Gareth and Sam

By moc.loa@maShteraG

Published on Mar 2, 2003


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult men and if this offends you, you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Gareth Gates is gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction.

The real Gareth Gates has a speech impediment when talking (but not singing). While I have acknowledged this in the text I do not attempt to truly represent it.

Apologies for taking so long to get this chapter out, work, travel etc. I hope to maintain a steady flow for a while, maybe a chapter every few weeks.

Many thanks to Todd who has provided the vital critical eye on the draft. Jamie also gave it his seal of approval.

Gj. Your email has stopped working. Please contact me so we can talk about the character introduction you asked about.

This story also at

All comments on this gratefully received at

Chapter 8 Reflections

The narration of this chapter switches between Gareth and Sam. Once again a line or a string of 8's shows where the switch occurs. Sam begins the narration.

It was another early start for Gaz. He was flying to Perth, which takes three hours, and he had a busy two days there. The alarm, which we had now worked out how to set, went at 5am.

The night had been hectic. Although we had gone to bed about 10.30 we had not slept until well-gone midnight. Gaz is so full of energy that making love with him is exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.

We had both wanted to bottom and the only solution was, therefore, a prolonged session. Gareth had won the argument of who went first by dictating the pace. He had dragged me from the sofa and undressed me on the bed, all the time using his mouth to work me into a frenzy of desire. Then he lay next to me, licking my ear and stroking my cock, I was putty in his hands. He whispered.

"Sam, make love to me." And I could do nothing but respond to his demands.

Once again I was very careful to loosen him up fully, not wanting to cause him any unnecessary pain. He wiggled and pushed as I worked my fingers into him, while I sucked and licked his cock and balls. Then I assaulted his arse with my dick in our preferred missionary position. Gareth wants to be able to kiss as we make love and I prefer it too. But I am determined to show him other positions soon.

Once I had satisfied him we lay together until Gaz felt he was ready to return my love and he gave me the best fuck yet. He has mastered the technique of holding himself inside me at the full extent of penetration just long enough for me to recover from the thrill of the invasion and then, oh so slowly, withdrawal so I feel every inch. Considering he had been at this less than a week it was impressive.

The thing that makes all the difference to making love with Gaz is simply the love. The extent and depth of his feeling comes through in the care and tenderness of his touch. I have never felt so loved and wanted. It all combined to make this the best sex of my life.

But it was 5 am and much of last night was just a memory in the back of my mind as Gaz began to slip out of the bed.

"Hey." I said, reaching for his arm. "What about me?"

"Stay there babe. No need to get up." Gareth replied.

I caught up with him as he sat on the edge of the bed and kissed his shoulder.

"I'll get in the shower with you love. We're going to be apart for too long." God what was I saying, he was only going away for one night, but I really was dreading it.

We went to the bathroom and through our morning ritual. We didn't really linger over it, except Gaz washed my dick three times, using long strokes of his hands.

Gaz quickly shaved and put on a T-shirt and jeans.

"I'll get tidied up when I get there." He said, shoveling his gel, toothbrush, aftershave and razor into a bag. He put that in a holdall and threw in a couple of pairs of boxers, some socks and shirts.

"I'll phone you during the day. Certainly as soon as I get off the plane. It is a really busy two days. It's the only promotion we are doing in Perth. Will doesn't go there at all."

"Why Will?" I asked.

"It's a joint tour. Didn't you know?"


"It's a `Pop Idol' tour, with just me and him. Makes more of an impact and we don't need to pay a support act." He grinned.

"Cool. So I get to meet Will soon too. He's gay you know." I winked and hung my tongue out.

"You aren't allowed anywhere near him. You're mine." He took my hand and gently pulled on it to bring me closer. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and brought my head towards his. Our lips met and he opened his mouth to let our tongues meet. He kissed me passionately and I eagerly accepted his invitation to explore his mouth and fence with his tongue. We continued until the phone rang five minutes or so later.

"That will be Steve." I said.

Gareth answered the phone while I hung on his arm. "I'm off then." He said.

"Okay then." And I resumed our kiss. Gaz didn't rush to leave; unusually for him he didn't put his schedule first.

"You'll miss the plane." I said, breaking from him.

"I know." He said and put his forehead on mine. "See you tomorrow night love."

"Yeah. I'll miss you."

"Me too." He picked up his bag. "I'll call you as soon as we land."

He returned to me and placed his hand on my thigh and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Bye Sam. Love you."

"Love you too Gaz. Bye." And I kissed him back.

He turned and went to the door. "Talk soon." he called and he was gone. I went back to bed and placed a pillow next to me and put my arm around it. The pillow still smelt of Gaz and I kissed it and held it close. I went back to sleep thinking of him.


