down. Angel collected 2 sodas for them out of the fridge and they sat on the balcony, watching the last of the beachgoers pack up their chairs and umbrellas to head home. Since they were so high and since each balcony had a privacy wall that separated it from the other balconies, the girls were able to sit out in just their panties.

Emi sat down in in an upright chair next to a small table while Angel went over to a chaise lounge that was next to the railing. Her slender body stretched out as she tossed her hair to one side and got comfortable. Emi watched her in admiration, still amazed that she was here with this girl who was just so beautiful and so kind and so thoughtful.

Emi let her eyes run up Angel's body, starting at the small feet with the toenails painted in purple, up the slender and flawless calves of each leg, up the smooth, tanned thighs, past the smoothly shaven pussy and the perfectly round rear end, across the flat stomach, up and over the perfect breasts, following the curve of her neck, until she finished at Angel's face. She stared at the girl's face for a moment and thought about how Angel had a perfect name. She did indeed have the face of an angel. So round, with big expressive eyes, a slender nose, and full pink lips. It was no wonder that people took an instant liking to her, all she had to do was flash a smile at you and how could anyone not be won over by her angelic face.

Emi realized that Angel was looking back at her.

"Whatcha thinking about babygirl?" Angel asked her.

"Thinking about you," she replied as she moved over to the chaise with Angel.

Angel made room on the big chair and the two cuddled together.

"I was thinking we could go out tonight. Maybe get some dinner and then hit some clubs," Angel suggested to her.

"I'm game. Where do you want to go?"

"There's a new italian restaurant down on 7th. Let's go there and then it's only a short walk to Mangoes."

"Oooh Mangoes!" Emi said. "I've been wanting to go there since I got here and never have."

"Really? Oh Emi, you're gonna love it. I'll have to get you up on a table to dance. It's a blast"

The two girls laid on the chair for another hour or so, watching the ocean, watching the birds fly by, and occasionally letting lips touch lips and tongues caress tongues. Both girls found themselves feeling that sweet warmth, but finally Angel jumped up out of the chair.

"Come on now girl. Save that for later, we're going out tonight," she laughed as she headed in to get dressed.

Emi jumped up and ran behind her watching Angel's perfect ass the whole time.

As they went through their clothes, Angel came up with a plan for what they would wear that night. She pulled out 2 pairs of nearly identical black satin, bell-bottom pants that she laid on the bed. She called them her hippy-chick pants. Then she found 2 pairs of clear and very high platform shoes. She stopped at that point and looked at Emi.

Emi looked at her quizzically, "Good so far. What about tops?"

Angel pulled out the two gift boxes from the Beecham party and took out the matching diamond bras. She placed them above the pants on the bed.

Emi's eyes beamed at the clothes.

"Holy christ Angel! You're gonna be turning some heads tonight!"

"Correction there babygirl.....WE are gonna be turning some heads."

Emi smiled at her. She thought Angel was so beautiful and it made her happy that Angel always treated her like she was just as beautiful. It just confirmed her feelings about Angel and her big heart.

The two girls began the ritual of getting bathed, powdered, primped, and dressed. A good 2 hours passed as the girls made themselves ready. Finally, they stood side by side at a big mirror in the corner of Angel's room. The sight was one to behold. Easily the most beautiful girl in the city, decked in ultra shiny satin pants topped off with a gorgeous diamond covered bra, her honey-blonde hair cascading down over her shoulders and framing her sweet face was standing next to an equally stunning young girl dressed identically with long dark auburn hair flowing down her back to just above the top edge of her pants.

The bank of recessed lights above them glimmered off the diamonds and made little rainbows all over the room. The rainbows danced around as the girls made any slight movement at all.

Finally declaring themselves ready, they grabbed their small purses and headed out the door. Angel led Emi onto the elevator and they descended to the lobby of Ocean's Reef. When the door opened and they stepped out, whatever was going on in the lobby virtually came to a stop as the 2 incredible girls garnered the attention of anyone -- man or woman -- in the room. They made their way quickly to the front door and the doorman asked if they wanted a cab.

"No, not tonight," she told him. "We're gonna walk and see the sights."

