Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Dec 31, 2003


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking(but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Introductory comments

Well I promised you the next chapter quickly and by my recent standards this has been quite fast. I hope you enjoy it.

A number of the plot lines established in the earlier chapters are now coming together. Please do let me know what you think.

Remember my email address has changed. It is now

Gareth and Sam Chapter 13 Unlucky for some

Once again the narration switches between Sam and Gareth. A line of stars (*****) indicates the change over. Sam begins the narration

The flight back to Melbourne was uneventful. We arrived at the airport and Steve was there to take us back to the Hilton. It was late, gone 11pm, by the time we got to the lobby.

"I'll just sort the rooms out for when my parents arrive if I can." Gareth said, "Go on up."

There were a few people in the lobby and I decided to stay. Steve had already gone and you just never know who might be around to hassle Gaz. I stood by the lifts and watched Gaz go to the reception desk.

He talked for a few minutes leaning forward to look at a computer screen. He pointed and nodded, clearly happy with the arrangements. My arrival had complicated things a bit, but it was a big hotel after all.

As Gaz was about to turn away the duty manager handed him some envelopes. Gareth took them and came to join me.

"Sorted." He smiled. "But we have to move out to another room tomorrow."

We got into the lift and he explained that the only way to accommodate us now was to hire another room. His Mum and Dad and two younger sisters, Charlotte and Jessica, would have our suite. Nicola and his step-brother, James, would have to share a smaller suite and we got a double room. Luckily we would only be the floor below the other two rooms.

"It's a break really. I'd have had to share a room with James if you weren't here."

As we entered the suite we were agreeing that moving rooms was the least of our problems. How Gareth's Mum and Dad would take the news that he was gay and I was his live-in boyfriend was the next big hurdle.

I was worried about how his parents would react. But other people finding out was my main concern.

I took my bag through to the bedroom. Gareth moved to the table and began to open the envelopes. I was sorting my clothes out when I heard him cry out. He rarely used strong language, unless we were making love, so I knew there was a problem by his words as well as his tone.

"Oh NO. NO. Oh Jesus. How did this happen!....Fuck, fuck FUCK!" Gaz held some paper in his hand. He looked up as I came out of the bedroom. "Sam, what am I going to do?"

I reached his side in about two strides, my stomach churning, not knowing what I was going to see. Gareth's large bright brown eyes were wide open looking at me, clearly asking for help.

I stared at what I now realized were photographs. I was totally taken aback, completely speechless. I put my arm around Gareth and squeezed, as much for my support as his.

"Shit. Where did those come from?" I eventually said.

"They were in an envelope at reception. With my other messages."

"Oh babe." I said, quite pathetically.

"There's a note with them." Gareth said. I was still transfixed by the images in the photos he was holding.

Very clearly there was Gareth and I on the beach in the small cove we had found. Gareth was plainly recognizable, me, not so much. This was because I was on my hands and knees while Gaz fucked me doggy style, the sea behind us.

Whoever took them must have been on the cliff above, judging from the angle. There were three images all very similar, but Gaz was looking up in one of them as he buried his dick deep inside of me. I was always looking straight ahead or down and so, as the pictures were taken from above, my face was almost obscured in shadow.

"Look" Gareth said pushing the note in front of me.

The note was made up of letters cut out from newspapers. It said:

'Lots more where these came from. $50,000 and you can have them all.' It then gave a phone number to call.

My stomach turned inside out and I went weak at the knees for a moment. I steadied myself against Gareth and images of these photos being all over the internet, Gareth's career in ruins and then my mother's face as she was pursued by reporters ran through my mind in a flash.

I looked at Gareth, the worry, dread really, in his eyes evident and sickening. From somewhere I found the strength to help him.

"Now don't worry babe. We can deal with this. Come and sit down." I walked him to the settee and he threw the photos on the coffee table. I wrapped my arms around him as we sat and he did the same to me. I began to stroke the back of his head as it nestled in my shoulder.

"I'd die if those were in the paper and Mum and Dad saw them." Gaz said, falteringly, his stammer evident as his voice trembled with the emotion of the moment. "What are we going to do Sam?" He looked up at me, expecting me to provide an answer.

