Galaxy Awaits


Published on Aug 24, 1998



Legal Stuff : This is gay erotic science fiction, which couldn't take place even if I or anyone wanted to. If any character is in real life it's a figment of my over active imagination & should be taken that way.

Everyone who's helped me put this up I'd like to thank ahead of time. You can visit my website at for more infromation.

Hope you enjoy it! Write me for more!

Galaxy Awaits : Awakenings Part 1

'Captain, we've got a problem.'

'What is it Lizzy?' Captain Joshua Alexander looked up from the computer display where he was trying to make sense of some of the more arcane aspects of this alien craft's computer system, irritated by the interruption.

'There's a pitched battle going on directly in front of us. If we keep to our present course we'll be right in the middle of it.'

The captain hurried over to the main display console. A quick glance revealed the full story. Two craft were displayed on the screen, the bright flashes ample evidence of the ferocity of the battle that was taking place. The captain was about to order a change of course, avoiding the trouble, when he suddenly gave a gasp. One of the ships had turned, allowing a clear view of it's sleek profile. There was no mistaking it! Yes, there were differences, but the fact was inescapable. The ship on the screen had obviously been built by the same alien race that had built their own craft. These were the beings that the small band of humans had travelled across the galaxy to find.

'Hold course, but reduce speed. Let's see what happens.'

'Are you sure that's wise?' Commander Elizabeth Saunders glanced over her shoulder at the captain, a worried look on her face. 'We're still gaining experience with the controls of this ship, if either one of those decides to come after us things could get pretty hairy.'

'We have to take that chance Lizzie. Our mission is to find the Talmori and one of those ships is Talmorian. This is an excellent opportunity to make contact. Besides,' he gave a grin, 'I'm sure if things do turn out nasty you'll be able to get us out of here. I didn't choose you as my pilot for your charm and personality.'

'And just what's wrong with my personality Josh, captain, sir?' A hard glint had entered Lizzie's eyes.

'Oh, nothing,' the Captain replied, hurriedly. 'Apart from the bad temper.'

As Lizzie was about to offer a retort their banter was brought to an end by a series of bright flashes on the screen, indicating that the battle was reaching a dramatic conclusion. The Talmorian ship was obviously getting the worst of the deal. Turning, it made a last desperate attempt to get away. But it was too late. For an instant a beam of energy seemed to connect the two ships like a glowing rope, then the monitor turned white.

'Oh my god.' Lizzie turned to face the captain. 'I think we'd better move.'

'Sir, the other ship is turning towards us.' Jack DeForrest, the navigator, looked up a serious expression on his handsome face and an eager gleam in his eyes, obviously hoping the captain would give the order to attack.

Josh didn't hesitate. 'Lizzie, get us out of here. Show us all that my faith in you was justified.'

As Lizzie busied herself with the controls, Jack looked disappointed. 'Captain....'

'Enough, Mr DeForrest! Concentrate on your job. I'm not going to risk everyone's lives for your moment of glory.'

'This is bad!' Lizzie's exclamation brought the attention of everyone on the bridge. 'The controls are not responding properly, we can't pull away. The ship seems to be held in some sort of field.'

'Peter, we need more power.' The captain shouted across to the chief engineer.

'We haven't got any more power, we're at full stretch.'

Josh briefly closed his eyes and muttered a curse. 'Looks like you get your glory after all Jack. Turn us around Lizzie, we can't run so we're going to have to fight.'

Across the bridge, Jessica the communications officer put out her hand to comfort the ten year old boy in the next seat. Jeremy Saunders looked up at the young woman, his hand shook slightly as he brushed his hair out of his eyes. 'I'm ok Jess, Mom will get us out of this. He fought to keep his voice from trembling, determined to appear brave in front of the adults.

No sooner had the boy spoken than the whole ship rocked and a roaring sound filled the air. A nearby console gave off a shower of sparks as it's circuits overloaded, causing Jessica to jump backwards.

'Divert all power to weapons,' the captain ordered, his eyes locked on a computer screen as he assessed the damage.

'Yes sir, weapons now at maximum strength.' The chief engineer's Irish accent was more pronounced because of the stress of the situation.

'Weapons locked on.' Lizzie appeared perfectly calm.

'Fire weapons.' Josh was equally calm, his training and combat experience giving him massive self control.

Lizzie's finger depressed the button and the lighting on the bridge dimmed slightly, before returning to normal as power was leached away by the energy hungry weapons systems.

Jack's eyes were glued to his monitor. 'A direct hit. That's shown them......SHIT!!!'

