Fun on the Open Road

By moc.liam@refissOlihP

Published on Sep 18, 2020


Fun On The Open Road -- Part I

By Phillip Ostenberg

The following is pure fiction. Any similarities between the characters in the story and real-life persons or places are purely coincidental. The main character in this story is Rhett Sands, a single-bisexual man who encounters willing sex partners, including women, other men and male-female couples.

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The sunlight was fading fast on a warm, autumn day as I pulled my rig into the campground. The busty young woman at the entrance was maybe a little chatty, so by the time I found my assigned spot I felt like I was in a race against time for getting the camper set up for the week.

I parked, started unhitching and spotted someone approaching out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, let me give you a hand with all this," a warm, southern male voice said.

I turned to see a tall, shirtless man with shoulder length blonde hair striding right up to me. He thrust out his hand and as I took it in return, I couldn't help but notice the pattern of dark chest hair, broad shoulders and incredible electric blue eyes that made my cock do a little dance in my shorts.

He was sort of a redneck-hippy looking dude, with tats on both arms and on his manly chest, and just enough scruff on his face to know he could definitely grow a full beard if he wanted to. My kind of guy, all man with a nice bulging package that I also couldn't help but notice.

"I'm Steve. Bet you're trying to get set up before dark," he said.

"Oh yeah, seems I always end up in this situation no matter how I try," I shot back with a friendly laugh.

"I'm Rhett, by the way. Nice to meet you," I managed.

I'm not sure I was making a good impression in my tank shirt and nylon basketball shorts. I hadn't showered or shaved that day and after driving about 600 miles, I'm sure I looked more than a little road weary.

Steve didn't look all that fresh, either. But somehow it worked for him. He was sexy as hell to me with his tight physique and manly attitude. And, he was more than capable. Together secured the trailer, set up its massive awning and got the pop out sides for the living room and We then worked together on hooking up the power, water and sewer lines.

I noticed as we worked that Steve was 2-3 inches taller than me, and had a leaner, but still muscled frame. I'm about 6'1" so that put Steve at 6'3 or 6'4" and I weigh about 200, so I guessed I had about 20 pounds on Steve. I do work out, but I wouldn't say I am one of those gym rat types with the perfect body.

I get quite a bit of attention from the ladies and some from a few men. I noticed Steve didn't mind checking out my rounded ass and crotch when he got the chance. That meant nothing to me, really.

"Many straight men will admire but not take it any further than that," I thought.

Once the trailer had electricity, I popped inside to see if the beer in my fridge had stayed cold. Not only did Steve deserve one for all his help, it was my way of trying to get him to stay around a little longer for a closer look and to see if his wandering eyes meant anything.

We sat inside to cool off a bit in the air conditioning and sipped our cold ones. In the dim camper light, I noticed how ruggedly handsome he was. The longer hair, unshaven face and bare chest made him look like one of those hot, redneck men I lusted after as I traveled the south. He had a habit of pulling his blonde hair back and holding it in a ponytail, which made me flash to imagining me holding it like that while he sucked my cock.

He was muscled, but no body builder. A physique like his probably came more from hard work than working out. I lustfully scanned his sexy torso whenever he looked away or rubbed his tired eyes as we talked. He was blonde, but his chest was matted with dark, sweat-soaked daddy hair that made a perfect tree coming up from his navel and encircling his two, dark pink titties. Now in the air conditioning, they were both hard as nails.

As the conversation flowed, I found out Steve is 38, he was married to Becky, who is about the same age. They have no kids, and like a lot of us, decided to live a year or so on the open road. Steve saved up money from working on an offshore gas rig, and Becky picked up odd jobs now and then wherever their travels took them.

I explained that I was doing the same thing. My father passed away two years ago, leaving me a 28-foot travel trailer and a new pick up. My teaching contract ended in May, I decided to see what I could see just driving around and camping for a while.

As a bisexual man, the open road had more than a few opportunities to explore my sexuality, too. I went to a few gay campgrounds, and some clothing optional ones. I'd only been out on the road a few months and had already ended up having some pretty good sex with men, women and several male-female couples. I was starting to wonder if Steve and Becky might be my next opportunity.

Steve was the kind of man I'd be all over, if he gave me the right signals. Sitting there admiring his manly physique, I didn't want to get my hopes up that he might be willing to play. When his iPhone lit up and I saw a picture of a beautiful woman on the screen, I knew that had to be his wife, Becky.

