Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Aug 28, 2002


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex.


chapter one

It was in autumn 1985 when Gabriel Byrne was offered a lead role in the horror movie "Gothic". It tells the story of Lord Byron who throws a lavish party at his Swiss villa. His guests are Percy Shelly, his future wife Mary, her half-sister Claire and Byron's personal physician Dr. Polidori. After taking some hallucinogens they make up some ghosts stories and end up facing their fears which appear to be unbelievingly real. Out of this meeting Mary Shelley wrote her novel "Frankenstein".

Gabriel quickly read the screenplay because he had just finished a TV-series in Ireland but he preferred making films. There weren't many offers those days so that was why he was happy about anything he could get. The director had chosen him to play Lord Byron, the main character, if he would agree and do the film. Gabriel liked the idea of playing an egoistic Lord who had sex with nearly everyone but there was a little problem... This Lord was also attracted by men. Gabriel didn't know if he could do that.. He never had had any experiences with homosexuality because the Catholic Church said it was forbidden that to men loved each other. And 95% of Ireland were Catholics so he never even thought about men having sex together...

Now at the age of 35 he felt stupid because he didn't know what to think of it. He knew that the bible said it was forbidden but something inside of him said that it couldn't be bad if two people love each other, no matter if they were man and woman, woman and woman or man and man... It did not really matter to him because he knew that he loved women. But was he able to play the part? Well, it would be a new experience, he'd see whether it was a good or a bad one, "so why not try it", he said to himself.

The next week, he got a letter saying that the shooting would start in April next year. Until then he had time to relax and acquaint with his role. He practised every day and his girlfriend got really sick of him because he behaved like Lord Byron in an egoistic, non-caring way that annoyed her very much. So she told him that she'd go on some holiday on her own until he had finished this movie. Gabriel was a little sad that she left but after a while he got used to making his breakfast himself again.

Time passed by quickly and soon it was April. The first day the whole crew met and they started reading the script after being introduced to each other. Gabriel soon was in his element and after a while he noticed that he already knew all his words by heart because he had read them so often in the past few weeks. So he took the time to watch the others, how they played their role, how they expressed themselves and he found himself glad to have such good partners in this movie because he knew it wasn't going to be easy for all of them.

He especially observed Julian Sands because he played Percy, the guy Lord Byron was trying to make love to. His gesture was that of a dreamer who was somehow kept in his own little world of imagination and yet so open and warm inviting everyone to be friends with him. Percy, the man he was going to play, is a young poet who loves Mary but isn't sure whether he also fancies men. When his wife finds that out she is furious and tries to kill Lord Byron while she is on drugs. She sees her husband saving Byron and then kissing him, not knowing that it is only her biggest fear she is facing and that none of this really happens.

Three days later the director told them they would start filming soon. So they talked over the last few details and the next day, they started filming. Gabriel found it quite easy to play Byron, maybe because he had practised so much. Normally he didn't do that much practising for a film, but he had had the time. Maybe it was just because he didn't know how to deal with the bisexuality of his character that had made him practise it. He wanted to be convincing but couldn't tell whether he was successful with it. After a while the director told him he was doing well and Gabriel relaxed a bit. He hadn't had to play one of "those scenes" yet as he used to call them. So he was getting more and more confident with his role.

Three weeks had passed and it hadn't been as exciting as he had expected it to be. The only thing he had done was giving his personal physician and ex-lover Dr. Polidori a kiss on the cheek and he had kissed Percy's neck when his wife came in and made Percy run away in a hurry. There were only 2 days of filming if everything went fine and the last one of "those scenes" would be being kissed by Percy which was part of Mary's hallucinations. Gabriel wasn't thinking much about this scene because he already had another offer for a new film called "Siesta" later that year and didn't think that anything unexpected would happen.

The next day they were going to do the last few scenes. If anything went wrong, they'd have one more day to film some scenes again. Gabriel was relaxed when they began filming. Percy, Claire and him repeated an old ritual to ban the ghosts they had called by doing this ritual. But Mary was so afraid that they might call even more ghosts she interrupted the ritual and starts hallucinating. Because of the interrupted ritual Byron, Claire and Percy are being thrown against the wall. Byron gets unconscious and Mary tries to kill him. At this moment, Percey throws himself between Mary and Byron. Mary is totally surprised and lets the knife fall down. Percy turns around and kisses Byron. Mary runs out of the room and the scene is finished.