The ship lurched violently as they were once again on the receiving end a powerful alien blast. The bridge lighting went off along with most of the display monitors, plunging them all an almost total darkness that was relieved only by the slight glow from the odd monitors that were still working. It took several long seconds before the ships systems switched to backup power and partial light was restored.

'Peter, status report.'

'We're in trouble captain. Main power is out, preliminary estimates to restore it are around five hours. Weapons systems are all out. We can maintain life support if we give it 100% of back up power.'

'Jess, can we send any sort of signal to the aliens?

'I'll try sir, but most of the communications controls are damaged.'

'Jack, status report on the alien ship.'

'They're in poor shape. Our scanners show their power is almost nil. Hang on a minute. What the hell is that?'

'What's happening, Jack? What can you see?'

'There's some sort of power build up at the rear of the alien ship. It's right off the scale. It seems to be focused around their engines. I think they're going to blow.'

'Brace yourselves everyone. If that ship goes we're going to get some of the blast.' Josh glanced around at his small crew, trying to reassure them.

Long seconds past, and nothing happened, the tension had reached breaking point and beyond. Without any sort of power they could do nothing but sit and wait.

'There she goes.' Jack's monitor flashed white as the rear portion of the ship exploded outwards, disintegrating into millions of fragments of white hot metal. Moments later their own ship was rocked violently as the full force of the explosion reached them, causing the crew to be tossed around in their seats. Jeremy let out a small cry as he was thrown forwards, his head crashing into the console in front of him. As he slid back, blood was pouring from a gash above his right eye.

The second the shaking subsided, Lizzie was out of her seat and at her son's side, holding him gently as she examined the wound.

The boy was pale, but conscious, the damage looked mostly superficial, the freely running blood making it look worse than what it actually was.

'How's it look Lizzie?'

'I think he's ok Josh. I'd better get him down to the doc.'

The captain nodded. 'Take your time. There's nothing we can do up here until we get power restored. What's the situation with the other ship Jack?'

'It's completely dead sir, what's left of it.'

'Peter, get to work on the power. As soon as we can manage it I want a closer look at that alien ship. Let's see it we can salvage anything from this.' Josh walked towards the door. 'If anyone needs me I'll be in the med-room. I want to check on Jeremy.'

'He means he wants to check on the doc,' Jack whispered, just loud enough for Jess to hear.

Jess smiled. 'Jack, you can't assume everything that everyone does is down to their sex drive. Though in your case it's probably true.'

'Just give me the chance and I'll show you just how true!'

'In your dreams big boy.'

'Blast it,' Lizzie cursed softly under her breath as she attempted to manoeuvre the ship to dock with the alien craft. Even with the help of advanced technology it was proving a difficult task. 'Come on, just a bit further,' she muttered. 'A bit more...Got it!' A signal began to flash on her monitor indicating that docking was successful and the two vessels were firmly locked together. She turned her head and grinned at Josh. 'Piece of cake.'

'Well done commander. Now go and get yourself ready, I want you to lead the boarding party.'

Lizzie nodded and hurried from the bridge. By the time she had collected a communicator and made her way to the airlock the other two members of the party were already there waiting for her.

'We were just about to start without you commander,' the older of the two men smiled, good-naturedly

'You should have done just that Ben,' Lizzie replied. 'Fighting through the wreckage of a smashed up spaceship is not my idea of a good time. But as you've been good enough to wait for me I suppose we'd better get on with it.' She was pleased that Ben was included in the party, the chief of security as a good man to have around if there was any kind of trouble. Scanners had indicated that there were signs of life on the alien ship, but it didn't hurt to be careful.

The third person in the group was assistant engineer Marshall Thomas. At 20, he was the youngest member of the crew. He had graduated with a degree in electronic engineering when he was just 15, gaining one of the highest marks ever recorded. What he lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm, that combined with a disarming smile and boyish good looks made him an extremely popular member of the crew.

Taking a deep breath, Lizzie pressed the panel that would open the airlock. With a hissing sound the heavy, six inch thick steel door slid open to reveal the metal surface of the hatchway that would provide access to the interior of the alien ship. 'Ok Marshall, get that thing open.'

The young engineer stepped forwards and held a small device against the dark metal. For nearly half a minute the three stood in silence watching the tiny lights of the instrument flash in a seemingly random pattern as it sought to decode the complex electronic locking mechanism that held the alien airlock closed. As the device emitted a short, highly pitched beeping sound indicating success, Marshall gave a satisfied nod and stepped back.

