Further Down the Yellow Brick Road

Published on Jun 30, 2006


Further Down the Yellow Brick Road 2

Further down the yellow brick road!!!!!

Chapter two!!!!!!!

This story is copyright 2006 by Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to any other website without the express permission or consent of the author. All the characters in this story are purely fictional and any resemblance to persons living or otherwise is a pure coincidence. The story contains descriptions of acts of a sexual nature between males and if this offends you then why are you even looking at this? If you are underage to be reading this where you are, then go away and come back when you are old enough!!!

The events in this story are related to the events in my story SAD SONG OF A GAY TEEN in the high school section on nifty. It will help if you have read the first story so that you know who all the main characters are. This story begins on the 27th February 2010, 2 days after Jasons 18th birthday. I hope you enjoy it.

Please write and let me know. My e -mail address is wdreamtime@aol.com. Please include the name of the story in your e- mail, thank you.


“ Are you Ok with me doing this, I mean the whole civil partnership thing, it does mean that Gary and I will effectively be married. It must seem a little strange for you?”

“ Well, it's not exactly how grandma and me envisaged your 'wedding' day but we have seen just how happy that you have been with Gary in the almost five years since the two of you first met and that wasn't under the best of circumstances. But we are truly happy for you and hope the two of you continue to have a happy life together.”

“ Thank you,”I said as I got out of the car and made to the first of the two marquees that had been erected in the grounds of mum and dads house. The first marquee was the one were the registrar would conduct the ceremony. The other one was were we would be hosting the reception, which undoubtedly would be going on until very late due to the fact that we had booked three live bands and the disco was being provided by our good friend Tony Horne, a presenter on one of the local radio stations. The evening part of the reception was a double celebration, as it was also my official 18th birthday party.

I really had never felt happier in my life than I did right at that moment in time.


One thing that was preventing me from getting on with being married to Gary was the fact that Chris and Steve had not arrived yet. They where supposed to have been here before me but then again, I had not expected to get a police escort. Having said that, the police officer concerned had given me a stern warning that I should not make a habit of driving at that speed. I assured him that I wouldn't as I had no intentions of losing my licence.

As I stood talking to my granddad, I noticed a white BMW coming up the drive. I didn't recognise the car until it came to stop next to where I had parked and Mrs. Pickles ( my former English teacher) and her husband got out. I greeted them and Mrs. Pickles told me, that as I was no longer in school, we could dispense with the formalities and that I was to call her Gillian or Gill. Gill then introduced us to her husband Harry. Soon after the arrival of Harry and Gill, I saw Steves Bentley coming down the drive, followed by Chris in his Ferrari.

Chris, Steve and Liam were worth around twenty five million each. Ross, who had only been involved with three of the albums, was worth around fifteen million. Gary had finished his audio engineering course and produced six albums for the label that the two of us had set up called EXPERIMENTASIA RECORDS. The label had released two albums by Callum and Aaron, two by a band called Project 6, which had been formed by some guys who had taken advantage of the music foundation that I had set up back in 2005 and two by another band that we had found called Lapse of Reason. All these albums had been produced by Gary. Other stuff the label had released were the live album and DVD of A CITY IN CHAOS. There were also various works that I had been commissioned to compose for the likes of Vanessa May ( a famous violinist), Evelyn Glennie ( a famous percussionist ) and numerous different orchestras. As a result of his production work and our joint ownership of the label, Gary was worth about forty five million pounds. So, yes, we were all doing very nicely, thank you very much!!!!

After getting a kiss off Kate and Carla, the two girls, along with Harry and Gill made their way in to the marquee. Before we headed in, Chris jokingly said, “ it's still not too late to change your mind. I can have you at the airport in no time and we have a fast jet waiting to fly you to the states and once you get there, we have a new identity arranged for you.”

“ Thanks guys,”I said, “ but there is no way that I am changing my mind about this.”

We entered the marquee on one side and I saw Gary on the other side with dad, Kyle and Simon ( who were Garys best men ). Gary looked resplendent in his gray tuxedo. As the song NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN began to play, we began to make our way down the aisle. As we walked a huge screen was showing a slide show of Gary and me at various stages of our lives, from when we were babies up to the present day. The one thing that I had specified was that they didn't not include any of me with my birth parents as I didn't want to start getting all emotional. Not today, of all days.

Once we reached the table were the registrar was standing, we waited until the song finished and then the registrar said a few words about why we where here today and then Gary and I said our vows to each other. We promised to be together for the rest of lives, through the good times and the bad times. Then we exchanged rings before finally kissing each other. We got a little carried away with this, as we were actually using our tongues and it lasted for nearly five minutes. Not that we cared, it was, after all, our day.

