Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jul 8, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

I headed back to my office to get just a little more work done before the evening party. When I entered the registration building, Brad was starting to close things up."You ARE going to the party tonight, aren't you?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I? I wouldn't miss it for anything. You know how I am at those parties."

"Yeah, I know," I said with a smirk and walked on into my office."

I was working only five minutes when Brad stuck his head in the door, "Someone's here to see you."

In walked Jim, our attorney (13,15). I stood up, came around from behind my desk and we both hugged and had a long kiss. "It's good to see you again, my friend," I said with a wide smile.

"It's good to be here," he replied, "I'm not too late for the party am I?"

"Oh no, it hasn't started yet."

"Well then, I need to get out of these duds and get ready"

He began to undress right then, but I stopped him, "Wait, I want you to see my new cottage. You can undress there."

I took him across the lane and when he stepped in, he took a moment to look around. "This looks great!" he said, as he nodded with approval, "It's just the right size for you."

"You can go ahead and strip now -- in fact, let me help you." I stepped up close to him and groped for his cock. As I gently rubbed his crotch, his cock began to get stiff. I spoke to him gently, "A guy in a suit really turns me on. You know that?"

He responded as he wrapped his arms around my neck, "I could tell by the last time you stripped me down. I could have changed clothes before I came here, but I know how much you like to take my clothes off me."

We did some deep kissing and tongue intertwining as I felt for his belt and unbuckled it. I unbuttoned his suit jacket, pulled it off his shoulders and let it drop to the floor. I unsnapped his trousers, unzipped him and it fell around his ankles. As I felt for his crotch, I notice something, "Hey! No underwear."

"I feel more sexy that way. Besides, when I see a guy I like, I get a hardon and it's more noticeable that way. Also, they can tell which way I'm hanging."

I laughed as I pushed Jim back until he sat on the loveseat. I took off his shoes and socks, then pulled off his slacks.

He was sitting there with his shirt and tie still on. He smiled at me as he draped his arms on the back of the sofa and spread his legs apart. His cock was now hard and sticking out and up through his shirt tails. I got down on my knees in front of him, took hold of his cock and kissed his piss slit. Lovingly, I licked up and down his shaft as I gently fondled his balls. He let out a moan.

I worked on his nut sack, licking it all over. I lifted his sack and kissed the area behind it. I hoped that this gave him the clue of lifting his legs. He got the clue all right. He lifted them, exposing his asshole to me. He scooted his ass forward so I could get better access and when he did, I pushed my face in and gave him a good tongue fucking.

"Oh Bob!" he moaned, "That feels so good! I want you to fuck me. Please!"

My cock was already hard and it was easy to guide the head towards his precious hole. As it easily slipped in, Jim let out another moan. "You've just been fucked!" I said, "Your hole is loosed."

"Yeah that's right. I keep it loose for any cock that may come along. When there's not a guy around to keep it lose, I've got my trusty dildo. I love getting fucked in the ass."

I continued to fuck his hole when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled as I continued to work my cock in Jim's hole like a piston. In stepped Randy (16-23).

"Oh, excuse me." he said and started to step back out.

"No, come on in," I said as I continued fucking, "I want you to meet our attorney Jim. Jim, this is Randy, our maintenance guy and a close friend of mine."

It was a kind of funny scene as Randy leaned forward and reached out to Jim whose legs were still in the air as I was still fucking him. They greeted each other as they shook hands. Jim didn't let go of Randy's hand, but pulled Randy to him. They kissed long and deep. I watched them -- still fucking. When they pulled apart Randy stood back up and Jim spoke, "Bob, I hope you don't mind, but I've never been fucked by a black guy and I sure would like Randy to be the first."

"Sure! No problem," I said, "But let me get Randy's cock primed first." Still on my knees, I turned to Randy and wrapped my lips around his limp, black cock. I quickly slid my mouth to the base and then began sliding my lips up and down his shaft. As I did so, at the same time, I reached over to Jim's ass and continued to finger the hole, keeping it loose and open. It took only a few oral strokes before Randy's cock was hard and I moved out of the way for Randy to take his place at Jim's ass.

Randy kneeled before Jim and taking cock in hand, he guided it towards Jim's waiting hole. Randy began with a couple of pushes and with each push he went in a little deeper. He kept at this until his hard, black cock was all the way in to the base. "God, that feels good!" Jim gasped.

I did not want to be left alone in the action, so I stood on the sofa and straddled myself over Jim with my cock in front of his face. He looked at my cock and then opened his mouth wide and I guided my sex member right in. I took Jim's head in my hands and began gyrating -- fucking his mouth. I love three-ways and more ways!