All three humans waited with held breath as with painful slowness the doorway opened up. After a brief glance at the two men, Lizzie stepped through, at the same time speaking into her communicator. 'We've gained access to the ship. We're boarding now.'

'Keep the channel open Lizzie,' Josh's voice replied. 'I want to a detailed description of what you find in there. We need to find out as much about these beings as we can.'

'Understood, Captain. I'll keep the commentary going as we search. At first glance everything is pretty well messed up. From the state of things it's hard to believe that the ship is still airtight, they must have some automatic sealing mechanism that closes any breaches.'

They proceeded down a corridor, stepping around and over pieces of tangled metal that were strewn across the floor and hanging from walls and ceiling. Stepping through a doorway, Lizzie entered what appeared to be some sort of cabin or sleeping quarters. 'It looks as though our alien friends are humanoid, I'm standing in a cabin that is very similar to our own, with bed, lockers etc. Again, the place is a mess. Reminds me of Jeremy's cabin.' The last part was muttered under her breath.

'What was that commander?'

'Sorry captain, it wasn't important. We're continuing our search.'

Lizzie was about to check in the lockers when a shout from Marshall caused her to rush back out into the corridor. She found him looking pale and more than a little sick. At his feet was the body of one of the aliens. 'Josh, we've found a body. Confirmation that the aliens are humanoid.' She bent over to and pulled the alien over so that she could see it's face. 'Very humanoid. From a distance they could probably pass as humans. Assuming this is an adult, I would guess he's male, average human height, though build is probably less than human average. Facial features are similar, but eyes more almond shaped and slanting upwards, very high cheekbones.. Hair is long and pale blonde, almost white. Pale complexion, but whether that is natural or as a result of it being dead is impossible to tell. We'll fetch this one back with us for further investigation.'

'Ok commander. Continue your search, you can collect him on your way back.'

For the next hour, Lizzie, Ben and Marshall rummaged through the wreckage, while Lizzie kept up an almost continuous narrative on her communicator. They were unable to find anything that could be remotely useful. It appeared that the section of the ship the were searching was the crews quarters. They were unable to gain access to the bridge or engine room, if anything even remained of those areas, because of the massive damage they encountered.

'I think we've gone about as far as we can, Captain. There's nothing else of interest here.'

'Begin making your way back Lizzie.'

In his seat on the bridge, Josh sat back and sighed disappointedly. He had hoped for more information about these aliens. Something that would provide a clue as to who they were, anything that might prove useful in the future.'


He was snapped out of his reverie by a shout from Jack. 'What's the matter.'

'There are signs of another power build up on the alien ship, it's not building up as fast as last time, but the readings are similar in nature. The commander had better get the hell out of there.'

Josh flicked a switch on his chair arm. 'Lizzie, forget everything. Get out of there now.'

'Yes sir, on our way.' Lizzie obviously recognised the urgency in Josh's voice.


All eyes on the bridge swung around to look at the small figure that had just entered through the doorway.

'No! You can't leave him there!' Jeremy was frantic as he raced across to take hold of Josh's arm.

'What on earth is the matter Jeremy? Leave who?' Josh tried to calm the distraught boy.

'The boy on the ship.'

'There isn't any boy on the ship. Our scanners show there aren't any signs of life, and your mother and the others have just finished searching.'

'They'll have to look harder. He's there!'

'Jeremy, the situation is getting more dangerous with each second. If we don't get away from here we could all be killed. Now I haven't time for any more of this nonsense.' Jerking his arm away from the youngsters grip, Josh strode across to look at Jack's monitor.

'Jeremy flew after him, tears running down his cheeks, as he fell to his knees, gripping hold of Josh's hand. 'Please, please. He's there, I can tell you where to look.'

'Enough! We haven't.....'

'He right sir, Listen to what he has to say.' Jess' calm voice interrupted her captain.

Josh looked at his communications officer as though she had lost her mind.

'There's something that you don't know,' Jess explained. She closed her eyes for a second and grimaced. This was information she didn't want to give. She knew she had no choice. 'Jeremy is telepathic. He can sense the boy on the other ship. I myself had slight telepathic ability, so I know he's telling the truth.'

The captain was clearly shaken to his bones by the revelation, but his training immediately took over. 'Jack, status report.'

'Power is continuing to build sir. I estimate around four minutes before it blows.'

'Ok, Jeremy. You said you could tell us where to look. You'd better be right.'

The boy nodded. 'Opposite the main airlock there's a door. He's in there.'

Quickly the captain returned to his seat and activated the communicator. 'Lizzie, have you reached the airlock yet.'