So was Gabriel. When the director had screamed "cut" Gabe was still lying there thinking of Julian's lips touching his own. "What was that?" he felt that Julian hadn't just given him a film kiss, he really had kissed him! Gabriel knew the difference. A film kiss wasn't a real kiss because the actors normally didn't use their tongues. But Julian had kissed him with such passion that he could hardly breathe. He felt himself slowly drifting away from reality...

When he woke up there was the director standing beside his bed.

"Thank god you're waking!", he said, "what was the matter with you? We were afraid you had really hurt yourself when you didn't wake up after the scene was finished..."

Gabriel didn't know what to say or do. He was still confused and it took him some time to realise he was in the hospital room lying on a bed. He must have been really unconscious after that kiss. - the kiss!! Now he did remember everything again. But he couldn't tell the director that he became unconscious because Julian had kissed him...

"I - I h-had hit the wall badly, I suppose that was the reason I became unconscious..." he stammered. It was easier to tell this lie than trying to explain what he didn't understand himself... he needed some time for himself so he said,

"I think I'll be alright. Just let me sleep for a while and I'll be ok."

"Good to hear that, Gabriel. I was afraid you'd hurt yourself seriously. I'll send a doctor to check whether everything's ok.", the director said and left the room.

After a few moments the doctor came to check him and figured that everything was fine and that he'd just need some sleep.

He was right. Sleeping was the best Gabriel could do. He had only thought little about the kiss but it made his heart beat faster. He was confused but tried to get some sleep anyway.

He was woken by the noise of the door that opened. Someone came in but Gabriel was too tired to open his eyes completely so he just saw the shadow of someone.

"Are you alright?" , a soft voice asked.

"Yes... everything's fine..." , Gabe murmured.

"You looked like you had grown stiff after I had kissed you. I hope I haven't shocked you too much..." , the voice went on and suddenly Gabe was awake.

"I didn't mean to... it was just that...." , Julian searched for the right words.

"I don't know what happened to me, I just felt that if I didn't kiss you right away I'd never forgive myself that I'd let go of this chance. I didn't mean to hurt you...." , he was close to tears now, Gabe could see that but he still couldn't say anything. He hadn't expected the kiss, but this confession he had expected all the less.

"I hope you can forgive me, because I know I had no right to kiss you... Please don't be mad at me." Tears were falling from Julian's eyes now and he turned to leave because Gabe didn't say anything. Julian thought Gabe was really angry at him and didn't want to disturb him any longer.

"Wait!" , Gabe managed to say just before Julian opened the door.

"please wait... I-I was just so surprised to see you here and then hearing all these things from you... please don't just go now..."

Julian turned and hesitantly sat down on the side of the bed.

Nobody of them said anything for a moment and then they both started

"Well I..."


"You first." , Gabe said. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I love you." At least he was honest, Gabe thought... "From the first time I saw you at the meeting I knew that you were something special... The way you looked at me, made me go crazy... and since that day I knew I'd have to kiss you when I got the chance..."

Silence once again.

"So I wouldn't be surprised if you hate me now..." , Julian added.

"Don't say such bullshit! I don't hate you." Gabe didn't like people that had no self-confidence. But somehow Julian was cute. He looked so innocent and was honest. He had kissed him because his heart had told him and he was the last one to judge a person who was true to his heart.

"I'm glad you're telling me all this. There are not many people who are that honest." Gabe wanted to comfort Julian without giving him too much hopes that there might be more because he still wasn't sure himself what he was feeling.

"Oh great... and what does it help me that I was honest? You have something to laugh at, that's all. You'll tell everyone and they'll all think I'm mad and abnormal..." Julian started to cry.

"Well if you think I would do that, why did you tell me then?"


"You told me because you know I'd never do such things!"

"Yes... suppose so..."

"And you're right with it. I won't tell anyone. If anyone should know it it's your job to tell them." He couldn't help but hug the other man who started crying even more.

"C'mon. It's fine... Everything's ok." , he tried to calm Julian. He rested his head in Gabe's lap and Gabe softly stroke his blonde hair.