While all the guests made their way out, we went to sign the register. Besides Gary and I, we only actually needed two witnesses but we got mum and dad, my grandparents, Chris, Steve, Kyle and Simon to sign as a reminder of this very special day. Once I got outside, I made my way over to Liam and Nick, who were looking after our two and a half year old sister, Gemma. I asked Gemma if she would take off her shoes before I lifted her up ( well, I didn't want to risk getting foot prints on my white clothes ). When I had lifted her up, she said, “ You look very nice today, Jason and so does Gary.”

Being so young, she didn't really understand what today was really all about. I said to her, “ and you look very nice too. Now I need to talk you about Jack.”

Jack was the King Charles spaniel that we had found injured at the side of the road just over three years ago. I was always thankful that I had persuaded the vet to save him as opposed to putting him to sleep, as had originally been suggested.

Before I could carry on with what I was going to Say, Gemma said, “ I like Jack. He's a nice dog and a good boy.”

“ I know,” I said. “ The thing is, that when Gary and me get back from our holiday, we are going to be living somewhere else and Jack won't be able to live there with us. So I need you to look after him for me.”

“ So what will I have to do?” Gemma asked.

“ Make sure he gets plenty of fresh water to drink, give him his food twice a day and take him for lots of walks. I'm sure mummy will help you. Will you do that for me?”

“ Yes,” was Gemmas simple reply.

We then went off for the photographs before going in to the second marquee for the wedding breakfast, which began with canapes and a choice of champagne or sherry and soft drinks for the children. Gary and I spent the next hour circulating round the room and talking with many of our friends. There were old school friends such as Callum and Aaron, Carl and Sean, Mike was there with his girlfriend, Sharon. Ross and his boyfriend, Shane were there. Jamies parents, Peter and Louise had flown over from South Africa. They had provided all the wines for the wedding breakfast as a gift to the two of us. They had bought more wineries in South Africa, Australia and California. Brad and Shane had flown over as well ( and they were still a pair of sex maniacs). Christian, my German friend ( who I had met in Hong Kong in 2006 ) was there with his wife Rosie. They now lived in Vienna as Christian was the composer in residence for THE VIENNA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. He was the youngest person to have held the position and was doing very nicely for himself. Josh had flown over from his home in Malibu. He had a great career going as a film music composer. He was also the music director and composer in residence of the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra. Again, he was the youngest person to ever hold the position and was also doing very nicely in his career. He had brought hid fiancée, Angela and she was absolutely stunning. Hey, I'm gay but I know a good looking woman when I see one ( he he he he!!!!!!!!).

We had also made many great friends in the world of music. Elton John and his partner, David Furnish had turned up, as had Davey Johnstone and Nigel Olsson ( two of the guys from Eltons backing band ), and they were accompanied by their wives. Don Henley, Glen Frey and Joe Walsh ( three of the guys from the Eagles ) were there with their wives. Gary and I talked to the other guys from our band and then got the guys from the Eagles to agree to perform HOTEL CALIFRONIA with us later on. We also asked Elton if he would perform his song FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND/ LOVE LIES BLEEDING with us. He agreed to this and we also asked Davey and Nigel to join us.

Another guest at the wedding was David Gilmour and his wife Polly. He was signed to the same record label and, as far as guitarists were concerned, he was a hero of Liams. Liam had asked one of the directors at the record company to set up a meeting and as a result, David had become a close friend of the band. Adam, my friend from Darwin in Australia had flown over with his boyfriend Alan. They both had good jobs but couldn't afford to fly first class. As a surprise for them, I had paid for them to be upgraded to first class for their flight home.

It was now time to sit for the wedding breakfast, which was a lavish six course affair. The menu was as follows:

To celebrate the civil partnership of

Jason Lewis


Gary Russell

On the 27th February 2010!

The Menu!!!

Soft Shell Crab with a mango and pink peppercorn sorbet

Mussel and Olive soup, water chestnut and Orange powder

Turbot, Smoked Cous Cous, coffee and Saffron sauce

Beef sirloin, Red pepper tart, Spinach, Whipped horseradish

Coconut parfait, Liquorice, Black Cardamom Ice cream.

Coffee, Remy Martin XO cognac and Petite Fours

During the meal we had string quartet playing. Needless to say that they were playing some of my music, ( Hey, I'm a great believer in self promotion ). The meal lasted for about three hours and when the coffee was served, Kyle, Simon, Chris and Steve all made their speeches, which were absolutely hilarious in places. Gary and I certainly learnt a few new things about each other that day.

Once the meal was over, the first of the live bands began to play. At around 9pm, Tony ( our friend from the local radio station started the disco by saying, “ can we have the happy couple on the dance floor for the first dance.”

