Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Sep 1, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know.

It was evening and I had just gotten in bed. I needed a good night's sleep because tomorrow was going to be a big day. The construction crew will be coming in to lay the foundation for the bunkhouse as well as the canteen/store. After the fun orgy with the staff in the hot tub, the rest of the day was pretty calm. I stayed hidden in the office to myself, checking out the websites as well as doing a review of the booksof the campground business. According to what I see, everything looks pretty good -- in fact, the business was growing. The website Brad set up looked great. In it was pics of the campground, campers (some in action) as well as advertised events coming up -- including the biker's weekend which was only a few weeks away. The site had several thousand hits already, so I was pleased with the advertising.

My bedroom light was out no more than a minute when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh fuck," I thought, "who could that be? No problems, I hope." I turned the light back on and sauntered to the front door and opened it. There stood Jack, the biker gang leader.

"Can I come in?" he asked softly. He had that imploring look on his face. It was one of the looks I could never turn down. So I stepped aside to let him in.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know what your plans are for tomorrow night. Anything I can do to help?"

I filled him in on the plans, but made sure I didn't mention Trey and Joe's names. I didn't want to cause any more trouble than necessary. "So it seems that everything is in order and ready to go," I concluded, "Does it seem to check out with you?"

"Sound's great. I just wanted to make sure."

We just stood there about a minute in silence when I finally spoke, "Is there anything else."

"Well," said Jack hesitatingly, "Is there anyone else here?"

"No. This is my place and I'm here alone. Why?"

"Well, I feel kind of alone tonight and wanted to spend the night with someone -- just to feel a body next to me -- to wake up in the morning with someone next to me. That's just what I'm in the mood for right now. Can you help me?"

I looked at him for a moment, gave him a resigning smile and said, "Sure, it would be good for me too to sleep with someone. Come on."

We walked back into my bedroom and I crawled into bed as Jack took off his clothes. As the moonlight filtered through the window, I could see that Jack's cock was hard and as a result, my cock began to tingle as well. Seeing a hard cock always gets me going -- no matter how many times I've had sex before on the same day. I held the covers back as he crawled in next to me. We then scooted to each other and as I pressed my body next to his, I felt his arms wrap around me.

My cock was hard by then and as our crotches joined together, we began grinding our cocks together. Our kisses were long, slow and deep as we began to get really involved in our combined sexuality. Then there was another knock on the door.

"What the gay hell!" I said softly.

As I rose up to go to the door, Jack called out softly, "Close the bedroom door. I don't want anyone to know I'm here." So I closed the door behind me.

When I opened the door, there stood Trey and Joe from the gang. "Sorry to bother you this time of night. But we want to know what you've got planned at the saloon. We wanted to make sure no one was following us, so that's why we waited 'till now."

I couldn't believe it. Jack technically was hiding in my bedroom from them and they didn't want Jack to know that they were here. No how odd is that? I didn't know quite what to do, but just decided to go with the flow.

I stepped aside and let them in. I filled them in on the plans, still not revealing any names -- trying hard not to reveal who is doing what, where and when. When I finished filling them in, they seemed to be satisfied.

Then there was a moment of silence as they stood there awkwardly. "Anything else I can do for you?" I finally asked.

"Well," said Trey, "Since we're here, we feel kinda horney and wanted to know if we could hang out here a while."

"Oh fuck!" I thought, "Now what'll I do? Still go with the flow, I guess."

I stepped up to them and with each hand reached out to them, unzipped them and pulled out their cocks -- both at the same time. I gave them a few strokes at the same time while I knelt in front of them, ready to give them my expert blowjobs. Boy, have I got talent! After giving each of them some deep throated sucks, I said, "Why don't you guys strip down and we'll enjoy this a lot more."

As they began taking their clothes off, I excused myself for a moment. I returned to the bedroom and quietly told Jack that a couple of guys stopped by for some fun. Once we get going, he can take a peek and if he wants to join us, he's welcome. They don't know he's here (and he doesn't know who they are). I figured he can decide for himself what to do. He agreed and I returned to the living room.

By then the guys were stripped and were standing there jacking their cocks. In the meantime, my cock had arisen to attention as well. The lights were still off and the moon was giving the only light through the window. But it was enough for us to set the mood for some good sex.

