Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on May 4, 2001


Well, here we go again. Garden of Songs returns yet again.

WARNING: I'm not going to care if you're underaged or not, you know whether you are or not, I accept no responsibility if you are and get caught, just as I accept nothing if you are offended. I ain't in the mood. All songs belong to respective artists. All owners noted at bottom of the chapter. If it's mine, please ask before using it. I've met Savage Garden but don't know if they like guys or girls.

Feedback: Feedback is great, it let's me know how I'm doing. e-mail: or ICQ: 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is connected through Please feel free to add me should you wish (hint hint)

Author's comments: Thanks to all those who have provided me with the great feedback, it let's me know how I'm going and that I'm doing it right. Thanks to the support all readers have provided me with while posting. I love it ... thanks. Thanks also to Dee. Your criticisms and at times support are try inspirational to me. Thanks for all of it. Also note to people, this is Australian terms here, bare with it.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) its coming to a close and I will be sad to see such a beautiful, well crafted story finish. I hope it stays for a while longer though. Involves Justin from Nsync and Jamie (non-celeb).

Black the Promise - (boy bands) my latest series I have started. Involves JC and Justin from Nsync.

JC Dreams - (boy bands) My first series which is still running strong... thanks to all those who have made it possible. Casey my friend, you are a legend! MWAH! JC from Nsync and Tony (non-celeb). Also Carsten, you my friend, are another bloody legend! Thanks for all your help.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) This is my third series. I'm proud of the way it's running. I'm glad that so many people enjoy it. Thanks to all those who have sent me the feedback. I'm glad to know you enjoy my work.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) a heart warming, and heart breaking story. It hasn't been updates in months... write to the author and demand more. JC from Nsync and sorry, can't remember... they're non-celeb.

Alpha Male - (college) it makes for an interesting read. Sometimes indepth but a good read all the same.

Begin Anew - (high school) this has some funky shit. I am totally enjoying it... DaBeagal is da BOMB!

Well, time for me to stop yabbering and start writing huh... well here we go.

Garden of Songs 16 by SunChild

Daniel looked at Andy.

"Well, I asked him to come on tour with me, but it's up to him who he tours with." Andy nodded.

"So do you mind if we ask him?"

"No, go for it." Daniel told him. Cheyne and I reappeared a few moments later, dressed for drinks and clubs.

"Ready to go?" Asked Cheyne. Andy looked at her,

"Cheyne, can I talk to you quickly first." Cheyne cocked her head to the side and nodded. They walked off a little and spoke then returned to us. Cheyne looked at Andy who spoke.

"Dan, Cheyne and I wanted to know whether or not you would like to come on tour with us?" He asked. I looked at Daniel.

"It's up to you." Was all he said. His face was blank of anything telling me how he felt on the matter.

"I don't know, I'm meant to be going with Daniel on tour. Can I talk to you about it later?" I asked. Cheyne and Andy nodded. With that we all walked off to the cars where we drove to the after party.

Cheyne and Andy walked in and the group applauded loudly. Cheyne and Andy smiled and were handed two champagne flutes. Daniel and I were offered one, Daniel declined his but I happily accepted mine. Daniel gave me a disapproving look which I smiled at and then turned away. I heard him sigh beside me and then move to speak into my ear.

"Dan, I love you but please, don't drink too much, I'm not carrying you home." I looked at him.

"I'll behave. I won't drink too much." I told him honestly. He was about to speak when a couple of people he obviously knew came and started talking to him. I smiled at them and politely excused myself and wandered off. Andy and Cheyne seemed absorbed in a conversation with people and I noticed some couches and made my way over to them. I sat down and looked around.

'Damn not knowing showbiz people.' I groaned to myself. Shrugging I took a mouthful of the champagne. A few people walked by and acknowledged me, they were dancers from the show... I think. I had been sitting there for about 10 minutes when the guy who had spoken to me before we went on stage sat next to me.

"Hi again." He smiled at me.

"Hi." I smiled back.

"You were great on stage." He told me. I nodded.

"Thanks. I blotched one move though. The arms out, step and kick. I led on the wrong foot."

"Well, no one noticed, my name's Phil by the way."

"Dan." I told him and put my hand out to shake his. He took it and shook it firmly.

