
By UK Delivery Man

Published on Nov 9, 1999


Gary - The UK Deliveryman

Chapter 4

Opportunities come from the strangest places!

PS Thanks for all the comments - keep 'em coming to

--------------------------------------------------------- I'd often thought that it would be good if I could have a nice uncomplicated sexual relationship with the husband of one of my wife's friends. That way, we could meet whenever we wanted to, no problems, no suspicions, the wives and children could shop, we could fool about, and in the evening we could all go out for a few drinks and a meal, the best of friends.

Nice thought but although I'd lusted after a lot of her friend's husbands they were all straight or so they seemed because surprisingly, I'm not very good at spotting opportunities - I can think of at least three occasions looking back, that it's been "offered on a plate" and totally missed the signs! What a Pratt!!!!!

Anyway, my wife told me that she was going out for the day with the children and a friend of hers and her children and that her husband was going to pick them up from our place around 6pm and he'd arrive around 5.45!

As usual, fantasy overdrive, big hunk, tall, dark hair, good body, good looking, huge packet - I'd almost got his cock in my mouth and I hadn't even seen him - no doubt about it, I'm getting worse (or better, depending on your view point).

Around 4pm I showered, shaved and changed into my best cruising outfit - cream Levis (too tight) showing off my cock and balls to their best advantage, cream T-shirt (too tight) showing off my build, lots of CK1 after-shave - I looked in the mirror - even though I say it myself, I looked and smelt good and was ready for anything.

I sat in front of the TV with a beer and waited. At 5.40 the doorbell rang. I tried not to rush, I sauntered to the door and opened it with a big smile on my face.

What a disappointment!!!! He was a MESS!!! Around 6'0" tall with long, lank, greasy black hair. Three days beard growth (definitely not "designer stubble"), glasses with thick black frames (about 10 years out of date) oversize jeans and I don't mean baggies, they were just about 2 or 3 sizes too big, and a huge sweater again, far too big for him. I quickly checked him over, no chance of seeing his build, no signed of a bulge in the baggy jeans, he could have had a 12" snake and it wouldn't have shown.

I suddenly felt extremely overdressed - If I was a woman I'd have felt I was dressed like a whore!

He came into the house and introduced himself as Max; we shook hands and I gave him a beer. We chatted about football, cars, the kids, all the things that men talk about (except sex). He had a good personality, but it stopped there. My cock shrivelled and tried to hide its embarrassment! There's no doubt about it, at times fantasy can be far better than fact!!!!

A few minutes later his wife and kids arrived and after quick coffee, off they went. My wife and I both agreed that Max was pleasant but a very strange looking bloke!

I didn't think any more about him until about 3 weeks later when my wife and I were taking the kids to the swimming pool and she happened to mention that Max, his wife and children would also be there - my cock didn't register the slightest interest.

We arrived at the pool after them and I went off to change, there was no one in the changing room so I quickly put my Speedo's on and having adjusted them to make the most of my packet (well you never know who you might meet) I went poolside.

I met my wife and kids and asked where max and his family were. She finally pointed him out, saying that she would hardly have recognised him.

Bloody Hell!!! I'm not surprised! Although he hadn't had a hair cut, the water had slicked it flat against his head, he'd had a shave and of course he didn't have his glasses on. He was quite good looking - no, that's an understatement, he was cute, Cute, CUTE! His body was well toned, with dark hair almost up to his neck trailing down over well developed pec's, nice tight nipples and washboard abs! Could this really be the same man?? He was wearing baggy swimming shorts and although they were still oversized there was just a hint of a bulge which bearing in mind how big the shorts were probably meant that he had a good sized cock and balls. My dick slowly started to uncoil, so I quickly dived into the cold water.

I surfaced at the side of the pool and found myself looking straight up the leg of his shorts. He had good legs and hard muscled thighs with a nice covering of hair - I couldn't see anything up his sorts other than the bulge in the liner - but so what, my imagination was working overtime!

I made sure that we got we went to change at the same time (obviously) and positioned myself far enough away from him to get a good view but without making his suspicious.

He went for a shower but kept his shorts on (bastard!!!). He came back and turned his back while he dried and then slipped them off. He had a beautiful arse, tight and high up (what I've always called a "Spanish Waiter's Arse" - but that's another story!!)

