Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Jul 13, 2023


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my imagination. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex.

You are still reading? Fine! :) I'm glad that you are obviously interested in the story!

So here's another chapter! ++++++++++++

chapter eight

The next morning Gabriel slept until 1 PM. The blanket felt so smooth on his skin that he did not want to spoil the feeling by getting up.

He was still very sleepy but his thoughts were already wandering back to the day before. It had felt really good. Even though he had had to end it himself. There'd come a time when Julian could do that for him again and Gabriel already hungered for that time. He wanted Julian to get out of the hospital where they were always observed by people. At least he felt like they were. Of course people didn't know they were gay but the slightest hint and they'd go mad. They'd call him ill just like Sarah did. She had even wanted him to see a doctor. A doctor!! How can a doctor cure love? No, no, no. The question should be WHY should a doctor cure love? But most people did not think that far. For them it was a disease that had to be healed. That's why he and Julian had to hide their love.

All these thoughts came to Gabriel's mind when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" Gabe asked.

"It's me, Guy. There's someone on the phone for you."

"I'm coming." Who could that be? He had called all his mates yesterday.

"Who is it?"

"I think your father. He sounded really angry..."

"Oh... Just one minute. Tell him I'm coming." Gabriel said while putting on his clothes. He hurried down the stairs and took the receiver from Guy.

"Hello? Dad?"

There was no sound at the other end.

"Dad? Is that you?" Gabriel asked and suddenly the other person hung up.

Very confused Gabriel hung up too.

"Hung up without saying a word." he wondered. Guy was also looking rather confused.

"Why would he do that? He talked to me, didn't he?" he wondered.

"Are you sure it was my dad?"

"Yes. Well at least he said so."

"Hm... I think I'll call him back to find out what's the matter." Gabriel said still a bit confused. Then he dialled the number and waited for a few seconds.

"Hello." it was his mother.

"Hi Mum. It's me, Gabriel. Is Dad there?"

"Oh... well erm. Yes... wait a second..." Gabriel wondered why she sounded so reserved.

"You dare call me back, you little fag!"

"What?" Gabriel said surprised.

"I know everything about you and this little bastard!! Why do you do that to us? Haven't we been good as parents that you're cursing us with a gay son?"

Gabriel didn't know what to say at first.

"How do you know I..."

"Sarah told us. She was furious. Told us you'd made love with another man OUTSIDE!!" he breathed in deeply.

"Gabriel. Please, in the name of God tell me that this is not true!"


After a pause, Gabriel's father hung up. Gabriel let the receiver fall down and went back into his room. He looked as if he had been hypnotised. Guy, who had stood beside him all the time, was now putting the receiver back to where it belonged and then followed Gabriel upstairs. But Gabriel obviously didn't want to talk. He had closed the door and locked it.

Guy knocked on it, calling for Gabriel to open. But there was no reaction.

With a sigh, Guy said:

"Gabriel. If you need to talk I'm in the living room. And don't forget that Julian's waiting for you!" Then he went away.

Inside the room Gabriel was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He was thinking about his parents that were at home now and probably crying themselves to death. He didn't care.

If they really loved him, they shouldn't react like this. They were supposed to support him. What was so wrong about the love he felt for Julian? It felt even better than with his ex-girlfriends so it couldn't be that wrong, could it?

And it wasn't like he had planned to cheat on his parents by seducing another man. It had struck him and he hadn't been able to fight the feeling.

Maybe that was it. He should have fought all Julian's attempts to kiss him again. He should have left him or called the police after their kiss. But still these thoughts seemed ridiculous to him.

Gabriel kept thinking and philosophising what to do now for a while. When he came to a conclusion he found that he had two possibilities: Either to leave Julian and to declare that everything had been a bad joke, or to stay with Julian and to bear all the contempt from the people. He couldn't figure what to do though.

On the one hand he loved Julian more than he had ever loved someone. But on the other hand he loved his parents and didn't want to hurt them either.

He hoped that Sarah had only told his parents and not his friends or his manager. It struck him like a lightening. What if his manager found out about it? He could throw his acting career away then. Nobody would offer him a job if the press found out about it. But could he leave the person he loved just to rescue his own career?

It was not that he needed a lot of money but Gabriel couldn't stand the thought that people would hate him.

But despite of all these terrible thoughts he had to see Julian. Gabriel looked at his watch. It was already 2 PM. Julian was surely waiting for him. At the moment he couldn't do anything about his parents anyway and if Sarah was to tell more people, he could not stop her either.

So he went downstairs, waving Guy a short goodbye and left.

Guy looked a bit worried but as he saw that Gabriel seemed to be ok he relaxed a little and went on reading his book.

When Gabriel went into Julian's room in the hospital Julian quickly got up from his bed and hugged Gabe.

"I've been waiting for you." he said.

"I know, I'm sorry, I..." he actually wanted to explain everything to Julian but then noticed that Julian had not only missed him...

"Erm... Julian?"

"Yes?" Julian said in a moaning tone.

