Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Sep 4, 2002


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex.


Chapter four

Sarah felt a bit sick when the plane got off. She didn't like flying at all because she thought that if God had wanted human beings to fly he'd have given them wings. But today she flew anyway because she wanted to surprise her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend was no other than Gabriel Byrne who had been filming a movie in Geneva for 3 weeks. Before that she had left him to spend some time on her own because Gabriel had been practising this role every day and that had really annoyed her.

But now she felt a little sad about her behaviour because she knew that films meant a lot to Gabe and she thought that she had no right to be so unfriendly to him. So she had decided to go to Switzerland immediately and catch him before his plane took off and then she'd ask him to spend another week there for holiday with her. She was convinced he'd love to do that, especially because they hadn't seen each other for about 5 weeks now.

The plane landed - Thank God! Sarah went to pick up her bag and just got the bus to Geneva in time.

When she arrived she easily found the villa where the film had been shot. She entered the great building and searched for someone to tell her where Gabriel was. She noticed a young girl carrying some bedclothes.

"Excuse me!"


"Can you tell me where to find my boyfriend Gabriel Byrne?"

"Oh I'm not really sure but I think I saw him go outside towards the lake."

"Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome."

"Gone for a walk just before departure - that suits him.", Sarah smiled at the thought. So she went outside and looked for a lake.

Gabe and Julian were not all there yet. They were both half asleep because they were so exhausted from the wonderful moments they had just shared.

Julian had cuddled himself up in Gabe's arms who was leaning against a tree enjoying the other man's warm breath on his skin.

"Julian?", he mumbled.

"Yeah?" came a quiet reply.

"We shouldn't fall into sleep right here...."

"Uh-hu...." Julian nodded very slightly obviously unwilling to move.

"Just.... one..... minute....." he whispered.

Gabe stroke his hair in response silently agreeing with him. He didn't want to stay up either. But he knew they had to before someone came and...


Gabe sat up straight nearly hurting Julian who was still lying on him holding his arms around the older man's waist.

"Sarah.... What....", he didn't know what to say, he was still too shocked. What was she doing here for God's sake? While she was searching for words looking absolutely shocked he ended his sentence...

"What are YOU doing here?"

"I??? What I am doing here??? What are YOU doing?? I wanted to surprise you to spend some days with me here for holiday.... And you.... you're fucking cheating on me!!"

"Sarah, it's not....."

"It's NOT??? Who's that than? And what's she doing on there lying naked on you???", she could hardly breathe getting more and more angry.

Gabe immediately put his hand on Julian's head, trying to save what was to save and that would be not letting Sarah know that the "she" was a "he". But unfortunately he had pressed a little too hard so that Julian put of his head, gasping for some air.

"........", Sarah's mouth stood wide open, her eyes nearly falling out of her face....

"A man........ That's not a girl, Gabe....... it's a guy........ a fucking gay guy!!! Who do you think I am?? Not only you cheat on me.... But you cheat on me with a MAN...... I... I can't believe it...... You must be mad........ I...."

"Please, Sarah! Let me expl...."

"NO! No..... I won't let you explain anything you damn queen...... You are gay....... You are ILL!!! Terribly ill!!!! Gabe please tell me it's not true!", she was crying now, begging Gabe with her look to tell her that everything was a bad dream.

But it wasn't.

He didn't answer.

He just stared at her not knowing what to say.

"Please darling. I... I'm sure we can cure you..... It.... it's just a stupid illness.... A disease.... But I know a lot of medicines who can cure anything even... even this...."

Gabriel could easily see she felt disgust. He didn't want to but started crying.... It was too much for him. He had not wanted to hurt her. He'd just have told her it was over and spent a nice week with Julian. She should have done it before..... Before she could have come and surprised him.

Julian who had felt a little outstanding during the fight immediately put his arm around Gabe trying to hug him and make him feel save. But a slap in the face prevented him from doing so. Sarah was furious.

"How dare you touch him with your gay hands you little fag!" she was screaming like mad.

"Sarah, don't!!", Gabe held her arm, preventing her from harming Julian any more. "I love him, and there's nothing you can do about it!!", he said directly into her face.

Her eyes widened and she began to tremble...

"What? What do you say?"

"I LOVE him!!"

"No you don't... You can't.... It's impossible...."

"Oh yes I can!"

"NO!!! You're a man.... and he's a man.... You can't love him! You're not supposed to....."

"How come YOU know that better than I do?"

"Because I am healthy and YOU are ILL!!", she was staring madly at Gabe.

"Just look at you! You don't even wear anything..... Did you two do it out here??"

Gabe said nothing.

"Oh my god..........", she looked terrified. Immediately she pulled her hand out of Gabe's touch feeling disgusted from the thought of the two men she was facing having sex out here.... Maybe it was just minutes ago..... Her heart went fast and her stomach went mad.... She ran a few metres and threw up trying to get rid of the terrible feeling she had. She saw it right before her inner eyes: Gabe moaning with delight. Just like he had done when she had pleased him. But then she sees it's not her who is making him moan.... It him.... A man... The man she just saw, with that blonde hair... He reaches down and kisses........

That was too much for her to bear. She stumbled and then fell down, unconscious.

"Sarah!", Gabe was shocked when he saw her fall down. He was afraid she had hurt herself.

"Hey, put on some clothes before! Or do ya wanna scare her to death?", Julian said throwing Gabe's clothes at him.

Gabe nodded, not thinking very much at the moment. He rushed into his trousers and T-shirt and hurried towards Sarah. She was breathing rhythmically now but still unconscious. He pulled her up on his arms and carried her towards the villa. Julian rushed after him, carrying the rest of Gabe's clothes. He was fully dressed himself now knowing that Sarah wouldn't like to see him naked either.

