
By UK Delivery Man

Published on Oct 13, 1999


Gary - The UK Delivery Man (A Story of a Truly Bi-Sexual Married Man)

Living in London

In previous chapters I've explained my background and how I first discovered that I was truly bi-sexual. It was shortly after that discovery that I decided to move to London. I rented a flat in the suburbs and got a job working for a multi-national bank in London's West End.

It's a strange thing, but I find that I have straight days and gay days rather than all bi-days and the day in question was definitely a gay day. The weather was hot, in the 80's, which for London is quite impressive and I had felt hot and horny all day. Every man in the office was wearing trousers that showed off their lunch-box to perfection; even men that I'd never really thought about in that way looked sexy. Every client that came into the office seemed to be over 6'0" tall, broad, toned, incredibly handsome and carrying a basket that was full to overflowing.

I left at 5 pm and decided to take a walk through St James's park to get my train from Charing Cross Station. As I turned into the park I was immediately confronted by two joggers. One just average looking, around 5'8" tall, but with broad shoulders and a tiny narrow waist. He was wearing a running vest which showed off his obviously gym toned muscles and a chest covered in thick black hair. His nylon running shorts showed a nice cock which was totally unfettered as it moved from side to side as he jogged, I felt my cock start to uncoil yet again.

The other lad was totally different, mid-brown hair around 5'11" tall, certainly not gym built but so handsome. He was wearing a Lycra running suit which was like a second skin. He showed a really chunky piece of meat and a huge set of balls held tightly down his left leg by the material. By this time my cock was half hard and making it's presence obvious to anyone who cared to look. (As I've told you before, my cock is 6" and thick when soft but only 71/2" when hard but much thicker). I had been carrying my suit jacket over my shoulder but put it over my arm so that it obscured my embarrassment.

All too soon they were passed me and I strolled along taking in the scene - there was cock everywhere - it really was one of those days!

A little further along there was a boy and girl laying on the grass, he was on his back and she was kissing him like a cow cleaning a calf. It was obvious that he'd got a hard-on as it was down the right leg of his trousers but straining upwards so much that I could see the swollen head of his cock (obviously circumcised) through the material and a pre-cum damp patch about an 1" across. My cock was now full erect and extremely uncomfortable in the confines of my KC's and suit trousers.

For those of you that know the walk I'm describing you will know that when I left the park I had to walk across Horse Guards Parade where the Household Cavalry were on sentry duty. No cock to be seen here, just immaculate uniforms and the most handsome faces under their plumed helmets - God I love a man in uniform and the Household Cavalry is supposed to be well known having a high number of gay men in its ranks - sadly I've never had the chance to find out.

I finally got to the Station and decided to go into the public toilet in the main station before going down the escalator to get my underground train. This toilet has a great urinal - it's one long trough (at least it was then) with room for about 20 people.

Usually there were two or three men standing there and on most days one or two would be showing off their cocks. Today there must have been around 15 and almost every one was sporting an erection! I was grateful to release mine and as I gave it a good shake there was a gasp from the man I stood next to and he immediately shot off, zipped up and walked out. I like to think that it was the sight of mine that did it but perhaps he was ready to blow any way. Every shape and size was there, short and fat, long and thin and every combination you could think of. I stood there taking in the scene and enjoying every minute of it,

After a few minutes two more men had come off and left and I decided that if I stayed any longer I'd do the same; it was far too dangerous to try and pick someone up there and I had decided to save myself for a long, luxurious, slow wank when I got home.

I left the toilet and went down to the underground station to find my platform heaving with people. Most people complain about this but not me! No matter if I'm having a straight day or a gay day, if the tube is busy you can get pushed up against someone of your choice and not be accused of anything!

I looked around for a likely candidate and spotted a builder, obviously on his way home from work. He was around 30, 5'10" tall with unkempt curly blond hair. He was wearing a T-shirt with paint marks on it tucked into a pair of cut-down Levis which were cut so short you could almost see the cheeks of his butt. He had long tanned legs with a light covering of hair and a pair of work boots showing the tops of a pair of white socks. He was good looking in a rough sort of way and I wanted him - God I wanted him.