Max was very good at changing without giving the slightest peek of what he had - I turned my back on him too - I couldn't let him see that the top three inches of my cock was stick out above the waist band of my Speedo's. As we left I plucked up courage to tell him that he looked good without glasses and with short hair - he blushed and mumbled "thanks", I blushed and wished I'd kept my mouth shut!

Again, polite conversation, a quick drink with the wives and the children and that was it.

A few days later, my wife announced that there was going to be a School trip and that she and Max's wife were going to be helpers - they'd be out all day. Again, I didn't think too much about it, although she did mention that Max's wife had told her that he'd bought some contact lenses - hmm, he must have listened!

The evening before the trip Max telephoned. He wanted to know if he could call and see me the following day while everyone was out because he wanted to buy a new car and wanted to check out the deals on the web as he didn't have a computer. They were due home at 7 pm and he said he be round about 6. I decided not to dress up and just wore my usual casual gear of sweat shorts and top. The doorbell rang at 4pm - he was early - I wondered why. I opened the door and there stood Max, was it Max? I couldn't be sure! He was gorgeous.

Short cropped hair, no stubble, no glasses, tight T-shirt, chest hair showing at the neck, cut-down Levis showing a very rounded bulge and tight buns. Could this be the same man? He was a very passable double for Ricky Martin and boy do I love that man!

He came in and I gave him a beer and we chatted for a while until he asked about using the computer which I kept in the spare bedroom.

I followed him upstairs, my eyes glued to his arse and my cock waking up from it's afternoon siesta quicker than it should.

The spare room is really only a box-room, it has room for a single bed and the desk and computer, there's not even room for a chair so we had to sit side my side on the end of the bed.

I switched on and got into the site he wanted and let him take over. He'd never used a system before and I had to show him how to use the mouse, I put my hand over his and moved around the screen - it felt good and he certainly didn't seem to mind the close contact. Once he'd got the hang of it I took my hand away. My cock was tenting out my shorts by this stage so I kept my legs crossed, I still had no reason to think he was anything other than straight. He looked through some of the cars on offer and printed off the details he wanted.

There was a slight pause then Max spoke

"I hear that you can see all sorts of things on the net?"

"You sure can" I replied "what do you want to look at?"

"Well is it true that there's all sort of porn on here?" he asked.

"Just about every deviation you've ever thought of and some that you haven't. What would you like to see?"

Max thought for bit "How about some straight fucking?" he asked

"Sure, no problem" I replied and I showed him how to use the search engine. He entered "Straight sex" and away we went. He was like a kid in a sweet shop - he didn't know where to look first and that impressive bulge in his shorts was getting bigger all the time!

Just then the telephone rang and I got up to answer it giving him just a peek at the front of my shorts - well we were looking at porn so I guessed that it wouldn't give the game away.

I went downstairs to answer the telephone - it was my wife saying that they were going to be late - by about 2 hours - because the bus had broken down.

I went back to the spare room and there on the screen was a picture of a bloke with one of the biggest cocks I've ever seen.

"I don't know what happened" Max stammered "it just appeared"

"Oh did it" I thought - we all know that full screen single pics don't come up unless you click on a thumb nail. I also noticed that his very rounded bulge had now spread across his left thigh and a very passable thick, long cock was struggling to get free!

"Don't worry Max, it happens sometimes that you get another page without asking for it. Let's see where you went wrong" and I clicked the back button - straight into a page of thumb-nails of naked men! Click again and we're back to the search engine showing the search "Gay Pictures".

"Oh fuck!" sighed Max, I didn't know you'd be able to go backwards and see what I'd done! Can we keep this just between us?"

I slipped my hand into my underwear letting my rock hard cock loose into my shorts where it stood out at 90O from my body with a nice drop of pre-cum starting to ooze through the thin material.

"Only if we can keep this, and yours, between the two of us!"

"You mean ...... you too? Fucking wonderful, I've fantasised about getting your cock in my mouth but didn't think there was any chance!"

"Me Too!" I replied

Max made a grab for my cock, but I turned away quickly

"What's up I thought .........."

"I know what you thought, and you're right but let's take it slowly we've still got at least 3 hours. Have you done this before?" I asked

He blushed again "No, I've known I'm bi for years, but I've never had the opportunity, besides I'm too frightened of my wife finding out - I do love her you know."

"I know exactly where your coming from, but she won't find out from me. Now stand up and let me have a look at you".