Gary and I made our way on to the floor for the first dance. For this we had chosen the EAGLES song TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT. Before plying the song, Tony made a joke by saying, “ By the way Gary, Jason has told me that he really does want to take you to the limit later on.” Tony had to wait until we had stopped laughing before he played the song. Once the song began Gary and I held each other as we danced. The next song that we had requested was Elton Johns KISS THE BRIDE. When Gary and I had first started to plan this event, we had had many silly little arguments over who was the bride and who was the groom. This usually resulted in a lot of laughter. When the second song began to play, we were joined on the dance floor by the rest of our guests. Then Tony announced, “ tonight we are also celebrating Jasons 18th birthday, which was actually two days ago. Happy birthday Jason.” Tony then played the song BIRTHDAY from THE BEATLES WHITE ALBUM and this was followed with the Stevie Wonder song HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

After these two songs, Craig came over to me and handed me a present. I opened it and found it was a book entitled COOKING FOR NEWLY WEDS. “ Thanks, Craig,” I said. I knew damn well Steve had put his younger brother up to this.

This was confirmed when Craig ( who was now nine ), said “ Steve suggested that I buy that for you as a birthday present. He said it was about time that you learnt to cook. And happy birthday.”

The party carried on until nearly four the next morning before Gary and I finally got to bed. Once in the privacy of our room, Gary said, “ so what do we do now?”

“ How about we TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT,” I said, giving him a huge shit eating grin. By now we had got down to business as we kissed passionately and undressed each other. We spent ages sucking each others ears, necks and nipples. We swirled our tongues around in our belly buttons. We both knew that we were really stiff but we were in no hurry and wanted this to last for ever. We got in to a sixty nine and sucked each other to massive orgasms. After the we rested for a while and just kissed. Once we had recovered, I told Gary that I wanted to feel him inside of me. I got in position by lying on the bed with my legs up in the air as I felt Gary begin to loosen me up with first one, then two and finally three fingers. Once I was ready, he lubed his own stiff and throbbing cock and slowly entered me. I felt like I had been transported to a new place were the only two people that existed were Gary and me. Gary slowly pulled in and out of me before shooting his second load of this sex session deep in to me. The feel of his stiff dick, shooting its special cream, against my prostate was enough to push me over the edge and I shot a second load all over my chest and stomach.

Gary licked the cum off my body and then we kissed and shared the treat. After we had rested, ( again ), I decided that it was time to give Gary a real treat. Although I occasionally fucked Gary, I much preferred him doing it to me. I really enjoyed being a bottom and Gary loved being a top, although once in a while we would do things a little differently. Gary lay on his back and raised his legs up in the air. I squeezed some lube on to my fingers and loosened him up, in much the same way as he had done to me. Once I knew that he was, I lubed my cock and slowly entered him, stopping every so often to allow him to get used to the feel. Once I was all the way in, I lay there so that he could get used to the feeling. I also leaned forward and kissed him. Once Gary was ready, I pulled in and out of him, slowly and passionately, I made love to my new life partner and soul mate for the next twenty minutes before I gave one final push against his prostate. This was enough to let Gary begin releasing his third load of cum all over his body. Once I saw this, I could no longer hold back and began to empty my third load deep inside my lover. Like Gary had done to me, I cleaned his body with my tongue and shared it with him once I kissed him.

Once our marathon sex session was over, we finally drifted off to sleep. I do remember looking at the clock before entering dreamland and noticed that it was 7.15am, I had been awake for almost twenty four hours and definitely deserved a much need sleep. I was happy and content and looking forward to my new life.

While we were away, the rest of the guys in the band would be busy. They all still had a few months of school left. Ross and Shane were working on an album together. The four of them would also be working on the new album by Callum and Aaron, with Chris and Steve handling the production duties. Liam and Nick were also working on an album together. This would be an album of atmospheric, instrumental music, created using nothing more than guitars and cello, ( and a whole load of electronic gadgets to create some really amazing sounds ). I had really loved the stuff that they had done so far.

Mum and dad were now running a luxury hotel company and would be off to Florida with Gemma to open their 16th hotel in Miami. The company had started just over three years ago when dad had bought a property over the road from Dream fields, which he said he was going to develop in to a luxury hotel. As they say, from little acorns grow big oaks and mum and dads new company was certainly developing rapidly. As for Dream fields, it now had five studios and a sixth was currently in the process of being built.

While mum and dad were away, Craig had offered to look after Jack and Liam was staying at his favourite place ( other than home ) and that is Nicks house.

End of chapter 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard from Neil, Sheldon, Steph and Rich. Rich, Jason and Gary said they will talk about adopting a fat, old man while they are on their honeymoon. ( Hey, it was you that brought the subject up to start with.).

Please e-mail me at wdreamtime@aol.com and tell me how much you are enjoying the story. I look forward to hearing from you and I will reply to all e-mails.

Lol Paul.

PS, I just discovered that the software I use to write this has a word counter on it, so with this and the new chapter of SAD SONG, I have written 6927 words in the last few days. Loud applause please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 3

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