The train pulled into the station and after a lot of people had got off, we all pushed forward toward the doors. I had become very good at timing my entry into the train so that I could get close to the person I had chosen and today was no exception and I ended up almost face-to-face with him. He smelt a little sweaty which was even more of a turn-on. Just as the doors were closing, two more people pushed their way in and I got pushed around so that I was standing sideways on to him with my armed trapped against his chest and the back of my hand rubbing against his crotch. Brilliant and, I really couldn't move, I was totally stuck!

"Sorry about this" I murmured "but I can't move at all"

"It's OK mate" he replied "I know what it's like"

The train lurched forward and the mass of people in the train lurched to the left as one, pressing the back of my hand harder against his cock. I felt the slightest of movements in his Levi shorts. There must have been another train close in front of us because we stopped and started at each signal and each time we started my hand pushed against him. He cock became harder, and harder, and harder. I couldn't see of course, but it felt like it was a good six or seven inches long and pretty thick.

He smiled in an embarrassed sort of way and said quietly "It's my turn to apologise now". I gave him a big grin "Don't worry about it" I whispered "I've got a similar problem". My crotch was about 2" from his trapped hand and when the train lurched again he managed to move just enough to be able to cup my balls and half of my prick in his big rough builder's hands. I smiled at him and he smiled back - that was it - the next time the train lurched I turned my hand round and there we were fondling each other in front of a couple of hundred people - it was great!

The next station is Waterloo where as always, hundreds of people got off. Of course, we had to move apart and once again my jacket came in useful to cover the evidence. He looked across and pulled a face showing that he was as disappointed as I was and at the next station he got off. As the trained pulled out of the station I saw him walking along the platform; he gave me a huge wink, scratched his cock and then smiled. I smiled back and made a note to look out for him in the future thinking that if I saw him again I would get off at his station and see what happened.

The train finally pulled into my station. The air was cooler in the suburbs and I enjoyed the 5 minute walk to my flat still surrounded by men in shorts, tight Levis, Chinos and sweat pants - cock everywhere.

As I approached my block I noticed that there was a van outside and as I got closer I saw two beautiful people. A blond haired girl (but remember I was having a gay day) and a blond Adonis of a man; mid-20's around 6'3" tall, also blond, tanned, broad shouldered and without a trace of fat on his body. He wore only a pair of trainers and a tiny pair of white cotton shorts which were obviously about two sizes too small as I could clearly see the lines of his jock strap when he bent over. He turned around to show a good size bulge obviously held tightly in check by the jock. My cock sprang to attention yet again and my jacket was once again taken into use.

They were unloading small items of furniture and some boxes and I realised that they were moving into the flat next to mine which had been empty for about 3 months. I was pleased that the flat was going to be occupied and that such a pair were going to live next door. I just hoped that they wouldn't be too noisy when they were making love as their bedroom backed onto mine and the thought of hearing them together would drive me wild with frustration.

They smiled and said "Hello" as I passed and I did the same but it was obvious that they were busy and they didn't want to stop to chat.

I opened my door and picked up the post. Bills, circulars and two large brown envelopes; I knew what these were - I used to have one gay and one straight magazine delivered each month and today was the day. I ripped open the first envelope- the straight one - looks good but its not a straight day. I tore the wrapping off the other and flicked through the first few pages - hot! Hot!! HOT!! I'm not struck on teens, I prefer MEN, Latino types for preference, with body hair (not too much) nicely put together (but not necessarily gym built) and a nice cock (size is not everything, shape, colour, skin, thickness, they all count) and this is my magazine's speciality.

My first thought was to rip off my clothes, lay on the bed take the magazine in one hand my dick in the other and go for it, although if I did I knew, given all the stimulation I'd had that day, it would be all over in a couple of minutes. Better to have a shower first and then take it oh-so easy!

