Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Nov 19, 2000


Yo, new part is now up... enjoy. Also, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! I KNOW IT'S BEEN SLOW GETTING THIS PART UP!

WARNING: underaged people are now asked to vacate the site, those offended by m/m concepts are also asked to leave. This story is by no means any indication of the true sexuality of either Darren or Daniel from Savage Garden. All songs and poems belong to respective authors and will be noted in order of appearance at the bottom.

Stories I think are cool:

JC Dreams - (boy bands) I write it but it like has JC from Nsync so of course it's cool!

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) A cool story which you can't help but like.

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) A guy called Jamie has Justin from Nsync fall in love with him. Best thing is he falls in love back.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) another story that I am writing. Very funky.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) A fantastic story. It's finally being updated. I love it though. MORE MORE MORE!!! It's JC from Nsync.

Model Romance - (boy bands) again a story about Justin from Nsync that is heart wrenching and so easy to love. I can't get enough.

Please forgive some spelling and grammatical errors. Bear in mind I am Australian trying to write to an international audience.

I must now offer some thanks to a devoted reader that writes just about every post and once or twice a post. THANK YOU CASEY!!!! You are a great support to me and I appreciate it greatly.

Here we go:

Garden of Dreams 07 by Sun Child

As Robert went to open the door is swallowed heavily and took a deep breath. As the door opened Daniel stood there, his eyes were blood-shot and had bags under his eyes. We stood there for a moment looking at each other, neither willing to make the first move. Eventually Robert spoke up.

"Daniel, won't you come in." Daniel and I broke eye contact and snapped back to reality. Nodding, Daniel stepped into the house his eyes again meeting mine and not breaking contact. Again we just stood there watching each other. Again, Robert broke the silence.

"You two really need to get your asses into gear. It's pathetic, you are both clearly in love yet you both refuse to admitt it and have let some silly little arguement tear you apart. What about the plans you two had? What about the memories you share? Aren't they worth something?" Daniel and I both glanced down at the ground, ashamed that we had been so childish. I looked up about the same time Daniel did and something inside me melted. I realised a few things that I hadn't realised before when I first saw him. His eyes were red, from crying I guess. He had bags under his eyes, lack of sleep? Then his entire body was hunched. All because I had been a spoilt little brat. How could I have done that to him? I walked up to him wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips. I then just pulled him close and held him. I felt his entire body relax as he put his arms around my waist. We just stood there in the middle of Robert's lounge room holding each other. When we finally let go Daniel's hand flew down to grab my hand. As our fingers connected I felt a love so strong. God knows how I could ever hurt him.

We eventually sat down on the couch to try and talk things through. Robert took it as a hint and disappeared.

"Daniel, I'm sorry that I hurt you. There's just something about Darren, I don't trust him any more. Not that I ever really did. The problem is he's still trying to break us up and I can't cope with it. I know he's your friend but I can't take much more of his crap. I'm sorry Daniel, I really am."

"Dan, I know what Darren is like with you and it breaks my heart that one of my closest friends and my boyfriend don't get along at all. Whatever he may say though, I love you. I may not be the best at showing it but I can't live without you." Daniel finally admitted to me. I nodded slightly taking in what he had just said.

"Please, if I never ask anything of you again. Please, come home with me. You know my heart belongs to you." Daniel pleaded.

"Daniel, I want so much to, but what about Darren, I don't want to be the one who destroys Savage Garden at the peak of their fame."

"Dan, the band is falling apart anyways. Darren is controlling the band. Why do you think he's the representative of the band in the public eye. It's now his band. I'm just an extra basically. Nothing you do is going to make a difference. The band is nearly breaking up now anyways. Please, come back with me." I looked into Daniel's eyes. I could see fear, pain and love all mixed into one. I realised then, that no matter what I did, the band would end up dying, maybe though, I could slow the death.

"Okay, I will come back. I will also expect to be on tour with you. I don't care how, but I will be on tour with you." Daniel nodded.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He told me then leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed him back softly. When we broke apart I looked at him.

"I guess I should go see Robert now and thank him for everything."

"Yeah I guess. I love you Dan."

"I love you too." With that I climbed off the couch and went to find Robert.

I walked into his bedroom and found him sitting on his bed reading. As I walked in he lay his book down.

"I take it everything is okay now?" He asked, a slightly quaver in his voice.

"Yeah it is. I guess I have you to thank for that. You didn't let me give up on him and now we're back together. Thanks." I told him. He smiled at me, a sad smile, but a smile.

"I'm glad it worked for you." He told me. I sat beside him.

"Robert, you are a great guy, I don't know why someone would leave you. They were foolish to do what they did." With that I leant over and hugged him. He hugged me back then let go.

"Daniel's lucky to have you." He told me. I nodded my head at him.

"I know. I gotta get going. We've got a Darren to confront." He grinned at the prospect.

"Have a dig at him for me." He giggled.

"Oh I will. You keep safe okay. You have my number if you ever want to chat and that." I told him. Robert nodded and smiled.

"You keep safe too. I don't want to see you back in that ward as a patient ever again." I nodded.

"You won't. I promise." We both laughed and I hugged him again.