The doorman chuckled a bit to himself as he thought, "Ladies, you ARE the sights tonight."

The 2 girls crossed the street and headed down South Beach to the restaurant. As they walked, various people were running up to them and trying to invite them to parties or to dinner or back to their hotels. Angel took it all in stride and politely declined it all.

However, quite a few tourists came up to them and asked to take a picture with them. So the two girls laughed as they would pose with Sam and Gloria from Des Moines or Fred from Pittsburgh or whoever. The thought of these people going home and showing pictures of themselves with the 2 Miami beauties was a hoot.

After a 5 minute walk, the 2 girls arrived at the restuarant. Angel had called ahead and the maitre de was ready for them. He quickly showed them to an outdoor table, but one that was placed so that passersby could not approach them and interrupt their time.

"Angel, this place is fantastic," she said as she looked down at the imported china place setting and the real silver utensils. "And expensive too."

Just then the manager came up to them.

"Miss Enriquez, it is so good of you to join us at Flavio's this evening. We are always grateful when a celebrity comes in for dinner. And I see you have brought a very lovely friend with you. I must say that your outfits are truly stunning. I do hope that the male guests will be able to finish their dinners"

The girls laughed at his little joke as Angel thanked him for his welcome.

"By the way ladies, I am instructed by the owner that anything you order this evening is to be on the house. The owner wishes you to be friends of the restaurant and for you to join us often."

Emi looked at Angel in amazement, still learning about the good fortune that seems to follow Angel.

The girls ordered a variety of stuff from the menu, taking advantage of the restaurant's policy of serving large or small portions. The manager sent them a bottle of wine and soon, their table was filled with an italian feast. The girls didn't notice, but a small crowd had formed as people noticed the 2 spectacular girls and the feast they had spread before them

After they each sampled a little of everything they ordered, they both settled back and sipped at their wine as they watched the people go past. Angel was always fascinated by the people and she tried to guess where they were from.

As she sat there, she felt Emi scoot her chair up close. The teenager took advantage of the oversized tablecloth and put her hand underneath it and on Angel's lap. She quickly began to massage Angel's bare belly and even made an attempt to open the front of her satin pants.

"Emi, for god's sake girl, do you want to get us arrested?" Angel whispered to her.

"Arrested.....hmmmm....I hear that's not such a bad thing these days," she replied in a straight voice.

Angel realized Emi was making a joke about Angel's recent run-in with the law and she tried to swat the teenager with her napkin. Emi dodged it and laughed.

They finally finished their meals and called the manager over to the table to thank him. They left a generous tip on the table for the good service, then the girls stood and headed out. The restaurant came to a standstill as the 2 girls became visible to all the customers. The men were all looking at the girls with lust, while the women mostly looked on with envy but there were a few lustful looks too.

Emi was surprised to feel a couple hands on her legs and rear as they worked their way through the crowded restaurant. The girls made it to the entrance and back out on to the sidewalk. Angel led the way towards Mangoes, which wasn't to far away. In fact, in just a few minutes, Emi could see a large crowd on the sidewalk not to far in front of them.

The girls came up to the crowd and Angel realized it was just people hanging out in front trying to get a look inside. They looked for a way to squeeze through to the door, but it was too crowded. Angel drifted off to the side of the crowd as she fished her cell phone out of her purse. She dialed a number and waited as it rang.

"Hey. It's Angel. I'm outside with a friend. Can you come and get us?"

She hung up the phone and put it away.

"Hold on a sec, I called in the cavalry," she said to Emi.

Less than 30 seconds later, the crowd started to part and 4 huge bouncers appeared followed by a short and very expensively dressed man. Angel waved at him as she and Emi walked over.

"Hi Angel, it's simply delightful to see you as always," he said as he kissed her on each cheek. "And who is your exquisite little friend?"

"Eduardo, this is my very close friend Emi. And Emi, this is Eduardo, the manager of Mangoes. He'll be one of the few guys who will not hit on you tonight."

He saw Emi looking at Angel, not quite understanding Angel's comment.

"Dear Emi, Angel is once again showing her disappointment that I never fell in love with her. I've known her since we both were 8 years old and she has been trying to seduce me for 14 years."

