Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Sep 4, 2002


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex.


Chapter three

That night Gabriel dreamt that he was stuck in a snow storm. He struggled his way through it but the storm didn't seem to end. Then suddenly he felt somebody touching his hand. He reached out to grab whoever it was but didn't manage to catch him. He was feeling lost and started to give up hope that he's ever see a human being again in this desert of snow.

He tried to go on, forcing himself not to give up.

Then this dream was interrupted by another one. There was Julian standing in front of him, giving him a kiss. Gabriel closed his eyes to fully enjoy the feeling but when he opened his eyes again there was his girlfriend Carol standing where Julian had been a second ago. Gabriel was shocked and confused. "She must have seen me kissing Julian...", he panicked and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. When he looked back up there was Julian again. But it was different than before because Julian was hiding under the hood of his shabby pullover. Tears were falling from his face onto his bare feet. His jeans looked dirty and he was trembling.

Gabriel wanted to ask him what was wrong but Julian didn't hear him. Gabriel started screaming

"Tell me, what's wrong with you??" he reached out his hands trying to shake the younger man but his hands went right through Julian who was slowly fading away, still crying.

"NO! Julian don't go!! What's wrong? What's wrong? Please tell me! JULIAN!!!" But it was useless. He didn't hear him.

Gabe felt like someone was pushing sharp knifes right into his heart. Why wasn't he able to help Julian? He felt the ground beneath his feet fade away and fell down. He fell and fell and it seemed like an eternity to him before he finally hit the ground.

He was back in the snow storm and went on searching for someone to help him, still thinking of Julian who was crying and hadn't heard him.

After what seemed to him as a very long time he saw a light. He began to run. He ran as fast as he could towards the light that turned out to be part of a house. Gabriel wasn't feeling his feet anymore because it was so cold but still he ran towards the house hoping he'd make it before he'd collapse in the snow and freeze to death.

When he finally reached the door he was grateful to find it open. With the last of his strength he crawled inside and closed the door. Then everything went fuzzy and he hardly recognised how someone pulled him up and put him onto a bed. After a while he noticed that it was Julian. He looked better now but had a long beard and had a lot of wrinkles on his face.

"What happened to you?" Gabe asked terrified of how old and empty Julian looked.

"He wanted to kill me...", he answered in a low rough voice.

"WHAT?", Gabe could hardly breathe when he heard that.

"Who wanted to kill you and why??"

"I had to flee because he was jealous!" the word echoed in Gabriel's mind.

jealous - jealous...

"But who? Tell me WHO wanted to kill you??"

But Julian didn't hear him. Just like before it seemed he just didn't see Gabriel any more.

He screamed his heart out.


But there was no reaction.

Gabriel's heart was beating fast and the fear took control of him.

He was sitting up straight in his bed, feeling the sweat all over his body.

That had been a real nightmare and it had been so damn realistic. Gabe still felt the pain in his heart and the fear when he heard that someone wanted to kill Julian.

He looked at the bed and found that Julian was still lying beside him. Sleeping like a baby.

Gabe was close to tears. The thought that someone wanted to harm him was still terrifying. He immediately put his arms around the young man hugging him tightly. He must have held him a bit too strong because he heard Julian's voice.

"Huh? Hey Gabe what's wrong? Why aren't you sleeping?"

Julian only heard a quiet sob somewhere near his chest. He pulled Gabe up so that he faced him, held his face in his hands directly looking at him.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Gabriel couldn't answer. He wanted to tell Julian about the dream but couldn't. He didn't know why. The words just stuck in his throat. He was crying harder now. It just had been so horrible and he wasn't sure whether Julian would stay this time and not fade away again.

"Shhhh.... Hey, don't cry....", Julian pulled him close and hugged the other man not wanting him to cry so much.

"I'm here. Don't worry.", Julian supposed that Gabriel had had a bad dream. It hurt him to see Gabe cry so badly.

"Promise you will stay here!", Gabe sobbed.

"Of course I will! I won't leave!" , Julian reassured him.

"Would it help if I kissed you?", he asked, hoping that the answer would be "yes". Not only because he wanted to, of course he did, but also because maybe, it made Gabe feel better.

Still sniffing, Gabe nodded. Julian leaned down and kissed away tear by tear slowly drying the other man's face.

"Don't cry anymore.", he whispered.