"Hey what's up," he asked her, looking right at me. His eyes flashed in a way that let me know he was at least capable of a little mischief now and then, even if he turned out to be straight as an arrow.

"Yeah, Babe, a new guy pulled in about sunset and I came over to help him set up. When do you think you'll get here?" Steve said, raising his arm to scratch the middle of his back. I know I am weird, but in addition to being bi, I am also an armpit freak. This guy had thick, dark tufts of hair that ran almost a third of the way down the inside of his arm...very manly. I also caught a whiff of his man scent, so now my pecker was waking up and taking notice.

"Okay, I'll head to our site in ten. What? Oh...I'll ask him. Yes, yes, he is...very. And very friendly, too," Steve said to Becky on the phone.

"You said you were a school-teacher?" Steve asked me.

"Yes," I replied.

"Teacher, Babe. Yeah. He doesn't look like one. Must work out at the gym a lot!" he said, laughing and looking at me.

"Okay, okay...Bye hon. Love you too," he said.

As he ended the call, I adjusted myself and sat up in my chair so any arousal wouldn't be so obvious.

Steve ended the call but opened his phone back up to show me the picture of Becky I had already managed to see.

"That's her, my ball and chain...the old lady," he giggled.

She was a brunette with green eyes and a captivating smile.

"So, you're invited for dinner," Steve said. We eat about 7 because she had to shop and is just getting back."

"Cool," I said. "How kind of you. What can I bring?"

"Nothing, just yourself...but uh, I already know looking at you there's gonna be something she wants me to ask you," Steve said, looking at the floor.

"Sure, shoot."

"Well I don't want to assume anything, but I texted her a while ago when we were setting up your place and I noticed your flags."

"My wha...oh, my flags," I said.

I traveled with a pride rainbow flag and an American flag. I used the pride flag whenever I stayed in gay resorts and campgrounds and the American flag other places. Sometimes I flew both. I guess Steve had spotted them in a container I set out as part of unloading my gear for outside the trailer.

"Yeah, I hope it's not an issue between us. Some people don't approve, but I don't hide it..." I said looking right at him.

"You're gay?" Steve asked, interrupting me.

"No, fact is, I'm bi," I said flatly, not at all sure that this friendly redneck wasn't about to turn on me.

"Bi? As in you like dick and pussy?" he asked crudely.

"Pretty much, yeah," I shot back.

"Well fuck, man...that's even better," he said, smiling, leaning back in his chair with both hands behind his head, putting his sexy armpits on full display and giving me another blast of his musk.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, Becky and I like to mess around with another dude in the bedroom. It had been just another straight dude like me for a long time, you know just friends of mine and stuff like that. The girl can handle two cocks at once and she knows how to make both happy!" Steve said proudly.

Those words and the image they conjured made hiding my erection in the thin nylon basketball shorts I traveled in pretty much a lost cause. I squeezed the base of my hard cock for a little relief. It was almost swelled to its full, thick seven inches and starting to throb.

"So, I was supposed to ask you if you wanted to go a round with us after dinner tonight," Steve said casually.

"Well count me in, I mean, as long as you don't mind that I'm bi and all. I assume she's as hot as you are, and don't take that the wrong way. I can just focus on her and I promise I won't even touch you if you don't want me to," I said.

"Ease up, who said I don't want you to?" Steve said flatly.

His voice had dropped an octave and he was deadly serious. Then he began to explain.

"Look, about six or seven months ago, we were in this campground around Bristol when this good looking, muscled dude pulls in...same as you...I helped him set up, found out he was gay and Becky said she would be into it if I was. I took that as a dare, drank a little whisky and gave it a try. Man, that dude could suck cock and Becky went wild watching us fuck. She came like eight times!" Steve said, rubbing his crotch, which was about as swollen as mine.

"So you like to fuck a man's ass, then?" I asked.

"Yeah, and suck cock and get sucked. But, I'm warming up to the idea of taking it in the ass, too. She really wants to see that!" Steve shot back.

I realized I'd have little time to prepare, and so did Steve, so we said our goodbyes and he hurriedly left. After a quick shower and douching I was standing in front of the full-length mirror on my bedroom door.

I'm about to turn 40, and I still like the way I look. Yes, my hair is thinning, but I have a nice, toned look with some decent muscle definition and a flat stomach. My chest hair and happy trail make me a right sexy otter, I think. And as I tugged on my balls, I remember how many guys and some of the ladies go crazy over them, the way they hang low and heavy between my muscled legs.