Emi still wasn't quite following.

"I'm gay," he finally said.

Emi laughed and said, "oh."

"Well come on, the boys can't keep the commoners at bay forever," he said as he led them back through the path that the bouncers had made through the crowd.

Angel and Emi scurried behind him as they ran for the door. Emi was slightly surprised when a stray hand came out of the crowd and grabbed one of her breasts. But whoever it was suffered the consequence as one of the mountain-sized bouncers shot a hard fist back towards the owner of the hand. The hand quickly let go and Emi ran the rest of the way into the club.

As they passed through the door, Emi was instantly dazzled. The club was decorated like a Cuban nightclub of the 50's. The room itself was in 3 different levels, each level about 5 feet higher than the one below it. These little terraces were u-shaped and wrapped around a dance floor in the center. Large slow-moving fans were scattered across the high ceiling. Latin music was blasting at incredible volume and people were up and dancing and moving to the beat.

There was a pause in the music for a second and Emi saw 3 men dressed in island garb line up on the highest terrace and blew through conch shell horns.

"Mira," Angel shouted to her, "Watch this."

The music started again as about 20 scantily clad waitresses came pouring out of a doorway at the far end and out onto the dance floor. All were in island garb similar to the horn blowers. As the music played, the girls began a dance routine that was enticing to say the least. Around the room, the customers were whistling, cheering, and pounding on the tables as they tried to get the attention of the dancers.

The dancers began to spread around the room and going to individual tables. They each picked out a table and would yank some guy out of his chair and use it to get up on the table. Once all the girls were on a table, new music started and they launched into this wild gyrating routine. Arms and legs and hair were flying everywhere as the dancers somehow managed to dance on top of the tiny tables.

Emi was looking around at each girl and realized that every one of them was very, very pretty. Angel was watching her and slid up to her, wrapping her arms around the teenager from behind.

"Don't get any ideas babygirl," she said jokingly. "You're already taken."

Emi laughed and spun her head to kiss Angel on the cheek and they both laughed.

"However, it is kind of fun to play a bit when the opportunity arises. Take a look over there," Angel told her as she pointed to a table on the next terrace higher than theirs.

Emi looked over and saw a very pretty woman of about 40 years old. She was very nicely dressed and seemed to be alone. She was trying to be discreet, but Emi could tell that she was watching the 2 girls.

"Go over and talk to her Em, see what her deal is."

Emi sneaked another look and sure enough, the woman was looking at them again. Angel gave Emi a prod with her finger that got her up.

"Okay, okay, I'm going."

Emi walked the short distance over to the woman and stopped in front of her.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were watching my friend and I. Do we know you perhaps? Or is it that you would like to get to know us?"

The woman looked at her up and down, letting her eyes travel over the beautiful teenager's body. She especially took a good look at the girl's breasts that were so beautifully covered by the diamond bra.

"No, I don't know who you are miss. But yes, I would like to get to know you. Would you care to join me?"

The woman held her hand out at the chair next to her. Emi stepped around the small table and sat down in the chair. The tables were so small and the club so crowded, she found herself rubbing shoulders with the woman. The woman spun in her chair to face Emi and as she did, her legs brushed Emi's under the table. Emi's hands were on top of the table and the woman took one and held it, gently squeezing as she did.

"You are a very beautiful girl. What is your name? Obviously you are not American. Where are you from?"

"Emi, and I'm from Rio de Janeiro. Brazil."

"Mmmmm, yes. I see it now. The girls from Brazil are very pretty."

She looked past Emi for a second and pointed at Angel.

"Your friend, she is also quite beautiful. I assume the 2 of you are working this evening?"

Emi didn't understand at first, but then it came to her. The woman was thinking that Emi and Angel were prostitutes! Emi had to supress a laugh, but then, considering what she and Angel were wearing, she could see where the woman came up with that.

"Well maybe we are, you never can tell." Emi told her vaguely, trying to see where the conversation might lead.

"Well, I am looking for company this evening. I am here on business and came here from my hotel. If you are interested, perhaps you and your friend would like to join me."

"Let me speak to my friend a moment," Emi said as she headed back to Angel.