"C'mon, tell me what's wrong. Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yes I had....", Gabe answered hesitatingly.

"I dreamt you were crying and didn't hear me after you had turned into..." - shit! - He hadn't intended to tell Julian that he had a girlfriend at home in Ireland.

"...i-into a girl...", he stammered.

"...>a< girl, or >your< girl?"

"......m-my girl...."

Now he knew it.

"And what happened then?", Julian asked as if nothing had happened.

"You said someone tried to, to..... k-kill you....", Gabe closed his eyes at the thought of that horrible scene in his dream.

"Oh Gabe.... C'mon right here.", Julian said giving the other man a tight hug.

"Nobody wants to kill me. You don't have to worry!". He slowly stroke Gabriel's dark hair. It felt so smooth that he wanted to cuddle up in it.

"I hope so...", Gabe was sniffing again.

"So you have a girlfriend....", Julian looked a bit disappointed.

Gabriel noticed that look and felt sorry for telling him. He didn't want to hurt Julian, especially because he wasn't sure whether he still loved her.

"I haven't been with her for a while. She was so annoyed by me because I was constantly practising for new films.", Gabe was hoping that Julian would understand that the relationship to his girlfriend wasn't likely to be lasting any longer.

"So do you love her?"

"I don't think I do anymore."

"But why didn't you tell her?"

"Because I was convinced I loved her until I met you...", he gave Julian a soft kiss and felt that Julian was smiling. When Gabe wanted to end the kiss Julian held him back holding the other man's head in his hands. They went on caressing each other's neck and shoulders still kissing passionately.

Gabe was so lost in their actions that he even forgot about that terrible nightmare for a while.

Nothing seemed to matter anymore - there was only Julian and him. Gabriel was hypnotised. He heard nothing except Julian's quiet moans. He felt nothing except Julian's lips, his hands wandering all over his body now. He felt like being in a vacuum. They hardly needed anything, no sunshine, no air, no food. Nothing was important right now and never would be anymore as long as he was near Julian.

He wanted to be closer to him than he had ever been to anyone. He wanted to become one with him, never letting him go, just like it had been yesterday.

Julian interrupted their kissing stoking the older man's hair.

"Are you feeling better now?", he asked Gabe.

"Yeah.", though he remembered the dream again he was feeling better now because he knew Julian was in no danger right now. At least he was hoping he wasn't.

"Will you tell me when you're having trouble?", Gabe asked.

"Depends on what kinda trouble, eh?", Julian grinned.

"I'm serious, Julian! Please tell me when you have problems.", Gabe begged him.

"I know you'll be there for me if I need you.", Julian smiled warmly and Gabe knew that Julian wasn't going to promise any more. He himself had promised not to ask too much.

But that would be very hard...

They kept on lying there enjoying the warm embrace they shared. After a while they went downstairs to get something to eat. Then they packed their stuff because they were going home in the evening.

Gabriel had invited Julian to extend his holiday and spend some time with him in Ireland at the west coast where Gabe's house was. Julian was glad he could come with him because he needed some peace after 3 weeks of filming. It was always exhausting him so much and spending time with his new lover seemed to be the perfect way to relax.

When their bags were ready the went for a little walk to have a look at the mountains one more time.

They found a very comfortable place under a large tree where they had an excellent view.

"Wow....", Gabe was impressed.

"Compared to these mountains, Ireland's >mountains< are hills only."

"Oh yeah I also enjoy the great view.", Julian said, intensely watching Gabe. He found it very sexy watching the other man being so happy and amazed by the mountains.

Of course Gabriel was too busy watching the countryside to notice that Julian was staring at him.

Just when he put his arms around his waist, Gabe noticed Julian was still there.

"Hey you're neglecting me!", he said to get Gabe's attention.

"Sorry, didn't mean to!", Gabe turned round.

"How can I make up to it?"

Julian knew it was a rhetorical question so he just smiled and enjoyed the kiss he was given.

When it ended he still complained,

"Well that wasn't enough to make up to it yet. I'm deeply hurt, you know?", now he grinned from one ear to the other knowing he'd get his reward soon.

Gabe got down on his knees and started caressing Julian's penis through his trousers. He felt it becoming harder and harder so he opened the trousers and pulled it off Julian while stroking his backside.

He was surprised to find no underwear and when he gave Julian a questioning look the younger man grinned even more.

"You planned all this you little bastard."

