Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 5, 2022


A song popular around the time that michael's family decided to try to rescue him sums up michael's father and his brothers: "he has a lot more money than sense." The clan had lots of money. The look of the brothers, and both the prowess of Rafael and Ariel in their respective sports, as well as michael's profoundly beautiful way of suffering as a jobber, had provided the family with the means to do what they would do next. Gordon had been a rugby player. Not much money there, but he had learned, by watching, and he had an incredibly gifted intuitive sense for managing athletes. In addition to managing his sons, he managed about 25 of the leading martial artists, ultimate fighters, wrestlers, boxers, etc., that Earth viewers clamored for. Single, since he had divorced his wife, he kept himself in shape and if you liked the older man look, he was hard to resist. He was just shy of fifty, his sideburns had begun to gray, but he had a full head of straw blond hair, like his sons, and a chest covered with curly gray hair. (His sons, because of the sports in which they competed, kept themselves smooth to avoid giving a competitor an advantage). Gordon had the stocky build of a rugby forward while Raphael, his oldest son, was tall and tended toward thin - he could have been a blond version of gemmex. Ariel, his youngest (michael was in the middle), favored his father: short, heavy set, hairier than a young man would be expected to be and with the palest eyes in the family. People spoke of him as "the looker" in the family, although many a room in many a gay household had pictures of their family on the wall.

Given the family's wealth, it was not difficult to find a ship which would take them to Frilcus. None of them knew where it was, but Ariel and some of his friends got to work using their limited computer skills, and found the planet. Gordon had been keeping in touch with Raven, or Flora. She had him convinced that she was interested in helping him get his son back. Every time she finished a conversation with him, she would laugh about it with Flora. "Maximus and Protius have told me that michael is beautiful, strong, and not very bright. What is the expression from earth: 'the apple does not fall far from the tree?" Making this capture was somewhat beyond her abilities, so she had negotiated with Maximus. She had shown him the photos of the family. Maximus was, as he put it , "intrigued" by Gordon, while Protius, when he attended their meetings, wondered, more than once, what Ariel's feet were like.

"A lot more money than sense." Now, the entire crew of the ship was being led, chain gang style, to Maximus' estate. The entire crew had been in "stasis" for three of the four months of the trip and then, once they came out of it, had contacted Raven. Gordon and his sons had collected friends and colleagues of michael to go with them thinking that there might have been "more" on Frilcus than their family member and friend: Raven was gorgeous, and occasionally, Flora would join her on the interspace calls. "HOT CHICKS" is how Rafael had reacted once, and Ariel had had to excuse himself "to go to the bathroom" more than once. The whole crew was like a frat house as they reached Frilcus. That was until the tractor beam grabbed their small ship. The navigator, a former physicist turned ultimate fighter named Gary, did not have the skills to fight the beam. They tried, desperately, to get in touch with Raven. They had no luck. When they felt the ship land, of course they were ready. They grabbed what weaponry they had, and prepared for defense: they weren't ready to try an attack on a foreign planet. The heat beams "persuaded" them to give up. One of the weapons that the Frilcan space force had was a beam that could, essentially "cook" a crew if it didn't leave the ship. "GET READY GUYS. WE'LL FIGHT LIKE HELL." Gordon grabbed his weapon, as did the others, and they tumbled out. One sonic blast knocked them all down and stunned. Soon, they were surrounded by members of Maximus' security guard troops. Tazers were pointed at them. "Welcome to Frilcus. Do not give trouble, and you will not be hurt." "We understand," Gordon answered. "We meant no trouble. We were here to find my son.. a woman... Raven... she told us he was here, being held captive." Baratas looked down and smiled. "Raven never lies. You will meet your son. Soon. Now all of you. UP. Hands in the air. " Each man was bound, and collared. Baratas advised them that if ONE misbehaved, the shock would go through each collar. He expected an orderly march to the estate of Maximus.