"Shh... Don't cry." He whispered and Julian slowly calmed down though he was still sniffing.

"Why do you do that?" , Julian asked. "First I kiss you, which causes your unconsciousness, then I come here tell you that I love you and you don't send me away but comfort me... Why?"

Gabe knew he wasn't behaving the way one would expect him to behave, but somehow he liked that young man... But he wasn't sure whether it was more than that...

"W-well..." , he started stammering again. He hadn't stammered since he was 10 years old and he only did so when he was either nervous or helpless... This time it was a mix of both.... He didn't want to admit that he had enjoyed the kiss because of the consequences that'd follow but he couldn't send Julian away letting him think he'd hate him though that would be the easiest way of getting out of this conflict.

"M-maybe I..."

he couldn't say it, he just couldn't...

"Maybe what?"


"What is it??"

"I-it's n-nothing, really..."

"If there's nothing why do you stammer then?"

"I, I always stammer when I'm very nervous or h-helpless..."

"Oh... And are you nervous now, or helpless?"

"B-both I think..."

Julian smiled... The warmest smile Gabe had ever seen.

"But you don't have to feel nervous or helpless. At least it wasn't your fault." , he said.

"M-maybe it was my fault that I didn't kiss back...?" Gabe had a questioning look, still not sure if it was right what he was doing...

Now it was Julian who looked quite surprised... But then he smiled...

"Oh, you did kiss back!" , he grinned.

"R-Really?" , Gabe was still stammering.

"Yeah, sure... shall I show you?"

Gabe's heart jumped. Of course he wanted Julian to kiss him like he had done it before, but he was still too nervous to speak properly... He thoughts were spinning round and round and it seemed like they'd never stop. He was feeling dizzy but managed to nod slightly.

Julian sat up and slowly came closer. Gabe could smell his aftershave. It was adorable. The closer Julian got, the faster Gabe's heart beat. He looked at the other man who directly looked back at him. The tension was rising so high it was becoming unbearable.

Then he felt Julian's soft lips on his slowly stroking his mouth. A shiver went through his body. He was near unconsciousness again but forced himself to not drift away, though it was hard because his senses were overcome by the feeling of the kiss.

Slowly Gabe opened his mouth allowing Julian to enter it with his tongue and slightly explore every part of it. They were lost in the kiss. It was like nothing Gabe had ever experienced, so tensing, so passionate and yet so soft. He had always thought that no men could have lips that were as soft as woman's lips but Julian proved him wrong. And he knew exactly what he did to Gabe and how he had to do it. He was slowly taking of him always aware of the signs that the other man's body showed him, but at the moment Gabe's body was screaming "Don't stop it...." well maybe that wasn't exactly right... It would be "D-don't st-stop it...." because he still seemed to be nervous and helpless. Totally lost in the kiss, overwhelmed by the feelings it caused him.

When Julian let go of him after a while, Gabe immediately pulled him back and urged for another kiss. Meanwhile, they were both lying on the bed, Julian on top of Gabe giving in to the plead of the older man. He stroked his hair gently and gave him a light kiss on the nose.

"See, you kissed back!" , Julian grinned once again.

Gabe couldn't say anything... He opened his mouth longing for another kiss.

"Hey, can't get enough, can you?"

"No, i can't... Please..." , Gabe begged.

"But what if somebody comes in?" , Julian hadn't thought of that and suddenly realised how careless he had been. "We can't risk that."

"Oh yes we can." It was obvious that Gabriel wasn't thinking much anymore.

"No, we can't. I'll come and see you tonight when they're all asleep."

"That's so damn unfair... First making me hot and then you just leave me lying here." Gabe was getting angry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I promise you I'll come tonight... if you want." Julian was really sorry that he hadn't thought of the danger earlier and that he had let it come to this second kiss right now when he knew it was too dangerous.

"Of course I want you... right now...."

"But that's not possible and you know that! So please be patient and wait till tonight, ok?"

"Promise you'll come!"

"I swear I'll come!" Julian re-assured him, kissed him quickly and left the room.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me an email to

I'd like to get some feedback! :)

I know there's been no sex yet but I hope you liked it anyway. Go on reading chapter two if you wanna know when the 2 cuties will come together! :)

Next: Chapter 2

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