I threw the magazine onto the bed and started to undress. My bedroom had mirrored wardrobes along one wall and I loved to watch myself strip (still do). I took off my shirt and looked at my chest. Not bad - I didn't (and still don't) go to the gym regularly, but my chest was well muscled, my nipples stood out nicely, I had just a hint of six-pack and had a light covering of light brown hair - not a bear, just enough. I took my shoes and socks off - God I hate my feet, they must be my worst feature although I don't know many men who have really nice feet. Next the trousers went and I stood there looking at myself just wearing my white KC's. My God I know I'd had some stimulation but the pre-cum patch must have been around 4" across! I continued to stare at myself - nice long muscled legs, tanned (I'd recently come back from a holiday in Italy) and again a nice light covering of hair. I was pleased with what I saw. I slipped the KC's off and a strand of pre-cum trailed from my slit. I got a tissue and wiped it off - Christ the glans was sensitive! My dick was hanging down over my not inconsiderable balls and looked good, this really was hedonism at its best! I gave my left nipple a tweak and my prick started to come to life - a good pull on the right one and I was rock hard again.

I went thought to the bath room and turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature to cool and got in. After the heat of the day the shower felt great. I washed my hair and then the rest of my body giving my nipples, cock and balls just a quick wash, I really was close to the edge! I was lost in my fantasies, thinking about what I was going to do when I got out, when I was returned to reality by the sound of the door bell. I turned the water off, dried quickly, slipped on a white towelling dressing gown, combed my wet hair back and went to the door.

FUCKING HELL!!!!! There stood the guy from next door looking hornier than ever. In his right hand he held a kettle.

"I'm sorry to trouble you" he said in a rich brown voice that went straight up my leg and hit the spot "The water company haven't turned on the supply and I wondered if you would fill this kettle for me so that I can make some tea?"

"No problem" I replied and invited him in (well it would be rude not to!!).

As I filled his kettle he introduced himself as Karl, I returned the compliment and we chatted about the flats, the area, the best pubs and so on. All this time I was checking him out and that voice with it's beautifully clipped Queens English tones was doing something it shouldn't. I've never been turned on by a voice either before or since.

He had changed from when I saw him earlier and was wearing a light blue open necked short sleeved cotton shirt showing beautiful wisps of blond chest hair and a pair of sweat shorts which again were a size or two too small. He'd obviously changed the jock for some underpants as his cock and balls lay gently down his left leg. It was very obvious that this was a packet of good sized proportions.

Then I had a thought, "Karl" I said "If you don't have any water what are you doing about having a shower?"

"I really don't know" he replied "the water company are coming first thing in the morning so I suppose I'll have to wait but I think I'll smell like a sewer by then". We both laughed. "Well perhaps you and your lady would like to use my shower. There's plenty of hot water."

"My lady?" said Karl "Oh I see what you mean, that's my sister, she was just here to help me move in, she's gone home now. I don't have a lady and I'm living here alone, but if you won't mind I'd love to take up your offer of a shower." This information had my mind racing and my hormones and cock were about three laps in front of it.

"Sure" I said trying to keep the excitement out of my voice - I had no reason to suspect that he was gay, in fact everything about him shouted 'straight' but in the circumstances I might get a peek at that body with just a towel around it.

"Grab yourself a towel from your place, I'll make some coffee and then you can shower."

His face dropped "Shit! I haven't unpacked anything yet and I've got no idea where the towels are".

"Don't worry. I can let you have a towel"

"Great" said Karl "I'll just go and get my washing kit" and with that he was gone.

I went to the airing cupboard and started to look through my towels. I pushed all the big bath towels to one side, I was looking for a towel that was big enough for him to get around his waist and tie (just) but short enough that it would show lots of leg. I found the ideal one, white, fluffy and just big enough. When I use it myself it goes round and ties but when you walk, it slits at the join. I wondered how would he wear it - stupid really, he'd wear it like I would with the join at the side but at least I'd see some nicely muscled outer thigh and perhaps the front of the towel would bulge out where his cock hung over his balls. I was brought back to reality by the sound of Karl coming through the door.

I put the towel on the rail in the bathroom, Karl came in with his kit and another change of clothes and I left him to it. I made some tea and then sat down in the living room to wait - brain in total fantasy overdrive mode.

I was vaguely aware of him coming out of the bathroom and then going back in - strange, but I thought nothing of it.

He walked into the living room wearing the towel just as I had expected and as he walked I could see his hard tanned thigh, the towel was covering a bulge bigger than I had expected for a soft cock, perhaps he'd got a little excited in the shower - this man was a living God - when he'd gone I knew I'd wank my brains out - tonight and probably every night (on a gay day) for weeks to come.