"You noticed my problem? I couldn't do anything yesterday because the nurse called me and they gave me something so that I could sleep."

"Uh-hu..." Gabriel began to sweat as Julian pressed himself nearer towards him. Gabriel could feel Julian's cock hard under the trousers urging to get out.

"But we can't do it here. You know what happened yesterday!" Gabriel said trying to sound convincing.

"I know we shouldn't but... aaahh..." Julian already began to rub himself on Gabriel making the other man hot as well. Gabriel moaned.

"No... no!" he finally managed to say. "We can't..." but as he wanted to finish the sentence Julian had already started to kiss him wildly.

It was obvious how much he was longing for the other man hardly letting him free to breathe.

Gabriel tried to push Julian away a little but was yet caught so deeply in his kiss. They couldn't do it here. He knew it, because the nurse might catch them. But on the other hand Sarah had begun to tell the whole world anyway. So why not take the chance and just do it?

Gabriel stopped fighting Julian's kisses and embrace and, in return, began to caress Julian's chest, while slowly opening the other man's shirt.

Julian stopped for a second and smiled brightly. They continued their kissing and meanwhile unwrapped their clothes, always touching and caressing each other.

Julian was already breathing very heavily so Gabriel pulled him towards the bed where he lay the other man down.

Gabriel got onto the bed as well and quickly continued kissing Julian to prevent both of them from moaning too loudly. The younger man began to caress Gabriel's chest and then slowly moved his hands down towards the other man's penis. He continued his stroking there. Gabriel felt it difficult not to let go of their kiss and groaned out loudly. He was breathing heavily and felt neither of them could hold on any longer.

Gabriel slowly propped himself up then held Julian's prick in position and lowered himself down engulfing the other man's hard member.

While doing that he mad sure he continued kissing Julian because the younger man was about to groan. Instead of making loud noises Julian accidentally bit Gabriel. But it didn't matter. In fact Gabriel liked it because he felt the great passion they were both sharing and he was relieved that Julian too was avoiding to scream.

It was very hard though, especially as Gabriel began moving up and down. Slowly at first and then riding the other man faster and faster. It was too difficult to lean down and kiss Julian now so Gabriel put his hand up to Julian's face, letting the other man bite his fingers instead. Gabriel himself was trying his best not to moan. He began to sweat as he felt Julian come inside him. It was a wonderful feeling as the warm juice floated through his body. Gabriel couldn't help it and gave out a groan. It was just so good to feel Julian this way. Every move he made was making him even hotter now.

Julian noticed that and as he had just had his orgasm he now concentrated on keeping Gabriel quiet and pleasing him. He made them change position so that he was on top now. Then he moved his head towards Gabriel hard cock and moved his own penis into Gabriel's mouth. That should stop him from screaming to loud, Julian thought. Slowly he started licking the tip of Gabriel's penis while caressing the skin around it. Gabriel was shivering under these touches. His body was twitching already and Julian knew that Gabe was about to come. He'd loved to tease the older man by stopping right now and doing nothing for some seconds. He'd go mad and become really wild but Julian wasn't sure if Gabriel would scream then, so he quickly surrounded the other man's member with his tongue and engulfed it fully. He moved his mouth up and down still caressing the other man's balls.

Julian could feel how much Gabriel enjoyed it as the other man began biting him. Julian was afraid he'd be horny again after their lovemaking if Gabriel continued this so he had to work on Gabriel a bit faster. He too bit his cock a little causing the other man to shiver. Julian could hear slight moans and continued his moves. Gabriel stopped biting him. Instead he open his mouth widely rearing up against Julian's body and shooting off into the younger man's mouth. Julian tried to swallow it all though it was difficult. It would prevent the nurse from asking why the blanket was dirty and he definitely didn't want that discussion!

One last shiver went through Gabriel transferring itself to Julian before they both collapsed, feeling released and deeply pleased by their lovemaking.

But there was no time to cuddle up and sleep a little like they both had wished to continue because they were still in danger of being caught. So after a few seconds of lying there and savouring the moment they both got up and dressed.

Gabriel kissed Julian.

"That was wonderful!" he said.

"I know!" Julian grinned. "I enjoyed it, too." and he gave Gabriel another kiss on the cheek.

Gabriel wondered whether he should tell Julian about Sarah now but decided that it would spoil the moment. So he remained silent, enjoying the feeling he had just shared with Julian.

"I think you'd better go now." Julian said with a smile.

"You're grinning like a Cheshire cat. I'm afraid the nurse would be suspicious if she saw you now." Gabriel had to laugh though he found it rather sad that he had to leave. But Julian was right. It was better that way. And he could tell him about Sarah later on as well.

"Bye my love." Julian whispered into Gabriel's ear giving him one last kiss on the ear lobe.

"Bye." Gabriel mumbled and went home. He had a feeling as if he was floating high above all the others on the street.

Who cared if Sarah wanted to destroy him. As long as Julian was with him, he was invincible.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me an email to

I always like to get some feedback! :)

Next: Chapter 9

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