John, the PR man, met me at the airport. We boarded the plane and John immediately began to talk through the Perth schedule. It was going to be hectic, lots of radio station interviews and two TV shows. In addition they had me doing a personal appearance at a club.

I was not very interested in anything John had to say. I am normally totally into my work, I love it, but I couldn't get my mind off of Sam. The slight tenderness of my arse was reminder enough of last night, I had not been remotely aware of how fantastic it would be to have a dick up your butt.

But that wasn't why I was thinking of Sam: I was overcome with my love for him and the way he seemed to love me back. I wanted nothing more than to be with him. At the airport I had thought of throwing a sicky and cancelling the trip. But I couldn't go that far and I knew Sam wouldn't want me to do that.

I was saved from John's stream of details by the take-off procedure. I took the opportunity to put the headphones on and kept them on. John pulled out something from his bag, but read it himself. I was trying to imagine Sam sleeping back at the hotel, his gentle breathing, the softness and warmth of his skin against mine. I drifted off to sleep in the calmness and contentment of my thoughts.

I was woken by the offer of breakfast. I would have gladly missed it, but discovered that I was quite hungry once I started eating. John tried to discuss the radio interviews scheduled for today, but I kept busy and then put the headphones on again. I pretended to watch a film, but turned the volume down so I could think.

Sam was the only subject on my mind. Sweet Sam, I wanted to express my love to him somehow. I knew that there were a number of ways, presents being the most obvious, but that was too easy and would only emphasise the inequality in our incomes if I chose something really expensive. Anything else could look cheap.

After about half an hour of thinking round and round the subject I realized what I had to do. It was so obvious. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it before. I would write a song for Sam.

I borrowed a pen and some paper from John and began to write down ideas. I have written songs for years, at first at Church and then I had tried other compositions while studying music. My pop song writing ability had improved hugely in the last year working with many of the professionals who wrote for my album. (Although BMG only saw fit to include one of my songs on the album. That was going to change!) As we approached Perth, to my surprise, I had little to show for my efforts.

I had written down all the things Sam meant to me. My love for him. The tenderness of his touch. The gap he filled in my life. The contentment and satisfaction I got from knowing we were together. The way he made me feel I could do anything at all. That represented the feelings I wanted to include.

But I couldn't find the words to express it in song. I was getting more frustrated and tense as I struggled. I just needed a start and I was sure it would flow. I put the paper in my bag, hoping that I could start afresh later. Having a guitar or piano to pull a tune around at the same time would be better.


I woke about 9 and stretched out to the space Gaz should have been in. I just found the pillow.

I thought about going back to sleep, but decided that I had to get going. I had plans for work on my dissertation, practice on the PS2 and I had promised to go to Mum's tomorrow which meant today was crucial.

I made some tea; slightly disoriented by having already had a shower, my routine was thrown off. I decided against ordering breakfast from room service. I didn't want to run the bill up. I watched the TV, absolute crap. One programme was a rerun of old interviews with crass advertising segments in between. Nothing else was any better. I ended up watching the news in French. I don't speak French.

I got my laptop out and opened up the dissertation. That was a good start. I went and dressed.

I couldn't settle. I wasn't sure why. SHIT my phone was off. If Gaz phoned he wouldn't get through. I rushed to the bedroom and turned it on. I must have missed him it was nearly 10am already.

I went back to my laptop and looked at my dissertation. I unpacked the photocopies and got out my notes. I looked at the screen again.

My phone rang and my heart raced. Gaz.


"Hi babe. How are you?" Gaz asked.

"Good. You?"

"Fine, except for the fact its 7am again."


"Perth is 3 hours behind Melbourne. I've still got a full day here."

"Christ. That's going to be a strain."

"I'll cope, but it will mean I won't get to my hotel until gone midnight your time."

"You will be knackered."

"I don't mind, but it will be our only time for a decent talk."

"I'll wait up babe. Don't worry."

"Thanks. What you doing now?"

"Just starting some work for Uni."

"Right. Well we are just arriving at the first radio station of the day. I'll call you later when I can. Love you. Bye."

"Bye babe." The phone went dead.

Fortified by contact with Gaz I managed to make real progress on my work. By 11.30 I was ready for more tea and PS2. That went terribly, I really do stink at it.


I was shocked by the time difference. I knew we had a long flight, but I was still in Australia! The day was going to be a long one.

One problem was that I had lost all sense of time in the UK. I hadn't had time to phone home yet either. After the radio interview, which was very short as they filled most of the time with Will's Evergreen' and Unchained Melody', I called Nicola, my sister, on her mobile.

It was nearly midnight UK time so I had done the right thing. We were on our way to a TV station to do a morning magazine programme. I was going to be in make-up for a while, an ideal time to talk. For the moment I was alone in the back of the car and could talk openly.