"We will find whoever took them and get them all back." I said, not knowing how on earth we would ever do that. "Don't worry. We'll sort it." I kissed his forehead gently to try and seem like I knew what I was talking about.

Obviously I wasn't very convincing because Gaz began to shake. Only very slightly at first, no more than a tremble in my arms, then more and more severely. Soon tears flooded from his eyes and he was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. Not surprisingly he started me off and we cried together, without consolation.

Some time passed, probably ten minutes or so, and there was nothing said by either of us. I don't recall thinking anything at all. The time is almost a blank to me, I cried and held Gareth as close as I could.

Eventually the shock wore off and while we still said nothing I began thinking about what to do. Call the police? Call the number on the note? Pay up and hope it was not the start of a long run of blackmail?

I was weighing up the options when Gaz spoke. "Sam, no matter what," he paused to find the words, "nothing stops us being together. I would rather this ended my career than lose you."

He had obviously been thinking along a different line to me. "Babe, I won't leave you. No matter what."

"Thanks. I love you so much Sam."

"I love you too Gaz. I always will." I replied. As the words passed my lips the immediate solution sprang into my mind.

"I think we should phone Steve." I said.

"Why?" Gareth looked at me quizzically, but then his expression became less stern.

I explained "Steve has been great. I think we can trust him. And maybe he can help us sort this out without getting the police involved and the press finding out."

"Yeah. Let's give him a call. Right now." Gareth said jumping at a hint of hope.

It was nearly midnight, but Steve was back at the hotel and in our suite within half an hour of Gareth calling him. Actually I had to finish most of the call, Gareth's stammer became too much for him.

Gareth and I sat on the settee, holding hands while Steve sat in the chair opposite.

"Steve we are in trouble. We need your advice." I said and Gareth nodded unable to start a sentence in time.

"Gareth got these when we got back. Left at reception." I handed him the envelope to which I had returned the photos. "I am afraid they are quite graphic and personal."

"Blackmail?" Steve asked without looking inside.

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"Guys, before I look inside I want you to tell me what you think. Do you want my advice on what to do, or my help to solve the problem?"

I looked at Gaz. "Help to solve the problem?" I enquired.

"Yes." Gareth said.

"Ok. So I guess these are probably photographs of you two that the world should not see."

"Yes." We both said.

"Right. Gareth I work for you, I assure you of my total discretion. But you must trust me." Steve's tone was measured.

"I do trust you." Gareth said.

"Ok. Sam is there a note giving instructions?" he asked and I nodded.

"Please take the note out of the envelope." Steve said, handing it back to me. "I don't need to see the pictures."

At that point my confidence soared. I knew we could trust Steve and his quiet professionalism confirmed it. I was also relived that I never had to watch him looking at the sordid pictures while I sat there.

"The envelope was posted? What does the postmark say?" Steve asked as he studied the note.

"Melbourne on Friday afternoon." I said.

"Hmmm. Whoever sent it wouldn't necessarily know you were out of town. He might wonder why you haven't called." Steve was weighing up options in his mind. "This is a mobile number. I think we will give it a call now."

Steve took out his mobile.

"Are you sure?" Gareth asked, his voice more confident now as Steve took control.

"Yeah. Whoever it is, the mongrel's close by. I've got a plan of sorts. I'll need Denis to help. Is that ok?"

"Whatever you think." I said answering for us. Gareth nodded his agreement. He was the boss after all.

Steve rang the number. It was answered quickly.

"G'day. You the guy who sent the photos?" Steve said. He then listened briefly. "Yeah we'll pay."

There was another brief wait and then Steve responded. "No mate. We'll deliver the money, but in a much more public place."

Another brief wait. "Tell you what, by the barbie's on the Yarra southbank, below the boathouses and.. "

The pauses were agonizing as only Steve could hear. "Sure, but the blond one will deliver the money. First free Barbie above the bridge from the MCG." He stopped and listened.

"3 pm. No worries mate. But we'll want all the pictures and the negatives."

Another pause. "No. No police." He rang off and we sat expectantly, waiting to hear the arrangements and the plan.

"Right then we exchange tomorrow at three. $50,000 cash."