"Thanks Gary" he said "I really needed that. I'm sorry, but when I wanted to comb my hair the bathroom mirror was steamed up so I went into your bedroom to find one, hope that was OK." There was a pause "Interesting choice of reading material!"

My horny magazine! I froze, I blushed, I stammered! "I.... I.... I'm sorry, I... er... shouldn't have left it out"

"Don't apologise" he replied "if you lend it to me when you're finished, it'll save me buying one next time I'm in town and I can lend you some of mine or a video or two - you do have a video player don't you"

"You mean.... You're......, but Karl, you look and act so straight!"

"So do you and so do most of the gays that I mix with -I'm not into the scene - can't stand limp wrists, I like my men to be men - just like you"

Fuck me, I nearly came on the spot!!!!! My cock was like iron and was pointing skywards tenting out my dressing gown although it was still covered.

Karl stood in the middle of the room "and slowly, oh so slowly, undid the side of the towel letting it slip just past his cock and until he dropped it to the ground.

It was magnificent, Around 61/2" or 7" long, not too thick, circumcised and arcing out and up from his tight belly. I love the look of hard cocks that bend upwards rather than are just straight - they look beautiful. His balls were large and hanging heavy, I knew that I'd only get one at a time in my mouth.

"I see that the idea doesn't fill you with horror" said Karl nodding towards my crotch.

"No it doesn't!!" I replied "I've wanted you ever since I saw you unloading that van."

He walked slowly towards me his cock bobbing gently up and down with each step - it was like poetry in motion. He knelt down in front of the chair I was sitting in and untied the belt on my dressing gown, then he took hold of the left side and laid it back on the arm of the chair followed by the right side until he had an uninterrupted view of my rampant cock and balls.

"Jesus Gary, it's so thick - I can see I'm going to have a job on my hands here."

"Only your hands?" I asked

"A figure of speech, I can assure you! Do you always have that much pre-cum?"

I decided flatter him and not to tell him about my horny day "No, not usually, but that's how randy you make me feel!"

He smiled a silly boyish smile, like a cat that's just got the cream, took my cock in his hand and moved his head towards it. I put my hand on his head and stopped him for a moment.

"Before we go any further" I said "there's a couple of things you ought to know. One is that I don't go in for penetrative sex, I don't give or take anal sex because it's not safe and also, you'll probably think it odd, I don't like it...."

Karl smiled, "And number two" he enquired.

I took a deep breath "...and number two is that I'm bi-sexual and I sometimes sleep with girls" and I explained about gay days and straight days. I held my breath - this can so often be the death of what could be a beautiful gay friendship.

Karl grinned that silly grin again and then giggled.

"What's so fucking funny" I asked - I was getting annoyed.

"I'll tell you what's funny. Number one I don't like anal sex either ......... hey you do like oral sex don't you?"

"Shit, can a duck swim? Of course I do"

"That's alright then ..and number two, I'll respect your straight days provided you let me know first when it's a gay day. How's that?"

"That's superb. Karl ........................."


"Did I tell you that today's a gay day??"

"Smart arse! You didn't have to. Now, get down on the floor and we'll take this really slowly, I want it to last a longggggggggg time".

Bloody hell, last a long time, Given the day I'd had, I'd be lucky if it lasted past the first kiss!!!

"Karl, lets go in to the bedroom it's more comfortable and I'd love to watch us in the mirrors on the wardrobe doors"

There was that silly grin again "So would I" and with that he grabbed my hand, pulled me up and we walked into the bed room. As we went through the door we both laughed out loud at what we saw in the mirrors. Two full grown men holding hands with erections and balls bouncing all over the place.

We fell onto the bed and our lips met, tongues fought to get into mouths I won, then he won, then I won. We pulled back and looked at each other, smiling. Slowly I traced my fingers down his chest, around his rock hard nipples and on down to his navel, where I stopped and played for a while.

"Oh so that's how it's going to be is it?" he asked "Going for the teasing approach?"

"I certainly am" I replied thinking that this would extend the inevitable a little longer.

"That's fine by me" and he followed the same route. We lay there for what seemed like hours just kissing, caressing and holding each other, enjoying the manliness of each others bodies and playing with each others nipples.