"Nic, I've got something really important to tell you." Nicola is only 10 months younger than me and she's my best friend. She is the one I would be able to tell most easily, but also was going to be the hardest to convince. I knew she would be suspicious of Sam as well as shocked by what I was going to tell her.

"God you've met someone." She knows me so well.

"Yeah. But there's more."

"Go on. What's her name and how did you meet?" she said and then added, "And what is she after?"

"Well we met on the plane."

"I thought you met that guy on the plane?" Nic said.

"That's right Nic. I did, Sam."

"So Sam's is Samantha. Crafty git, I never suspected."

"No Sam's a boy. And that's who I've met. Nic." For the first time in a while talking to Nic I was struggling to get my words out. " ÉI'm gay, Nic."

There was silence at the other end of the phone.

"Nic. You ok?" I asked.

"Christ GarethÉI should have guessed I suppose" Nic spoke slowly. "I don't know what to say."

"I wanted to tell you first. You're my best friend and I hope you know you always will be."

"Are you sure about this Gareth? I mean it's a big step to take." She was speaking very fast now. "How will it affect your careerÉ.And my God! How do we tell Mum and Dad?" I was relieved, as usual Nic was thinking ahead, concerned for me and she did say how would "we" tell Mum and Dad.

"I think my career is safe as long as I am careful, but I don't know exactly what to do yet. I'm going to talk to Will and then Simon Fuller. But your right, Mum and Dad first, when they get here."

"Well at least you don't want me to tell them." She said. "But are you sure about this?"

"Yes Nic. Totally. I'm in love. You will like Sam. He's great."

"Well that I will decide for myself." She said firmly. Nic would need convincing that Sam was the man for me, just like any girl would have had to pass her strict test.

We approached the TV studio. "Nic there are going to be people around now, so I can't speak openly."

Nic continued to question me about Sam, what I thought the future held now and a little about how she thought Mum and Dad might react. I had to borrow a charger to prevent my battery running out.

I felt much better for having told Nic and the fact she had accepted my news so well. She was, as always, supportive and I was relieved there had been no hint of the sort of reaction Sam's Dad had produced.

I had a really good interview on Perth's morning TV show and sang Unchained Melody. Nic's reaction meant I was on top form for the next few hours; I was so pleased she was okay with me. It was just as well I was full of life as there were three radio interviews and a newspaper piece that needed photos. I phoned Sam once more for a quick chat, but couldn't spend long over it. The day began to drag around six with a personal appearance and a club still to do. Of course 6pm in Perth was 9pm in Melbourne.

I am missing Sam.


I was pleased with the progress I was making on my work. I figured another five or six hours would do it for the first draft, which was my goal by the time I got back to Warwick. I decided to look around the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) after lunch.

I walked down the hill to the ground. As I passed over the main road I saw a poster for Gareth's concerts. It was huge. "Pop Idol Tour with Will Young and Gareth Gates." At the `Rod Laver Arena'. Right next to their poster was one for the Rolling Stones '40 licks' tour. Ah the new and the old I thought.

I took a tour of the ground, some old guy, in a multi-coloured blazer; called Colin took us around and showed us the whole place. (Apart from the bit they had pulled down for redevelopment). Colin was a laugh, he must have been 75 or 80, but clearly loved every minute of it. He had served in the Second World War, and told us about that too.

After the tour I walked around the ground and saw the `Rod Laver Arena' across a bridge. I wandered over to have a look.

"Shit it's huge." I thought. "How are we going to fill that? Twice!" I realized I had thought `how are weÉ" how interesting. Apparently the Australian Tennis Open is held there. I guess 10,000 was going to be the minimum capacity.

I didn't want to go back to the hotel yet, so I walked along the river into the centre, which was not far away. This time I arrived at the new showpiece for central Melbourne, Federation Square. It was very modern, angular metal and slate coloured walls, and very large, containing a film museum and an art gallery among other things. However the `Dali Universe' exhibition on the other side of the river caught my eye and I went to check it out.

The `Southbank' contained a large mall, and the Dali exhibition was in there. In addition I found a load of cool restaurants with lots of outside seating. I also found the largest casino in the southern hemisphere. I think Gareth and I could come down here when he gets back.

I went back to the hotel and did a little work. As time went on I began to get restless. I was missing Gareth. He had rung about 4, but that made it worse because it reinforced the fact I wasn't going to see him until tomorrow.

I played PS2 for a while and got a bit better, then watched films on Fox. Gaz was going to ring after midnight and I counted the minutes.


I eventually managed to get away from the new `Home' club in downtown Perth. It had only opened a few weeks before and clearly someone had been duped or paid to get me to go there. It was a publicity stunt for them.

I suppose that these things happen, but it had extended my day by nearly two hours. Not only was I tired, but also it had kept me away from talking to Sam at a reasonable hour and I really resented that. Someone was going to have to explain. John claimed to know nothing.