"Where will I get that amount of cash from?" Gareth blurted out.

"Don't worry." Steve declared. "This is the plan. Sam you will take an envelope to the other bank of the river, crossing over on the bridge by the MCG. You leave it by the first free public barbeque stand you get to after heading upstream towards the city...." Steve told us he plan, it sounded good, and I thought it would work.

Steve said goodnight just before 2 am. We headed for bed and as we lay there, once again holding each other, Gaz's head on my shoulder he suddenly stiffened (over his whole body, come on this is a crisis).

"Oh shit my parents. They will be here in a few hours."

"I guess we will have to try and act normal." I said.

"I don't think anything will be normal about tomorrow." His hand brushed gently over my face and down my arm. "But I know I'm safe when I'm with you." We exchanged a kiss. "Good night Sam, my love."

I resisted the urge to call him a 'soppy git' in response to his affection.

We woke to the sound of the phone. Gareth started and lunged towards it, half asleep, but agitated as if he expected bad news.

It was reception. Steve and Denis were downstairs to take him to the airport to pick up his parents.

"Ask them to come up." Gareth said, "I'm not ready."

He turned to me. "Babe we forgot to set the alarm."

"Don't worry. You can get ready quickly." I said. I moved across the bed and sat on the side next to him. I put my arm around his shoulder and let my other hand rest on his stomach, gently stroking it with the tiniest movement.

"You okay Gaz. Feel a bit better than last night?" I asked.

"Yes thanks." We leaned together and kissed. "Babe I'll quickly shower, can you make yourself presentable, let Steve and Denis in and while I'm at the airport pack up our stuff?"

"No problems."

"I think I'll tell Mum and Dad about us on the way back from the airport. Then we can talk to them about us when they get here." He shivered a little.

"It's going to be fine." I said with as much false confidence as I could muster. "Can't be worse than when my dad found out."

Gareth laughed with me and said. "Oh I do hope not."

With that he got up and headed into the shower, just as there was a knock on the door. I grabbed a pair of shorts and went to let in the man to whom we had entrusted our public fate.

After a brief greeting and explanation of Gareth's unprepared state I turned to the subject of the blackmail.

"Have you told Denis?" I asked.

"I know mate, and don't worry. She'll be right, you just see." Denis said, answering for Steve.

"I have total faith in you." I said truthfully. "I just wish I could do more to help."

"You must do your part exactly as I've told you. Anything else and it might spook the guy and we will lose our chance." Steve instructed me.

"I understand. I'll do my best."

Gareth appeared from the bedroom. "Hi, sorry bout this. I was proper knackered last night."

"No worries, but we had better be off." Steve said.

"Sam will you call reception and have them make up the bed fresh for Mum and Dad and move our stuff to the new room?" Gareth asked as he moved towards the door.

"Sure. How long will you be?"

"Just over an hour if the plane is on time." Steve replied.

"You want me to be in here when you get back Gaz?" I wanted him to manage how his parents found out about us and didn't want to ruin his plans by being in the wrong place. Gareth's response both surprised and pleased me.

"Oh babe." He said turning and walking back to me. "Of course I want you in here." Without any concern for the presence of Steve and Denis he put his arm around me and kissed me. "I'll see you in an hour or so." With that he turned and left.

I had had a restless night. I kept seeing the pictures of us on the beach, waking in a cold sweat, worrying about what was going to happen.

Every time I woke Sam was there. He seemed to wake with me, or maybe he was already awake? Whatever he would whisper "It's ok Gaz." And wrap his strong arms around me and hold me close, usually kissing me gently on the forehead or cheek.

I felt safe and warm in his arms and would return to sleep, but each time I soon awoke again in a mild panic. Even so Sam's mere presence made me happy. I was so sure that, whatever the problems our relationship brought, I wanted him as my partner.

As I showered I found myself thinking. 'I'm gay. Sam is not the cause of the problem. My sexuality is the problem. My fans are mainly young girls and if they discover I am gay I will probably lose some of them. But Sam makes things better, not worse.'

As I walked out of the bedroom to leave for the airport I was sure that I wanted my future to be with Sam, now and forever. No matter what the blackmailer did, what my parents said (and that is a real statement from me) I wanted to be with Sam. A year ago my dream was to be a pop star, today I would put that aside for love. If I had to.