I'd never felt so relaxed. There was no rush, no pressure, we knew what would happen but were prepared to take out time.

In between gasps for breath I said

"I think I'll write to the Water Company and thank them for forgetting you."

"Ah!" said Karl, "I have a little confession to make. There's nothing wrong with my water supply, it's been on all day. I heard you in the shower through the wall and the kettle was the first excuse I could think of to get you out of the shower and hopefully give me a show."

"You Bastard! You set me up!!"

"You set me up too!" said Karl, laughing.

"How do you work that out?"

"That tiny towel you gave me. I thought that either you wanted me to give you a show or you were so poor you couldn't afford any bigger towels. I could see from the flat that you weren't poor so you had to be gay. Then when I came in here and found the magazine and was certain, I nearly shot my load on the carpet."

"Of course, personally I can't wear that towel" I lied "my dicks so much bigger than yours it hangs out at the bottom."

"Crap" said Karl and got me in a head lock. We started to wrestle, I carefully let him take control and he was very quickly laying on top of me our rock hard cocks sandwiched between our stomachs.

We kissed, not the gentle kiss of a few minutes ago, but the violent kiss of rising lust, grinding our lips together, entwining our tongues, pulsating our cocks against each other.

"I can't wait any longer Karl, I've got to have that monster dick in my mouth"

"That's OK, it's only around 8pm so I'm sure were can go a few more rounds before it's time to go to work"

"Oh, so you've decided your staying the night then?"

"Fucking right I have" and with that Karl moved down the bed moving so that his dick and balls were right in my face - he smelt so wonderful, and I told him so. He licked up my shaft, around the head, back down my shaft and then took my balls one-by-one in to his mouth.

I am sorry to say that I didn't show him as much foreplay, I just took his dick straight into my mouth and without gagging took the whole seven inches until my nose was sitting in his public hair. The smell of man was intense and was driving me wild.

"Gary that feels so good" he moaned "but I'm going to have a problem with yours it's soooo thick, I've never taken one this wide." And he tentatively put the head in to his mouth. God, I thought I was going to come there and then,

He slowly put more and more of my cock into his mouth until he too had taken the lot. I glanced in the mirror - the site was incredible and probably one of the biggest turn-ons ever. My tanned body and mid-brown hair, his slightly paler body and blond hair. I couldn't wait any longer and began to pump my mouth up and down furiously on his dick.

This was obviously the sign Karl was waiting for and he matched my strokes with his own mouth - that boy was like a vacuum cleaner, the suction was incredible - and that combined with the expert massage he was giving my balls was bringing me nearer and nearer the edge and from Karl's gasps he obviously wasn't far behind.

As it turned out, he was slightly in front and I suddenly felt the first spurt on the back of my throat. It came out with such force that it stung, I moved back slightly to take some of his cock out of my mouth - this was going to be a huge load and I needed room to take it all, I wasn't going to waste a drop! It was the sweetest cum I'd ever tasted and I couldn't get enough of it and I sucked and sucked until I'd got every last drop.

His first spurt sent me over the top and seven spasms of come shot down Karl's throat - I could hear him slurping away doing the best he could to swallow it all.

We laid back, exhausted.

"That Karl" I said trying to mimic his upper class accent "was superb, you are without doubt the best cock-sucker it's ever been my pleasure to know, and your cum is the most delicious I've ever tasted."

There was that silly grin again! He didn't say anything but slid up my body and put his lips to mine. My tongue shot forward and prised his lips open .... I got the shock of my life - he'd kept a mouthful of my cum and as we kissed we passed it backwards and forwards between us. That was so sensual, my cock sprang back to attention which made us giggle and we swallowed what was left.

We looked at each others cocks, standing proud again "If we go again straight away" said Karl, "we'll be so sore by the end of the night"

"Tell you what" I replied "I'll open a bottle of wine, you go and get your videos, I'll get my collection of magazines and we'll have a couple of hours of porn by which time we'll be so pumped up it'll be this good all over again."

"Great idea" said Karl "just one problem"

"What's that?"

"If you expect me to watch porn and keep my hands off you for 2 hours you're sadly mistaken" and guess what??

He was right!!!!!

Next: Chapter 3

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