
By ozzalone65

Published on Jul 10, 2021


These are short stories about the hot duration images and drawings that I have seen online in recent years. Half human and have beast creatures that the artist make so damned hot that it gets me as horny as with a real life male body. Not to mention how they are all so well endowed. It's called 'furnation' or 'furries' or whatever phrase us being used now a days.but but I feel such gorgeous creatures need to be celebrated.


FurNation (Ricky RamHead (2)

... I was just heading out to get some lunch. It was Friday and I hoped that Ricky had not forgotten about our date. (well not a real date) The hot guy from my youth had told me we would get together and catch up after work Friday night. A few beers and just shooting the shit as it were. But as the morning went by no communication from Ricky of any kind. So I wasn't sure he was still up for it. Maybe he realized that I had the hits for him. And maybe he just didn't want to hang out with the creepy kid who was still crushing on him after all these years. I did not know. Whatever it was he had not let me know. And until I saw him coming into the building at lunch I figured I wouldn't.

"Shiit!" I chirped to myself as I saw him

Ricky was still in a buttoned down shirt like always at work. But he had on a more casual look. And that was jeans. And 'oh my god' was it a sight to behold. They were semi loose on the guy, but I figured they had to be. The bulge in the crotch was still very obvious. The obviousness of Rickys big dick that was stuffed into them. A very sizeable bulge pushing at the zipper of them. So of course my eyes locked onto them as i saw him walking in. Then he saw me and smiled. Then he stopped me and reminded me that he had not forgotten that wee were getting together later.

"Cool. Yeah" I huffed back like I had forgotten "See you then man" he chimed back "You too Ricky"

He then went back to getting back to the elevators to take him upstairs. I looked at his ass some and almost walked into the door going out.

"Fuckk" I huffed as I collected myself

I headed to lunch and then back to finish off my day. I received an email from Ricky at about 4:20 or so saying where to meet him tonight and the time. So from it it looked like dinner and drinks. And it was at a local sports bar and grill. I was exited to have some alone time with Ricky. But by no means was I expecting anything more than dinner. I clocked out and grabbed my things. Then headed to my car. As I started it my phone rang. It was Ricky so i of course answered I dis hope it wasn't a call to cancel.

"Where are you?" He asked "Have you left yet?". "No" I replied "At my car right now." "Wait for me" he then added

Then he asked me what car I had and where i was parked. Soni told him. I sat there for a bit, just waiting for Ricky to show. Then I saw him in the side view mirror. The big hunky guy was headed towards me. The big full crotch seemed to be moving around in his jeans as he walked. And my dick responded to the sight Then i unlocked the car door. He came around the passenger side and sat in the car next to me. The big full crotch looking so damned tempting before me. I was so hungry now. And not for food.

"I thought if a closer place" he said "Then you can just bring me back to my car" "Okay. Cool" I said back

I licked at my mouth as I pulled my eyes from the hot Ricky. Then drove to where he told me to. We went to a very nearby place to get food. It was but a few miles from work. And he said he had access to get back into the building. So we had that meal and several drinks between the two of us. We laughed and jokes about the old days. My sister and him when they dated. He asked me how she was.gping I replied with 'i don't talk to get much anymore'. Telling him that she moved to new York and found a husband.that she had 'bigger dreams' than this place.

"And what about you?" He then asked "What brought you to my company?" "And what have you been doing since I last saw you?" "Married? Kids?"

I smiled at the comment. Knowing I would not be married. At least it was harder for gays to find a marriage worthy guy. And definitely no kids.

"So no. Ahem. Significant other?" He then asked

I again declared my single mans life style. And then looked at the stud as he sat across from me.

"Figured a guy like yerself".. He started to say

I did not understand what he meant, so I came out and asked him. I had to know what he was inferring with his comment.

"What do you mean man?" I then asked "Just haven't found the right.. Um one"

I didn't want to say guy as I feared it would just freak him out or something. The ex jock and all around stud that could himself get anyone he wanted. And I looked at his shirt pressed tightly to his strong chest. The top two buttons undone and his chest fur peeping out at the opening.

"Well." He then added "Yer a good looking guy man" "Surprised someone hasn't gotten you yet"

I was surprised by this studs comment. I looked at his eyes as he stared at me. They were piercing. A light brown woth flecks of other colors in them. They stared at me with a strange air of hunger for some reason. Or maybe I was just thinking about it that way. My desires getting the better of me. So I decided to give him back hus question. Wondering if he had a lucky girl waiting for him at home.

"What about you man?" I asked "Any lucky girl at home" "No" he plainly replied

I was surprised but almost pleased that he did not have anyone. Shocked that this hunk of ram didn't have someone jumping his bones each and every night.

"You as joking right?" I asked back "You. Ricky RamHead not having a girl friend" "Weren't you the stud jock in school" "All the girls wanted you" "I'll you had my sister on you too"

He smiled at me. Then placed his hand on the table. He then proceeded to tell me why he was single.

"When I was younger I followed the norms of dating" he said. "But as I grew up and went out in my own" "I found what he really wanted."

Then he reached over and placed his hand to mine. There was an almost electric charge that went through me, coarsing through me and finding my dick. And I felt it swell some. I looked back at hus face. Looked at those smoldering eyes again. I looked at his face and the curled horns on his head. Then back doen to his body. And then he said what I never expected this stud of my wettest dreams to say. This hunk I have been I list with for so many years.

"I found I like guys man" he then stated....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 7: A Real Tony the Tiger 4

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