'We're almost there.'

'Good. when you get there you'll find a door immediately opposite.'

'We're there now Josh, but I don't see a door, there's piles of wreckage. Hang on a minute, yes there's a door behind this lot.'

'Can you get to it.'

We'll need to move some of this junk first.'

'How long will it take?'

'Couple of minutes.'

'Go for it.' Josh watched the seconds tick by as they waited in complete silence.

Lizzie's voice sounded from the speakers. 'We've cleared a way through but the doors locked. Marshall is working on it now.'

'Jack, how long have we got?' Sweat had broken out on Josh's forehead and was running down his face.

'Two minutes max.'

'How's it going, Lizzie?'

'We're still waiting for the decoder to open the door.'

'Give it another few seconds, if it doesn't work I want you out of there.'

'Yes sir. Wait... we've got it. Door's unlocked, we're going in. Oh, my god....'

'Lizzie? What have you found.'

'There's a boy in here. Alien, like the body we found. He looks to be around fourteen. He's sealed in a transparent case. He looks to be in some sort of suspended animation. There's no apparent way to get to him.'

'Smash your way in, do whatever you need to do to get him and yourselves out of there now!'

'One minute,' said Jack, a slight tremor in his voice.'

A crashing sound came over the communicator, followed by Lizzie's voice. 'We got him. On our way.' A few seconds later, 'We're through the airlock. Closing it now..... Airlock sealed.'

'Get us out of here Jack.'

The navigator didn't need to be told twice. He slid into Lizzie's seat and deftly began to manipulate the controls. The engines came to life and the ship powered forwards. Not a moment too soon as seconds later they were rocked by the force of a terrific explosion which caused the whole ship to vibrate violently.

'Are we clear Jack?'

'Yes sir, we made it. The alien ship is completely destroyed, there's nothing left.'

Josh sat back in his seat and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He been through close shaves before, but this one would take some beating.

By the time he reached the med-room, the captain's heart rate had just about returned to normal. He couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he was getting just a little too old for this type of excitement. Then he grinned to himself, to hell with it, he was going to take all the excitement that life could throw at him while he was still capable of enjoying it.

The automatic door to the med-room opened with the feint hissing sound of the pneumatic compressor springing into efficient action. Inside, Max Jeffories, the ship's doctor had his attention focused completely on a still form on the examination table. On the other side of the table Lizzie watched his actions dispassionately. Josh had to admire the woman, no one would ever suspect that it was only a matter of a few minutes ago that she had escaped death with mere seconds to spare.

Moving quietly so as not to disturb the doctor's concentration, Josh crossed to the table to get his first view of a living alien being. On the table was what looked, at first glance, to be a boy of around fourteen years old. Closer inspection revealed the more exotic features, such as the slant of the eyes, the slight points on the ears, the unusually pale coloring of the skin. 'He could almost be human.' Josh surprised himself, he hadn't intended to speak aloud.

'At first glance yes.' The doctor looked up from his work. 'But both externally an internally there are a few differences.' He looked down again and put his hand on the boy's chest, sliding his fingers over the skin. 'There's an extra set of ribs here for one thing. His heart seems to be getting stronger than it was when they brought him in.

'He is alive then?'

'Oh, yes. He's alive. He seems to be in some sort of state of suspended animation. The signs of life were almost none existent a few minutes ago, but they seem to be getting stronger all the time. I think it would be safe to assume that he's waking up.'

'Right, we'd better be on our guard until we're sure what we are dealing with.'

On the other side of the room, an identical table held another alien figure. Josh noticed it for the first time. 'Where did he come from.'

'Ben dragged him across,' Lizzie replied. 'He thought it might prove useful. This was the body we found in the ship corridor. It's very dead.'

Josh sighed. He was annoyed that his head of security had risked his life to rescue a dead body, but the captain had to concede that being able to examination what looked to be an adult alien could prove to be immensely valuable.

A groaning sound brought all of their attention back to the alien boy.

'He's waking up.' The doctor observed.

For several seconds the head twitched from side to side. Then the eyes opened. Josh fought to stop himself taking a step backwards. The eyes were piercing yellow and seemed to stare directly into soul.

The boy gave an animal snarl that revealed a set of pointed, very sharp looking teeth. With a scream he threw himself forwards, his slim body suddenly giving the impression of immense strength as he tried to get off the table. Both the captain and the doctor grabbed the boys arms as he thrashed around trying to escape.