Sam was stood in just a pair of shorts talking with Steve and Denis. His body looked so fine, firm and defined. His manner was calm and assured. I felt a brief stirring in my boxers.

I quickly spoke, to take my mind off it. Having established how long we would be I was shocked when Sam said; "You want me to be in here when you get back Gaz?"

My heart raced. How could he even think that I would not want him there to meet my parents as soon as we got back. I quickly turned to him. "Of course I want you in here." I said. To show him how much I held him and kissed him. Doing so in front of Steve and Denis could only demonstrate how sincere I was, I wanted him to know that he was the most important person in the world to me.

That was a very simple thing to think about as I parted from Sam. As I sat in the car with Steve on the way to the airport I began to think of what I was going to say to Mum and Dad. I was beginning to get nervous and fidgeted.

"Would I be right in thinking that your Mum and Dad don't know about Sam?" Steve asked.

"Not yet." I said. "I'm going to tell them today."

"Well you certainly are going to have a big day." Steve said. Things certainly were happening fast. For some reason I thought of my Mum's saying that things happen in threes. The bashing, the photos, what else could happen?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hi Gareth." It was my sister. "We're on the ground, we are in a long queue waiting to show our passports."

"Ok. I'll be waiting for you." I paused. "I don't suppose you talked to Mum and Dad about Sam?" At this point I really hoped she had and saved me the problem.

"No, of course I haven't. There are limits Gaz." She said. "When are you going to tell them."?

"On the way from the airport. We have two cars so I'll take them in one and you, James and the girls go in the other." I said, inventing the plan as I spoke.

"Ok bro. See you soon."

"Don't forget to go through the red channel." I said.

"Ok. Bye." She rang off.

Despite my new plan, I was feeling more nervous. Suddenly I thought about the blackmailer as well. What if Mum and Dad found out? I began to feel a little sick and shivered.

We arrived at the airport at that moment and I looked ahead to the terminal buildings. I began to focus on them blankly. The next thing I knew we were pulling up in a car park.

We walked in and waited in the arrivals hall. There were a steady stream of people walking out, but I had no way of knowing if any were from my parent's flight.

About twenty minutes went by and then I knew that people were probably coming through from a plane from the UK.

"GARETH!!!" A teenage girl screamed. I knew I had forgotten something. I was standing there is a T-shirt and jeans. No cap or coat to disguise myself. It was bound to happen.

There was nothing I could do now. Steve and Denis moved to intercept the girls rushing towards me.

"Let them through for autographs" I said, "but not too many at a time."

Signing autographs is part of the job. I don't mind doing it at all. Actually I love the attention. I signed and kissed cheeks - only cheeks - ever. But today I really wanted to see Mum and Dad and my sisters and stepbrother. I kept looking for them over the heads of the girls, and one cute guy, probably about 15. He didn't ask for a kiss, but I think he would have liked to, and might have been surprised by my answer!

Steve and Denis did a great job. They held back the growing crowd with good humour. These things get a life of their own when other people see the excitement.

At last I caught sight of Nicola and then the others.

"Ok. That's it. Sorry." I said, signing one last autograph. Steve and Denis stopped anyone else from approaching me and I walked through the few people in front of me towards my family.

"Hi." I embraced Nic, then Mum and kissed her hello. Dad gave me a big hug and then I made a big fuss of Jessica, who is only 8, Charlotte, who's 11 and finally James.

Denis and Steve had their work cut out with the twenty or so fans still hoping for an autograph, so I grabbed a trolley and began to push.

"Come on follow me. We had better get out of here."

We pushed our way through, exchanging the usual small talk about the flight. Jessica hung on my arm and talked non- stop, she tried to tell me everything that had happened on the trip over in five minutes flat.

By the time we got to the car we had lost the fan club. They had to go with their parents I expect.

I introduced Steve and Denis properly. I organized the cars. Nic, James and the girls went with Denis. Mum and Dad and I rode in the back of Steve's car.

There was a brief awkward silence. I was trying to work out how to start my explanation of how Sam and I were boyfriends. Mum and Dad looked at me, Mum held my hand. Before I could say anything Mum began.