We drove to the Hilton in Perth. It looked nothing like the one in Melbourne.

I went straight to my room and phoned Sam. It would be 12.30 in Melbourne.

The phone only rang once and Sam answered.

"Hi babe. How are you?" he said.

"I'm knackered, and missing you like crazy." I replied, accurately.

"Do you want to get some sleep?" Sam asked.

"No. I want to talk to you. God I wish I could touch you."

"Me too Gaz. But tomorrow is already here in Melbourne."

We exchanged idle chat for five minutes. I was thinking of Sam in the suite.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm in bed babe."

I shuddered as I thought of Sam in bed. I so wanted to be there with him.

"I wish you were here Sam." I said, quite involuntarily.

"Me too. Where are you?"

"I'm led on my bed in the Perth Hilton."

"Are you wearing anything?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. My brown leather jacket and jeans."

"Take them off babe." Sam said quietly.

The thought electrified me. We might be a thousand miles apart, but we could both be in bed at the same time!

"Wait." I said to give me time to undress. I think I liked what Sam had in mind. I hurriedly stripped down to my socks, dropping my clothes on the floor. I picked the phone up again.

"Okay. I'm naked." I said, gently stroking my stiff cock. "You?"

"Naked and hard as a rock." Sam said. "I'm running my hand across my chest, as if you were stroking it."

I began to do the same.

"Ah. Now you're pinching my left nipple. And licking the other one." Sam said and I followed, imagining Sam doing the same to me. I licked my finger and circled it around my right tit to imitate the feel of his tongue.

"That's great Sam." I breathed into the phone. I was totally immersed in the fantasy. I could feel Sam touching me.

"Now I'm running my fingers down your stomach. My tongue is tracing down towards your dick." My wet finger slid down over my stomach. "And it's reached your dick."

I realised what was coming next and quickly licked over my spare hand to make it wet.

"Now I'm licking around the top of your dick." My fingers ran around my straining cock. "Licking the eye, while I pull on your foreskin. It tastes so good and hot."

"Oh Sam." I moaned as my fingers imitated what Sam described. It wasn't as good as being there, but I was getting hot and excited.

"Now I've got the head in my mouth and I'm working up and down the shaft." Sam breathed hard and I could hear the gentle slurping sound as he worked his hand over the head of his own dick. I was breathing hard now, my dick straining, hard as steel and hot as hell.

I worked my hand over my dickhead, quickly spitting on it again to help imitate Sam's mouth. My eyes closed I imagined my cock in Sam's mouth, the feel of his tongue licking around the head. I worked my hand up and down and from side to side, just on the top two inches or so.

"Sam." I had nothing else to say as my mind worked overtime.

"Oh Gaz that's so good. Suck hard." Sam was having the exact same fantasy as me, with me doing the sucking. I could hear Sam's hard breathing down the phone. I was so ready to shoot my load and I struggled to hold on.

"Sam. Sam. I'm going to cum. BABE." Without realizing it I was working my hand up and down my cock furiously and I felt the inevitable rising of my orgasm and I began to shoot cum over my stomach. "Oh God Sam."

I heard Sam breath the words heavily. "Gaz babe. That's so good. Ahhh, Ahhh." Sam too had begun to cum, moments after me.

"Thanks Sam. I needed that." I felt myself physically relax. That was so much better than just having a wank after we finished talking.

"Yeah man. Awesome. I was so there with you." Sam said, still a little breathless.

"Me too." I reached over to the bedside table where there was a box of tissues and wiped the spunk from my chest and stomach.

"I spoke to Nic today." I said. "I told her about us."

"Really. How did she take the news."?

"Sam she was so cool about it. At first she was a bit shocked, but after a few minutes she was planning how to tell everyone else. It was a relief you know?"

"Yeah. I can imagine. So that's a big hurdle jumped."

"But the easiest one. Mum and Dad will be more difficult, and face to face. It's a lot easier to say at 12,000 miles distant."

We talked about Nic's reaction a bit more and then about Sam's day and the number of people needed to fill the arena in Melbourne. I was a bit worried about that now.

"The Dali exhibition sounds cool." I wasn't sure I knew much of his stuff, apart from the picture with the giant egg, "I'm always up for a bit of culture."

I realized that we had been talking for more than an hour. "Hey Sam, I'll let you get some sleep now. And I could do with some food before I go to bed."

"Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Sam said.

"Night Sam. I love you so much." I didn't feel any sense of self- consciousness saying it.

"Night Gaz. I love you too." And he blew me a kiss down the phone. I blew one back.

"Talk to you tomorrow." I hung up, raided to mini-bar for all the snack food and fell asleep on top of the bed.

Next: Chapter 9

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