'Stop it, you're hurting him.' Jeremy had appeared out of nowhere, sneaking into the room unseen. Lizzie quickly grabbed her son to prevent him getting too close to the ferocious, struggling creature. Jeremy nimbly shook her off and laid his hand on the alien boy's arm. Instantly all the fighting ceased.

'Can't you see he's just frightened.' Jeremy chastised the three adults as though they were the children. He looked down at the now calm boy. 'It's alright. I won't let them hurt you anymore.' He spoke slowly and clearly, and strangely the young alien appeared to understand him.

'His name's Alnori,' the ten year old announced.

'How do you know that?' demanded his mother, looking at the youngster with disbelief..

'He told me.' Jeremy pointed to his head as though that were all the explanation that was needed.

'He told you?' Lizzie's voice was skeptical.

Josh interrupted the exchange. 'Jeremy, can you communicate with him?'

With a smile, the boy nodded. 'I just told you his name didn't I?'

'Yes you did,' agreed the captain. 'Can you tell him that we don't mean him any harm. We'd like to help him in any way we can.'

Again Jeremy nodded. He stared into the eyes of the young captive for a long minute while the others looked on in amazement. Eventually he broke contact and looked up. 'He says if you don't mean to hurt him then why are you holding onto his arms?'

The doctor gave a Josh a querying glance. 'Ok, release him,' the captain ordered. Max hurriedly let go and stepped back.

It was with some apprehension that the three adults watched the young alien as he stretched. He was only wearing a pair of tight shorts, and there was something strangely erotic about the way he moved his slim, smooth body. He began to rub his arms vigorously to get the circulation flowing as he stared curiously round the room.

'See,' Jeremy smiled. 'He's not dangerous. Don't worry, I'll look after him.'

'It appears as though the situation is under control,' Josh observed, sounding anything but convinced by his own words. 'I'll want to get to know our young friend a lot better when he's had a chance to settle down. In the meantime there are a couple of matters that need my attention.' With seeming relief he hurried from the room leaving a grinning Jeremy staring intently into Alnori's yellow eyes.

Marshall was alone in his cabin, he felt tired and completely drained both physically and emotionally. Unlike Lizzie and Ben he had no military experience and no formal training to fall back on. Somehow, through sheer will power, he had managed to keep calm during their narrow escape on the alien ship, but as soon as the danger was past his legs had gone weak and the trembling had started. Lizzie had told him that it was a normal reaction and had asked Ben to help him back to his cabin, but the explanation didn't make the young man feel any better. Maybe he just wasn't cut out for this.

His brooding was interrupted by a knock on the door. 'Come in.'

To Marshall's surprise it was Jack that entered. The navigator gave him a smile, but at the same time looked nervous as though he weren't sure whether he should be there. 'How're you feeling?' The question sounded sincere enough, but for some reason Jack refused to meet Marshall's eyes.

'I'm fine. Why? What's Lizzie been saying?' It was bad enough knowing himself that he couldn't cut it, but now he seemed to be the talk of the ship.

'Lizzie hasn't said anything, it was Ben that suggested I look in on you.'

Marshall shook his head. 'I suppose he told you what a wimp I am. How I was shaking with fear.' His voice became louder as he grew more annoyed.

'Actually that's not the way he told it at all. He said you handled yourself amazingly well, his words were "the kid's got guts". He told me about the first time he went into combat, apparently as soon as it was over and he was safe he threw up all over his commanding officer.

This actually made Marshall smile. 'At least I didn't do that. I don't think Lizzie would have been amused.'

'I think you're right about that,' Jack agreed. He shuffled around uncomfortably.

'Is something the matter Jack?'

'No... Yes... Oh, damn it. Look, Marshall there's something I'd like to know.' Jack's gaze moved around the room, not really focusing on anything. He licked his lips nervously.

'Go on. The suspense is killing me.' Marshall had never seen his shipmate in this condition before. Jack always seemed so positive and carefree, as if nothing ever bothered him. Something had certainly got him worked up at the moment.

'Are... are you gay?'

'Yes. Does that create a problem for you?' This wasn't a question Marshall had expected. Prior to the mission he had been quite open about his sexuality, but had not made a big issue of it with the crew as there was always the chance that one of them was anti-gay and in the confined space of the ship it could cause problems. He had suspicions that the captain was aware of his feelings, it was almost certainly documented in a file somewhere, but it wasn't something either of them had spoken about.

Jack's face was red with embarrassment. 'Hmm, no, it's not a problem.'

'Then what's this about, Jack? Why suddenly ask a question like that?'

'It's just got a feeling that you might be. I've seen the way you've been looking at me sometimes.'