"Oh yes I did!", and with that Julian was down face to face with Gabe pressing his lips against the other man's. It came so unexpectedly that Gabe fell down into the soft grass with Julian on top of him.

"That.... wasn't...... fair..........", Gabe was gasping for air.

"I know and my brain told me not to do it because it's selfish and egoistic and everything, but my cock was stronger, y'know?", he was still grinning, enjoying every second of it.

"I hope you can forgive me!", he looked at Gabe giving him the cutest smile he had.

"We'll see... If it was worth the trouble I'll forgive ye."

"Oh it definitely will be worth it.", and with that Julian started kissing the other man again. Starting with his sweet lips going on to his neck and shoulders, slowly working his way down.

He had opened Gabe's shirt already at that time and went on with the trousers. After he had undressed the other man he bent down to go on kissing him while he rubbed himself against Gabe's lower part of his body. He knew it aroused the other man to feel him rub against his penis. They were both getting hard very quickly and Gabe started to moan loudly. Julian loved it. Waves of pleasure were running through his body only when they lightly touched each other and feeling the other man so near and hard beside him was incredible.

Gabe was feeling exactly the same. He was lying there in the grass, feeling the warmth of the earth beneath him, Julian's tongue in his mouth and his hard cock slowly rubbing against his own. He heard himself moan and was surprised how loud he was. He normally didn't notice it and was exited seeing what Julian's actions were causing him to do.

Suddenly he was afraid that someone might see them. He panicked but the adrenaline only made him get aroused even more.

He began stroking Julian's back, slightly scratching it. Julian's star sign was Leo and Gabe had read once that for most Leo's the erotic zone was their back and it proved him right.

Julian's moans were getting louder filled with pleasure. Gabe loved to hear that so he kept going using both hands while pressing himself against the younger man. He wanted him so damn much.

He could have jerked off at any time now so feckin' hard was he. And he knew Julian was too so he decided to take control of the situation now.

He sat up and lay Julian down in the grass so that he could lean over to start sucking his cock while Julian was doing the same to him. They slowly licked and then started to suck each other. It was wonderful. Gabe felt every move he made in and out of Julian's mouth while he held Julian's cock feeling he had the power to let him come at every second. He was groaning and moving harshly. And so was Julian. Just when the young man was about to come Gabe stopped.

"Aaaahhh... what the hell are ya doin'??", Julian complained moaning loudly.

"That's my revenge for leading me out here to play with me like that..... Will you beg for forgiveness?"

"Yes! Yes! Whatever you want but don't stop it....", Julian's hips came close to Gabe's face and it was hard not to just take him.

The pain was getting bigger and bigger for Julian now...

"Gabe please... Don't do that to me.... I'm sorry... I really am and I'll do anything you want from me......" he was breathing in short gasps only.

"Then continue.", Gabe said in a strict voice, forcing himself not to give in just now.

Julian did what he wanted and went on sucking the older man's cock while stroking the inner side of his legs. Then he lightly bit Gabe.

"uuuuuhhhhh.... what?", a loud groan came from Gabe.

"I'll keep on doing that if you want and if you keep on doing what I want. Does that sound a good deal?"

"Yeah......... aaaaaahhhhh....", Gabe was gasping from the feelings Julian caused him but he managed to go on sucking licking and also lightly biting the other man's cock just like he was doing it.

It felt sooo good..... Gabe found no words to express it. Every little sense was ringing alarm bells when Julian nibbled on his cock. He felt so hot that he was afraid he might burn Julian's mouth when he was thrusting his dick deep inside him.

It wasn't easy for him to concentrate on doing the things he felt being done to him but he tried to keep hold of Julian's cock. He was sucking it like mad trying to compensate all the power he was feeling inside him. Julian obviously liked it as much as Gabe did because he was groaning and moaning loudly too.

They were both near climax now, shoving in and out of each other's mouths while nearly screaming over the feeling they shared.

"Aaaaaahhhhh.... Don't stop it.........Uh... uh, uh......", Julian was groaning loudly forgetting everything around him.

They loved it. It was amazing that feeling of power and pleasure just before you go off and release yourself - finally.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me

an email to

Well I really have nothing to add here... :) Go on reading to find out what happens next! ;)

I still like to get some feedback! :) Thanks for the 3 mails I got so far! ;)

Next: Chapter 4

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