He stood up and I started to take off his T-shirt - he tried to help "No, let me do it"

I peeled off the T-shirt - he was lightly tanned and that hair on his chest looked fabulous. I licked his left nipple and he sighed gently; I slid my tongue across his chest to his right nipple and nibbled it - he gasped and started to shiver. I knelt down and slowly undid his belt and then undid the buttons on his cut-downs, all the time running my other hand gently up and down the hair on the inside of his legs. Gently, oh so gently, I pulled down the shorts revealing a thin silk thong which could hardly contain the prick and balls inside it. There was huge patch of pre-cum on the material around the end of his dick and I kissed this gently and then took the wet patch and knob-end into my mouth. Max's legs were trembling so violently I though he was going to fall over so I eased him onto the bed but not before I'd turned him round and gazed at his beautiful arse - totally naked except for the string of his thong that disappeared deep inside his hairy crack.

He lay on his back with his cock straining to get out. I put my thumbs inside the flimsy material and eased the thong down. His cock sprang to attention and slapped against his stomach, it was about 7" long and very thick (probably about 6" in circumference) with a nice long foreskin.

Max immediately grabbed himself and started to pull it off.

"Don't you dare" I almost shouted "I'm going to do that - eventually" He grinned from ear to ear, lay back and put his hands behind his head

"Go on then" he teased - he was getting the hang of this!

Starting at his knees, I licked up the inside of this thighs - up across his hard, rippled stomach - up to each of his nipples which I bit, quite hard in turn - back down across his stomach and down the other inner thigh - all the time avoiding his cock and balls. His prick was streaming pre-cum now and still hard against his stomach giving me easy access to his balls which I took into my mouth one at a time, sucking gently and enjoying the true taste of man.

"Please Gary" he gasped "please suck me now. I've waited so long for this, I can't wait any longer."

"Oh yes you can" I replied keen to savour the moment, after all it's not often you meet a bi-virgin!

"Now, how about getting my kit off?" I asked

Max bounded off the bed with his cock bouncing all over the place. He tried to strip me like I'd stripped him but he was all fingers-and-thumbs, after all it was his first time. I stripped my T-shirt and then pulled down my sweat shorts until they were just covering my cock

"Come on then Max, you do the last bit" and I laughed as he pulled my shorts and CK's down to my ankles in one quick action.

He fell onto my prick like he hadn't eaten for a month, no foreplay at all, just went straight for it. I held his head and slowed him down and we fell onto the bed. I pulled his mouth off my cock and kissed him full on the lips - always dangerous this, as some bi-men don't like kissing - I needn't have worried, this boy was a pro and his tongue shot into my mouth and tried to explore my tonsils, so naturally, I returned to compliment - well it would be rude not to!

I pulled away and changed my position so that we were laying side by side, end to end, staring at each others cocks, and very gently took the head of his into my mouth, slowly tonguing his glans and slit.

"Gently, gently" cried Max "You're going to make me cum and I don't want to yet" I stopped immediately and just held it in my mouth while the danger passed.

He, on the other hand, was sucking my dick like a lollipop that was melting. For a beginner he certainly knew how to suck prick!

I started to move again and this time I took him deep into my throat until his balls nestled against my nose - once again that wonderful smell of man!

I closed my throat muscles around the head of his straining dick and moved gently backwards and forwards. This was his signal to start pumping on my cock at 90 miles an hour - his breath was coming in short pants and it was obvious that he was close to his first Gay cum.

I decided he couldn't wait any longer and keeping only the head in my mouth (to leave room for the wad I knew I was going to get) I sucked whilst I wanked the shaft with my hand. Within about 15 seconds a low growl started deep in his throat which became louder and higher in pitch until it was almost a scream and he unleashed what seemed like about a half-cupful of cum into my eager mouth - boy it tasted good, sweet, not salty like some and very thick!

If I can make someone scream when they cum it pushes me over the edge like nothing else. I pumped my cock in and out of his mouth and shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into his mouth. I could hear him gagging and slurping away as he struggled to take all I could give him - but he was a game lad and didn't waste a drop!

We lay back on the bed caressing each others chests, nipples, stomachs, thighs, balls, cocks and kissing gently, now with no urgency.

"I didn't believe that gay sex would be this good" sighed Max

"Oh yes" I replied "it's totally different - but wonderful"

"Gary ......" said Max " ...... I've got to re-insulate my loft at home tomorrow. Would you give me a hand?"

"Sure" I replied "In more ways than one!"

And I did!!!

And I still do!!!!

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