Angel watched as the girl came back to her and could tell she was about to burst at the seams.

"Angel! She thinks we're hookers! She's trying to proposition! She wants to take us back to her hotel."

Angel took a peek at the woman who was watching them as they spoke.

"Hmm, that sounds interesting. She's pretty nice looking. Do you want to go with her?"

"Let's do it. I've always wanted to be a hooker for a night."

Angel got up and the 2 girls walked back over to the woman. Emi introduced Angel and they sat down. The woman repeated her story about being here on business and invited them again to her hotel. It was obvious as they were talking to her that she was lusting after the 2 girls. As she spoke, she would reach over to pat Angel's thigh or stroke Emi's shoulder.

They all finished their drinks and then headed for the door. The hotel was only 2 blocks away and they walked there easily. The woman led them to the elevator and to a room on the top floor. Angel knew that the top floor of this hotel was reserved for very high powered guests and was very private.

The woman showed the girls in and then fixed drinks for them all.

"I'm so glad that you have joined me," she said as she walked over with the drinks.

She passed a drink to Angel, then brought the second to Emi. She held it out in such a way that Emi had to make eye contact with her.

"You are a most exquisite child. May I ask how old you are?"

"I'm 19."

"Mmmmmm, yes, a very wonderful age," the woman said, obviously zeroing in on the teenager.

She circled around behind Emi, placing her hands on the girl's bare waist. She let her hands move around to the front of the girl's smooth belly. Her fingers spread out over the skin, pressing and kneading the sweet flesh. Still standing right behind her, she pulled the girl up against her so that she pressed against Emi's back. A hand traveled up and passed over the girls diamond covered breasts. Emi wriggled in the woman's grasp as she felt the touch on her breasts. The woman then moved both hands up and took the girl's breasts in her grasp. She pulled the girl hard against her as she took a good feel of the girl. A small moan escaped the girl's lips.

"Yes, you like that don't you," the woman said as she released the top from the front. She opened it allowing Emi's breasts to spill out. Her hands quickly covered the bare flesh as her fingers pinched the girl's nipples.

"Mmmmmmm," Emi moaned again, louder now.

Angel decided it was time to jump in. She stepped up and was facing both of them. Her hand reached up to stroke Emi's cheek as she spoke to the woman.

"She is a lovely girl isn't she? She's my girlfriend you know," Angel said to the woman in a soft alluring voice.

"She's your girlfriend?" the woman replied, still working her hands over Emi's breasts.

"Yes, she is. But I like to watch her with other women. Do you want her? Do you want to strip her and have her body?" Angel said, her voice having a hypnotic effect on the woman, who was becoming more aroused by the second.

"I do want her. Please let me have this girl."

"Yes, you can have her. In fact, I will help you strip her."

Angel reached down to the front of Emi's pants and began to unbuckle Emi's belt and then unbutton the pants. She reached up and took one of the woman's hands, bringing it down and to the top edge of Emi's silky panties. The woman felt the waistband and quickly slid her hand underneath, moving towards the girl's pussy. Emi's back arched involuntarily as the fingers slid over her moist sex.

"Omigod, Angel, I'm your girlfriend. Why are you giving me to this woman?"

"Emi, I've been wanting to watch your sweet little body be taken for a long time. I've wanted to sit back as another woman enjoys your body as I do."

Angel winked at her her unbeknownst to the woman who was enraptured with the girl's firm breasts. She continued to remove Emi's pants, pulling them down the slim legs until she finally took them off over the girl's shoes. The sweet girl was now in just her panties but the woman was pushing those down now too. Angel helped by pulling them down and off.

Angel began talking to the woman again.

"I can tell you what she likes. I can tell you what to do to her. Do you want me to?" she said softly to the woman.

"Yes, yes, tell me."

Angel let one hand brush over Emi's breasts, causing the girl to gasp.

"You see, she likes her breasts to be caressed, very softly, like the brush of a feather. Turn her towards that mirror so she can watch you."

The woman turned her in front of a big floor to ceiling mirror and now could see herself with her arms around this young naked girl. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she realized that this girl was about to be hers. Following Angel's prompt, she brought one hand softly over Emi's breasts. The teenager squirmed as the woman's touch excited her.