She told me all about Gran and about the neighbours. Then she talked about the new house and how it was going. I am having a house built in Bradford as a new family home for them. Dad and I couldn't get a word in edgeways.

Before I knew it we were in the middle of Melbourne and heading towards the hotel. There was no time to tell them now.

We pulled up and I jumped out, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Sam as Steve and Denis pulled cases out of the cars. Shit, his mobile was off.

Dad called me to help with the luggage. I put my phone away and picked up a case. I had one more chance.

We walked into the hotel lobby. Steve and Denis taking the heaviest cases.

"I'll get the keys." I said, "Stay here." I hurried to the reception desk.

The clerk looked up. "Your keys Mr. Gates?"

"Give me the phone first." I said, quietly.


"The hotel phone and dial my suite. Please."

She did as I asked.

"Yes the keys to the two new rooms please." She turned to get them.

Sam picked up the phone. "We are in the lobby, but I haven't told them yet." I said quickly and quietly.


"Try to cope, and not give us away." I put the phone down and the clerk handed me the keycards in small cardboard folders.

"Two for each." She said smiling.

I thanked her and turned around. Nic was standing right behind me.

"So you never told them." She said.

"Nope. Nic do me a favour. Take the girls to your room as soon as you can." I said, and smiled to try to get her on my side.

"Ok Gaz." She rolled her eyes, but I knew she would help me. She was still my best friend.

We rejoined my parents. Denis was holding a lift door open.

"Right lets go." I said as cheerily as I could.

We arrived at, what had been until now, my suite.

"Okay Mum, Dad and my favorite sisters in here. James and Nic just down there, 1420." I put the key cards in Nic's hands.

"See you in a bit." James said and headed down the corridor with Denis and Nic close behind.

I let myself in. Sam was standing next to the settee. All of our stuff was piled by the door. Quite a lot of it my clothes, lying in a loose pile on the floor. Nothing was working then.

"Hi." Sam said cheerily, advancing towards my Mum and Dad. "Hello Mr. Gates, I'm Sam." He shook my Dads hand and then my Mums. To me he said. "Rooms not ready till 11." To explain while all the gear was still there.

"Nice to meet you Sam. I'm Wendy. Thanks for keeping Gareth company. Hope he hasn't monopolized your time. He normally does." Mum said, with a little giggle at the end.

"No problem." Sam said and withdrew a little into the room as Steve and more bags arrived.

"This is my friend Sam girls." I said. They said Hi, but were too excited to talk. "You're in there girls." I pointed at the spare room. They ran towards it and whooped with delight when they got inside the door. The beds began to get a pounding.

"Careful" Mum called out.

"Anything else Gareth?" Steve asked.

I shook my head.

"Okay see you at twelve."

"Yeah," I glanced at the keycard wrapper in my hand, " 1314."

Steve left, closing the door behind him.

Dad went to sit down. "Any chance of tea?"

"Sure, I'll make it." Sam said and hurried to the kitchen area.

"Well you have a lot of stuff to shift." Mum said.

"Yes." I said, not wanting to talk about how some of it was Sam's.

"You met Sam on the plane?" Mum asked.

"Yes." I said glancing in Sam's direction.

"Where does he live?"

"His Mum and Dad live in the suburbs."

"They are Australian?" Dad asked.

"No. Working here. He came to visit." I looked at Sam again; he had turned from his tea making and smiled. Involuntarily I smiled back.

"And he has spent most of his time here?" Mum said.

"Umm..." I breathed in heavily to help get the words out. "Yes. Quite a lot." Once again I shot a glance in Sam's direction.

Mum called the girls. "Go and see Nicola and James. Make sure they are alright. Turn right out of the door, Room 1420."

"Yeah." They screamed.

"I'll come and get you soon. Stay there until then." Mum finished. The girls rushed to the door and left.

"Gareth. What have you got to tell us."?

I felt myself go red. Mum knew me so well. Ah well now or never.

Gareth left and I headed to the shower. No time to go back to bed even though I was so tired. I had had a restless night. Partly worried about the whole blackmail thing, but mainly because Gareth was so restless.