"You rest, I'll let us out." He nodded and slipped down in the bed and closed his eyes. I got up off the bed and I was walking through the door I heard Robert speak again.

"Thanks for giving me a bit of laughter." I turned and smiled.

"Laughter is the best medicine isn't it." I smiled again and walked out of the room.

Walking out to where Daniel was waiting, I didn't say a thing. I just took him by the hand and led him out the door. Right before I opened the door though, I turned and kissed him. He looked like he was about to say something but I placed my finger on his lips to stop him. I then opened the door and let us out. Walking down to the car, Daniel didn't let go of my hand. As soon as we were in the car, he leant over and kissed me. Pulling back he reached over infront of me and from the CD holder he pulled out a home done CD and slipped it into the player. He also handed me a pack of smokes. I smiled and opened the pack to get one out and then reached for the car lighter. As we started to drive, the CD started to play. I recognised the voice as mine and the song I recorded ... what was it? A week ago now?

Love beyond pain

Love beyond grief

Tears falling like the saddest rain

Love, your life's theif

We both hurt each other

Now you are gone

I loved you, closer than any brother

You are gone now, so how do I go on?

We promised to be there forever

I promised to look after you

Promises made on a white feather

My promises now untrue

I wasn't there for you

I promised I would be

I feel empty without you

I'm sorry, I didn't know this would be

Even now, in your death

I feel you watching me

I know you loved me in total truth

I was just blind and didn't see

Daniel had obviously done some altering to the piano but the vocals were intact. He had done wonders. I looked at him.

"Why do you have this?"

"Because when we had that fight and you left, I thought that I had lost you for good. Then after the fight in the hospital I was sure we had. It kept you around. Do you think you could finish recording the CD for me?"

"Only if you try to do the solo album."

"Alright, I'll do a solo album, but I won't release it. It'll be just for you."

"Fair enough, and you aren't to be in the studio with me while I record and vice versa." Daniel nodded. I smiled and lit the smoke and sat back quietly happy over my win. It was only time before he released his solo album.

When we got back I looked at him.

"Well, I'm showering then I claim the studio so I can start recording." I warned. Daniel nodded.

"Fine, my turn to cook then I guess." I smiled and nodded.

"Well gone on Chef Daniel. Make me food." He laughed and I went and grabbed some clothes and showered. I came out of the shower feeling so much cleaner. I then grabbed my music book and headed for the studio. I had a few tracks in mind that would let him know I loved him. I sat myself down at the piano and did a brief warm up. I then started the recording.

Would you be angry

If you knew what was in my heart

If you knew the sad but loving tears I cry

Or would it just cause you to hurt?

Sometimes, my own emotions scare me

I don't know what to do with them

Maybe, if I close my eyes they will leave

Or will the torture me like an unholy amen?

Knowing what is in my heart

I try my best to control it

But control is an illusion

For something of which we know jack shit

Sometimes, my own emotions scare me

I don't know what to do with them

Maybe, if I close my eyes they will leave

Or will the torture me like an unholy amen?

As long as I see you

I will love you to the end

For you I would do anything

Because for me you were a God-send

Sometimes, my own emotions scare me

I don't know what to do with them

Maybe, if I close my eyes they will leave

Or will the torture me like an unholy amen?

Happy with the result I stopped the recoprder and flipped to another page.

Silly things done and said

Idiotic things that have made me mis-led

Wise words which questioned

The thoughts inside my head

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

Time to change my ways

Time to grow up and treat myself right

It will take many days

To correct my broken sight

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

Kind words that broke my idea

First person to treat me better than a cheap whore

That made me wake up and know

That I'm better, I'm worth more

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

Kindest words, how can I repay

Thank you is merely words to mutter

What can I say

For what I feel have no words that I can utter

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

I need to learn to treat myself well

I need to treat myself right

I need to now ring my own bell

I need to fix my broken sight

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

Silly things said and done

Time to mature, grow and learn

Time to spread my wings and run

Time to make the life I can earn

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

I am now all the wiser

For the kind words I have been told

They made me realise one thing

My life, mind, boyd and sould are mine and not to be sold

Looking back at my life

Trying to see what can be done

Fixing by looking at my wrist with a knife

But this will make no soloutions... none

The past is there

And there it shal stay

For when I awake

It shall be to the future of a brand new day

Listening to it, I was pleased with the way it was sounding. My CD would be fantastic. I could only hope Daniel would like it. I was broken from my thoughts by a knock at the studio door.

"Food's ready!" Daniel called through the door. I got up and walked over to the door opened it and kissed Daniel so hard he didn't know what to do. When we broke apart he looked at me.

"What was that for?"

"Because I love you." I told him.

--- Okay sap fest is now over. I know Darren didn't appear in this part, maybe the next part. Sorry if I had people worried that the story wouldn't continue but there is a lot yet to come.

  1. Love in the Beyond ... mine and still dedicated to Bredon. 2) Business (of the Heart) ... mine and dedicated to Jamie 3) Wise Words ... mine and dedicated to Philip who helped me through a hard part of my life.

Well that's all from me. If you have any feedback please send it to -= =- Keep readin' and keep safe. SC.

Next: Chapter 9

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