I turned to check out the rearview and admired my own tight, round ass. Would Steve be its next victim, or would I be the first to have him as a bottom? I was prepared, either way.

I grabbed some sexy black underwear I save for special occasions, some nice tight jeans and a dark red t-shirt and headed out the door to their place, only a few yards from mine. They had a big motor coach all tricked out with an awning and fancy lights. I spotted Steve right away manning the grill.

"Hey man, you look great," he said, reaching around me for a sideways hug.

"And you smell nice, too," came a lilting female voice from behind us. I turned to spot Becky with a plate of food. She had shoulder length dark hair and big green eyes and she was wearing a see-through waist length robe that let her perky, round titties bounce comfortably in full view. The girl was definitely not fat, but also not waif-like and thin. She had curves like a mountain road, and I liked every, single one of them.

She paused to check me out from head to toe, then sauntered over and planted a lover's kiss right on my lips as she grabbed my package. I was already hard again mostly from seeing Steve and him hugging me.

"Oooh...someone's ready to go. Is that for me or for my husband?" Becky asked.

"Yes" I said with a clever smile.

They both laughed and we made it to a candle lit table nearby where Becky filled our wine glasses.

"I like beer, but we is all tryna be proper-like and civilized and drink wine with din-ah," Steve said mockingly.

We made some polite conversation. I ate a little and drank a lot. Pretty soon I had a decent wine buzz going, and I wasn't the only one. Steve got pretty handsy with his wife and made more than a few crude references to the evening's pending events. Becky made it a point to rub my crotch with her foot a few times. Before I knew it, dinner was ending and we were clearing things away. Some butterflies danced in my stomach as I anticipated the next few moments.

Inside their motor coach, Steve offered me a beer, which I declined as we sat across from each other in the living room area. Becky excused herself to the bedroom to "get things ready for us."

"So, what are the limits here. I don't want to do anything you won't like..." I began.

" limits," Steve said. "I've decided we'll go with the flow. My ass is ready if you want to take it. Becky helped me with that," he said with a laugh.

We sat in a few seconds of awkward silence then the door to the bedroom opened. Christmas lights glowed from inside. Becky, now wearing nothing under the see-through robe, beckoned us. I got a few glimpses of her gorgeous full, curvy body. Her boobs were nice, probably D's at least, with nice, pointed nipples clearly hard from her arousal. She had a nice dark patch of pussy fur, which was good for me since I don't really like shaved anything.

Steve stood up, peeled off his tank top and undid his belt. I started undressing, too as I watched his pants fall to reveal a massive, rock hard cock. He had to be at least eight, maybe eight and half inches. It was rather thin but had a huge mushroom head that lead down to two walnut sized balls and a tuft of carefully manicured dark hair. He put his hands on his hips and waited for me to undress, as if to say, "What do you think?"

"Damn, I don't know who is sexier're hot, Steve, and so are you, Becky!" I managed as I slid my pants past my black undies.

"Sexy undies, Babe" Becky said, reaching over to cop a feel of my ass.

"Lose `em pretty boy, let's see the meat," Steve said.

With that I dropped my underwear and revealed my own stiffy. I was considerably thicker than Steve, but not quite as long and then there was the star of my show, my balls.

"Damn,'ve got bull's balls," Steve said, kneeling down for a closer look. He cupped them in his hand.

"Babe, it's a good thing we both like cum. I think he's gonna drown us both in it!" Steve said.

" sexy...I like..." Becky said, running her hand down my chest to my swollen cock.

"And so thick," she added.

With that we made our way to the bed where I planted a kiss on Becky caressed her gorgeous tits. I started to slide down to engulf one of the nipples in my mouth when Steve grabbed me, pulled me over and kissed me hard on the lips. I instinctively reached for his cock and jacked him gently as we explored one another's mouths.

"Fuck yes!" Becky said. "That is so fucking hot!"

Steve grabbed my dick, too and as we kissed and stroked one another I felt a little pre-cum oozing from my piss slit, then I felt Becky's warm mouth licking it off. I stopped kissing Steve long enough to watch his wife put the whole of my cockhead in her sweet mouth.

Steve and I continued making out as Becky worked first my cock and balls, then Steve's then back again. When she wasn't on her hubby's cock, I was jacking and stroking it as I kissed and worked his armpits and nipples. Then I slid down to take my place alongside her as we took turns sucking Steve's big mushroom head and sharing his pre-cum as he groaned in a state of ecstasy.

When Steve pulled his knees up, I began working a wet finger into his juicy, hairy ass. He lifted his head up and looked at me.

