Gay Devotion

By Stewart Ransom (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Aug 16, 1999


Gay Devotion

Chapter four

It was an enticing sunny morning which made Andy's practise more difficult. Mark assured him that it sounded good and that Quella o questa was coming along nicely. The Processor of Opera Studies had made this aria from Rigolleto a critical assessment of the one in the National Opera's next production.

"We are expected to be familiar with the whole score." Andy lifted the thick volume off the piano and dropped it on the floor. "Bloody hell, what a pain."

"We could do it together," said Mark.

"It would take more time than weekends."

"That could be arranged." Mark was grinning.

"You mean you would move in?" Mark nodded. "Really move in for good?" Again he nodded. "Yippee, that's great. Oh Mark, that's terrific, at last we are together.. Now we can attack bloody Rigoletto." Andy hugged him. "My hopes and dreams have come true."

Two young men arrived soon after lunch and were introduced as the caterers Toby and Kevin. They immediately began preparing the dining room and the kitchen for the previously prepared dinner. At 3 Aaron arrived and together they checked that Jerry's wheelchair would not be obstructed, including the use of the downstairs toilet. Aaron was watching for the arrival of the Weston's car. As it entered the drive, he called to Andy and Mark. As Andy welcomed Mr and Mrs Weston there was a look of surprise when they entered the hall. Like Mark they were impressed by it's spaciousness. Andy showed them into the sitting room which was bright from the afternoon sun. He made sure they were comfortably seated and then, by way of explanation, said that he was sorry his parents were overseas and unable to welcome them, so he had that privilege. Julia grinned.

"Don't be so stuffy Andy, we appreciate the invitation, relax and have fun."

Andy grinned, then turned to Mrs Weston. "What do you like to drink?" He then asked Mr. Weston. As he poured the drinks at the cocktail cabinet he said, "I suppose Julia is driving you all crazy as she practices her aria."

"How true," Jerry replied, interrupted by Mrs. Weston.

"Not at all, she will be a wonderful Gilda."

"I'm sure she will. Thanks to Mark, he's helping me with mine. I suppose Jerry does the same."

"No way," said Julia, he's too impatient. I wish Mark lived handy."

"Perhaps I could go through it with you sometime," said Mark. Julia was quick to accept the offer, saying she would phone him. "Where could she reach him."

"Here of course," said Andy. "We are now living together." There was a slight irritation in his voice that did not go unnoticed by Julia.'

"You have a beautiful home," said Mrs. Weston.

They quickly accepted Andy's offer to show them through. Aaron helped Jerry onto the stair lift, carried his wheelchair to the top and helped him into it again. On his descent, Jerry in a low voice said to Aaron, "there was only one bed being used, do they" he failed to voice those critical words, "sleep together."

"Sure, they're lovers," Aaron answered nonchalantly

They were having further drinks when Kevin announced that dinner was ready. Andy invited them to follow him. Mark was impressed by the flower arrangements, even small posies at each setting provided by the caterers.

"This is splendid," said Julia, "all yours."

"Oh no, we get help for special occasions."

"So we are special?"

"Very much so, and we hope you will be our guests many times," said Andy. Turning to Mr Weston he said, "you have very talented children with Julia's voice and Jerry's compositions. I will show you later."

The meal was a great success. Andy had chosen first class wines for each course and no one seemed to want the meal to end. Mark suggested that they have coffee in the music room. Mark sat at the piano quietly playing a Chopin waltz. Julia stood behind him.

"So Andy has had a look at Jerry's songs?"

"Yes, and they are good, really good. Andy is going to sing them tonight."

Mark began playing the introduction to Could that be me. Jerry stopped talking in mid sentence. Andy rose and stood beside Mark. He began to sing. His voice gave such feeling to the words, that yearning expressed in the lovely melody had everyone enthralled. By the second verse, Jerry was weeping. Aaron immediately put his arm around him. The song ended on a high note quietly fading.