He had been unsettled all night, talking incoherently in his sleep and waking frequently. I spent most of the night watching him sleep, studying the freckles on his forehead and shoulders. Then comforting him when he woke. His state was understandable. Caught in the middle of a Gay bashing one night and blackmailed the next.

As soon as I dressed I started to collect up all of my things. I piled them by the door. Next came Gareth's stuff. Clothes, laptop, PS2, speakers, keyboard and guitar. There were so many clothes. Eventually I had everything in a pile by the door. The clothes that wouldn't fit into the bags just lying there.

I called reception. Our new room was not ready! Shit, that meant we couldn't move until 11 am at the earliest. A maid would come straight away to change the bed in our room though.

Well there was nothing I could do. I sat down and watched TV.

The maid came as promised and left about twenty minutes later having also cleaned the bathroom. Then the phone rang.

It was Gaz. He hadn't told his parents about us and they were on the way up. What did 'Try to cope and not give us away' mean? I stood up and walked the length of the room a couple of times. 'Keep calm' I told myself and tried to breath deeply.

I decided to say as little as possible. The next thing I knew Gaz was coming through the door. Parents, Steve and bags close behind.

Introductions over I took the chance to keep out of the way and make tea. I listened and as the conversation had turned to me I looked across at Gaz. He caught my eye and returned my smile.

People have different types of smile. The 'that's funny' type of smile, the 'I'm happy' type, even the 'I want you to be happy type'. There is, however a dead giveaway type of smile. The 'I love you' smile. It's the one you have no control over, it just invades your face when you see your partner.

Gaz gave me that smile. His Mum knew about smiles. ************************************************************

Charlotte and Jessica had gone. Mum looked at Sam.

"Let's have that tea then." She instructed. "Gareth, sit down. You too Sam."

I sat on the settee next to Dad. Sam sat in a chair next to Mum.

"Well I'm no expert of course." She began. "But I'd say you two have something to tell us."

How did she do that? How did she just know?

"Yeah." I said. My stammer is always at its best when I talk to my family, and recently when I'm with Sam. But right now I was struggling. I was trying to get my breathing right to start what I had to say. Once I started I'd be okay. But I was so nervous about it I couldn't get going.

"Whhhelll..." It was more heavy breathing than speech. "Whhhelll..." I had to tell them myself. Sam began to open his mouth to help; I put my hand up to stop him.

"Sorry." I knew what I wanted to say, 'Mum and Dad I'm Gay and Sam is my boyfriend who I love very much'.

I think knowing what I want to say makes it worse.

"I'm Gay." Wow it just blurted out.

"What!" Dad had not picked up the vibes Mum had.

"It's ok Paul." Mum said. He said no more, but stared at Sam.

"Sam is my boyfriend." That was all I could get out. There was more, but it wasn't coming.

"Gareth, are you sure about this?" Mum asked.

I looked at her. Her eyes were full of love. I could tell she understood and was going to be supportive as she always was.

I was no longer nervous. A wave of relief swept over me. I gushed. "Oh yes Mum, I've never been more certain about anything. I met Sam on the plane, we fell in love and I know he's the one for me. I'm sorry you had to find out like this, I wanted to tell you in the car, but couldn't. But I was going to tell you..."

Mum held up her hand to stop me. She walked across to me and, standing over me, took my hand, rubbed it between hers and lent down and kissed me.

"Ok. Now I understand. But I'm going to talk to your father in the bedroom for a while." She said.

"Ok Mum." I replied "And thanks." I knew that once again I had landed her with a bombshell but once again she going to come through for me.

"Welcome to the family Sam." She said turning around. "Paul, bring your tea."

Dad, seeming a bit dazed and still silent picked up his cup and followed Mum into what had been Sam and my bedroom until an hour or so ago.

"Wow." Sam said. "That went well." He walked over to join me on the settee. "What do you think they are talking about?"

"I'm not sure, but this, at least, is going to turn out alright." I put my arm around Sam and drew him in. His arms encircled me and I kissed him. We waited for Mum and Dads return.

Well that is one crisis dealt with, but there are plenty more to come. Please tell me what you think

Next: Chapter 14

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