"That feel's amazing," then he pulled his knees to his chest to give me more access.

Meanwhile, Becky had found my cock and big balls. She slowly got most of my meat down her throat and slurped and gulped like a happy, horny puppy. She stopped only now and then to lap at my balls. Try as she might, she couldn't quite fit even one of them into her ample mouth.

With Steve presenting his hot hole to me, I slurped at his nuts and worked up my nerve to rim him. When my hot, pointed tongue plunged into his crack, he let out a low, satisfied moan.

"Ffffuck....fffuck..." was all he could manage to say.

Becky giggled.

"Eat that hole, boy!" she said, pushing down on my head. "Eat it and then give him the fucking he deserves."

I wanted Steve to be good and ready, so I spit into his hole nine or ten times and worked my finger in afterward. At first, I concentrated on hitting his p-spot, making Steve's hard cock leak like a faucet and causing him to almost purr like a kitten. Then I decided my mission was to stretch him out and get him ready for my cock. I had three fingers in him by the time I was through, more than enough indication that he was open and ready to take it.

I like it when an inexperienced bottom sits on my cock and takes as much as they want. That way they can work things around until they find the pleasure in bottoming. But I was also mindful that Becky wanted a show and probably what turned her on the most was seeing her manly man submit. A lot of women who play with two men and get off on them having gay sex like to see one man dominate another, or at least that has been my experience.

So, I lubed Steve's hole with his knees still pushed up and decided to enter him from the front so we could face one another, and Becky would get a good look at it all. Steve was ready for my cock and practically pulled me deeper into him with his hands on my hips.

"Fuck him!" Becky yelled as she reached underneath and massaged my bull balls.

I took my time and slowly penetrated her husband before establishing a comfortable fucking rhythm. Steve was getting all of the pleasure and hardly any of the pain for his first bottoming experience. He took it like a champ. I raised up a little and planted a kiss on his sexy lips. As we ground our faces together, Becky got more and more excited.

"So fucking hot!" she said. "Fuck yeah!"

Then I felt her hot mouth on my nut sack. She flicked her tongue all over my balls. Then mimicking what I did to her husband, she licked her finger and gently probed my ass. This girl knew her way around a man's body because she found my p-spot in no time.

"Fuck, I won't last long if you do that," I told her.

"Good" Becky and Steve both said at the same time.

We all laughed, then I picked up the pace on fucking Steve's ass while kissing him. I stroked his sexy long blonde hair as my cock entered him completely. He winced a little, so I backed off. I could feel myself nearing the edge.

"Fucking gonna cum," I announced.

"Pull out and shoot it on me," Steve said.

I pumped a few more times, then eased out and scooted up to straddle his chest. I was aiming for his sexy pecks, covered in thick, coarse daddy hair, but Steve had other plans. He grabbed my hips and pulled me forward toward his face. My cockhead was inches away from his open mouth.

"I want your cum!" he panted.

Becky positioned herself to watch and I didn't notice at first, but even had grabbed her iPhone to catch all the action as I beat my meat and began firing blasts of hot semen into her husband's willing mouth.

At this point I should tell you, not to brag, but I am a champion cummer. I guess it's the balls. But I've been known to fill a lover's mouth with my seed and to have thick, globs of my goo ooze out of whatever ass or cunt I am fucking. My juice is always, thick, creamy and comes out in nine or ten fast spirts. It looks like I am pissing it out, if that makes sense.

"Oh fuck! So much cum!" Becky exclaimed after about the fourth squirt coated Steve's willing tongue. He was starting to smile but also had to hold his mouth open because I was nowhere near stopping.

Steve reached up and gently grasped my balls. That somehow added a new sensation for me and I groaned loudly as my climax was peaking. Spirts nine, ten, eleven and twelve were extra big as he massaged my balls.

"Gonna have to remember that trick," I thought!

I finally stopped cumming and eased my ass down on Steve's chest. He sat there with a mouth full of my goo, turned toward the camera and swallowed. Then he smiled like the cat that ate the canary.

Becky laughed then, put her phone down. She pushed me off her husband's chest and mounted him, inserting his thin, long cock into her juicy pussy. I took a position between their legs so I could enjoy the sights and smells of a husband and wife fucking.

Her cunt was dripping wet and as she rode Steve's rock-hard member, her juices and his ran out all over. I couldn't get my face close enough to lap at their union, but Becky sensed what I wanted and scooted forward just enough for my tongue to reach the base of Steve's cock and her outter pussy lips. I got several licks in and the juice tasted salty-sweet, like pre-cum. Then I licked Steve's hard, hairless balls before resuming my lapping at his shaft and her cunt.