"You see, she can hardly stand it. It makes her pussy wet when she is touched that way," Angel whispered to the woman. "Touch her. See if she is wet."

The woman watched in the mirror as her fingers slid over Emi's smooth belly. Her fingertips lightly danced over the girl's small dark patch of hair and then lightly pressed on the tender lips.

"Oh yes, she is wet. I can't stand it. I must have her."

Angel could tell that Emi was very aroused now. The way she wriggled in the woman's grasp and the little moans that she made were a dead give-away. In fact, the sight of all this was making Angel pretty hot too. She looked around the hotel room quickly and figured out where the bedroom was. She guided the two towards it, the woman still keeping the girl in her grasp.

Angel went inside first and yanked the quilt off the bed.

"Get her on the bed. Make her get on her hands and knees," she commanded.

The woman pushed Emi to the bed and the teenager crawled to the center. Angel stared at the delicious site of her. The tanned and dark-haired teenager, totally naked, on her hands and knees. The girl's smooth round ass totally exposed and vulnerable to the woman. The tender lips of the girl's sex barely visible between her legs. Angel could see goose-bumps on the skin of the girl's long smooth back as her body responded to the woman's touch.

"She's your's now. Take her, take her," Angel told the woman.

The woman was on Emi like a jungle cat. She kept Emi on her hands and knees as she began to take the girl in earnest. Angel watched as one of the woman's hand slid down between Emi's ass cheeks, the fingertips teasing the girl's dark bud. The hand went further still and Angel could see a finger sliding over the girl's moist pussy.

Angel heard Emi cry out softly and realized the woman had taken one of Emi's dark nipples betweeh her fingers and was pinching and twisting it roughly.

"Yes, that's it. She likes it rough. Make her beg for it," Angel whispered to the woman.

The woman pinched her hard again and Emi cried out as the delicious sensation went all the way to her pussy. Her hips were nearly bucking as the woman's finger played at her slit. The teasing had made the girl so wet that Angel could see a little beads glistening in the dim light.

"Please, please, stop teasing me. Take me. You have to take me," Emi begged.

The woman was about to do as the girl asked, but Angel stopped her. She whispered something to the woman who nodded quickly. She disappeared for a moment into a dark closet. When she reappeared, she was wrapping a large strap-on around her hips. Emi, facing the other way, could not see what was in the works for her.

The woman went over to the unsuspecting girl and ran her hands over the girl's golden rear end as Angel knelt in front of her.

"Are you ready Emi? Do you want to be taken now?" Angel asked her.

"Yes. Please do it, do it now!" she breathed.

Angel nodded at the woman who grabbed the girl and rolled her on her back. She pushed Emi's legs apart and guided the tip of the strap-on to the girl's pussy. Angel was laying right alongside the girl and reached out to hold her face.

"Relax babygirl, let it inside you," Angel whispered to her.

The woman slowly began to penetrate the girl and Emi's back arched in response.

"Oooooohhhhhhhhhh," she moaned as the dildo shoved it's way into her young pussy.

"Relax baby, don't tense up," Angel told her.

"Oh yes, I have you now. My cock is inside you and I'm going to fuck you good," the woman growled as she began to pump the dildo in and out of the teenager.

Emi was overwhelmed with sensation now. The woman would push the dildo deep into her and then pause for a second as she moved it from side to side. Then she would pull it almost all the way out, so far that the tip would just brush the girl's lips. Then it would shove back in causing a low moan each time.

Emi was rapidly building now. She reached out to the woman's shoulders and pulled her down on top of her. Their two bodies came together with the woman continuing to pound the girl. Emi was holding on for dear life as the cock fucked her relentlessly. Finally Emi made a low sound and rapidly increased in volume until she was screaming. Her fingernails dug into the woman's back as Emi rode out a very intense orgasm. It took nearly a minute before the girl became quiet again.

The woman slowly pulled the dildo out of Emi's steaming pussy and stood up to look at the passed out girl. Angel also rose up off the bed and was starting to go into the bathroom to get a cool washcloth for her friend. The woman reached out and grabbed her by the elbow.

"Where are you going?" she demanded.