"I'm sorry.", Julian whispered.

"I shouldn't have done this to you."

"What you did to me was the best thing I ever experienced in my whole life so please don't be sorry for that! It's my fault I should've told her before so that she would not come here....", Gabe answered. He knew the situation was difficult, but he also knew that it wasn't Julian's fault at all.

"Lets talk about that later. She needs some rest now and it'd be better if she doesn't see me when she wakes, so I'll just go before you and you'll give me a call when she's calmed down.", and with that he ran away.

"Wait!!! Julian!", he screamed but Julian didn't turn around.

He ran as fast as he could. It was his fault. He knew it. Once he'd been happy... But he wasn't allowed to stay happy with Gabe. It wasn't fair... Tears were falling from his eyes while he ran. He hurried into the villa, catching his things, writing a short notice for Gabe with his telephone number that he left at the reception and then went off to catch the next flight to London. He knew he behaved cowardly by running away but he didn't want to bring Gabe into any more trouble. Maybe he could sort things out with his girlfriend now. It would be easier for both of them, he tried to convince himself as he sat in the plane that would fly him to London.

"So do you love her?"

"I don't think I do anymore."

"But why didn't you tell her?"

"Because I was convinced I loved her until I met you..."

the words came back to his mind and he had to cry. He cried so badly that the stewardess came and asked what was wrong.

"Nothin'.....", he mumbled.

"Just homesick."

That was always the best excuse.

"Aww.", she said and brought him some tea and sweets to cheer him up.

He forced himself to smile a little. The stewardess was really nice but he couldn't tell her what was really wrong. He couldn't tell anybody at all that he was the reason people were having problems all the time....

"She will be alright.", the nurse's voice hardly reached Gabriel ear.

"Oh... ok, t-that's g-good.", he felt so helpless.

"You don't have to worry she just fell down and hit her hand but it's just a small scratch. She won't be unconscious for long because it seems the fall wasn't that bad."

"Words are but a transient shadow.", was all Gabe thought. How could she be talking about the little scratch when he knew she was deeply wounded. He had been cheating on her with a man. He should've told her before that something wasn't going right and that he didn't love her anymore. Then she'd never have come and she'd never met Julian - Julian! Where was he now. Gabe had been unable to run after him because he had still carried Sarah and it came all so suddenly that he didn't realise at first Julian was running away.

"Give me a call when she's calmed down.", that idiot.... How could Gabe call him when he had no phone number? And why did he run away? Gabe needed him now. Someone he could lean on who would take care of him and whom he could trust.

But maybe Julian was right. Sarah would go nuts when she'd see Julian again. But what should he tell her? That everything had been a bad dream? No, he couldn't do that because he'd split up with her anyway and when he'd have no reason for it she'd know anyway that it hadn't been a dream.

"uuuuuhhhhh......." Sarah groaned in a low voice. She was waking up.

"Sarah? Sarah do you hear me?"

"Gabriel!!", her face lit up with happiness when she saw him.

"You can't imagine what a terrible dream I had.", she exclaimed.

Oh God, this wasn't gonna be easy.

"Yes, I can imagine, because it was no dream....."


Sarah's face went pale.

"Look, I....", Gabe started his explanation.

"No! I don't wanna hear anything from you."

"Sarah, please let me..."


There was silence again.

"Will you go and visit the doctors, yes or no?", Sarah said after a while.

Gabe said nothing. What was she thinking? She couldn't really believe it was some kind of disease.... He loved Julian.

"Answer me!"

"I can't, I love him...."

Silence again.


"But Sarah let us just talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about, now OUT!"


"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU EVER AGAIN YOU BASTARD!!", Gabe knew there was no way to calm her down when she was screaming like that, so he left the room.

"I'll go back home to Ireland. So if you want to talk with me about this you can..."

"NOTHING WILL I DO! I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU ABOUT ANYTHING!! GO AWAY!", she was still screaming like mad.

Gabe slightly nodded, went down the stairs, took his bag and went off to the airport.

The receptionist came hurrying after him.

"Mr. Byrne, Mr. Byrne, please wait!"

But Gabriel didn't hear her. He heard nothing. Only his heart beating of the thought that he might never see Julian again. He was already to far away for the receptionist to catch up with him so she went back into the villa.

When Gabriel came home he sat down on a kitchen chair thinking of what had happened that day. He cried as he thought of Julian. It hurt him so much that he wasn't there now. He was wondering what he did now. If he was missing him as much as he did? Why had he run away? Gabe felt terrible.... For the first time he felt really really lost. He went to bed because he didn't know what else to do.

He wanted to find Julian but where should he start? He didn't even know where he was living right now. So where should he search for him? It was all so pointless. He felt there was nothing worth to live for anymore. He could as well be dead if Julian wasn't with him.

The next two days were horrible. Gabriel was alone in his house because his parents were on holiday in Italy so there was nobody to visit him. Of course he had friends here, but he couldn't tell them he was gay.... Just the way Sarah had reacted had showed him once again how ignorant people were.

But there was no use to tell them now anyway because Julian wasn't there and maybe he would never see him again. So why should he tell his friend anything when the man he loved wasn't even there. They'd pronounce him mad.

Maybe he was mad.... Mad about Julian.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me

an email to

Will our 2 heros ever see each other again? But where should Gabe get the from??

Read on to find out! :)

I still like to get some feedback! :) Thanks for the 3 mails I got so far! ;)

Next: Chapter 5

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