Now Marshall was amused. 'I find you extremely attractive, but you've really nothing to worry about. I'm not going to burst into your cabin in the middle of the night and take advantage of you or anything like that.'

'I never thought you would,' Jack replied, hurriedly. He shuffled around a little more before asking his next question. 'How do you know that you're gay?'

'I should have thought that was obvious. Let me ask you a similar question. How do you know you're straight?'

For the first time since he had entered the room Jack allowed his eyes to meet Marshall's. When he answered, his voice was soft and uncertain. 'I don't.'

Marshall's eyes went wide with surprise. 'You're kidding me, right? I've watched you flirting with Jess.'

'Yeah, I've flirted with Jess. And I wouldn't say no if she invited me to keep her warm at night. But...' Jack paused, his mouth still open as if he wanted to say the words but they wouldn't come.'

'But what?' Marshall prompted, intrigued.

Anxiety was written across Jack's handsome features as he wrestled with his inner turmoil. When it eventually came his answer was no more than a whisper. 'But I wouldn't say no to you either.'

If Marshall had been surprised before, this latest revelation left him completely astonished. Since the start of the mission he had spent many hours alone in his bed, dreaming of the fun he could be having with this hot young ship's navigator, as he slowly stroked his trembling erection to a shuddering climax. And now here was the object of his fantasies, practically offering to make those dreams a reality. This was just too good to be true. 'This had better not be a wind up.' As soon as he had said the words he regretted them. It was quite obvious that this wasn't easy for Jack and that he was completely sincere in what he was saying. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Look, where do you want to go from here?'

'I don't know. I just feel so confused. I don't understand the way I feel, all I know is that when I look at you my stomach goes into knots.'

Marshall knew he was going to have to take the lead. He just hoped that Jack would be able to deal with what was going to happen. 'There is a sure way to test out your feelings.' He reached out and took one of Jack's hands, pulling him over until they were sat together on the bed. Putting his hands on either side of Jack's face he held it still while he moved his own head closer, his lips slightly open. Jack looked as if he were about to pull away, a hint of fear had appeared in his eyes. Marshall allowed his lips to very lightly brush against Jack's still firmly closed mouth. It was only the briefest possible contact. Jack tensed, then relaxed just a little. Taking this as a small sign of encouragement, Marshall repeated the kiss, a little more firmly than before. This time he didn't pull back. His mouth slightly open, he used his tongue to press against Jack's lips. Slowly, hesitantly, Jack's lips parted and he began to return the kiss, growing more confident by the second.

'Whoa...' It was Marshall that eventually pulled back. 'That wasn't half bad for someone who's not sure how he feels.' His hand had strayed onto Jack's thigh and he gently moved it higher until the side of his index finger was pressed up against the obvious bulge at the navigator's crotch. 'You sure you want to go ahead with this?'

Jack stared into Marshall's eyes, then with trembling fingers he moved Marshall's hand from his thigh and pressed it firmly against his hardened cock. 'I'm sure.'

Unable to suppress a grin, Marshall pressed even harder with his hand. As they kissed again he forced Jack backwards until the were both laying on the bed. Marshall's hands then moved upwards, pushing up Jack's shirt, exposing the smooth skin and well developed muscle. For a moment Marshall broke the kiss, just long enough to remove Jack's shirt completely, before going back to explore his new lover's mouth with his tongue.

After several minutes of passionate embrace, Marshall sat up and pulled his own shirt over his head to reveal his slim, boyish body. He could feel Jack's eyes on him, drinking in every little detail. 'Want to see more?' he asked, teasingly.

Jack smiled up at him. 'I want to see everything.'

Working slowly, to prolong the excitement, Marshall unfastened his trousers and pushed them down to his knees before running his fingers over the outline of his erect cock as it pushed out the front of his briefs.

On the bed, Jack's eyes were wide and he was rubbing the hard bulge between his legs as he watched Marshall's stiff manhood come into view. His erection was cramped inside his trousers and was demanding attention, and he urgently tugged open his zip and pushed down his trousers and shorts, allowing his eight inches of hard meat to spring upwards.

'Very nice,' observed Marshall, softly. He reached out his hand and encircled the throbbing member around the base, squeezing firmly.

Jack gave a low moan and closed his eyes. 'Oh, yesssss.'

Using his free hand, Marshall pulled Jack's shorts completely off, all the time keeping up the pressure on the pulsating shaft. Jack was now completely naked, and Marshall paused to admire the sight of the toned, but not overly muscular body, well tanned but for a small triangular shaped patch around the groin area. 'You're one handsome stud,' he breathed.