I knelt in front of Trey again and resumed my blowing him while Joe sat on the sofa. They were fortunate to bring their poppers with them for I heard the bottle open up and heard the huffs that followed. They each had their own bottle and Trey handed his down to me. As I took my aromatic fill, Trey got down on his knees between Joe's legs and quickly swallowed his cock to the base. Joe draped both his legs over Trey's shoulders as he took Trey's head in his hands and moaned deeply.

Not wanting to miss out on the action, I laid down on my back and then scooted up between Trey's knees until Trey's cock was above my mouth. I grabbed on of the large sofa pillows and stuffed it under the back of my head so I could get up closer to suck. As I resumed blowing Trey, I reached up to his ass and began to finger his hole. Trey moaned and wiggled his ass, giving me indication that he liked what I was doing to him.

We were going like that for a while when suddenly I felt a hand grasp my hand and remove it from Trey's ass. I knew Jack had come out to join us. I didn't say anything, but was definitely interested in what was going to happen when Trey and Joe discover him as well as he discovering who they were. Until then, it was still dark enough and our placements were out of the moonlight so that no one knew who anyone else was -- except for me. "In due time," I thought, "in due time."

Then Trey lifted his head from his cock sucking and said, "Hey! Wait a minute! There's someone else here with us!"

Trey's cock slid out of my mouth long enough for me to say, "Ok by me if it's OK by you!"

"Keep sucking me, Trey," Joe moaned, "I don't give a fuck who's back there rimmin' ya."

"Trey!" I heard Jack exclaim in surprise. Uh, oh! Here it comes!

Everyone, except me, quickly stood up and moved into the moonlight. "Oh fuck," I thought, "the shit is going to hit the fan now!" They just stood there motionless as I rose to stand with them. It seemed they were speechless.

"Well guys," I said with the tone of resignation, "now you know. I figure we have a choice of three things to do: 1. You can all leave and pretend this never happened; 2. Sit down and talk it out; or 3. The hell with the first two and resume with what we're doing. My vote is number three. What about you guys?"

They stood there for a second or two longer and then smiles began to appear on their faces. We all fell into a heap and resumed our sexcapade. Everyone had a taste of everyone else's cock and ass (we want to be fair, ya know) as well as freely showing affection to each other. I have to admit, those three can French kiss really well!

Then came to the moment that we had to climax. All decided they would shoot their loads into my mouth and I would shoot mine into Jack's. He then added my load with the mixture that I orally collected and my tongue stirred it all around in my mouth. Then I snowballed a little bit of each into each of their mouths and we all swallowed at the same time. We all then laid down on the floor together to have a moment to gather our thoughts as to what to do next.

We discussed the plans for tomorrow night at the Dog Bone Saloon and they felt better that they knew they each were going to be involved. But I still didn't reveal to them Gabe and Terry's names. I figured they would find out soon enough.

Joe and Trey stood up and got dressed to leave. Jack and I hugged and kissed them goodbye and we headed back to bed. As we snuggled under the covers, I murmured to Jack, "I sure hope no on else comes knockin' at my door tonight." Jack chuckled and we both fell asleep.

The next morning, it felt good waking up in the arms of someone. And I felt something else. There was a cock up my ass. And it was moving only about an inch back and forth. I got the feeling that Jack wanted to fuck me, but didn't want to wake me up. So I faked it -- the sleep, I mean. I let him continue to fuck me gently and easily. It felt good doing that. Sometimes the hard, fast, furious fucking isn't always the best way. This was sort of a gentle massage on my rectum.

I then heard Jack give a couple of very soft grunts and I felt his cumload shoot in me. I was pleased that I was a receptacle for a guy's early morning fuck. Jack got up and went to the restroom while I remained in bed and savored the load inside me. While he was gone, I reached back, inserted my fingers up my ass and gently got a couple of dollops of his cum and stuck it in my mouth. I smiled to myself as I swallowed it.

I heard him coming back, so I feigned sleep again. He crawled into bed, spooned up next to me and went back to sleep. After laying like that for about half an hour, I got up, turned the coffeepot on, and took a shower. Then I was in the mood for some good old fashion bacon, eggs and toast, so I began preparing breakfast. Jack is a good guy, so I decided to make him some too.