When I began to feel the tingling in my balls, I pulled out. I didn't want to shoot before the party. So I turned around and straddled Jim again, this time my ass facing him. Jim parted my ass cheeks and pulled me towards him -- putting his face right in my ass. I felt his tongue probe my hole and it worked itself in.

As I was enjoying the rim job, I bent over to Randy and we kissed. I love the feel of Randy's long tongue working the inside of my mouth. I pulled away and got off the sofa. "I hate to interrupt you guys," I said with a sigh, "But we should be getting to the party."

"That's what I came to tell you about," said Randy as he slowly pulled his cock out of Jim's ass, "They want you over there to make sure everything is in order and to review the plans you have for the finishing crew."

"Well, then, let's go," I said and we all headed out the door. As we approached the barn, we could hear the music and there were several campers arriving early. When we entered, there were several in the hot tub. Three were really going at it in the sex department. One camper was sitting on the edge of the tub while another camper was bent over deepthroating his cock. There was another camper behind the cocksucker fucking his ass. It looked like the one in the middle was getting the advantage from both ends. Others sitting in the tub were just talking to each other, not paying much attention to the sex that was happening -- as if it was all such a common thing. That's the way I like it -- everyone accepting sex anywhere and any time they want it.

We got into the dance room and I looked for Tim who was suppose to have the plans for the finishing crew. I couldn't find him at first, I thought he was hiding, but not really. He was behind the counter on his knees behind Bernie, the DJ, eating out his ass. Bernie was working the sound board as though nothing was happening to him -- but he was moving his ass around to accomodate Tim's tongue.

I squatted down next to Tim and tapped him on the shoulder. He pulled his face from Bernie's ass and looked at me. "I wanted to check and make sure we were on board on plans for what to do with the crew. Is everything in order?

"Yep, it is. Everything is ready to go." Tim then resumed his rimming.

I stood up next to the DJ and looked out over the crowd. I couldn't give the count as to the number on the dance floor, but I knew it was one of our largest. There were four circular platforms raised up about three feet in different parts of the dance floor. Each platform had its own spotlight which was on. These were the only lights on the dance floor. But it was enough for everyone to see the platform and to move around, but not too bright to shoot the mood.

Everyone had their own drinks and I could see quite a number of them wearing necklaces which had their bottle of poppers as pendents. They were dancing -- gyrating -- and moving around to the music. it was obvious that they were getting in the mood to party. Looking around, I could tell that there were a few already having their sexcapades going on. There were none on the platforms for the DJ announced that they were to be kept empty for the crew when they arrived.

Bernie, the DJ, gave me the microphone and then turned down the music in order for me to get the crowd's attention. When they quieted down, I spoke, "Hey guys, tonite is a special nite. The finishing crew has just completed the manager's and maintenance Katrina cottages. Now that may not mean anything to you right now, but it says several things. One thing, it shows that this campground business is expanding. With the business expanding, that means more guys are coming here. Isn't that great!" A cheer rose up. Continuing, "Also, with that, plans are now underway to build a bunkhouse to hold twelve bunks. Also, we're building a canteen as well as a store which will sell all your needed camping supplies. And not only that, we will also supply bottles of poppers, jungle juice and all that as well as cock rings, fake cocks and all that stuff." Another cheer rose up. Continuing, "And it's because our finishing crew is doing a great job of getting things done on time. I want you all to help me in showing to them our appreciation."

Just then, Brad entered in escorting the four finishing crew guys. "And here they are!" I yelled. A loud cheer and applause rose up as they got on the small stage with me. When the noise settled down again, I addressed the crew, "Guys, you have put in extra work and extra time in meeting our deadline. You have gone above and beyond what was asked of you and now we want to express our appreciation. So what I want you to do is for each of you to stand on one of those platforms out there on the floor."

When they were at their respective places, I continued, "Now guys, those are your special spots, the rest of us are here for you -- to do whatever you want us to do for you or to you. When the music starts, the evening is yours. Campers, enjoy the evening!" The music swelled and the action started.

I looked out at the men on the platform and they seemed shy at first, not knowing what to do. Then they began to move to the beat of the music as the campers gathered around them and watched. It wasn't but a couple of minutes before on of them motioned with his middle finger to a camper to join him. The camper hopped on the stage, his cock already hard. The crew guy squatted in front of him and orally engulfed the camper's cock to the base. As the guy squatted, his ass stuck out over the edge of the stage which gave opportunity to another camper to push his face into his ass and give him a rim job.

Another crew member discovered that his platform was like a turnstyle. As the campers were gathered around him he laid down on his back and stuck his legs up in the air. The stage was small enough in diameter for his ass to be on the edge and across on the other side, he could hang his head backwards over the edge. The stage was waist high in heighth, give the campers the opportunity to slide their cocks in his mouth, rim him, or fuck his ass.