Mr Weston looked amazed. "My God, did you write that?" he asked Jerry, "It's terrific, it's so beautiful."

Mrs. Weston hugged Jerry. "I love it."

"So do I," said Andy. "Can I sing it sometimes Jerry, it really is worth promoting. Now shall we try the others?"

Mark began the introduction to a bright number that was a dialogue between two irritated lovers, sometimes amusing, at other times sad. It was lighter and with an infectious melody. Everyone thought it was good. Andy turned to Jerry.

"Do you think we could work on this one? I have some suggestions you might like to think about."

Jerry enthusiastically agreed. Andy sang the remaining two songs and made similar suggestions.

"You have great ideas and good tunes and these are excellent songs. You do have real talent so keep composing. I hope that you will consider taking the composition option of the music degree at University. It would help you a lot."

"Would you like to sing your Rigoletto aria?" Mark asked Julia. Julia screwed up her face. "Don't expect a polished performance. I'll give it a go. It's Caro nome from Act One."

Mark first played it through. Julia's rendition was good but she did see him make some wry expressions.

"I'll give you a call," she said..

It's good, it just needs polishing. I look forward to your call."

The evening continued with songs and duets from Andy and Julia. It was quite late when they left with thanks for a wonderful meal and a very enjoyable evening.

"There is no reason why you can't stay the night is there Aaron," asked Andy.

"None but whose bed will I be sharing?"

Mark looked at Andy. "Is it to be a repeat of his first visit?"

"Why not, that was fun, and I am sure he is missing his teddy."

Aaron grinned. "Very much so and the memory of him only makes my bed all the more desolate. Tonight I will again have two teddys to cuddle."

Andy was pleased to see that the caterers had left the kitchen and dining room clean and tidy. He switched off the lights then followed Mark and Aaron to the bedroom. A quick shower removed some of his weariness but he flopped onto the bed next to Aaron.

"Now it's up to you to choose your teddy for the night. This one is too tired to be much fun."

"Sweet dreams Andy, I have Mark again and he is the best," Aaron replied as he turned towards Mark and put his arm around him.

When Mark awoke he found Aaron cuddling Andy. He pressed against his back, kissed a familiar mole and caressed his shoulders with his cheeks. Aaron sighed, "you still know how to thrill a guy."

"He sure does," said Andy. "Now I am the one getting all those messages from my lover."

"Lucky you, he was never my lover but was great sex." Aaron began to breath heavily. "I know it is his mouth around my cock right now." He hugged Andy more tightly, then his mouth found a nipple which he energetically began to suck. Andy began to squirm. Then Aaron gasped as he ejaculated driving his cock deeper into Mark's mouth accompanied by grunts and repeated "Oh yeah" . He then collapsed on top of Andy. Mark transferred his attention to Andy's cock.

The smooth warmth of cum enveloped rod, spread by a massaging tongue. The comforting, soothing strokes encouraged relaxing. Andy sighed as he put his arm around Aaron, succumbing to Mark's stimulation. He was surprised when his orgasm developed so soon and he intensified the growing sensations by vigorously thrusting his cock deeper into Mark's mouth The mouth grasped it tightly so that more effort was needed by Andy. With mighty heaving of his pelvis, he thrust and pulled until with a roar he exploded. Mark pulled away and cum spurted over his mouth, his eyes, his face. It was not until it ended that he slipped back up the bed to face Andy. He kissed him. Their tongues entwined as they tasted the mixture of cum. Then Mark leant over and kissed Aaron. Mark wiped cum from his face with his finger and put it in Andy's mouth.

"I like yours better but it still tastes good," said Andy.

"I'm not complaining even if I do like coffee with my cream," said Aaron.

"The coffee comes later," mumbled Andy as he hugged the guys in each of his arms. "I feel just great, it is going to be wonderful with friends like you."

Aaron snuggled closer. Mark kissed Andy again. "More than a friend I hope" he said.

During breakfast they discussed the visit of Jerry and his family.

