Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 23, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

It is now Thursday, day 21 since I first came to this campground. I now own it, hired more staff, building cottages for the staff and making big plans to make this the best gay male campground in the country. But this has been a hectic week. We've been working like slaves to get the two cottages finished, fix up the place, get the grounds in order and get all the buildings cleaned up. Trevor, journalist of "Out and About" magazine (ch33) will be coming Friday to do a write up and take pics of the place.

I am very nervous as the cottages should be done today so that Randy and I can move into them. The movers (ch19) have been contacted. They have the key to Randy and I's storage room. They will load up and be here this evening so that we can move right in. I decided to wait until noon before I give my inspection on the project. This will give the crew all morning to get things finished.

I awoke early in the morning ready to go. I turned to Frank who was snuggled next to me. I looked at him with affection. This poor guy has come such a long way in such a short time (ch31,32). I pressed my body against his and gave him a long, deep, sensuous kiss. Frank opened his eyes, looked at me and smiled. "What is it you want?" he asked sleepily.

"It's going to be a full and hectic day today. I want it to start off right. I just want us to suck each other off."

"No problem, good buddy," said Frank as he turned around, positioning his face in front of my hardening cock as his cock came into view of my face. We both engulfed each other's cocks at the same time. To start, I like to suck long, slow and deep, tickling the underside of the cock shaft with my tongue. Frank has the tendency to do whatever I do, so he did the same.

We laid side by side facing each other. Frank lifted his leg so I could get my head between them and get his cock all the way down my throat. As I did, his sack of balls nestled on my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist, placed my hands on his ass cheeks and pulled him even further on me. We sucked and slurped our way to orgasm. I drank his cumload fully and I know Frank didn't let a drop of mine go to waste either.

When we were done, we rolled over on our backs and sighed. "Thanks Frank," I said, "Your loads always taste great."

"Hey, bud," Frank replied, you've done so much for us the staff, "I'll do anything for you."

I smiled, then crawled out of bed, "This may be my last day in the trailer. My cottage is suppose to be done today. You can stay here until you make plans of what you want to do."

"Thanks, but Randy and I work so well together, that he asked me to move in with him when his cottage is done. Tony is staying with Brad and I think he wants to stay there for right now. May I suggest that since the construction crew is staying in tents in the primitive area, they move in here until the bunks are done."

"Sounds fine with me. I just hope they will take care of the place until then. I'm going to take a quick shower. Would you be so kind as to fix me some coffee and breakfast?"

"Sure, boss. It'll be ready when you're done."

When I finished showering, I decided not to towel off. Sometimes it's fun just to "drip dry," especially when you don't have to get dressed for work -- when you don't have to get dressed at all! I stepped into the kitchen and Frank was setting the table. He took one look at me and smiled, "You're into the 'wetness' scene, I see." He then stepped up to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body against his. Nibbling on my ear, he said softly, "I love the feel of a wet body pressing against mine."

I believed him because with his crotch pressed against mine, I could feel his cock harden. "Good grief!" I said, "We just had sex a few minutes ago! You're ready to go at it again?"

He laughed, "I've become like you -- honestly! I'm ready for it anytime, anywhere!"

I broke from his embrace and sat in the booth, "You're right, but right now, I've got to eat and get to the office. It's a big day today!" I then wolfed down the breakfast, grabbed my mug of coffee and headed out the door. Calling back over my shoulder, "Don't forget -- you got work to do, too. Don't be late with Randy!"

As I walked briskly to the office, there were a few campers up and moving about. Several still had their morning hardons. They weren't shy to show it and I wasn't shy to look. A couple of them I just stopped a moment to say high or to complement them on their goodlooking cocks. A couple of them made advances to me which I enjoyed, but I had to turn them down. There is just too much to do today!

When I entered the registration/office building, Brad wasn't there. I was a little concerned and I had told Brad what a busy day this would be and to be sure to get to work on time. As I looked around, I notice the back door was open. "He must be in the delivery building picking up an order," I thought, "Which could also mean that he could be giving a delivery guy a blowjob."(ch42) So I carefully and very quietly stepped through the door. I snuck in the building and peered around the storage shelf that was blocking the view of the counter.

Sure enough, there was the Fed Ex man standing at the counter. He had a grip on the edge of the counter and his eyes were closed as if he were concentrating on something. I couldn't see Brad, but I knew where he was -- under the counter at the gloryhole blowing him. Just then, he grimaced, gripped the counter harder, and then grunted several times. When I thought he was finished shooting his load, I stepped into the scene (I thought I would have a little fun).