When he hung his head back, he opened his mouth wide and the camper nearest him quickly dipped his cock in. Another camper stood up to his ass, and with his hard cock, pushed the head through his asshole. The crew member's legs were up in the air, giving the fucker as much access as he wanted. It wasn't but a couple of pushes before his cock was all the way in. The guys around him were cheering as they were stroking their own cocks. By then the crew guy's cock was raging hard as he was stroking it and flagging for anyone to hop on and take it -- which a camper did. The camper stood and straddle the crew guy, squatted himself lower and lower until his asshole was touching the tip of the crew member's cock. The camper then pulled his ass cheeks apart, giving the crowd an easy view of what was happening. He lowered himself further down until his ass fully engulfed the crew member's cock.

I looked over at the third stage and the crew member there was on all fours, begging for someone to get on stage and fuck him like a dog. Campers, teasingly hesitated, until finally one gave in and got on stage with him. The camper first got down behind his ass, licking up and down the crack until it was dripping with his spit. He then stood up, aimed his cock for the hole and thrusted it in. The crew member let out a yell, which I thought was in pain. I immediately started for his stage when I saw that he was smiling in satisfaction as he was being dog fucked.

In looking over at the fourth stage, it also was a surprise turnstyle. The crew member there was also lying on his back with his head hanging over the edge. This time a camper had backed up to him and the crew member was rimming out his ass. He would do that for about a minute or so, and the campers would give the table a half a turn and there would be another camper with his ass ready for another rim job. This would go on as the crew member was turned from one camper's ass to another. Meanwhile, two campers had gotten on stage with him and were taking turns working on his hard cock.

So it seemed like everything was going well. I then decided to look for Trevor and Rick. I knew they were in the crowd somewhere. All I had to do was look for the flashing light of the camera. I hope he was remembering not to take pics of those wearing sunvisors! As I looked over the crowd, I realized there were only a few campers wearing them. Then I caught a flash of light and looked over in that direction. Sure enough there was Rick. So I got down off my stage and headed off in that direction.

As I made my way through the crowd, I was groped, fondled, and stroked. Of course, I enjoyed it. That's what this whole place is for. One camper stepped up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. He nibbled on my ear and spoke softly, "Bob, this is one hell of a place!" He reached down, stroked my cock and continued to speak in my ear seductively, "You need to buy more property, build more Katrina cottages here and sell them. I sure would buy one." Then he fingered my ass. As loose and open my hole was, I knew it gave indication to this stranger that I was open for a cock to visit my ass.

It was then I felt the head of this stranger's cock push against my hole. I loosened up, pushed back, and it easily entered in. "Mmmm!" he said softly in my ear as he began to gently fuck my ass.

Even though I couldn't see him, I turned my head back to speak to him, "I need to go over to speak to the photographer. Keep your cock in me and let's shuffle on over there.

"You got it, good fuck buddy," he said gently as he pressed his body against my back, causing his cock go all the way in up my ass.

So we shuffled over to Rick. I didn't know how we looked doing it, but I didn't give a fuck. The cock in my ass felt good and I wanted it to stay in there for a while. Rick was standing there taking pics left and right while there was a camper squatted down behind him eating out his ass. "How's the picture taking coming along?" I asked.

"Going great!" he replied. Then he laughed, "As you can see, I'm getting pretty good at multi-tasking," indicating to the rimmer behind him.

I laughed too, "I can see that! That's pretty good!" Then I got serious and began looking around, "By the way, where's your boss? I don't see him around here."

Rick looked straight at me seriously, "Are you serious? You don't know where he's at?"

"Seriously. I don't know. I want to make sure everything is OK with him."

Rick laughed and shook his head, "I don't believe it. I just don't believe it."

Then I heard the voice in my ear gently say, "Seriously, Bob, everything is OK." It was Trevor behind me! He was the one doing a fine job of fucking my ass! I first got that surprised look on my face and then began laughing, "I'm glad you're doing OK and by the way, you're doing an OK job of fucking me."

"Ok?" Trevor said in a note of suprise, "Just ok? Well, we'll have to change that!" He then grabbed my hips and began fucking me a little faster and deeper. He would pull his cock all the way out to the head, then shove it all the way in to the base. "Now how do you like THAT fucking?" he asked.

"Wow!" I gasped, "You've got some cock there fucking my ass! It feels great! Keep riding my ass!"

As he continued to fuck me, he said, "I have to tell you Bob, I can't wait any longer. You have got a great place here and I promise you that you're going to get a great review. I want you to keep this business going. And as I've said before, build more cottages and I'll buy one. I sure would love to come here often!"

Those are just the words I wanted to hear!

Next: Chapter 52

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