"So, do you know many people here?"

"Only Andy, Cheyne and Daniel."

"One would guess you know yourself." He told me.

"No, that Daniel." I told him pointing at my boyfriend.

"You know Daniel Jones? Wow, that is like so cool. I love their work." I smiled.

"So what are Andy and Cheyne like to work with?" I asked Phil.

"They work you hard. Nothing is simple with them. Cheyne is a true slave driver with the dances. Andy just expects you to do as she instructs, we don't see him much. Why do you ask?"

"They've asked me to tour with them." I told him.

"Really? Well, I can understand why. You have an amazing style. I've got to ask... was that dance improvised?"

"No, I did it last year for uni. It was one of the pieces I choreographed." I told him.

"You choreographed it? Same as improv in the end I guess. Yup, you belong on tour." He told me.

"Yeah well, I'm also meant to be touring with Savage Garden as well."

"Bummer. Which one are you going to choose?"

"No idea. I would love to tour with the Garden buy Madison is so great as well. I wish I knew what one to choose." I admitted to him.

"Are you going to be paid on the Garden tour?" Phil asked.

"Not at the moment. Not unless they find a job for me."

"What about the Madison tour?"

"I think I'll be paid as a dancer."

"Why not follow the bank account?"

"Because I also want to follow friendship." I told him. Phil nodded

"I guess I can understand that. This could also be a huge entry into showbiz for you though."

"I'm recording my own CD at the moment. Well a demo anyways."

"This could give you contacts."

"Daniel already has them."

"These would be your own."

"You're keen for me to come on this tour."

"You're the first halfway grounded dancer I've worked with." Phil admitted.

"I don't know what to choose. I've known Daniel for 14 years, I've known Andy and Cheyne a week. There's a big difference."

"Well in that week, I'd say you've made an impact. They'll look after you."

"I guess. The more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to sign with Andy and Cheyne."

"Cool. When you going to tell them?" I glanced over at them, there was only another person talking to them.

"Now." I told him and stood up. I turned and looked at him.

"Thanks for helping me decide." He smiled and pointed in the direction of Andy and Cheyne. I smiled and walked over to them. As I approached, the other guy seemed to just walk away. Cheyne spotted me coming and walked over to meet me halfway.

"How much you had to drink?"

"This is still my first dear." I told her indignantly. "More cracks like that and I won't tell you my news."

"I'm sorry darlin'. Please just tell me... what?"

"I've decided to work with you. But once Savage Garden heads overseas, I'll be departing your tour and joining them." I told her. She put her drink down and hugged me.

"This is great. At last, a dancer I can talk to that isn't full of themselves."

"You have another one like that." I told her.

"Which one?" She asked looking at the crowd.

"The one that helped me chose to come with you." I turned and spotted Phil sitting on the couch talking to a pretty blonde girl. "That one, Phil." I told her. She looked and nodded.

"He's always quiet, I don't really speak to him. He dances then hides." I nodded.

"Well try talking to him, he's good fun." She grabbed her drink.

"I've got to announce this." I grabbed her arm.

"Let me tell Daniel first. I'll let you know when I have." Cheyne nodded. With that I wandered off to find Daniel and Cheyne scampered off to tell Andy.

I found Daniel sitting by himself at a table.

"Why are you on your own?" I asked him sitting infront of him.

"The people I was talking to went to get more drinks. How many have you had?" I held up my quarter full glass.

"This is still my first. Anyways, I've made my decision on tour." Daniel looked me dead in the eye.


"I've decided that while you and Darren are going around Australia, I will be too, with Madison Avenue. Then, when you and Darren head overseas, I will be to. With you." I told him. He looked down then back up.

"I was hoping you'd come with me the entire time, but I guess that was selfish of me."

"No it wasn't. I'm using this to get contacts and experience and stuff. Then I'll be set to join you." Daniel nodded his head, sadly. I put my hand on his knee.

"I love you though." He looked up and smiled.

"I wish I could kiss you." He told me.

"So do I, but not here. When we get home." We both smiled.

"Do Andy and Cheyne know?" I nodded.

"I just spoke to them to make sure my plan would be okay. Anyways, I'll see you at Perth, Hobart and Sydney. Madison and Garden are perforing there at the same times." Daniel nodded.