"Hello. My name is Bob. May I help you?" sounding very business-like.

The Fed Ex guy had a look of alarm on his face and made a motion in front of the counter that I couldn't see. I knew he was quickly stuffing his cock in his pants and zipping up. I only smiled at him and made the "OK" sign with my hand, letting him know it was all right. He smiled weakly, "Everything's OK. Brad has taken care of everything." He then quickly left. I smirked to myself.

Then Brad crawled out from under the counter with a look of shock on his face. There was a large glob of cum on the corner of his mouth. "I'm sorry, boss! I thought you'd understand the situation!"

"I do," I said, "But always keep yourself presentable to the customers after you meet the delivery guy."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you need to clean up." I pulled Brad to me and licked the cum off the corner of his mouth. "Mmmm!" I said, "The Fed Ex guy tastes as good as the UPS guy!"

"Wait till you get a taste of the guy that delivers the janitorial supplies!"

"I should be so lucky since you handle all the deliveries. What did the Fed Ex guy bring?"

"He brought a large box of sun visors. What are these for? I didn't order them."

"I did," I said as I opened the box, "Don't you remember? The guys who don't want to be in the pics for the magazine article are to wear these. That way, we know who's willing to be in the pics and who's not. You might want to get on the speaker a few times today to let the campers know about them. They get them free. Also, be sure to inform the campers who are checking in."

"Will do, boss."

I then headed into my office. I decided to give Jim, (ch13,14,15) my attorney, a call. "Hey Jim! How's it goin?"

"Why, hello Bob! I'm so glad you called. I haven't heard from you for a few days. How are things going at the campground?"

"It's going really great! So much is happening. We are getting a constant increase in the number of campers and I'm planning for some new projects that I need your feedback on. In fact, we need to sit down and talk. Can you come down this weekend?"

"I'd love to, Bob, but I don't have a camper trailer or tent or anything to stay over."

"No problem. You can stay with me. My cottage should be finished today and I'll be moving in tonight. The moving guys are bringing in my possessions from storage. Randy's cottage should be finished today also. So can you come for the weekend?"

"Sounds great! In fact, I can't resist! Will we be able to have time for some fun, if you know what I mean?"

"There will be lots of time for plenty of fun," I assured him. "I'm having a party for the construction crew Friday night for getting the cottages done on time."

"You can count on me being there probably Friday afternoon or later."

"I'm looking forward to it. I miss you -- especially your body -- most especially your cock."

"Tell you what," Jim replied laughing, "I won't jack off or have sex with anyone until then. Hopefully, I'll have a good cumload built up for you."

"That sounds great, good fuck buddy. I'll see you then"

I then resumed my work at my desk -- making a list of legal details I needed to share with Jim. But in doing so, my mind kept wandering back to the times I spent with Jim. Man! Having sex with him was great. Thinking about it, my cock hardened. "Fuck!" I thought, "I gotta take care of this or I won't get any work done." I stepped away from my desk into the registration room. Maybe Brad can help me with my problem.

Brad was checking in two campers. The campers took a good look at me -- obviously because of my cock sticking straight out. So I decided to be up front and speak out and have fun. "Brad, I've got a problem."

"What's that, boss?" asked Brad without looking up from his paperwork.

"My cock is hard and I'm horny. If I don't get any relief right now, I won't get my office work done."

Just then three more campers walked in to sign in. Brad looked at me and smiled, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've got work to do. I've got to get all these campers signed in. Can you wait?"

Immediately, the one of the first two campers who have been standing there spoke up, "We'd sure like to help you out."

I looked at them, raised one eyebrow and said, "Well, guys, I appreciate your volunteerism. Come behind the counter here and come into my office."

They walked past me into my office and i closed the door behind me. I pulled my desk chair around to the front of my desk, sat down and draped my legs over both arms. In so doing, I not only gave them a good look at my hard cock, but my asshole as well.

"What do you want us to do?" they asked.

"I'm sorry, guys," I replied, "but that is one fucking dumb question. You come to this campground for sex and you don't know what to do?"

They laughed as they got on their knees in front of me. From the side, one camper bent over and slid his mouth over my cock which by now was throbbing in excitement. The other camper got down further to get easy access to my fuckhole. He began a rim job on me that just about sent me over the edge.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned, "You guys are good!"