Jack opened his eyes and smiled at the comment. 'You're the first guy that's ever said anything like that to me.'

'Maybe,' Marshall grinned. 'But you can guarantee that a hell of a lot of guys have thought it.' He bent down and ran his tongue around the swollen head of Jack's prick.

'Oh, fuck!' Jack's eyes rolled upwards, his hips lifting off the bed and forcing is his straining cock towards Marshall's willing mouth.

The young engineer took the hint and allowed the purple head to slide past his lips into the warm, welcoming cavern. At the same time he slid his hand down between Jack's legs and into the cleft of his arse cheeks, his finger pushing against the man's tight virgin hole.

As the tip of Marshall's finger entered his body, Jack groaned and bit on his bottom lip. Slowly the invading finger slid further inside him, causing a strange mixture of discomfort and pleasure. Suddenly every muscle in Jack's body tensed and he almost jumped off the bed. 'What the...?'

'Relax,' soothed Marshall, breaking off from his oral ministrations. 'Pretty sensitive there aren't you...'. He withdrew his finger from Jack's arse and quickly stripped of the remains of his clothing. Climbing onto the bed he straddled Jack's chest, his stiff shaft just inches away from the man's face. 'Ready to give it a go?'

Looking just a little apprehensive, Jack nodded and tentatively took hold of the hard cock, pulling it down towards his mouth. As he did this, Marshall moved his hips forwards and watched as the head of his erection disappeared into Jack's mouth. Jack was soon sucking like a pro. What he lacked in technique he more than made up for in enthusiasm. Marshall could already feel the pressure beginning to build in his balls.

'Oh, Jack. That feels good... Hold on a minute though.' Marshall reluctantly pulled his cock from Jack's mouth and turned around, 'That's better, now I can do you at the same time.'

Jack had been sucked many times before, but never by another guy. Perhaps it was the thrill of this forbidden act that made it so much more pleasurable, or perhaps it was because Marshall was a better cock-sucker than any of the girls he had dated, but Jack was rising to heights of pleasure he had never before attained. Add to that the feeling of the throbbing, hard cock in his mouth and he was practically overwhelmed by the level of ecstasy he was experiencing. There was an unbearable ache in his balls and every nerve ending in his body was alive with electricity. He fought to hold back, but it was no good. His orgasm hit him like a tidal wave, carrying him along, completely out of control as his balls released their stored treasure and propelled it in powerful spurts along the length of his jerking cock and into Marshall's hungry mouth.

As his mouth filled with thick cum, Marshall's hips began to buck as he fucked Jack's face for all he was worth. All the times he had jerked off, imagining Jack sucking on his hard cock had been just a prelude to this moment. This was reality, a dream come true. His orgasm was as intense as any he had ever experienced. His whole body shook as he fired his hot jism into Jack's throat.

Valiantly Jack tried to swallow, but he was taken by surprise and was not fast enough to stop some of the white love juice from leaking out of his mouth and running down the side of his face.

As Marshall regained his breath he turned around so that he was again face to face with his lover. 'Look's like you missed a bit,' he observed, as he licked up the sticky remnants of his own cum that had run down Jack's chin and neck. 'So was it good, or what?'

'Oh, it was more than good.' Jack put his arms around the younger man. 'Thanks,' he said, simply but sincerely.

'Don't worry, I got a least as much out of it as you did. And if I haven't put you off, perhaps we can do it again sometime and I can show you a few more of the little tricks that us "gays" get up to.'

Jack gave a grin. 'You can count on it.'

Josh pulled a face and pushed the cup across the table away from him. 'Christ this coffee taste like sewage.'

'Well don't send it in my direction, thank you very much.' Max grinned. 'I haven't touched the stuff since I first tasted it. If I ever catch the person responsible for provisions on this mission he's going to be on the receiving end of radical surgery and there won't be any anesthetic.'

Briefly Josh returned the grin, but it quickly died on his lips and he looked down at his hands which were clenched in front of him on the table. 'I'm worried Max. What if she knows?'

'Even if she knows, how can it change anything?'

'It changes everything. How can the crew have confidence in me if they know I'm ill, that in a few months time I'll probably be a vegetable? They have to believe in me and in my ability to lead this mission. If Jess has used her telepathy to read my mind she must have seen that I haven't got long to live.'

'Come on Josh, that's a worst case scenario. The fact is we don't know exactly how long you've got. The tumor in your brain is growing very slowly. It could be months but just as likely it could be a couple of years before it affects you significantly. Never mind what the rest of the crew think, you have to believe in yourself.'