"It was certainly a great success," said Aaron. "I am sure Jerry's parents were impressed by his friends."

"Do you think he would be able to stay over a weekend when we could work on his compositions?" asked Andy.

"Aaron seems to have his family's acceptance of his friendship with Jerry. It is likely to help if Aaron stays over with him. How about it Aaron?" asked Mark.

Aaron agreed saying that he would tell them that he also had been invited to stay. So it was decided that the invitation would be for Saturday week when Andy with Aaron would collect Jerry in the BMW. Aaron was thrilled by the thought of spending a couple of days with Jerry and he hoped that he would feel the same.

During the week Mark worried about his visit home. He knew that somehow he had to tell his family that he was gay and he wondered how thy would react. He talked about it with Andy who continued to be encouraging, reassuring him that no matter what the outcome might be, he would be supporting him.

They left early on Saturday morning for the two hour journey to Feilding. Mark's home town. It was a fine day and in the Fiat it was a quick comfortable ride. As they got closer, Mark grew more anxious and grew silent.

"You are worried, aren't you?" said Andy.

"I am. I know this visit will tell them what they may not want to know, that I am gay."

"Relax, don't worry, we will handle it whatever might happen," Andy replied, reassurance in his voice.

As the car pulled into the drive, Mark's mother appeared, her face beaming with delight. No sooner was Mark out of the car than he was in her arms receiving a welcoming warm embrace. Mark introduced Andy who also received a welcoming smile. Then his sister Susan rushed at him with a warm hug followed by his brother and his father. They all welcomed Andy as Mark introduced him. They were ushered inside with his mother asking endless questions about his trip and welfare. It was a new experience for Andy, an only child. Susan quickly claimed his attention with her ceaseless questions and bubbling personality, while Mark was subject to his parents enquiries about his life in Wellington. Luke brought in mugs of coffee as his mother tried to rescue Andy from Susan and include him in their conversation. It did not take long for them to realise that Mark had a very close friendship with Andy.

Luke's admiration of the Fiat prompted Andy to offer him a ride. He accepted excited. While they were away, Mark talked to his father as he forked over a vacant part of the vegetable garden. Mark knew that this was the opportunity to tell him about himself even though he really was scared.

"I have something important that I must tell you Dad." He said as he looked at his feet. His father drove the fork into the ground, leant on it, and waited for him to continue. Mark's words stumbled as he faced him.

"You may have noticed that I do not have any girlfriends and wondered why, well I have no interest in girls but I do like guys. You see I have to tell you that I am gay."

He waited for his father to reply but he did not react but waited for him to continue. "I guess this will be a terrible shock and disappointment for you and Mum, but it is something over which I have no control. I have felt this way since I was 14 and I assure you it was not my choice." Again he waited, then continued. "I hope you can still accept me and love me as your son." Mark had tears in his eyes.

His father left his fork, went over to Mark and hugged him.

"We have had our suspicions for some time. Luke was certain and talked it through with us as he produced all the evidence. He is girl mad and he wonders why you are not the same." He laughed. "Mum says she always knew. We have got used to the idea and have been waiting for you to tell us."

Mark's beaming face showed his delight and relief. He hugged his Dad.

"Let us now tell Mum," said his father. They returned to his mother who was in the kitchen. "Mark has something to tell you," he said.

"Dad tells me that you already know what I am about to tell you," said Mark. I have told him that I am gay. It has not been easy and I guess It wont be easy for you to accept. It is something over which I have no control and I hope you and Dad can accept and still love me.

His mother was not concerned by her vegetable stained hands as she hugged and kissed him.

"I knew, I always knew. Of course it makes no difference. You will always be our son who we love so much." She hugged him again.

"This calls for a drink," said his father as he filled three wine glasses. "To a happy and successful future," he said as Luke and Andy came through the door.

They looked surprised. "What's going on?" asked Luke.

"Oh nothing important," said his father. "Mark has just admitted that he is gay."