They kept up their good work and then that tingling, pre-orgasm sensation started. "Oh God, I'm gonna shoot my load! How do you guys want it?"

"On our faces!" they said excitedly.

Just when they said it, I grabbed my cock and with only one stroke I shot: two spurts on one guy's face, two spurts on the other -- equal sharing of my load. They then turned and licked the cum off each other's faces. Without swallowing they did a long french kiss, sharing the load with each other.

I thanked them for the service and they thanked me for the load. They walked out of the office and I went back to work at my desk. This time, I was able to concentrate until noon. I decided then to check out the cottages. I crossed the lane to mine and walked in. Finished! It was beautiful! Just the right size for one person with minimal needs. I was so pleased. Then I decided to check out Randy's cottage.

When I walked in I immediately noticed that the kitchen and living room flooring was not done as well as the appliances not installed. Frustration began to build up in me and I stormed out of the cottage to look for the men. I walked into the maintenance building next door. Randy and Frank were not around, but I found the crew in the maintenance garage. They were naked and one of them was fucking a camper who was bent over a workbench. It looked like the other three were done for they were getting dressed.

In my anger, I yelled, "Fuck you, guys!" They turned around in surprise. "I thought you had practically promised that you would have both cottages done today and here you are raping a camper in the maintenance garage! What is the fucking meaning of this?"

One guy, holding up his hand to stop me, said, "Now wait a minute boss. We said we would have it done by Thursday and we still have this afternoon yet. All we have to do is the flooring in Randy's cottage and put in the appliances and we're done. We are NOT raping this camper. He enticed us to fuck him. He had never been gangbanged before and he pleaded with us to do it to him. So we did."

I calmed down and was embarrassed, "You're right. I apologize. This week has been too busy and tense. I wanted to get everything done for the journalist coming tomorrow that I was sort of freaking out. Please forgive me."

One of the crew came up to me, kissed me sweetly on the lips, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his clothed body. He smiled at me as he reached down and slid his hand in my ass crack. His middle finger slipped deftly in. It felt so good. He calmly spoke, "Bob, everything is going to be just right when that guy comes. Randy's cottage will be done this afternoon. We heard that the movers will be coming late this afternoon or sometime this evening. We'll help you move your belongings in. Any spare time we're going to seriously help your staff fix up and clean up this place. We want you to have a good writeup on this place. When you get a good writeup, you get more business and when you get more business, we keep building. Hey buddy, everything's going to be perfect. You'll see."

Just as he said that I hear some loud grunting. I looked over and the fourth crew member had just finished shooting his load up the camper's ass. "You did do something wrong, I'm afraid," I said.

"What's that?" they asked.

"Campers are not allowed in the maintenance building -- it's a safety thing. Common sense should have told you that."

"We apologize. You're right. We should have known that. What's the penalty"

"You have to forfeit something." I then smiled, "You have to forfeit those cumloads in that guy's ass. They're mine."

The crew laughed, "Go ahead. He was worth the penalty."

I had the camper get up on top of the workbench and squat down on his knees with his ass sticking out over the edge. I didn't have to bend over much since the work counter was so high. I parted the camper's ass cheeks. The cum was just starting to dribble out. I immediately stuck out my tongue and caught the drops as they began to come out. I then placed my open mouth against the hole and sucked. The cumloads then flowed freely into my mouth and down my throat. When that was done, I licked up and down the camper's ass crack, patted him on the butt and then stepped back. I helped the camper down off the workbench and calmly said, "Don't ever let me see you in this restricted area again."

As we were all walking out of the maintenance building, a crew member suggested that I relax by getting in the hot tub. "You can take the time. You deserve it, considering all the good you do for others. Everything WILL get done. All of us will see to it. You can trust us."

They were right. I was taking my tension out on the staff and it was not right. They were working so hard for the benefit of the campground, they deserved my respect. I resolved to work harder on my anger issues. Replying to the crew, I said, "You are so right. You guys go ahead and finish Randy's cottage and do anything else that needs to be done. Take the initiative -- I trust you. I think I will get in the hot tub. Do me one more favor and tell Brad where I went." I then headed for the barn.

There was no one around when I entered the barn. I hit the red button and the pulsating water began. I crawled into the warm water, sat down, leaned back. This feels so good!

Next: Chapter 45

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