That's when Becky must have had an idea. She dismounted Steve, turned herself around and stuck his cock back in, riding him in a reverse cowgirl position.

"Fuck yeah, Babe! That feel's great!" Steve cooed.

I loved the new position because now I had ample opportunity to lick her clit. There was only one problem, I had to move her finger off it to give my tongue access! I love a woman who takes responsibility for her own orgasm enough that she rubs her clit during sex. That is hot!

When Becky finally let me start teasing her most sensitive spot with my tongue, she went wild, driving herself hard up and down on Steve's pole and pushing my head into her cunt at the same time.

"Fuck yeah! Eat my pussy! Lick his balls!"

I did both. Husband and wife were both getting loud with their groans and moans as they both entered the throes of orgasm at the same time.

Becky shook all over with hers, and I watched and felt Steve's nuts contract and fill his wife's love chamber with his seed. Though not the champion cummer that I am, Steve had quite a load for his woman. When she pulled off him, and laid down beside us with her legs spread, a nice, thick stream of white goo oozed from her pussy.

We panted and rested together for a while; my cock already ready for round two. I was wondering if I should mount Becky and take sloppy seconds or invite her to blow me when Steve spoke up.

"You like cream pies?" he said.

"My favorite dessert," I shot back with a lusty grin.

With that we teamed up and started taking turns lapping at Becky's swollen, sperm laden woman flower. My tongue and Steve's touched several times, then we kissed and went back to our licking, which was bringing Becky closer to another thunderous orgasm.

"Oh my god...oh...oh...oh.." and what she was over the edge and squirted us both, covering our faces with her pussy juice.

I laughed out loud as I kissed Steve and grabbed at his cock. He grabbed mine, and when he felt I was rock hard, told me I had to fuck his wife next.

I didn't hesitate one minute and Becky, though she had just cum, was ready for my thick cock to go from her husband's ass to her welcoming cunt.

I mounted her missionary and started banging away. Becky thrust her hips for me and worked to get as much of my cock as she could, just like a greedy whore. Steve was now able to watch his slutty wife get fucked by another man, something he apparently really gets off on. He rubbed my ass, played with my balls and stroked himself to a full hard on.

Now as I said earlier, I do cum a lot, but on the second go around, it can take a while for me to get the train into the station. That's not a problem for a woman like Becky, who loves sex and cums continuously while getting fucked. After I made her squirt two more times, I was ready for a change of position, and I guess so was Steve.

I got her up on her knees and entered her doggy style, since I wanted to cum again and in that position, second time or not, I usually cum pretty fast. I had just gotten into a good rhythm when I felt Steve's stiff cock knocking at my back door.

"If you're gonna do that, please use some lube," I said.

He withdrew, coated his shaft and my hole with some lube, then entered me gently at first. We found our rhythm and we were in hog heaven. When I thrust forward, my cock sank into Becky's hot, wet tight, married pussy. When I rocked back, I got her husband's long dick in my ass.

"Fuck, man. Your hole is so damn tight," Steve said.

"Oh his cock feels so good...he's made me cum I don't know how many...oh, Im gonna again..oh...oh..." Becky whimpered.

I didn't want it to end, but between Becky's juicy cunt and her man's dick pounding my p-spot, I didn't have a chance. When my second orgasm hit, I buried my bone deep inside Becky, Steve planted his meat deep inside me and I threw my head back against his shoulder. He held me rather tenderly as I blasted his wife's insides with my cream.

"Fuck dude. I bet you filled her with as much sperm as you did my mouth," Steve said finally. "That's so fucking hot, can I finish in your ass?"

"Yes, breed me!" I shouted.

"Afterall, what is PreP for if you aren't gonna use it?" I thought to myself.

Becky was along for the ride as I worked my hole so Steve could get off. It didn't take him long but, in the process,, my still swollen meat slid in and out of Becky's hole enough to make her cum for the umpteenth time.

When I finally pulled my dripping cock out of his wife, I was spent. I melted into Steve's arms, Becky joined us. We were all a happy, sweaty, cummy mess. I kissed Becky, then turned and kissed Steve.

"Thank you both. This was more fun that I've ever had," I said.

"Us too. And we're not going anywhere," Becky said tenderly.

"Neither am I," I managed.

Next: Chapter 2

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