"Didn't I tell you?" boasted Luke. "I knew it. Congratulations on coming out. We too should drink to that." He poured a couple of glasses of wine handing one to Andy. Andy was smiling, he hugged mark.

"I'm glad. Now we have nothing to hide."

"So you are more than a fried?" asked Mark's father.

Andy nodded. "We love each other very much. Mark is very special to me."

"Welcome to the family then," said Mark's mother. She hugged and kissed him followed by a hug from his father. Mark took Andy's hand, joy filled his heart and smiles lit his face. He was speechless. Susan came in looking puzzled by all the smiling faces and glasses of wine.

"What's up?" She asked. When told, she shrugged, "Oh is that all. Of course I always knew Mark was gay, big deal, now what's for tea?" Everyone laughed.

Mark sat at the piano playing Chopin while Andy looked through a pile of sheet music. He came across several light classics and popular ballads and put them aside.

"Would you sing to us after tea?" asked Mark Andy agreed and handed him several of those that he had selected. Mark played them through.

Over tea Mark's mother said that she had enjoyed hearing the piano again and was pleased to hear him playing so well. Mark told her about the Le Bistro performance and the assistance he was giving Andy but he felt that he had to improve further.

"Andy wants me to take further lessons for I may need to contribute items during his recitals." They all thought it was a good idea, especially his mother. Over coffee, Mark asked them whether they would like to hear Andy sing. They said they would. Andy chose Where 'er you walk, Danny Boy, and La Paloma. They loved them and were impressed by his voice, it's beauty and the feeling expressed in each song. When he had finished, Mark's mother hugged him. "That was beautiful. You two are great partners in music and I hope in other ways." She kissed him. Andy returned the kiss.

"I know we will, we are both working hard at it."

At bedtime Luke said to Mark, "Andy was to sleep in the spare room, but he can have my bed in your room and I will take Andy's room." He grinned, "too bad you can't sleep with him."

Mark grinned back at him. "You would be surprised how two can sleep in a single bed."

"No I wouldn't." He left Mark wondering whether he was already sexually active.

They left late Sunday afternoon to return to Wellington, both feeling that it had been a very enjoyable and eventful visit. Andy was over the moon that Mark had come out and that his family had received the news so positively. He was even more delighted that he been made so welcome and been accepted as a family member.

"I feel that I am on top of the world," he said as he squeezed Mark's thigh. "Shall we call on Peter and Paul on the way home, I want to share the good news."

They were both warmly welcomed. Andy was soon telling them about the visit Both Peter and Paul were also pleased at the news. During supper Paul asked Andy whether he had received a fax from his father about his return Monday week. He thought it likely that it would have arrived when they were away. "I expect it will be another short stay," he added wistfully.

As soon as they arrived home, Andy found the Fax confirming the return of his parents. He was pleased that at last Mark would be able to meet them, assuring him that they would make him most welcome. There was also a request on the answer- phone from the Dean asking Andy to contact him first thing on Monday morning. This was puzzling for it sounded urgent and it was the first time that the Dean had phoned him at home. Andy was again reading the fax when Mark stood behind him and placed his arms around him.

"Thanks to you, this weekend has seen a turning point in my life. You gave me the courage to come out to my family. I believe it has strengthened that courage and made life easier for us all." He hugged him. "You have made such a difference to my life.

He sighed. "Every day I love you more, you become more important for I am always thinking about you." He laughed. "In fact you are a terrible distraction and I have to remind myself that I am a student studying for a degree."

Andy turned around, gently grabbed Mark and kissed him.

"I have never before felt for a guy the way I feel about you. I know that I am besotted by you. You are the most important person in my life. I hope you will never want to leave me, that would destroy me. Oh Mark, I love you so much."

They embraced, holding each other for a long time

"Shall we go to bed?" Mark whispered. Neither felt they could part and continued to embrace until they slept.

To be continued.

The author Stewart Ransom invites comments. E-mail address:

Next: Chapter 5

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