At the estate, michael had no idea what was happening. Maximus hadn't called for him the night before, and he spent it cuddled under blankets in the slave quarters, because gemmex HAD been summoned by Protius. He was still limping from the evening before with his new Master. That morning, however, Maximus HAD called. michael was preparing himself for what he expected would be a very brutal fucking. Instead, Maximus tied him to suspension cords that came out of the wall, keeping him in an X pattern and rigid. He then took the shaving gear that he had used not that long ago, and ran it over michael's chest and arm pits. "You'll be meeting some people later today. Some important people. And I want you looking a certain way." michael held his tongue. He knew Maximus was not adverse to using the shocker. It didn't surprise him that when they were done, Maximus bound his wrists behind him tightly, but the gag... it was wider, tighter. The color matched the tights that he was wearing. Maximus put on a ceremonial robe, took michael by the forearm and led him out. "Come... This will be a day of surprises."

michael could see the group of people over the hill. As he got closer, he could make out faces. FATHER? RAFAEL? ARIEL? RAVEN? And then he saw friends: Philip, Marcus, Joseph. And they were... bound.... He squirmed and Maximus pulled him until he stopped struggling. "Your family tried to rescue you. " He grinned. "Raven had the idea of inviting them to try. And now.... slaves. Slaves to fill her coffer and... who knows what we will find. " michael actually broke from Maximus' grip for a minute, but the ropes were tight, and a shock at level 7 brought him to his knees. "LETS HAVE NO MORE OF THAT. EVERY MEMBER OF THE RESCUE PARTY IS COLLARED AND I WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE USING CHARGE ON YOUR FATHER, YOUR BROTHERS, YOUR FRIENDS. AM I UNDERSTOOD?" There was a tear in michael's eye when he shook his head yes. This man had conquered him and now... it looked like he had conquered his entire family.

"WELCOME TO FRILCUS!" Maximus' voice boomed out, as he tightened his grip on michael's arm. "My understanding... is that you have come in search of this man... michael." He paused as Gordon began to rush forward, before Baratas pointed the tazer. Maximus' lips tightened. "michael is my SLAVE. Is that not right, michael?" meekly, michael shook his head yes. "I CONQUERED him, after he had been captured.... BY A WOMAN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." He saw the party looking at each other, and he heard the rumblings. He was getting to them. Now for the finish. "AND... do you know what I DO to michael... I. FUCK HIM. Isn't that right michael?" When michael hesitated, a buzz at level 1 reminded him, and again, with a tear as he saw his father's livid face, he shook his head yes. "He is... as you say at home, the best piece of ass I have ever had." This time Baratas DID have to administer a group shock to calm them down. "Unless of course, one of you thinks you can do better." Maximus could tell that they began to realize what was happening to them. "You feel for the wiles of Raven and Flora. Now, you are slaves of Frilcus.. Soon to be SEX slaves. Just like michael. Raven, would you like to explain?" Raven brushed back her hair and stood in front of them. "It is very simple earthmen. You, like so many men, have been fooled. You fooled yourselves. You assumed this planet was filled with beautiful women, and your precious michael was the slave of someone who appeared like me. You assumed you would conquer us, as you have always conquered women. HA! Most of you will be coming with me, to be SOLD to rich men like Maximus, to become another michael. " She walked closer, and put her finger under Gordon's chin. "But SOME of you... will not be. You will be remaining here, as part of the growing harem of Maximus." As she spoke, he whispered into the ear of michael. "Rest assured, slave michael, you will remain my prime slave." Hearing Maximus whisper that gave michael a charge to his groin. He couldn't explain it. "I could not have completed this capture without Maximus and, via the terms of our agreement, he is to have his 'pick of the litter' so to speak. Maximus, if you would honor me by choosing the three you would like. " He smiled and moved forward. "Such comeliness! From all. It is difficult. Protius, help me." Maximus had observed Protius looking down, observing feet, and using his careful eye to evaluate rib cages, arm pits, all the parts of a man he liked. Protius was thinking "AH. The young one's feet ARE big. " He began to imagine a 69 between gemmex and Adrian, before or after he tickled and fucked them. "Oh, Master Maximus, if I could choose one, it would be this one. This prime specimen..." He held Adrian's chin. "You are such a beautiful lad. I will have such fun with you." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. YOU HAVE ONE OF MY SONS. LEAVE THE OTHERS." Maximus smiled. "Why would you say that? You will be able to be with two of them, since I am keeping you... and your name is...." "It's GORDON." A shock went through each collar. michael winced at seeing his father suffer. "You will learn... we are not equals. You finish a sentence to me with LORD or SIR" He turned to michael. "Even your handsome middle son learned that. Admittedly, after a little bit of the collar. It is again good to see apples do not fall far from the tree." "TO THE SIDE OLD MAN" Baratas shoved Gordon, as Protius firmly led a distressed looking Adrian from the group. "Would you have another Maximus?" Maximus smiled. "I think that for now, I am grateful for the two. I will visit in the near future and if any remain... perhaps." "Very well Maximus." She turned to the remaining group. "Bring them to the transport vans and let us get back to the warehouse." Maximus turned as well. "Bring Gordon to my quarters. I think it is time that the father sees what the son has learned. He will have to learn it himself." Maximus leered at michael. "Now you will learn why you were excused last night."