Josh sighed. 'You're right. I don't have time to waste on self pity. You always did have the knack of stopping me feeling sorry for myself.' He looked in Max's eyes. 'What happened to us Max? We were so close. Why did we drift apart?'

'There's no easy answer to that one.' Max looked sad. 'You had your career, I had mine. We just went our separate ways. It happens.'

'I still think about you.'

'I think about you as well, but a lot of water's passed under the bridge. We've both moved on and it's no good living in the past.'

Josh nodded. 'I suppose you're right.'

An uncomfortable silence followed, which was interrupted by a low buzz indicating that someone was at the door.

'Enter.' At Josh's command the door opened and a rather apprehensive looking Jess came in.

Max stood. 'I'll speak to you later.'

'No, stay please Max. I'd like you to sit in on this.' Josh nodded towards a chair. 'Sit down please Jess. You know why I've asked to see you?'

'Yes, I was expecting you to send for me.' Jess replied as she took the chair indicated, trying to appear calm and confident. 'I suppose you have some questions for me.'

'You're damn right a do.' Josh glanced at the open doorway, 'Door close.' He barked the order, and with a hiss the automatic door moved across, sealing them off from the rest of the ship. The three of them sat in silence, Josh and Jess staring at each other across the uncluttered surface of the desk as if in a battle of wills.

Long moments passed, the silence hanging like a tonne weight and getting heavier by the second. Eventually Josh spoke. 'I've nothing against secrets. I'm sure every member of this crew has something they have chosen not to share with the rest of us. What I cannot accept is someone withholding information that could jeopardize the security or success of this mission. Today I discovered that we have not one, but two people with telepathic abilities on this ship. Tell me Jess, what is the possibility of that occurring by chance?'

'Pretty remote,' she conceded.

'I would say incredibly remote,' interjected Max. 'Telepathy has only ever been reliably observed in a half a dozen cases.'

Josh nodded. 'Add to that, the fact that you are the only member of this crew not selected by me personally, formerly employed by the National Security Agency, and I can't help but wonder where your loyalties might lie. Would you care to comment at this stage?'

'Captain, you are correct in assuming that I was chosen for this post because of my telepathic abilities. But I can assure you that I would do nothing to endanger this mission or my fellow crew members.'

'Tell me what's going on Jess.'

She had known as soon as she revealed her abilities that it would come to this, but it didn't make it any easier. She took a long slow breath. 'I'm supposed to collect information about the mission and send it back to the NSA.'

'You're spying for them.'

'I suppose you could call it that. But in the end we're all working for the same people.'

'Wrong Jess, we're not. The NSA is not even supposed to know that this mission exits. Hell, not even the president knows ALL the details. What sort of information have you been sending your former employers?'

She looked down at the desk. 'I haven't. I'm not supposed to make a report until we make alien contact.'

'Ok,' Josh glared. 'We've made alien contact now. So what are you going to do?'

'I'm sorry Captain,' Jess looked up and met Josh's eyes. 'I won't be sending any information. You wondered where my loyalties lie. I'll tell you. I am one hundred percent behind you and the rest of the crew. I swear you can trust completely, I won't let you down.'

Josh sighed. 'I really don't know Jess. You kept important information back. How long have you known about Jeremy?'

'I found out only moments before you did. I could sense that he was using his abilities.'

'So the NSA don't know about him?'

Jess shook her head. 'Not as far as I know.'

'Tell me about your abilities. How far does this talent of yours go?'

'Compared to Jeremy my abilities are very weak. I can't read your mind if that's what you mean. It's more a case of I can pick up very strong emotions.'

'I suppose that's some relief, I hate the idea that someone would know what I'm thinking all the time.' Josh leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, and glanced across at Max, becoming a little more relaxed. The situation was not as bad as he had at first feared. 'You're going to have to prove to me that you can be fully trusted, that will take time. Also, I'm going to call a full meeting of the crew. I think everyone should be informed of the situation. No more secrets Jess.'

'Thank you Captain. I understand that it will take time before you begin to trust me again. I won't let you down, I promise.'

'See that you don't Jess, because if you do I've only a limited number of options to choose from and you can be sure I'll do whatever I think is best for the safety of the crew and the success of the mission, however painful the choice.' There was not even a hint of a smile on Josh's face as he spoke.

Jess nodded a rose from her chair. As she made her way across to the door there was a crackle of static and Lizzie's voice sounded over the ship's intercom. 'Captain, I think you had better come to the bridge now. We have visitors.'

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