As I stood at the counter fixing breakfast, Jack came up behind me and kissed me on the nape of my neck which sent shivers down my spine. With both hands, he gently gripped my ass cheeks while he inserted his thumb in my hole. "Feels like something's in there," he spoke gently in my ear. I think he was going to surprise me by telling me he fucked me in my sleep.

"Yeah -- like your cumload!"

Startled, he responded, "How did you know that? I didn't want to wake you, but I wanted to fuck you so bad!"

"That's OK!" I responded, "It was nice having a gentle fuck in the morning. It put me in a good mood. In fact, I fixed you some breakfast. Sit down and eat."

After breakfast, Jack stood up, stretched and then started putting his clothes back on. "Better go out and look for my bike. I hid it somewhere in the woods. I'll see you tonite, good buddy." He then kissed me and left.

After I finished cleaning everything up (man I love my little cottage!), I headed across the lane to the registration building. The construction crew was already here as evident by the vehicles and equipment parked in the drive. When I entered, there was Brad lying on his back on the counter with his legs up in the air and his head hangin' over on the other side. One crew member was fucking him hard, fast and furious in the ass while another had Brad's head gripped in his hands and fucking him in the mouth.

"You know guys," I interrupted, "Keep sexing like this, you won't get any work done. You know the rules I set up last time. Sorry guy's, but get out there and get going. Brad, you know better than let people in on this side of the counter!"

The crew scrambled to get clothes picked up and put on and they immediately left. Brad hurried himself by slipping on his uniform (only the jockstrap) and collecting the loose papers. I instructed him to set up a meeting between the two Jims, as well as Doug, Trevor & I and complimented him on the good job of setting up the web page. Then I got the impression from the look on Brad's face that he was embarrassed that he was caught as well as worried about his job security.

I sided up next to him, wrapped my arm around him grassping his ass and said, "It's ok. It's just that work needs to get done around here."

"I know," replied Brad, "but those guys, when they walked in here, they were talking dirty, groping themselves, flashing their cocks and all, that I just got horney. I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I'm sorry you caught me in the middle of a good fuck."

"Hey, that's ok," I said gently, "I guess I would have done the same thing. I always love a good gangbang." Then taking him by the hand, I led him into my office saying, "Let me finish for you that fuck you were in the middle of." I led him to my desk, turned him toward me and then pushed him back so that he was lying on his back. "Lift your legs, boy! I want to get a look at that fucked asshole of yours!"

He immediately lifted his legs in the air and I got on my knees and buried my face into his freshly-fucked ass. As I rimmed him, I stroked my cock until it was hard. I stood up, aimed my cock for his hole and slid it in. Grabbing his legs, I placed them on my shoulders and began doing a piston job on him.

With a big smile, Brad looked at me and said, "Yeah, boss! Fuck me good. I just can't resist a cock up my ass -- especially when it's my boss fucking me. Fuck! Fill me with your cum juice!"

As he continued to talk dirty to me, I more fervently pounded his ass. Then before I shot my load in him, I rammed my cock in him one more time. "Fill me, boss, fill me!" he cried out as I moaned in orgasmic ecstacy.

It was then I heard a knock. I turned to look and standing in the doorway was the foreman of the crew. "Excuse me -- I don't mean to interrupt a good fuck, but you need to show us where to put the markers," he said as he was groping his crotch.

"Sure," I said as I pulled out of Brad, turned toward the foreman and headed out the door. Following me out, he said out of the side of his mouth, "Practice what you preach, buddy, when it comes to the rules."

"I'm the boss and I just make the rules," I said back to him out of the side of my mouth.

As we were approaching the crew, one of the guys called out to the foreman, "What took you so long?"

"I was waiting on him," the foreman called back pointing to me, "He was fucking the help."

"So that's it," one of them said, "You were jealous seeing us fucking him that you wanted him to yourself."

"I don't claim ownership to any of my staff. They work when they are suppose to work and then fuck around with whoever they want on their own time. You guys must have done a half-heart job of fucking him because I had to finish the job!" I smirked.

They laughed and we got to work. After the markers for the buildings were set, I said to them as I was leaving, "I'll tell Brad if he wants you guys to finish the fuck job to meet you during your break. Remember, you've only got a fifteen minute break to fuck him up."

I went back to the registration building and relayed the information to Brad who only smiled in return. I then heard the bell, indicating that there was a delivery in the back building. "I'll get it," I said as I headed out the back door.

Next: Chapter 59

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