"You will enjoy this. Ha ha. Or you will LEARN to." Baratas was laughing as he man handled Gordon into a large chair seated at the foot of Maximus' bed. He pulled his arms behind him roughly and bound them. "Lord Maximus feels you should be gagged for the first time you watch, although that may change. Welcome to Frilcus, slave gordon." "FUCK MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" gordon didn't finish as he was gagged. He heard noises and saw his son get led in, hands tied in front of him, looking very defeated. "Your son has been a very good student, gordon. Something I bet you never thought you'd hear someone say." Maximus looked at michael. "GET ON YOUR KNEES BITCH" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" WHAT? went through gordon's mind. He'd use that expression when... OH SHIT. Was that animal taking out his cock in front of his son and... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. michael began to lick Maximus' cock, and then... as he plunged onto it, the slurping noises were... disgusting and arousing. "See how much he enjoys it, slave gordon? SEE how much this beautiful man enjoys a good mouth fuck." He pushed in and michael began to gag, but held on. "I'm doing what you've done to... how many women, gordon, and how many men?" "nnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" gordon was shaking his head NO. NEVER a man. NEVER. He closed his eyes but he could still hear. And there was something that kept him watching. "ENOUGH. I'm wet enough. All fours bitch. On the bed. Facing your dad." michael winced and got a crack on his ass. "MOVE SLOWPOKE. I WANT YOUR ASS NOW." "yes Lord Maximus" he whispered. He looked at his father, then looked away. He felt Maximus' cock push into him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR YES SIR," slipped out. michael did NOT want his father to hear that, but he did. He saw the anger in his father's eyes, and his attempts to get out of the ropes, something michael knew was not possible. "Tell your father how much you like cock. TELL HIM." "I love cock Sir Maximus. I LOVE IT. I love your dick in me. TAKE ME. FILL ME." michael couldn't help himself. He had been horny since yesterday and then, the shaving just exacerbated things. And Maximus knew how to move fast, and then slow down. michael saw gordon's face go from anger, to sadness, and he saw the tears forming in his eyes. "He turned my son into a FAG" he thought. "I'm gonna KILL this motherfucker, and michael is gonna have to explain." He saw Maximus reach underneath michael and start pulling at his cock. He heard michael mutter "yes sir, thank you sir. Thank you" and he saw the smile come over michael's face as Maximus shot into him. He saw the bigger smile when michael came after that. He looked away when Maximus pushed michael's face into the cum and had him lick it up. "You'll be back here tonight, michael. slave gordon will be introduced to the harem quarters. " He looked at gordon. "You've had a busy day, slave gordon. Your training starts tomorrow."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. STOP PLEASE. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Ariel was in agony. gemmex was bound next to the bed, naked with a vibrator pushed up his ass. His cock stood out in front of him, his arms were above his head, and he dripped as the vibrator did its job, and as he watched Protius work over Ariel the way he worked over him. "PLEASE PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU WIN YOU WIN. I'LL SUCK HIM OFF. I WILL I WILL." "Damn right you will little whippersnapper." ariel had been tied face down and the CRACK of the paddle against his ass reminded him of... oh shit. How he used to get hard when his father spanked him. "Lord.. Lord Protius.. I'm.. I'm going to shoot." "No you're not gemmex. Not yet." Protius got up and pulled the vibrator out of gemmex' ass. He let him hang there as he hogtied ariel. He took Protius down and then hogtied him too. Protius was more flexible and he could stretch in ways that the sturdier ariel could not. He positioned him facing ariel, but with his face pointing into ariel's crotch. ariel's face was in Protius' crotch. "Get to work boys. Whoever holds out the longest.... gets the middle position." ariel didn't know what it meant until... he deposited a load into gemmex' mouth well before gemmex shot. He then found himself under gemmex, gemmex' cock buried into his ass. He could barely breathe because Protius was on top of gemmex. He saw the size of Protius' cock and wondered "if he tries to do that to me, how can I?" He was having enough trouble with the shorter, thinner cock gemmex had. Protius saw his face. "You start wearing a prosthetic tomorrow, ariel. It will get you ready for when I want you. And it will be soon."

And as Maximus and Protius enjoyed their "toys," Raven began sending out the newsletter to her customers, with the photos of the merchandise. She'd start selling in two days.

Next: Chapter 6

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