"They're dates." He smiled leaving me to smiled back.

"Well, let's go see Andy and Cheyne." I told him standing. I drained my drink and we headed over to them.

Cheyne looked at me.

"You tell him?"

"I did, you can everyone now."

"Well get a drink so we can all toast to it." I went and grabbed two champagne flutes and returned handing one to Daniel.

"One won't kill you." When he went to refuse. Cheyne found a seat and stood up on it.

"Everyone, can I have your attention please." People stopped talking and turned to look at her.

"Thank you, now I have your attention, I would like to introduce the newest member of our tour team, Dan. He will be joining us on the road in three days. He will be with us for ten shows then be leaving for the US to tour with Savage Garden. So here let me propose a toast. To Dan, our newest dancer." She raised her glass as did everyone else and took a mouthful.

"Speech!" I heard someone call out.

"She just did!" I yelled back. The crowd laughed and Andy pushed me forwards.

"Oh, you mean me. Well, I guess I say hi, I'm going on tour with some of you. I'd like to thank Andy and Cheyne for this opportunity and Daniel Jones, for introducing me to them. I don't know what else to say now. Well, I guess that's your speech so live with it." I smiled and raised my drink and stepped back." Cheyne hugged me.

"I know it'll be hard being away from your dear darling Daniel, but you'll live." She told me. I smiled at her.

"Now, I want to talk to you about choreography. Some of the dances are becoming old and I need help reworking them. You up to it?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

"I'd love to."

"Great, well, we'll start on it tomorrow morning."

"Okay, and you can join us for dinner tomorrow night. There's three others coming as well, so you are more than welcome." I told them. Andy and Cheyne looked at eachother then back at me.

"We'll be there." I smiled and nodded.

"Great. Well, I need Daniel time, so I'm heading home. I'll see you in the morning. Where and when?"

"Ten at the Entertainment Centre." I nodded and gave her a hug.

"Okay see you there." With that I waved to Andy who was talking and started to leave. As I walked towards the door, Phil put his hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome to tour." He smiled warmly. I smiled back and walked out. Daniel walked up behind me and as soon as we were in the car he leant over and kissed me. I smiled and we headed for home.

We were no sooner inside the door when we started tearing each other's clothes off. Our clothes didn't even make it up the stairs to inside the bedroom. I fell back on the bed and Daniel lay down on top of me and kissed me lightly on the lips. I wrapped my arms up around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him, pulling him down to me at the same time. He gently licked my neck and I moaned lightly. He pushed my legs apart slightly and slipped in between them. I reached out to the side for lubricant and rubbed it over his hard cock and slightly around my opening.

"Dan, we don't have any protection."

"Daniel, I trust you and I hope you trust me." He nodded and kissed me. Slowly he pushed into me and I winced slightly and he stopped, letting me adjust to his entry. Slowly he began to push himself further into me. I moaned at the feeling and kissed him. When he was fully in he began to draw out slowly. He was almost fully out when he lunged forwards again. I let out another low moan and he began to piston in and out. His hand snaked down and wrapped itself around my own cock and began to pump it. Soon his thrust in and pump on my cock were in time and I let out a moan and leant up and kissed him. Soon his hand movement sped up and I knew he was close. I clamped my ass muscles and made it extra tight for him. He moaned again and pushed forwards and pumped my cock and I knew I was just about there. He pumped my twice more and I came. My cum splashed up over our chest and stomachs. He let go of my cock and put his hands on my shoulder and pumped a few more times before he came inside of me. He lay down on top of me totally spent, his cock softening inside of me. I kissed him softly and gently.

"Always been told make up sex is the best." I whispered lightly to him. He giggled into my shoulder.

"I'm thinking we need to shower." I told him. He nodded and rolled off me. With that we walked into the shower. We stood under the water letting it cascade down over our bodies, washing away the sweat and semen that still clung to our bodies. We climbed out half an hour later and dried each other off. We then went and climbed into our bed and fell asleep in each other's arms."

--- belated and short... sue me, I'm flat out with uni and so on. No songs to have to tell you about in here so I'm happy. Just write to me...

Okay, well, I'll see yas all later. SC.

Next: Chapter 18

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