Angel spun around towards the woman, her golden hair falling around her shoulders.

"Uh, I was going to get her a cloth to cool down with," Angel replied.

"She'll cool off on her own. It's your turn now," she said as she pulled Angel to her.

Angel let herself be pushed up to the wall as the woman's hand yanked at the clasp of her bra. It opened quickly and Angel's perfect breasts burst free. The woman waisted no time taking them into her hands, pinching and squeezing as she had done with Emi. Angel wriggled against the wall as she endured the woman's attack.

The woman kept her pinned against the wall with one hand as the other attacked her belt and pants. The woman was skillful as she removed both very quickly, leaving Angel's naked body exposed to the woman.

She pulled Angel in front of another mirror and wrapped her arms around her as she began to fondle the squirming model.

"Oh yes, you're even better than the child. I'm going to take you now and fuck you."

Angel whimpered as she felt her nipples pinched and twisted by one hand. The woman's other hand had descended to stroke her smoothly shaven pussy. She could see in the mirror that the woman was going to dominate her just as she had done to Emi. She saw in the reflection that Emi was still passed out, lying with her arms and legs a jumble on one side of the bed.

The woman's fingers were pressing on Angel's pussy, teasing her and getting her ready for the dildo. Angel squirmed in the woman's grasp, knowing that the thing that fucked Emi into unconsciousness would soon be fucking her too.

Angel cried out sharply as two fingers shoved into her pussy.

"You're very wet Angel. You must want it real bad."

Angel didn't reply, she didn't have to. Her body was doing all the talking by the way she moved and shook in response to the woman's groping. The woman steered her to a dresser and made her put her hands down on the flat top. The woman slid in behind her and with no warning, entered the excited girl from behind.

Angel arched her back up and one hand came off the dresser as it tried to grab between her legs. The woman shoved the hand back down and continued to push the cock into the girl. Angel's perfect round ass moved in circles as she tried to take it's length. The woman watched as the thing disappeared into Angel's golden rear end. She pushed it as far as it could go and then leaned over, letting her upper body press on Angel's back.

Angel could hardly stand as she felt the woman's weight on her back while the big dildo moved slightly in her ass. The woman's arms wrapped around her breasts and held her tightly as the cock began to move in and out, fucking her ass slowly.

"I'm fucking you Angel. Do you feel my big cock in your ass? Do you feel it fucking you?"

Angel didn't say anything. She couldn't say anything. The big cock moving in and out of her ass had all her attention. The woman had total control of her body and held her in an iron grip as she shoved the cock in and out of her. Angel squirmed as she could feel it almost all the way out, but then shove back in just at the last second. She felt herself building in a way she had never done before and the woman sensed it to.

She pulled the girl's body upward still keeping her arms around the girl's incredible breasts. In doing so, Angel was pushed that much harder onto the dildo. In fact, she was almost on her tiptoes as if she were dangling on the cock.

The new pressure shoved her over the edge and Angel felt herself bucking as the orgasm slammed her. The woman clutched her tight as she kept the cock deep in the girl's ass. The ride lasted more than a minute before the woman sensed the girl was coming back down.

She pulled the cock out of Angel's ass and guided the girl to the bed to let her lie down. The woman took a seat in a nearby chair to rest. It didn't take long before Emi began to rouse herself. As she did, she was surprised to find Angel passed out next to her. She was even more surprised to find the woman coming over her again, the cock finding it's way back into her still wet pussy.

Her own carnal desires overwhelmed her as she let the woman fuck her again and again. In fact, both girls were at the mercy of the woman. With her cock that never got soft, she fucked both girls all night long, finally stopping when she saw the sun peeking in through a curtain.

Since the woman was checking out of the hotel that morning, she had packed most of her things the day before. It took her but a few moments to dress and throw the rest of her things in her last bag. Still thinking that Angel and Emi were hookers, she left $1000 in cash lying on the bed between the 2 spent girls.

It was 4 hours later when the maid entered the room to clean. The startled cry she made brought maids running up the hall to investigate. A small crowd formed as they looked at the 2 still unconcious beauties sprawled across the bed.

End of Part Seven.

Next: Chapter 8

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